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544301DialogEnableAniZhuanchangBegin1NanamiI found... Mother... She's with Jane... They're... okay... Thank God...1
988301CrowdThe troops! The troops are here!
1099301CrowdIn the back! The back! A group of Corrupted! There's one in the middle! Oh god, what do we do?!
111010301GuardEveryone, stand back!
121111301GuardTake aim, ready to fire!
141313301MommyDon't shoot! Nanami, she's a... good child...
151414301GuardShe's a mechanoid! If a mechanoid is infected—
161515301MotherNo! She won't! She's fighting for us... Can't you see?
191818301GuardNo sir! Turn back!
201919301NanamiDaddy... Mommy... Why am I... a machine...?
212020301FatherNanami... Sorry...
232222301FatherWe've lied to you...
242323301FatherYou... were a subject in... a machine consciousness experiment...
252424301FatherWe treated you like a human, nurturing you so you'd grow into humans like us...
262525301NanamiBut then... why can Nanami... grow...
272727301NanamiI see... A... Ahaha...
282828301FatherNanami... Your father and mother love you from the bottom of our hearts...
292929301FatherThe time we spent together was real, Nanami... We are not a fake family.
303030301NanamiIt's okay, I know...
323232301CrowdFire! Shoot them! They're coming! They're coming!
333333301GuardEvacuate the crowd! There's still one last flight in the nearby airport!
343434301NanamiMommy, daddy, Jane, you should leave!
353535301GuardPrepare to fire!
363636301MotherStop! You all stop!
373737301GuardWe cannot take any potential risks!
383838301MotherAt least... at least... just wait a little more... please...
393939301Guard...She can continue fighting, but we will not allow her to come near. And if she becomes a Corrupted, we will fire at her indiscriminately.
404040301NanamiIt's okay, mommy... I... I'll continue fighting the Corrupted... and protect everyone...
414141301NanamiBut if I become a Corrupted... I wouldn't want myself hurting you all...
424242301NanamiGoodbye, Jane...
4343433011AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiGoodbye, Mommy, Daddy. So long, and thanks for all the good times...