
26 KiB

433301DialogEnableLiv properly buries Lindsey, Cali, Lina, and Stanley. Then, she takes Matches and leaves conservation area 043.
544301Along the journey, she remains silent. The voices of self-doubts overwhelm her mind. It isn't until she meets up with her companions that she finally picks herself up.
655301Upon returning to Conservation Area 046, Liv gives the bloodstained note back to its owner.
766301The boy has found his brother among the armed refugees. Holding the note in his arms, he starts crying.
877301But just as she expected, the people are hostile against the border border collie. They want Liv to take him outside.
111010301LivWill I truly be able to change all this?1
121111301Whether it is Matches and Stanley, or the other memories buried deeper in her mind...
131212301The lives she couldn't save are like the sand in an hourglass, falling down to the bottom as every second passes.
141313301Even when she does catch a grain of sand, it will eventually meet the same tragic fate, just like Matches...
151414301...Just like how Stanley didn't want Fantine to have a child. No one can change this world. Even survival is just extending the pain.
171616301Liv...I couldn't even... help Commandant...1
181717301At the thought of the unconscious commandant, Liv starts to get overwhelmed by grief and despair.
191818301If 【kuroname】 never wakes up, that means the mistake they made in the Pulia Forest Park Ruins has cost the commandant's life.
212020301Liv...Sorry... I'm sorry...1
222121301But her apology and guilt can no longer reach that human.
242323301If 【kuroname】 did wake up, what would the commandant have told her?
252424301A long, long time ago, she too apologized for her inability. Back then, 【kuroname】 said something to her...
272626301It is meaningful.
282727301Even the smallest change and help can make a difference, although they may not seem so for the time being.
313030301It is only meaningless if you give up.
323131301Upon recalling this familiar voice, Liv feels much more at ease and calm.
343333301LivI must not give up yet... I have to push just a little further...1
353434301She nods to herself, trying to recollect the strength to fight and help.
363535301But before Liv can shake off the negative thoughts, she hears a commotion from outside.
3938383011Armed Refugee AN-no!1
403939301Armed Refugee AIt's Jonny... and the others... They...1
414040301The armed refugee holds a bloodstained cloth in his hand, struggling to catch his breath.
424141301Armed Refugee ADatte died before he could finish his sentence. I don't even know where they are!1
4847473011Lucia wants to remind Liv, but realizes that she has already started the search.
494848301LivThis is bad. There are only a few targets in the search area, and they are all severely infected by Punishing Virus.2
504949301LuciaSo they are all corrupted?1
525151301LivThey might not be within the search range. Perhaps they...2
535252301The worst-case scenario comes to her mind, but she doesn't want to say it out loud.
545353301LuciaWhen did they leave?1
5655553011Armed Refugee AAbout ten hours ago... Shortly after you left, they took Fantine and drove your car to go outside.2
5857573011LivWhy did they bring Fantine along?1
595858301Armed Refugee AShe said she had been pregnant for 39 weeks and had to find supplies to get prepared for the delivery. I tried to stop her, but she said the others didn't know what supplies she needed, so she had to be there herself.2
616060301LivIt has been ten hours. I wonder if we can find them even if we split up to search...1
6362623011Armed Refugee LeaderThere's no need to waste your strength.2
646363301Armed Refugee LeaderThey brought a pregnant woman with them. Datte said something happened to Jonny and died in front of him. The only person who's still MIA instead of KIA is that woman.2
656464301Liv...But I...1
6766663011LuciaWe should go, Liv.2
727171301LivMatches... You want to come along?1
737272301MatchesWoof! Woof!3
7675753011Armed Refugee LeaderYes, take this dog with you too. He would've just wasted our food anyway, if we didn't turn him into food first.1
807979301LuciaDon't be sad, Liv. Vera told me border collies are very clever. He just might help us find our target.2
818080301She knows Liv is still blaming herself for what happened.
828181301Before Liv gets overwhelmed by grief again, Lucia quickly brings her attention back to the task at hand.
838282301LuciaDo you know where we can find Fantine's luggage? I want to let Matches sniff it and remember her smell.2
858484301AniZhuanchangBeginLivYes. I'll bring it here right away...!1
908989301AniZhuanchangEndLet's wind the time back to ten hours ago...
919090301Gray Raven hasn't returned to Conservation Area 046. To search for supplies and get prepared for her delivery, Fantine gives a heads-up to the Constructs stationed in this conservation area and leaves with Jonny and the others.
929191301Protected by her companions, she manages to collect all the required supplies earlier than she expects. Being pregnant, she cannot move around too much, so she sits on the bench in the mall square, waiting.
939292301Looking at the setting sun, she rubs her hand against the blanket she just found and checks the supplies she will need when she delivers her child.
9594943011FantineYeah. Everything is here.1
969595301She looks up into the distance and thinks about the future of her child as she waits for her companions to return.
