
26 KiB

433301DialogEnableConservation Area 113, a few days ago.
6553011VeraI think an introduction is in order. This is Chief 【kuroname】, the number one commandant of Babylonia. I am the Construct assigned to assist the commandant. If you have any problems, you can ask us for help.1
766301VeraStarting today, we'll be staying with you and helping you complete missions until your repair work is completed. I—simply—cannot wait!1
9883011Engineering Force CrewAlright, alright. Thanks for lending a hand. Follow me. I'll introduce you to some of the primary mission areas...1
1099301Engineering Force CrewThis conservation area hasn't been around all that long, but we've taken in a large number of civilians. There's a shortage of manpower and supplies. We sure could use the help.1
111010301The Construct coming to meet you smiles and nods, then turns to lead the way.
151414301Passing through Conservation Area 113, you see many of the refugees staying here. They stare at you with a complicated look in their eyes while Vera raises her hands and greets them one by one.
161515301No one responds, but no one rejects the greeting. They just stare back at you.
181717301But Vera does not seem to mind. She just looks back at you with an uncannily bright smile on her face.
2019193011VeraOh, dear! Commandant? What's the matter? Looks like you're about to have a heart attack at any moment.1
212020302...I may have opened the wrong program.21I was about to ask if you're malfunctioning.21
232222301Vera sneers and suddenly raises her hand, grabbing you by the collar and dragging you over.
252424301VeraWhat's wrong? Don't like the way I'm acting?1
262525301VeraAs for me, no one here knows me. And I'm too lazy to explain who I am. If you wanna give others a detailed introduction for me, by all means.1
272626301VeraJust don't forget the mission.1
333232301SystemBeginning mission briefing. Operative: 【kuroname】.
343333301DialogDisableSystemYour mission is to provide support to Conservation Area 113. The refugee there are at risk as the area is damaged and vulnerable. A Construct with supportive capabilities has been dispatched to assist you, 【kuroname】.
383737302...Alright, there we have it.38You better explain yourself before you act like this next time.38
393838301DialogEnableThis support mission is actually to complete the work the locals could not finish in time. In order to complete such a task, it is necessary to show a certain degree of comradery so that the locals will hand over the tasks to you.
404040301DialogDisableVera's sudden change in attitude is fortunately in favor of the mission at hand.
434444301DialogEnable1VeraWhat's wrong? Got a problem with it?1
444545302Never mind. Forget it.46Actually, yes.48
46474750301VeraThen keep your mouth shut. Blame the other guy who backed out last minute.1
484949301VeraWell, tough luck. Blame the other guy who backed out last minute.1
505151301Vera...Heh. The look on your face is priceless.1
515252301VeraI gotta say... That look on your face is the only joy I'm getting in this mission.1
525353301VeraMy original frame is still undergoing maintenance, and then I was suddenly assigned this temporary assignment. I swear I was going to smash the system to pieces. But knowing that you were going to be in charge, I decided to take it.1
535454301VeraHow could I pass up on a play date with such an... interesting commandant.1
545555301VeraAnd considering how much trouble I'm saving you, I recommend you take a moment to rejoice.1
555656301VeraEnough about that. The others are waiting for us. Let's begin our first mission.1
565757301AniZhuanchangBeginVeraDear Com—man—dant—1
596060301AniZhuanchangEndConservation Area 113, present.
6263633011Construct AWe appreciate your hard work. With all the Corrupted gone, we can rest assured for the time being. Leave the repair on the infrastructure to us. Thanks.1
636464301VeraYou're WELCOME, dear! That's why we're here!2
656666301Constructs from the Engineering Force surround you and Vera. As they sort the resources you collected, several of them cannot hold back their gratitude.
6768683011Construct BThis is Freyan's tag... A big guy like him... Now this is all that's left...1
7071713011VeraI'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure he completed his mission honorably. But now you must carry on his will. All these tragedies caused by the Punishing Virus... We must put a stop to it!2
717272301Vera pats the Construct's shoulder in comfort. Her expression is calm and firm, as if she has no clue that the tag was pulled from the Corrupted who was still resisting the infection—the one she disassembled with her bare hands.
727373302Uh...74(Remain silent)74
747575301VeraAm I right? Com—man—dant?2
757676301Vera looks at you with a charming smile, instantly giving you goosebumps and causing you to choke on your words.
767777301Construct B...Thank you, ma'am.1
787979301The Construct nods gratefully to Vera and hurries away with the small piece of metal. Several other Constructs pack up and leave shortly after.
8081813011Only a frail little boy remains standing in front of you, clenching his fists. Looking at his clothes, he appears to be a Scavenger that had arrived here recently.
8384843011VeraOh, dear! What's up, lil' guy? If you need any help, feel free to ask. 【kuroname】 here will be glad to help. Don't be scared.2
848585301As Vera said, during your time here, you have also been receiving requests from the residents here in addition to helping the Engineering Force clear out the area.
858686301Scavenger BoyN-no, I'm okay. You guys h-have helped out a lot here already. Mama told me to thank you.1
868787301Scavenger BoyW-we don't got much to give you. I hope this is okay.1
878888301The young boy gulps, extends his hand, and opens it. A small handful of wildflowers rests in the palm of his hand, slightly crumpled from being squeezed.
