
16 KiB

433301RImgBg1DisableDusk on the Nighter begins with the extended sound of a trumpet, signaling the commencement of the night bazaar.
656301RImgBg1EnableRImgBg1DisableNoises converge on the deck where the neon signs wake, while lanterns shaped as dragon heads take flight, encircling the central tower. The dazzling view of the Nighter by night rises on the dark horizon.
879301RImgBg1EnableThe stage before the tower becomes the center of the Nighter during the bazaar, where merchants come to bid in the famed Trade Fair. Folks gather for the displays, as do the rich and powerful in their loges.
9810301Kemuri's troupe of mechanoid puppets takes the stage in a showcase of graceful sword dances. Their braids glide as phoenixes, their bodies sway as willows—mechanical yet spirited, gentle yet cold.
109200301Their performance has also lined the crowd with dread, however. The audience is well aware that the elegant dancers onstage are always an order away from drawing blood with their swords.
111011301And then fireworks soar above the deck, exploding into spectacular colors between the towers and the lanterns.
121112301RImgBg1DisableEarth or heaven, this is as opulent as it gets.
141315301RImgBg1EnableBeyond the Trade Fair, the night bazaar is equally bustling.
151416301A man who just exited the loge is currently arguing with a merchant.
1716183011TycoonIs this trash what you're selling me?1
181719301A bona fide mogul, the man dressed in riches holds a smoking pipe in gold in his hand, his shirt pinned with an equally golden pocket watch. He scolds the merchant in front of him with utter disdain.
191820301MerchantS-sorry, sir... This is all that's left. But maybe if you visit again tomorrow—
201921301Wiping off the sweat from his brows, the merchant bends over backward to apologize to the tycoon, his head dipping as low as the rich man's boots.
212022301Meanwhile, the surrounding hawkers flock to the wealthy man, hungry and craving.
222123301Gathered HawkersCheck out my offers, sir! Brand new livers, freshly picked—
232224301Gathered HawkersScrew you! I'm here first, sir! Look—healthy organs in mint condition!
242325301Gathered HawkersHow about some prosthetics, sir? I've just restocked—
252426301The hawkers are relentless, wrestling for a shot to sell their wares in exchange for miles, even if it means stepping over a fellow merchant.
2726283011Distracted by the commotion, nobody notices a boy sneakily approaching the tycoon from behind.
282729301The boy keeps looking over his shoulder indecisively, his face filled with hesitation.
292830301Changyu will later recall this moment when he first notices the boy while hanging in a food stall to the side.
302931301The boy's expression is all too familiar to him.
333234301Having made up his mind, the boy takes advantage of the confusion to reach for the tycoon's pocket, where a purse is poking out.
353436301Seeing this, Changyu leaps from his seat, shoving his half-empty sour plum drink to the stall's owner.
3736383011ChangyuHold this for me, Uncle Fu!1
383739301Uncle FuHey, punk, pay up—
393840301ChangyuBack in a sec! Put it on my tab!1
403941301Changyu dexterously dashes between the customers, hopping over the bench outside the stall.
414042301ChangyuMove! Move!1
424143301AniZhuanchangBeginComplaining CustomerWhat the hell? Watch it!
464546301AniZhuanchangEndChangyuHey, boss! Forgetting anything?
474647301The boy is stepping away when Changyu walks by and blows the whistle on him. While whistling.
484748301Slightly confused at first, the wealthy tycoon pats his pockets at once—
494849301—And finds nothing inside. The tycoon's plump face stiffens and tenses, and he immediately grabs the now panicking boy.
504950301TycoonMy purse! You rascal!
515051301BoyI-I don't—
525152301Facing away from them, Changyu masterfully swoops up the purse from the boy's jacket.
535253301TycoonGive it back now!
545354301BoyI don't have it!
555455301TycoonYou're dead meat if I find it!
565556301ChangyuIs this what you're looking for?
575657301BoyW-what? When did you—
585758301AniZhuanchangBeginDespite feeling confident that he has stowed it securely inside his jacket, the boy looks in shock as Changyu flaps the gemstone-clad purse in front of the two of them, giving the tycoon an upward nod.
616062301AniZhuanchangEnd1TycoonYou're so dead, you little shit!1
646365301The boy attempts to bolt, not realizing Changyu has him firmly in his grasp.
656466301The tycoon raises his arm above his head, ready to smack the boy—only to have his purse shoved into his lifted hand by Changyu, and any momentum of a strike is lost.
6867683011ChangyuCalm your horses!2
696869301ChangyuThe night bazaar is brimming with colorful folks, my good sir. Remember to keep your hands in your pockets next time, 'cause I can't guarantee others will keep their hands in theirs, okay?2
717070301Changyu says so with a smile. Despite Changyu's frail appearance, the boy is surprised by his strength when he fails to flee from his hold.
