
11 KiB

433301DialogEnableLecture Hall, F.O.S. Military Command College.
6553011HassenThis is an era filled with challenges and uncertainties. There is no way of knowing which path will lead humanity to the future.1
766301The President's resonating voice echos in everyone's ears.
877301HassenThe only thing we know is that this path will be paved with hurdles, drenched in blood and sweat, covered in tears and smoke.1
988301HassenIt is not a broad, easy road ahead of you all. You might even regret having stepped on it one day.1
1099301HassenSo you mustn't forget the passion and ambition inside you today. Tattoo it in your heart so that it serves as a reminder in your moments of doubt.1
111010301HassenThis will be a difficult but magnificent voyage, so remember—humanity's hopes and prayers are with you.1
121111301HassenMay you will all return home safe.1
141313301A quick moment of silence fills the air as the President's impassioned speech comes to an end, but it is soon replaced by thunderous applause.
151414301The students in the audience begin to stand one by one, all moved by the President's words.
161515301As students of the only Command College in Babylonia, they all know the responsibility they will be shouldering. But with no idea of its weight, they have only managed to hear the President's passion, not his pain.
171616301Yet to be showered with blood and dust, the eaglets might carry with them a hint of fear of the unknown, but more than anything, they are filled with the excitement and hope of leaving their nest.
181717301Victories, titles, glory, applause... each of their hearts is thumping with these ethereal ideas.
191818301To destroy the Punishing Virus and reclaim Earth—this idea has been planted in their heads since their first day here. It is as much a goal as it is a cage.
201919301Today is the day when a new batch of students graduate from F.O.S. Military Command College, as well as the rare occasion where alumni can return and visit.
212020301AniZhuanchangBeginIt is an event so special that even the Babylonia President has come and delivered a speech to encourage all the young fighters who are about to depart for Earth.
242424301There seems to be a lump in your throat. The speech you have prepared and remembered is now blurry and faded, like paper soaked in water.
252525301There should be another person speaking before you.
262626301HostThank you, President Hassen, for that beautiful speech. Up next, we have invited some distinguished alumni to share a few words, so let me introduce one of the Chiefs of our college, a remarkable role model...
272727301He pauses.
292929301You are stunted by this sudden change of plan.
303030301It is now your turn to stand there in the limelight, to face those aspiring, innocent eyes that are untainted by bloodshed.
313131301It is now your turn to stand in front of the podium and say those meaningless slogans.
323232301The host is still calling your name, but your legs are frozen, incapable of moving.
333333301Suddenly, someone taps you on your shoulder.
3535353011You turn around and find a familiar face.
373737301The young Construct stands quietly behind you. His slender figure, confident posture, and pale-blonde hair are all carefully curated and attentively maintained.
383838301He looks the way he usually looks, except there is something different that you cannot quite pinpoint.
404040301He assuredly adjusts your shirt collar and fixes the tilted medal on your chest.
414141301Instead of the slightly unkempt way your clothes were, you now look as graceful and refined as the Construct before you.
4343433011ChromeThey're calling your name, 【kuroname】.1
444444301He seems to see right through what is troubling you.
454545301ChromeDon't let those who look up to you wait. Speak your mind, and that is enough.1
474747301Then he slowly turns you toward the stage before gently nudging you forward.
484848301He uses just enough force that you do not trip on the sudden movement while still appearing to walk with intent and strength.
494949301AniZhuanchangBeginYou simply feel an unwavering presence supporting you as you step out.
515151301AniZhuanchangEndYou part the curtain and stand before the audience, but you cannot help and turn back.
525252301Chrome is still standing in the shadow of the veil. Noticing your gaze, he gently nods.
535353301You do not have time to ponder where that loneliness you find on him comes from. You follow the motion and walk toward where the spotlight is.
545454301DialogDisableStanding there, you take a deep breath.
555555302Congratulations, graduates...56
565656302This is a day to remember...57
575757301DialogEnableAniZhuanchangBeginAnd you deliver your speech—the way you wrote it, the way you intended.
585858301AniZhuanchangEndWhen it is over—
595959301AniZhuanchangBeginYou look around but fail to find the golden glow of the figure who gave you the support you needed.
626262301AniZhuanchangEndAs the ceremony comes to a close, you decide to take a casual stroll around the campus, enjoying the moment of respite, which has become so rare since you graduated.
636363301The corridors are empty as the students are all gathered in the hall, talking to the renowned alumni about the fun moments during their tours and the aspirations the students have for their future.
646464301You, however, have no interest in that kind of conversation, so you managed to find an opportunity to sneak away.
656565301Without realizing it, you have arrived at the door of your old classroom.
666666301AniZhuanchangBeginYou expect to find it empty as well, much like the corridor outside. Instead, you step through the door and run into a golden-haired figure.
696969301Chrome sits quietly in the middle of the room. Glows from the artificial sky shine through the windows, the golden-red hue casting his silhouette in a gentler light than how you remember the stoic top student.
707070301Peaceful and harmonious, like an oil painting.
717171301So you hold your breath, lest it disrupts the scene, and you tiptoe your way to the seat in front of him and sit down.
727272301Feeling someone else's presence, Chrome opts not to raise his head.
737373301You turn around, your arms crossed on top of the back of the chair, and you rest your chin on your hands, staring at Chrome.
747474301That is when you notice the hologram projected on the desk before him, its light blue projections forming a chessboard in the air.
757575301Noticing your gaze, Chrome finally looks up and stares back.
767676301You look at each other, both of you coming to an unstated understanding. Chrome does not question your presence here, and you do not ask why he is here in the first place.
777777301Eventually, Chrome breaks the silence.
7979793011ChromeA game of chess, 【kuroname】?1
808080301You almost feel like his words transported you back to when you were a student.
818181301As if the person sitting in front of you is not the captain of Strike Hawk, and you have yet to be the commandant of Gray Raven.
828282301Just a student who has arrived early asking another student who has just arrived to join him in a game of chess.
8486863011AniZhuanchangBeginChromeWhite goes first. I look forward to your opening, 【kuroname】.1