888989302You're too kind.90
899090301You take the crumpled wildflowers and carefully put them into your pocket.
909191302Anything else we can help you with?92
919292301By the stifled look on his face, he appears as if he wants to ask you something. Considering this is also a part of your mission, you prepare yourself for whatever he is about to ask.
929393301Scavenger BoyYou saw right through me, Commandant... I guess I'll just spit it out.1
939494301Scavenger BoyHave you guys... considered living here in the future?1
949595302?96Er... Come again?96
959696301Scavenger BoyWell, Commandant... You can tell from the past few days that we do not have a lot of supplies, and we often need help from Babylonia... But the sights here are amazing. We're surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers.1
969797301It is apparent that the child has never been far from the conservation area. The scenery and the field of wildflowers are indeed gorgeous, but nothing save a battlefield covered with scrap metal sits just beyond that.
979898301Scavenger BoyWe have to rely on your help for the time being, but there are still things that we can do. Just because we were left here on Earth, doesn't mean we're powerless. We can build a future here together, too.1
989999301Scavenger BoyI've only been here for a couple of days. I can't fight like you, but I can try my best to help the others. As long as we work together, we can build a home as well.1
99100100301VeraOh, dear! Live here? With the commandant? Well, it sounds TERRIFIC!2
100101101301Vera looks at you and smiles gently, her gaze teasing.
101102102302(Shiver in horror)103
102103103301But the boy seems to misinterpret Vera's joke as you being swayed. He pauses, then opens his mouth to speak again.
103104104301Scavenger BoyNot to mention, Miss... I heard from Constructs here that there are tons of terrible people in Babylonia...1
105107107301VeraWell, then.2
106108108301You sense a sudden change in Vera's smile.
107109109301Scavenger BoyI heard Death can fly high in the sky and even turn invisible like a ninja! Rumors say it can also fire weird cannon things from its wrists. Anyway... sounds terrifying.1
110113113301Vera turns her head and covers her mouth to stifle her laugh.
111114114301VeraOh, dear! Oh, dear! Constructs like that really exist? How awful! Why doesn't Babylonia do something?2
112115115301VeraRelax, lil' guy. As members of Babylonia, we'll be sure to pay EXTRA attention! You don't have to worry.2
113116116301VeraWe've got important responsibilities to take care of. We can't just go wherever we please. But, we'll come visit you whenever we get the chance.2
114117117302That's right. We have to serve Babylonia.118
115118118301Scavenger BoyOkay... Just be careful...1
117120120301The young boy frowns as if at a loss. He mutters to himself, then quickly leaves.
118121121301Seeing that the boy is finally gone, Vera finally puts her hands down.
119122122301She then bursts out laughing.
1211241243011Vera...BAHAHAHA! Fly high in the sky? BAHAHA! Turn invisible like a ninja? Shoot cannons from my wrists? Wow, that Death sure is incredible.1
122125125301VeraI can't take it anymore. These rumors are killing me. They're even funnier than that kid's silly attempt at persuading us to stay.1
123126126301Obviously, the kid is worried that the Constructs stationed here won't be enough to defend the newly-built conservation area from the Corrupted. That is why he wanted you to extend your visit without any knowledge of the relationship between Babylonia and the Scavengers.
124127127302He's just a kid. He doesn't know what he's talking about.128
125128128301VeraHahaha, great. Just great. A few more dumb kids here, and I might just smash this conservation area to pieces and head back to Babylonia.1
127130130301TerminalBeep, beep—
128131131301VeraHm? My terminal's ringing. Looks like another mission.1
129132132301VeraI can't take this right now. I think I pulled a hernia from all that laughter... Gray Raven Commandant, go out and take care of the Corrupted.1
130133133302Think you can just pawn all the work off to me?134
131134134301VeraAlright, alright. I'll go take a look. If I can't take care of them, then it's all up to you! Bahahaha!1
132135135301Vera bursts out laughing as she opens her terminal.
134137136301But right as she reads the message, her smile quickly turns serious.
1361391383011VeraHmph, guess I was mistaken. I didn't notice the complete lack of medical personnel here.1
137140139301VeraWe've been here how many days? And we're only just now being sent on a medical run... Damn it. If we're this shorthanded, why can't Babylonia send more people down?1
138141140301Vera【kuroname】, let's get going.1
140143143301AniZhuanchangBeginVeraTo the field clinic.1
143146146301AniZhuanchangEndWith Vera moving at such a brisk pace, you desperately try to catch up to no avail. All you see is her red hair swaying in the wind.
144147147301By the time you reach the field clinic, you see Vera already beginning to perform sterilization.
1461491493011VeraHmph, look at all these people... And why are the treated patients worse than those who haven't been treated? Do they even know how to treat patients? Well... I guess they don't have the means.1
147150150301Vera pulls her hair into a ponytail and bites down on the handle of a scalpel.
148151151301What is she doing? Why is she biting it? Before you have time to ask her, you already arrive at an answer as she begins to quickly sprint between the sickbeds.
