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Raw Blame History

655301Roland...Get down.1
877301Roland drags something over a steep slope.
1099301The sun shines upon his back. He puts his hand down and jumps off the slope, kicking up a dust cloud.
111010301Roland grabs the rope again and pulls it hard against the top of the slope—
131212301RImgBg1Shake???Eeek—! It hurts! What are you doing?!
151414301On the other side of the rope, a large black figure is pulled over the slope and rolls on the ground.
161515301Its four legs slowly stretch out, helping its gigantic base and slim upper body to get up—
1918183011LamiaHey... Let me loose. I can hardly walk like this...2
201919301RolandDon't you want to explain first?1
222121301AniZhuanchangBeginRolandTell me why you wanted to run when you saw me.1
272626301AniZhuanchangEndQuite some time ago—way before Roland tosses Lamia onto the ruins.
292828301Roland only remembers himself struggling to crawl out the underground waterway. But he doesn't see the wasteland outside—
302929301There is only darkness.
313030301Roland is engulfed by endless darkness. It feels gentle and comfortable, almost like amniotic fluid, just not that warm.
323131301Roland tries to turn his head, but it doesn't respond. The other parts of his body probably won't be any different.
333232301—He finds himself imprisoned inside the gentle darkness.
343333301Roland(I can't make a sound...)
353434301Roland(No, it's more like I can't feel my mouth.)
363535301Roland(What happened... to me?)
373636301Feeling lost, Roland tries to stay calm in darkness.
383737301AniZhuanchangBeginA voice appears from the dark, brining back his memories—
424141301AniZhuanchangEnd1RolandIs this your way of saying thank you?
434242301αTake it as you will.1
444343301RolandHow heartless.
454444301RolandI have searched through the sewers. Are you still planning to look for Luna here?
464545301αI have some unfinished business.1
474646301RolandIn that case, good luck.
484747301AniZhuanchangBeginRolandHasta luego.
525151301AniZhuanchangEndRoland(...What happened after that?)
535252301Roland(...I can't remember anything else.)
545353301Out of instinct, Roland tries to touch his own body to check out his condition.
555454301—As always, his hands are unresponsive, and he cannot feel anything.
575656301Roland(What on earth...)
585757301Roland(Happened after that...? How long have I... been like this?)
595858301Roland feels a dull pain in his forehead.
605959301AniZhuanchangBeginFollowed by an intense, acute sting that emerges in his M.I.N.D...
646363301AniZhuanchangEnd1RolandHasta luego.1
666565301Finally, Roland can no longer sense Alpha's footsteps. He leans on the wall behind as the broken spine could no longer support his upper body.
676666301The visual signals sent back to his M.I.N.D. only contain image noise. His eyes only see darkness. The visual module must be completely broken.
686767301The left arm has no response as expected, because it is long gone.
696868301Roland lost too much strength escaping the cavern after the Red Tide devoured it, not to mention that he searched the entire underground waterway system when he realized Luna was lost.
706969301But his search wasn't completely fruitless. At least...
717070301Roland checks his frame again, only to find that most functions are either destroyed or forced to shut down, and those still running are not far from being completely broken.
727171301How terribly clumsy of me. I'm afraid this body won't be suitable for children to watch.
737272301All the random memories and thoughts make Roland's mind wander even further. Roland shakes his head, forcing himself to stay awake.
747373301RolandI need to do something... At least fix this frame before I see Luna again.1
797878301Roland stumbles forward as he leans on the wall of the waterway, trying to drag his broken body along.
8180803011RolandGood, at least I still can walk.1
828181301RolandRight, Roland. This isn't the place for your final scene.1
838282301Every step takes ten times the effort to recover, but he continues to march out of the ruins.
848383301Step after step, he enters the endless darkness.
878686301Many illusions show up around him, then disappear in the next moment.
939393301AniZhuanchangEnd1Roland?...Do you ever regret the choice you made?1
9595953011Roland?...Or feel bitter about this miserable ending?1
979797301Roland...There's nothing to regret or feel bitter about. I look like a mess, but things were going according to the plan. At least until just now.
9999993011Roland?Right. At least you had a real moment in your fake life.1
1011011013011Roland?Do you have the strength to execute your next plan? Do you still believe that your actions will matter?1
102102102301Roland?Look, you can't even stand.1
103103103301Roland?Why not call for help?1
106106106301RolandYou don't know when to shut up, do you...
107107107301Roland knows what he said was true. He cannot even move a finger, but at least he feels wind once again.
108108108301Roland's senses are shut down one by one as he loses more vital fluid. He weakly rebuts the shadows as they mock him.
109109109301...Will Constructs go to a cyber heaven after they die?
110110110301I probably should go to hell though.
111111111301It's no longer a place he doesn't mind going anytime, though.
112112112301As Roland's mind wanders away—
113113113301AniZhuanchangBegin(Huh? What's that?)
117117117301AniZhuanchangEndRoland's mind is still dazed. He sees a vague light spot.
119119119301The spot is gradually getting larger—it's moving toward Roland.
