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433301DialogEnableWhen the cabin door of the transport craft opens, what comes into view does not seem to conform to your impression of a conservation area.
544301Looking down from the landing pad at the valley below, you see hundreds of stalls glimmering in the sun, densely packed in the plaza near the Central Purification Filter.
655301The stalls with colorful roofs depict the bustling scene of a festival market, crowded with people and goods.
766301You knew it would not be deserted, but the level of festivity is far beyond your imagination.
1110103011LeeAt a time like this? We're already drowning in work as it is...1
121111301LivRelax, Lee. It's okay to take a break on occasion.3
131212301LuciaLiv's right.2
141313301LuciaYou got to place more importance on resting, Lee.2
171616301Lee remains quiet, but the expression on his face remains unconvinced.
181717302Consider this as recharging our batteries for our next mission.18
191818302Besides, when was the last time everyone had a chance to switch into their civilian coatings? Let's enjoy it.19
201919302Especially you, Lee.20
212020301The Gray Ravens have dusted off their civilian attire and changed out of their combat gear, including Lee.
222121301His black suit is crisp and elegant with a lavish tie. It does not appear to be a style Lee would choose voluntarily.
2524243011LeeWhose bright idea was this...1
262525301Gray Raven had received prior notice that the conservation area would be hosting a grand celebration.
272727301Since you happen to have the day off, you suggested taking Gray Raven to the celebration.
282828301Naturally, Liv and Lucia were more than willing. As for Lee, he had no choice but to agree reluctantly to your persistence.
292929302I've never seen you wear that.30
303030302Did you just get it made?31
323232301LeeQuite the opposite. I've had it for a long time.1
333333301LeeI originally had this coating made for a banquet prior to joining Gray Raven, but the venue was attacked, so I've never had an opportunity to use it.1
343434301LeeI don't have anything suitable to wear for the holiday, so I dusted this off and made some minor modifications.1
383939301Long ago, there was only Valentine's Day in February for people to give each other gifts like roses and chocolates to express their love. That is until the businesses in the Golden Age took the chance to create similar holidays to increase their profit margins.
394141301Recently, the brief period of peace and stability has brought a degree of abundance for residents to share with each other.
404343301As such, careful plans were made in preparation for White Day.
4245453011LivIf I remember correctly, that's our first stop.1
434646301Liv points to a nearby building.
464949301It is an exhibition hall that has been built specifically for the celebration.
475151301Having known this in advance, you had already applied for a stall.
5256563011LuciaLiv, Lee, how are preparations coming along?2
545858301LivM-me? I didn't prepare anything special. I just want to make people happy.3
576161301LeeThis isn't my area of expertise. Don't have any lofty expectations of me.1
586262301LuciaMe as well... I've never done anything like this.2
596363302There's a first time for everything.64
606464302Besides, this isn't a mission. Having fun is what matters most.65
626666301LivYou're right. No matter what, I think today will be a special memory.3
636767301Overcome by the festive atmosphere, Liv seems to be in high spirits.
646868302Alright, our goal is to be number one!69
6670703011LuciaUnderstood. I'll give it my all.2
677171302It's... not that serious...72
687272301LivRelax, Lucia! Relax!3
697373301Lee...Let's get going. It's about to start.1
707474302AniZhuanchangBeginLet's go!75