149152152301VeraInstruments, check. High-temp sterilization, check. Sterile room, open... Hmph, telling apart humans and Constructs is gonna be a damn nightmare.1
150153153301VeraMedicine inventory... Well, at least we should be able to pull through.1
151155155302On it!156
152156156301Coming to your senses, you quickly scan your mission briefing and follow Vera.
153157157301VeraI'll operate once I confirm their injuries. Regardless if they're humans or Constructs, I need to start with the seriously wounded. Don't worry, I can handle it myself. I just need you to have the necessary supplies on standby. You can find them in that pile of junk over there.1
154158158301VeraAlright, time to begin treatment. First up is this human girl.1
155159159301After preparing all the necessary supplies, you walk up behind Vera, whose arms are moving quickly in small motions.
156160160301You were already well aware that Vera had plenty of experience treating Constructs as a field doctor.
157161161301As for treating humans, you have no idea.
158162162301That being said, she wastes no time and skillfully finishes operating on the little girl.
159163163301As you watch her arms move with expert precision, you finally realize that the Construct standing before you, regardless of her frame, has been dispatched here as a medical worker.
160164164301As a medical worker, she is intimately familiar with both human and Construct anatomy, allowing her to accurately assess the severity of each wound.
161165165301She can calmly dissect those who have died in order to obtain the information necessary to treat the living.
162166166301Scavenger Girl(Sobs) Nph... AHHH—!
163167167301—Even as patients scream in pain, she remains level-headed and continues to operate.
165169169301VeraHmph... Just how brave are they to use anesthesia this diluted? Have they been kept alive by miracles?1
167171171301VeraDon't just stand there. Get the nitrous oxide!1
168172172302Um, about that...173
170174174301VeraNot enough? I guess we'll have to make do without it...1
171175175301Vera tuts as she turns to pick up another surgical instrument. She lowers her head and turns to look at the girl on the operating table.
172176176301VeraPeople are waiting for ya, kiddo. You wanna keep living, don'tcha?1
173177177301VeraThen I'm gonna need you to be brave and strong. Can you do that for me?1
174178178301Scavenger Girl(Sobs) Ngh... Ahhh...!!
175179179301VeraHold on a little longer. This might hurt a bit...1
177181181301VeraActually, take that back... It will hurt... a lot!1
183187187301AniZhuanchangEndWailing and screaming... The field clinic is no less cruel than the battlefield.
184188188301It may be your first time seeing Vera operate, but you do not think it is the first time you've seen her in this state...
185189189301When she swings the scalpel, her gaze is no less fierce than when she wields her spear.
186190190301After who knows how long, your ears finally adjust to the wailing only for it to subside shortly after. At this point, you realize your legs are shaking.
187191191301Barely able to stand, you lean against the corner and gasp for air.
188192192301A soft shadow touches your forehead.
1901941943011VeraWipe your sweat.1
191195195301A concise and unquestionable order comes from Vera, who has the same exhausted look on her face.
192196196301Constructs do not sweat in the conventional sense. However, condensation begins to form on her forehead after using the high-temp disinfection function, giving the impression that she is sweating.
1941981983011Scavenger GirlThanks... Miss...1
195199199301Scavenger GirlHold... my hand...1
196200200301The girl finally begins to regain consciousness. Her wounds were the most severe, causing her to faint during the surgery. Seeing Vera, she reaches a hand out to her.
1982022023011Vera...Stay still.1
199203203301Saying that, she slaps the girl's hand back down on the operating table.
200204204301VeraI'm just following orders. If I was ordered to dissect you, I'd have no trouble cutting you open and tinkering with your insides.1
201205205301Vera's voice is quiet, but she has no intention of hiding her true feelings. She seems to be simply stating a well-known fact.
2032072073011Scavenger GirlW-what...?1
204208208302Lie down, dear.209(Approach quietly)209
205209209301Regardless of whether or not the girl heard what Vera said, you hurry forward and gently nudge the girl to lie back down on the bed.
206210210301And with that, Vera maintains her momentum and proceeds to the next patient without any hesitation. It is as if those words never even left her mouth.
207211211301Scavenger GirlUgh... Ahh...1
208212212301Scavenger GirlI-I'm scared... It h-hurts...1
209213213301The girl sobs quietly. You can feel her trembling as you try to comfort her.
210214214302(Grab her hand)215
211215215301According to the mission briefing, all you can do is hold her hand and stroke it to comfort her.
212216216301Scavenger GirlTh-thank... y-you...1
213217217301Maybe it was effective, or maybe she was not fully conscious. Either way, her hand relaxes a little, and her breathing gradually stabilizes. She falls asleep shortly after.
214218218301Her arm falls by her side, revealing a touch of yellow between her fingers. Looking more closely, you notice her tightly grasping a wildflower—seemingly the same kind that the boy gave you.
215219219302(Who did she want to give it to?)220
216220220301While pondering this question, Vera suddenly pats you on the shoulder.
2182222223011VeraWell done comforting her, Commandant. But that's all we can do here.1
2202242243011AniZhuanchangBeginVeraWe just received a new mission on the comms. We need to take care of some more enemies!1