121121121301Roland is befuddled for a brief second, then he laughs. At least he thinks he is laughing.
122123123301Roland(Gabriel would love to see this.)
123124124301Roland(But I never dreamed that angels would come pick me up one day.)
124125125301The light spot is still moving closer. It's very slow but unstoppable.
125126126301Roland(...Will there really be a heaven for me?)
126127127301Roland(If hell is where I belong... I don't mind this color...)
128129129301AniZhuanchangBeginThe light gently fills Roland's vision. He closes his eyes.
131132132301AniZhuanchangEnd—Roland hears many sounds. Whooshing wind, rolling gravels, firewood crackling in flames, all of which finally enter his ears like dusty gears that start to turn.
133134134301AniZhuanchangBeginHe opens his eyes again.
137138138301It's a tent.
138140140301The canvas is pretty worn out, but doesn't have any big holes, only some small openings that let wind come in, making a whoosh sound.
139141141301Roland is lying right underneath it.
141143143301Roland can finally hear his own voice, a sign that he seems to be regaining control of his body.
142144144301—He tries to lift his right hand again. This time he succeeds.
143145145301RolandWhat... is this?
144146146301The structure looks nothing like his old hand. It still does what he wants it to do, but with a different look.
145147147301Roland doubtfully tries to touch his right hand with his left hand.
146148148301Only to find his left hand also somewhat different.
147149149301RolandWhat happened to me...?
148150150301More confusion builds inside Roland as he sits up.
149151151301He sees his chain blade and gun, and he picks them up without hesitation.
150152152301The familiar weapons feel just the same, calming him down slightly.
1521541543011RolandWhoever it is... They don't seem to be hostile so far.1
153155155301RolandAt least I can talk to them.1
155157157301He reaches out to lift the canvas—
1571591593011???Hmm? You're awake?1
159161161301Roland sees a female sitting next to the campfire.
160162162301Realizing Roland is awake, she slightly tilts her head toward his direction.
161163163301A hood covers most of her face. He can only see a mysterious smile.
1641661663011???Are you awake?1
165167167301Roland...Are you the Merciful One?2
166168168301The Merciful One...I've been making a lot of self-introductions recently.1
167169169301With most of her face concealed, the female seems slightly annoyed and chuckles. She thinks for a while.
168170170301The Merciful OneRight, that's how they call me.1
169171171301The Merciful One gives a straight forward answer, still looking as calm as always.
170172172301RolandI know you.2
171174174301As far as Roland knows, only one agent does this.
172176176301He slowly turns his wrists, checking every part of the body until he can confirm they are intact.
173177177301RolandWhy did you save me?2
174179179301The Merciful OneSome had things they wanted to do but couldn't, some had incomplete research that was supposed to uncover the truth, some wanted to make temporary peace eternal...1
175181181301The Merciful One...So why not give them another chance?1
176182182301The Merciful OneWould you like some herbal tea? This is surprisingly sweet.1
177183183301The Merciful One poured a cup of tea from the container and passed it to Roland.
178184184301It's not an order or invitation, but somehow she can get others to do what she says.
179185185301Roland takes the cup and frowns at its strange scent.
180186186301The Merciful OneBut... of all the kids I saved, you have the most special reaction.1
182188188301RolandBecause I know you are around.2
183189189301RolandThe Merciful One.2
184190190301The Merciful One...Hmm?1
186192192301RolandGiving a chance to whoever she deems suitable, regardless of whether they are good or evil, friend or foe.2
187193193301That search wasn't fruitless after all, for Roland saw that figure who walked through the darkness with ease. He heard the self-introduction she made to Alpha.
188194194301Normal procedures couldn't heal his wounds. Even if he asked Alpha to stay, he wouldn't be saved.
189196196301RolandGuess I won the bet.2
190197197301Her eyes slightly widen with surprise, but she soon puts the gentle smile back on her face.
191198198301The Merciful OneYou're a smart kid.1
192199199301The Merciful OneTelling a lie without blinking takes some serious effort.1
194201201301RolandI was the most famous actor during the late Golden Age after all.2
195202202301Roland smiles and takes an exaggerated bow, as if he is trying to prove his words.
196203203301RolandDon't get me wrong. I'm very grateful that you saved me.2
197204204301RolandIf my life ends here, the world would be a lot less interesting.2
198205205301RolandAnd that really concerns me... Especially for what I'm about to do.2
199206206301The Merciful OneIs it for that white kid?1
201209209301The Merciful OneShe's lost, but the power she gave you is still around.1
202210210301She says it very casually, as if it doesn't matter at all.
203211211301But Roland tenses up immediately after hearing Luna's name. He even feels his chain blade and gun heavier than usual.
204213213301Alerted by Merciful One's words, Roland quietly clenches the trigger, but lets it go after thinking again.
205214214301She saw it, didn't she? But what can I do? She and Luna are both agents, and both possess this power.
206215215301And even after seeing everything, she is still not showing any hostility.
207216216301That's not necessarily bad for Roland.
