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544301DialogEnable1KareninaCommandant, expanding the base is priority number one. We should deploy defenses outside as well.1
655302Agreed.6How much time is left?7
7669301KareninaHmph, who knows? Hindsight's always 20/20.1
877301KareninaTime's of the essence. We're about to be dispatched on our next mission.1
988301KareninaWe need to repair the base before then, or we'll be in a world of hurt.1
1099301KareninaI've been wanting to do inventory and confirm the layout of the interior. Commandant, you supervise the construction of the periphery.1
111010302You mean those turrets?11I'll try my best.12
12111113301KareninaOh, so you heard. That makes this easier. After all, I can't really just rely on Kamui and Nanami to get the job done...1
131212301KareninaJust keep an eye out since this isn't your area of expertise. I can't really just rely on Kamui and Nanami to get the job done...1
141313301KareninaI'll send you the procedure and the completed rendering, Commandant. Just be sure that they don't make a mess of things.1
151414302Looks like we're still short-staffed...15I'll be counting on you later!16
16151517301KareninaOne more member should help... But this is a job for a professional...1
171616301KareninaIf only I had the time! You can't just rely on me to do it all!1
181717301KareninaWait... Are you inviting me to stay with the Gray Ravens?1
191818302You bet.19In your dreams.20
20191921301KareninaWhy?! I'm just a member of the Engineering Force.1
212020301KareninaI knew it! I don't work for free!1
2221213011AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaBut if I have some free time, that's a different story...1