979696301FantineI don't know if it's a good idea... to bring you into this world.1
989797301She thinks about the harsh, cruel world and ponders the question.
999898301FantineIf only you could answer that question for me... my child, that'd be nice.1
1009999301Before meeting Stanley, someone had asked her the same question. Back then, she didn't hesitate to give a positive answer.
101100100301Fantine grew up in an environment where she was constantly hungry and on the run, but even so, she considered herself a happy, lucky girl.
102101101301She was loved by her family and her husband. And she wanted to share that feeling with her child.
103102102301The two of them had planned out a future for their baby and worked very hard to make it happen.
104103103301She remembers how she and her husband were crying tears of joy when they heard the news that they could stay in the conservation area.
105104104301But everything came crumbling down after that disaster in the Pulia Forest Park Ruins. Those who once loved her so much are now nothing but memories of the past.
106105105301If things get worse, she won't even be able to protect herself, let alone her child.
107106106301Is it really a good idea to bring our child into this world?
108107107301She has lost count of how many times she ponders this question after that conversation with Stanley.
109108108301FantineEveryone is gone... And there's no home for me to go back to.1
110109109301FantineIf I lose this child as well...1
111110110301Tears start rolling in her eyes as Fantine thinks about the possibility that she has to live her life alone.
112111111301Love goes both ways. She wants to love her child and be loved back.
113112112301Fantine...It's like I'm doing this for my own good.1
114113113301It is a selfish act to bring a new life into this cruel world just to not feel lonely and feel loved. That is not fair for this child.
116115115301How can we know for sure that this child will hate this world?
117116116301Short and eventful as it is, her 27 years of life are beautiful thanks to her loved ones and especially, her parents.
118117117301FantineNo one knows what the future holds...1
119118118301So, who should make this decision?
120119119301As Fantine is thinking, a somewhat familiar voice comes from the corner of the alley.
121120120301??Run... Now...
122121121301She looks toward where the raspy voice comes from and sees a staggering Hetero-Sapien.
123122122301??...Fantine... Run... Now...
126125125301What is a Hetero-Sapien doing here? And why does it speak like a human? But Fantine has no time to think.
127126126301Fortunately, its sound has caught Fantine's attention and she runs away before it is too late.
128127127301FantineH... help...1
129128128301She has read a lot of books and knows that running at 39 weeks of pregnancy could lead to early labor. She is not ready for seeing the baby yet, but at the moment, she has no choice but to run as fast as she can while holding her belly.
130129129301Fantine...God... Please... Please give me a little bit more time...1
133132132301AniZhuanchangBeginHer pain gradually increasing, Fantine sprints with all her might toward the familiar street ahead.
139138138301AniZhuanchangEnd1MatchesWoof! Woof, woof, woof!3
140139139301LuciaThe Hetero-Sapien we defeated just now had the same sound as Jonny. We're too late.2
141140140301LivNo news from Fantine yet.1
142141141301LuciaLet's keep searching.2
147146146301AniZhuanchangEndHow long was she running? And how long did she pass out?
148147147301Ten hours? Or more? Fantine has no idea.
149148148301All she knows is that the moon has risen and the sun has set, concealing the blood stains on the road.
150149149301The child in her arms, who should have been born in a clean room, slipped into this world unprepared and landed in the mud.
151150150301Fantine...Hello there... little one...
152151151301FantineIt's a girl...
153152152301Warm blood keeps flowing out from her body and she feels colder and colder from the loss of blood. She doesn't have to know what is going on exactly. She can tell.
154153153301There is no time to lose. Fantine trembles as she picks up the baby covered in blood and swaddles her in a soft blanket.
155154154301Fantine...Sorry, we have no choice...
156155155301She struggles to reach out her hands to the most vulnerable part of the baby.
157156156301The baby's neck is so soft and so delicate...
158157157301Strangle it and this little life, who has not yet seen the world, will have a quick and painless death.
159158158301This little life will not have to wait in the long cold night for help, nor will she have to face the terrible unknown.
160159159301FantineBut... it shouldn't be like this...
161160160301She knows that children come into the world through their parents, not from them.
162161161301You can give love to a child, but not ideas.
163162162301The parent is the bow and the child is the arrow of life that comes from the bowstring.
164164164301FantineI have to make this choice for you, sweetie... You hate Mommy, right? Sorry...
165165165301—Is it because she regrets her decision back then?
166166166301Does she regret meeting her husband and conceiving this little life?
167167167301Would she have lived a safe life if she hadn't been pregnant?
169169169301FantineBut I wouldn't have been as happy as I am now.
170170170301—Are you really happy?
171171171301The first answer that comes to Fantine's mind is neither yes nor no.
172172172301Before she can say anything, her hands betray her in a tremor and pat the baby instead.
