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433301DialogEnableAfter a brief exchange of information, the players begin to discuss their next step in the safe house.
6663011TeddySo our priority right now is to find the remaining Twin Souls in the artifact chamber, right?1
8883011KamuiAre we going back there? I think the people there already remember our looks...1
1010103011ChromeI don't think we can break through so many soldiers with sheer force.1
111111301ChromeBesides, Flawless Rope is outside the capital. I think the best plan is...1
1313133011KareninaTeddy and I will head to the artifact chamber. We'll just try to avoid the guards. Strike Hawk and Gray Raven can go get that flawless-thing back.1
141414301KareninaSince we are going to infiltrate the chamber, we don't need many members. Besides, we don't have information about the other side, so we should allocate more forces there.1
1616163011ChromeI see... What do you say, Gray Raven Commandant?1
171717302That plan sounds good.18I think we should let someone else do it.18
1919193011TeddyDon't worry, this may sound incredible, but Karenina and I actually work together alright.1
202020301TeddyKamui also mentioned there were many enemies and it would be impossible to break through. Sending four members would only hinder the operation. We are stealing something after all.1
242424301AniZhuanchangEndMost of the gate guards have been taken away by the officer and are still sleeping in a corner of the city.
252525301The remaining guards are too busy to notice a few players crossing the wall... Who even complains about the lack of wall maintenance and how slippery it is?
262626301Seeing Strike Hawk and Gray Raven have got out of the city, Karenina and Teddy fall back to the alley. Using the clock tower's chime as cover, they disappear into the shadow of buildings.
272727301As always, everything is going very smoothly, just like what Ayla has witnessed in the past.
2828283011AniZhuanchangBeginBut this time, there is no smile on her face.