
11 KiB

433301DialogEnableYou may have experience as a commandant, but the current situation exceeds all your expectations.
544301You are in a small prison cell—judging by the steel cage in front of you and the limited number of furniture in the room, which includes a bed, a water basin, and a toilet, this is a prison for sure.
655301Meanwhile, a mechanoid with its artificial skin peeling off is guarding the room outside, its soulless eyes staring at you. At the entrance are the corpses of two other mechanoids.
766301It is not as if this is your first imprisonment, but it is your first time coming face-to-face with a Corrupted like this.
877301The door separating you two is strong, its sturdy lock capable of withstanding attacks from the strongest weapons, which is a silver lining in this situation. The Corrupted will not be able to damage the door, so at least you are safe.
988301You sigh a breath of relief and lift up your gun.
1099301This is the third one.
151414301The bullet pierces through the mechanoid's memory shell, instantly putting a stop to its actions. It drops to the ground by the door with a thud.
161515301You immediately move closer and put your hand through the narrow gap between bars. Fumbling around its waist, your fingers find a metal ring. The cool sensation of metal relaxes you.
171616302...Got it!17
191919301After trying for the fifth time, you are finally able to free yourself.
202020301AniZhuanchangBeginYour short imprisonment comes to an end. The question that remains now is how to leave this place. As for how you got yourself into this predicament...
252525301AniZhuanchangEndAt first it was just a simple survey mission. After investigating all the nearby devices according to procedures, you found yourself in front of the main entrance of the prison.
262626301The thick steel doors were wide open as the prison had long since lost its original purpose, but due to its unique power supply, some parts of it were still operational.
272727301This place was infected by the Punishing Virus during the Great Evacuation. Most of the prisoners here escaped amidst the chaos, leaving behind the bionic mechanoid workers.
282828301According to the scans, this area contains a huge amount of Corrupted.
292929301For the conservation area nearby undergoing restoration, this prison is no doubt an explosive ticking time bomb.
303030301In order to prevent the prison's radio jamming from interfering with the clean-up mission, Gray Raven and another team were assigned on a co-op mission together to set up comms equipment outside the building, while you scouted the uninfected areas and the prison.
333333301RImgBg1ShakeThe mission was going smoothly until you heard an explosion from deep within the building. You leaped inside the prison through its open doors without even thinking.
373737301The alarms blared and the prison came to life, its red lights flashing inside.
383838301You heard rustling from behind, and before you could react, something had grabbed you by your right arm.
393939301Turning around, you found a huge mechanoid guard lurking in the shadows behind the door.
4141413011???Prisoner confirmed. Captured. Awaiting next command.1
424242302(Try to break free)43(Reach for your gun)44
43434345301The firm grip on your right arm did not loosen. You could not break free.
444444301You reached for your gun strapped to your waist, but the mechanoid noticed and grabbed your other arm as well.
454545301???Warning. The prisoner is aggressive. More forceful measures will be taken upon repeated offense.1
464646301The light on the mechanoid guard's head turned red and the weapons on its shoulders aimed at your head.
474747301Unable to predict the mechanoid's next move, it was best to just stay put and observe.
484848301???No new commands. Acting according to protocol. Transferring prisoner to cell C-04.1
515151301The mechanoid guard pushed you forward with its weapon as the doors of the prison closed up behind you.
535353301But whenever you showed a sign of struggle, the mechanoid would raise its weapon as a warning, forcing you to give up your plans for a sneak attack.
586060301Luckily, the area you are in has a relatively low virus concentration, and the mechanoids you have encountered on the way have shown no signs of infection. Their hostility dissipated after you took the key and Authorization Chip from the guard.
596161301The office, simply put, is a mess. It is not hard to imagine what happened here. Even the specks of dust are frozen in time, and nothing has changed since the moment of evacuation.
606262301Looking around, you find an old control system and a comms device under some old newspaper.
616363302(Try to activate it)64
636565301The system monitor lights up at your touch.
646666301The control system confirms that the prison's emergency mode was activated due to an unknown reason. All passages leading outside have been sealed, and if you want to open the doors here, you need to activate the unique command in the main control room with the correct password.
656767301Turning your attention to the comms device on the side, you find that its communication range is limited to within the prison.
666868301You have no way to confirm if your signals will be picked up by the comms equipment set up by your team outside, but this is currently your only way to communicate in this closed-off space.
676969301So you operate the device and send out a distress signal.
687070301As you wait for a reply, you explore the warden's office and find a blueprint of the prison. Thankfully, your time has not been a complete waste.
707272301AniZhuanchangBeginJust when you begin to think that no one has received your message, the signal connection lights up.
767878301The silver-haired young man stands in front of the comms equipment with interest, focusing on the flashing signal.
798181301RolandI wasn't expecting visitors except for myself.1
808282301RolandI wonder whose luck was so rotten that the poor thing got trapped in here with me?1
818383301The signal continues to flash, pausing for a second before resuming, like the lamp on a struggling ship caught in a storm.
828484301RolandAnd this isn't a random shot in the dark... The one who sent this seems to be quite collected.1
838585301I thought this would be my one-man show. Color me surprised to find another actor onstage.
848686301RolandIt's not my style to let such an interesting opportunity slip away, is it now?1
8587873011AniZhuanchangBeginHe places his hand on top of the reply button.