173173173301As if knowing her mother's grief, the baby responds with loud cries, announcing the arrival of a new life.
174174174301FantineI'm such a cowardly and selfish mother...
175175175301FantineHaving you in this world is neither my happiness nor my torment... but my... longing.
176176176301The nearer death draws, the more she cannot part with this little life.
177177177301In the cold moonlight, Fantine huddles in despair and makes a prayer to a being she has never believed in before.
178178178301Fantine...Please save this child... Let her live...
179179179301FantinePlease give her enough time to choose wisely...
181181181301AniZhuanchangBeginAs if to answer her prayers, a loud bark comes from a short distance away. A pink figure comes and takes the glimmer of hope from Fantine's hands.
184184184301LivWhat's going on... This is... postpartum bleeding...
185185185301Liv carries a lot of medical supplies with her.
186186186301She had thought about the situation of blood loss, but she shouted in the crowd and no one answered. So she had to come on her own to help.
187187187301Liv...We can't do a blood transfusion now... And even if I can stop the bleeding...
188188188301Fantine...Thank you, Liv.
189189189301Liv doesn't want to hear thank you in this situation.
190190190301LivNo... I haven't done anything yet...
191191191301FantineThen... can I ask you for one thing?
192192192301LivYes, I'm listening...
193193193301FantineTake my baby away... Please let her live...
194194194301FantineHelp her grow up and make sure she can think for herself and make her own decision...
195195195301Liv looks at the baby in her arms once more. It is a miracle that this little girl is alive and kicking. Only after she is certain that her promise is not an empty one does Liv nod to Fantine.
196196196301Liv...No problem.
197197197301Fantine...Thank you, Liv.
198198198301The dying Fantine breathes a sigh of relief with a smile on her pale face.
199199199301FantineWhen she grows up, please tell her... Mommy and Daddy... brought her into the world...
200200200301FantineBecause... we thought this world was... as beautiful as it was turbulent...
201201201301FantineWe would love to tell her about it ourselves... but we can't...
202202202301FantineWe're useless... Sorry...
203203203301Tears roll down her smiling face.
205205205301FantineIf in the future, she... tries her best to get what she wants... but still hates the world...
206206206301FantineTell her to go find Mommy and Daddy...
208208208301FantineIt's okay... Life is not supposed to be a bondage, but a force for good...
209209209301FantineThe choice is hers...
210210210301FantineI want to name her Cosette... What do you think?
211211211301Liv...Cosette... It's a beautiful name.
213213213301Fantine...I don't regret giving birth to my baby girl...
214214214301FantineI've been... looking forward to seeing her.
215215215301FantineNow... I see her... But... I won't be there for her anymore...
216216216301Fantine closes her eyes slowly. Her smile does not fade with her life, as if she is still repeating her last words to Liv.
217217217301—I don't regret giving birth to my baby girl.
218218218301LivDo you also not regret dying...
220220220301The boy's answer was written on paper—he wanted to help others.
221221221301The woman's answer is pronounced—she gave birth to a life she held dear.
223223223301AniZhuanchangBeginThe border collie sniffs the meeting of life and death here and makes a sad whimper.
225225225301AniZhuanchangEndBoth the boy and the woman, in their different situations and with their different beliefs, made the same choice: to sacrifice themselves for the sake of another life.
226226226301There was this boy who abhorred the future and a despised life he saved.
227227227301There was also this woman who embraced the future and a much-loved life she gave birth to.
228228228301However faint the hope appeared, they both tried to stop the world from spiraling into a calamity.
229229229301At this moment, Liv finally understands what conviction and expectation are all about.
230230230301Even the smallest change and help can make a difference, although they may not seem so for the time being.
2322322323011LivYes... That's right...1
233233233301Life is so short, but that doesn't make it meaningless.
234234234301Every life leaves its unique mark on the world, passing itself on to the next life.
235236236301Death gives life from one being to another being, to birds, beasts, insects, and flowers.
236237237301And those lives, in turn, will give their lives to others through death.
237238238301Life breeds life. Without death, life would not continue.
238239239301The teary-eyed Liv is holding tiny Cosette and Matches tightly.
239240240301LivYes... Death is not an eternal departure... They live on in those people they cherish...1
240241241301LivEven if we may never see each other again... Even if it makes us feel sad and regretful...1
241242242301LivI will carry on despite the pain and never give up.1
242243243301With her sorrows vented, Liv feels nothing but resolve.
244245245301LivI can make a difference.1
245246246301LivWhether it is human or Construct, animal or insect... it is the diversity of life that makes the world so beautiful.
246248248301LivI'll protect the hope that you gave your lives for. I won't let you down.1
247249249301LivI won't give up no matter how insignificant my contribution seems. Just like I didn't give up until Matches helped me find Fantine... and Cosette.1
2482502503011AniZhuanchangBeginLivEvery life and every little effort count... We can make it!1