
16 KiB

544301DialogEnable1Ayla gives her room a quick clean-up, then sits back and awakes her terminal.
655301She stares at the screen as the game world's time flows. She did her best to reconstruct the elements of this world—for example, the sea breeze that was blowing the sand—based on past records and documents.
766301AylaAlright, time to keep working. I was the one who invited them after all.1
877301As a member of WGAA, Ayla is extremely skilled at creating game worlds.
988301AylaLet me summarize their progress first.1
1099301AylaOnce I consolidate all the players' results, I can design the upcoming changes.1
111010301Ayla clicks open the world archive. The adventure team that spawned in the city is shown on the top.
121111301AylaHmm? So these are the players we found earlier on. Good, let me check what's happening over there.1
131212301AylaWorld influence factor is... 17.31?! Amazing. They just started the game and had already done something that could influence the entire kingdom.1
181818301DialogEnableUnlike the sunny shore, the sky is dull and gray. It seems to have also impacted the pedestrians as they walk past with forlorn looks.
191919301Numerous pieces of paper fall from above. Soldiers who are riding fantasy creatures are grabbing the paper pieces from baskets and throwing them out.
202020301Ayla pauses the screen and zooms in.
212121301The content on the paper is very simple: a poorly sketched, brandishing portrait with a line of text.
242424301AylaNotice of execution?!1
262626301Ayla searches the crowd and finally finds the player team in the center of the execution ground, guarded by many soldiers.
3030303011Three of them are individually tied to three stakes, with firewood under their feet. Looks like they do not have much time left.
333333301KamuiI said we didn't do it! Please trust us!1
343434301Compared with Chrome and Wanshi, he has a lot more ropes attached to himself.
353535301SoldierShut it! Just save us some rope, will you?
373737301KamuiLike I said, we didn't do anything! You're just not listening!1
383838301SoldierWhere did we catch you?
404040301KamuiThe artifact room.1
414141301SoldierWas there anyone else in the room when you sneaked in?
434343301SoldierWhere was the artifact stored?
454545301KamuiIn the cabinet.1
464646301SoldierIs the cabinet now empty?
474747301KamuiI think so.1
484848301SoldierAlright, we have all the evidence and witnesses. The criminal has confessed to the theft of the artifact. Light them up!
505050301KamuiHey! I didn't admit anything!1
515151301Kamui begins to shake his body again, making more squeaking sounds between the ropes and the stake.
525252301KamuiI need to struggle. I keep taking this action.1
535353301Dungeon Master AylaFailure, failure, failure, failure...
545454301SoldierDon't move!
555555301After wasting all the ropes, the soldier ties Kamui up with a steel chain. He pulls both sides of the chain and kicks the stake hard to tighten him up.
565656301Dungeon Master AylaDC to break free increased. DC to break free increased. DC to break free increased.
575757301KamuiI don't care! I keep struggling! With all my strength... Wait, why am I the only one that's rolling dice?1
585858301KamuiDo something, Wanshi.1
626262301Dungeon Master AylaInspecting Wanshi of Strike Hawk... He is sleeping to recover spells.
686868301DialogEnable1KamuiAt this point in time?1
747575301DialogEnable1ChromeExcuse me, could I have some water, please? I don't want to die thirsty.1
757676301Contrary to the farce in the center of the execution ground, Chrome remains calm in the corner and calls the soldier guarding him.
767777301SoldierJust wait. I'll get you some.
777878301ChromeGreat, thanks.1
787979301The moment the soldier walks past the corner...
798080301ChromeDM, I want to take out the knife that I hid earlier and attempt to cut my rope.1
808181301Dungeon Master AylaNo one is watching you. Success. Your progress is...
818282301SoldierHurry, get another chain to seal his mouth.
8485853011KamuiYou can't do this to me! At least let me say my final words!1
858686301When the soldiers turn their backs against Kamui, he peeks in Chrome's direction. The rope is quietly coming off just like he thought.
878888301Just a little longer...
888989301Somehow, Kamui feels like he has heard Dungeon Master Ayla rolling a die.
909191301SoldierAhem! The royal family has decided to start the execution early due to poor weather conditions. We don't want the rain to put off their fire.
919292301The heated crowd bursts into a deafening cheer, as if throwing stones is not enough to calm their anger. The soldiers holding torches are getting restless.