7473723011TycoonWho the hell are you? What are you after? I've got nothing for you!1
7675743011ChangyuJust a concerned Kowloong citizen—and, please, you don't have to thank me! I'll leave you be. Enjoy your time here in the bazaar!1
777675301AniZhuanchangBeginWith that, Changyu drags the boy away from the scene.
818080301AniZhuanchangEnd1BoyWhat are you doing—who are you?!2
828181301The boy is so mad his eyes seem to be popping out.
868585301ChangyuI said, what an amateur!1
878686301ChangyuDid you see the look on the tycoon's face? If this is all you've got for this line of work, you're gonna get caught. And people like them don't take kindly to it.1
888787301ChangyuWhy were you stealing the purse in the first place?1
908989301BoyN-none of your damn business! If you're just thief-splaining...2
919090301ChangyuTokens. What do you know about it?1
959493301Changyu takes out an intricately crafted coin, tossing it into the air before catching it.
979694301ChangyuHow much do you think you can take from a purse? What is this, the Golden Age? No one brings cash anymore! But that man dressed like big money, which means he would be carrying a token like this.1
989795301ChangyuThis token is where the money's at—identification of a member of the Chamber of Commerce. And the doors you can open with this...1
1009997301ChangyuSee, here's your first lesson. See better.1
10110098301AniZhuanchangBeginChangyu grins like he is on top of the world, and with his arm around the boy's shoulder, he leads the stupefied young man away.
105104102301AniZhuanchangEnd1ChangyuUncle Fu, one Shacha noodles for our friend here!1
106105103301Changyu sits the boy down enthusiastically.
107106104301Uncle FuPay for yours first, you punk!
109108106301ChangyuC'mon, Uncle Fu, I told you to put it on my tab—and here I am with a new customer!1
110109107301Uncle Fu...Just stay the hell out of my way! I'm running a business here!
111110108301ChangyuSee, I know you are the best!1
112111109301ChangyuHave you tried his Shacha noodles? Best on the Nighter, no joke.1
1151141123011BoyWait... Just who are you? What do you want from me?2
116115113301ChangyuDidn't I mess up your job earlier? So take this as my apology, and now we're even!1
117116114301ChangyuAnd I have to thank you as well—the way he hid his token, you really did me a solid back there, running distractions.1
121120118301ChangyuThanks for the compliment! You're so kind. Unless that wasn't a compliment, in which case—how dare you!1
123122119301Uncle FuHere, your noodles.
125124121301ChangyuC'mon, try it.1
126125122301Changyu prepares the noodles with a well-practiced routine, pouring the Shacha sauce into the bowl and stirring it before placing it in front of the boy.
128127124301The boy is determined to turn down Changyu's offering, but in the face of a hot bowl of noodle soup, he cannot help but take a large bite.
129128125301ChangyuHow is it?1
130129126301BoyIt's... delicious!2
131130127301ChangyuTold ya!1
132131128301Changyu crosses his legs.
133132129301ChangyuI'm Changyu. You?1
134133130301Boy...Do you just tell everyone your name?2
135134131301ChangyuExchanging names is common courtesy in Kowloong. You do it after the apology and the noodles.1
137136133301ChangyuHmm. You aren't exactly dressing in rags... Ran into trouble, didn't you? Want to talk about it?1
138137134301HuainanNone of your damn business.2
140139136301ChangyuTrue. Who isn't in trouble on the Nighter, am I right?1
141140137301ChangyuI'll leave you to your noodles, then. Just remember to be more careful next time—and stay away from the stingy type with a temper.1
142141138301ChangyuIt was a good call making a move when you did. An amateur like you won't stand a chance when Pulao's mechanoids arrive at the bazaar later tonight.1
143142139301HuainanI-I know that!2
145144141301ChangyuOf course you do. I'll see you next time, then.1
147146143301With that, Changyu finishes his sour plum drink and takes off, whistling and tossing the coin.
150149146301Huainan...Changyu, is it?2
151150147301The boy named Huainan watches as Changyu departs, buried in thought. It takes him a moment before he returns to his bowl of Shacha noodles.
152151148301When he finishes, Huainan shoves the empty bowl aside and gets up, ready to leave.
153152149301Uncle FuYou—stop it right there!
154153150301Huainan...Who? Me?2
155154151301Uncle FuObviously! You stay right there!
156155152301HuainanWhat's wrong?2
157156153301Uncle FuThat punk said you're paying his tab. That's one Shacha noodles and one sour plum drink. You paying with grubs or what?
159158155301Huainan turns to where Changyu was headed, and finds him turning around at the same time. Changyu waves and cups his hand around his mouth, and from a distance he yells—
160159156301ChangyuYour second lesson—don't be so trusting!
1621611583011AniZhuanchangBeginHuainan...Payment code, please. How much is it?2