208217217301The Merciful OneYeah, I did.1
209218218301The Merciful OneLooks like... You are still lost, just like those kids.1
211220220301The Merciful OneThat's not a question to ask me. You should ask yourself.1
213222222301The Merciful OneSo, what are you going to do?1
214223223301RolandThe question is mine.2
215224224301The Merciful OneI do not matter here.1
216225225301The Merciful OneIf you think I'm an interference, or obstacle, feel free to leave. Or, you can wait until the sun rises, then I will leave myself.1
217226226301Roland...I don't know if I can trust you.2
218227227301The Merciful One...Pff.1
219228228301The Merciful One chuckles, as if she has heard something funny—
220229229301The Merciful OneSo what?1
221230230301Roland realizes why she was chuckling.
223232232301Roland...Yeah, so what.2
225234234301No matter what, she has given him a second chance... A third chance, actually.
226235235301The Merciful One is the person who is most likely to help him at this moment. Even if he ends up getting nothing done, this is his only chance to ask.
227236236301Roland feels like something in his heart has suddenly untangled, so he opens up.
228237237301He talks about Luna, Alpha, and how the group of Ascendants ended up falling apart.
229238238301AniZhuanchangBeginThe Merciful One only listens, taking sips of herbal tea every now and then.
2332422423011She finally puts down the container after Roland finishes talking. It was empty long ago.
234243243301The Merciful OneI couldn't help it when the tea was so nice.1
237246246301Roland...Of course.2
238247247301Before Roland can realize, he has already unclenched his fists. The fierce, aggressive look disappears from his eyes.
239248248301The Merciful OneYou know very well what you need to do next, don't you?1
242251251301The Merciful OneMaybe you just purposely ignored your own feelings.1
243252252301Roland...I don't understand.2
244253253301The Merciful OneAnd I can't help you to either.1
245254254301The Merciful One throws a few more wood chips in the fire. She looks around, but cannot find any more.
246255255301The Merciful One...Where did that kid go? I asked her to pick up more firewood.1
247256256301RolandI didn't know you also took in companions.2
248257257301The Merciful One...I don't, but I just happened to be staying at the same place with her.1
249258258301The Merciful OneShe seemed to be walking a lot faster, so I asked her for a little favor.1
252261261301The Merciful OneOh, here she is. At least I don't have to start the fire again.1
253262262301After some rustling, Lamia shows up with a bundle of firewood behind her—
254263263301The Merciful OneGreat, you're finally back.1
2572662663011LamiaI can only find so much... Eek?!1
2602692693011RolandWhy are you...?2
262271271301Roland and Lamia look at each other, startled. The next moment, Lamia realizes what's going on and immediately turns back, trying to flee—
2652742743011The Merciful OneSit, Lamia.1
266275275301The Merciful OneRunning from others is very impolite.1
267276276301The Merciful One's words stun Lamia, who docilely turns around and sits on her legs.
268277277301The Merciful OneGood girl.1
269278278301She then turns toward Roland—
270279279301The Merciful OneShe was running away the moment she saw you... Do you know each other?1
271280280301Roland...I think so?2
272281281301The Merciful OneIs she your enemy?1
273282282301Roland...More like a comrade.2
274283283301The Merciful OneVery interesting. Since you are comrades, it's better to talk than to fight.1
276285285301The Merciful One picks a firewood from Lamia's bunch, then breaks it up and tosses it into the fire.
2802892893011The Merciful OneRemember what I said? We were just staying in the same place by coincidence. I'll leave when the sun is up.1
282291291301The Merciful One...I have said it many times. Are you still thinking about following me in the stealth mode?1
284293293301The Merciful OneYour camouflage can fool Babylonia and other Ascendants, but not me.1
286295295301As Lamia falls silent, the rising sun begins to cast a rosy hue across the line of mountains, making the shadows under the tent slightly darker.
287296296301The Merciful OneWell, now the sun's up... I've got to go.1
288297297301The Merciful OneSince you know each other, I will leave it to you to fix your own problems.1
289298298301Roland...Can I ask one last question before you leave?2
290299299301The Merciful One?1
291301301301The Merciful One...1
292302302301The Merciful OneThey gave me this name, yet you are asking me for the reason.1
293303303301AniZhuanchangBeginThe Merciful OneI don't know. Actually, I have never thought about it.1
297307307301AniZhuanchangEndThe sun keeps rising, shining over the forest onto the dying embers of the campfire.
298308308301The Merciful One has left. She didn't take the tent or anything with her.
304315315301Roland and Lamia stare at each other in silence. It's been a while since they last met, but the air is filled with tension.
305316316301Roland remembers that Lamia has been on radio silence for a while during Ascendant operations. He starts to feel suspicious.
306317317301While Lamia knows very well that Roland would question her for not showing up, she can never tell him what really happened.
3083193193011Lamia...(What to do? Eek...)1
310321321301Although Roland looks quite different from his old self, Lamia doesn't want to take the risk...
311323323301No matter what, she can't afford to infuriate him, so...
3173293293011AniZhuanchangBeginRolandTell me. Why did you run from me?1