929393301KamuiWe don't even know what your artifact looks like! This makes no sense! I want to appeal!1
939494301Kamui tries to argue, but his futile attempt only stirs up endless insults. The crowd seems to have lost all sanity after hearing their crime.
949595301KamuiCalm down, guys...1
959696301SoldierShut up! Recruit, put more firewood under his feet to burn him harder.
99100100301Dungeon Master AylaProgress: 50%.
100101101301Chrome...I no longer try to conceal my action, but use all my strength to cut the rope instead.2
101102102301SoldierHey! What are you doing?!
102103103301Ignoring him, Chrome focuses on breaking away while calculating the escape route.
104105105301To his surprise, the soldier was not even shouting at him.
1091101103011A figure suddenly appears from above and lands on the stake behind Wanshi, crushing it into pieces with a war hammer.
111112112301KareninaI spent so long making this weapon. Never thought the first thing I did with it was to cut a stake.1
1141151153011KamuiKarenina? Why are you in this game?2
115116116301KareninaThis is WGAA's public project. Ayla asked us to help her finish the script.1
116117117301KareninaHonestly, I'm not good at this. So I had been making weapons at a place.1
117118118301SoldierWho are you?!
118119119301The soldier throws his torch away as he pulls out a sword. The torch rolls down the road and finally comes to a stop near Kamui.
119120120301Kamui makes three rolls in a row trying to kick it away, but none succeeded.
120121121301KamuiThe dice just hate me today, don't they? If that's the case...2
121122122301KamuiHey you, over there. You dropped something. DM, I want to use Mage Hand to pull that sword close.2
122123123301Dungeon Master AylaKamui rolls a... critical failure.
123124124301Dungeon Master AylaYou tried to grab the sword's hilt with a magic hand but accidentally sneezed. The hand elegantly sent the sword flying into a crack in the floor.
124125125301The soldier's nervous look immediately disappears. Infuriated, he grabs Kamui's neck and shakes him rigorously, stating that he just bought the new sword.
125126126301Dungeon Master AylaThe soldier rolls a Will check... Critical failure. He jumps over and disappears in the crack, following his sword.
1281291293011Chrome manages to break free and lands on the ground with a thump. Someone immediately throws him a weapon.
1311321323011KareninaHere you are. Took us a lot of effort to make it in that volcano.2
132133133301Dungeon Master AylaYou obtained weapon: St. Elmo +10.
1351361363011KareninaDM, I want to cut the ropes on Kamui.2
136137137301Dungeon Master AylaBut Kamui is wrapped in layers and layers of reinforced steel chains.
137138138301KareninaI'll just break the stake then. Roll it.2
1431441443011As they are busy getting Kamui out, they hear the sound of multiple bows firing. A shadow dashes out from the crowd and knocks down all the soldiers from behind, then rushes to Kamui before the rain of arrows falls.
145146146301Camu holds his greatsword horizontally and uses it as a shield. Arrows land on it and make clinking noises.
146147147301CamuThe next time you want someone to run away alone to seek help, better get someone else to do it.1
1491501503011KamuiIt was an emergency. Thanks anyway.2
1521531533011WanshiWhat do we do now?2
153154154301More soldiers come rushing to the execution ground. They are all differently equipped and look like an army that was just put together.
154155155301SoldierDammit, too many of us went with the expedition team.
155156156301SoldierCome here! I want all my soldiers to head this way immediately!
1581591593011ChromeHurry, let's get out of here while they are still in chaos.1
1611621623011TeddyJust a reminder, don't take the wrong direction.1
162163163301Unlike her two teammates who were confronting the soldiers, Teddy chose to sneak all the way here.
163164164301Dungeon Master AylaTeddy of Engineering Force has activated a Wall spell. Checking... Success.
164165165301Transparent ice blocks rise from the ground, forming a solid wall, making the soldiers quiver in fear as they fall back. An officer has to shout at them to force them to go back holding their weapons.
165166166301But the spears and swords cannot even leave a scratch on the wall. Even war hammers do not seem to crack it.
1681691693011TeddyThis crystal is less than 10cm thick, but it is stronger than bulletproof glass. I tested it.1
1691701703011AniZhuanchangBeginChromeWe just need to take care of the soldiers on the other side now.2