
17 KiB

544301DialogEnableOne month later.
655301No. 21 carries out routine combat simulations with your help as a commandant, establishing a remote link to keep her M.I.N.D. stable in battle.
766301After a continuous series of adjustments, you and No. 21 begin to synergize more closely, causing the frequency of No. 21's outbursts from M.I.N.D. deviation to gradually lessen.
877301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21 even manages to complete high-risk missions without the need for a synchronous link.
1099301AniZhuanchangEndFinally, the last day of combat simulations has arrived.
111010301The combat simulation goes according to plan, with No. 21 executing the mission flawlessly.
121111301As you exit the remote link cabin used for combat simulations, you see No. 21 waiting in front of the cabin door.
131212302What are the results?13
1514143011Technician...Her M.I.N.D. is stable. Over the last 20 combat simulations, there hasn't been any sign of M.I.N.D. deviation.1
161515301TechnicianLooks like no one will be opposed to her returning to the battlefield.1
171616301The technician thumbs through a surprisingly lengthy report and nods with satisfaction.
181717301TechnicianPhew... No more overtime...1
191818301TechnicianAlright, I'll turn in the battle report. You two can get going.1
201919302Thank you so much.
2322223011No. 21We're done?1
242323301DialogDisableNo. 21I can start going on missions again?1
252424302You still need to wait for clearance.25
262525302But you should be able to in no time.26
272626301DialogEnableNo. 21(Nods)1
282727301No. 21So... What do I do now?1
292828302Return to base.29
302929301No. 21Understood. What about you, 【kuroname】?1
313030302I have other matters I need to attend to.31
343333301After saying goodbye to No. 21, you head straight to the Nighthawk's base.
353434301AniZhuanchangBeginNow that No. 21 can fight normally again, there's just one more problem to solve.
383737301AniZhuanchangEndIn the corridor outside of Cerberus' base, you see a Construct soldier bump into No. 21 right as she is about to enter.
4140403011ConstructUm... Hi, No. 21.2
424141301No. 21?1
434242301ConstructI'm that... Nighthawk Construct from before. The one you gave the nameplate to...2
444343301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21...Nameplate.1
474646301AniZhuanchangEnd【kuroname】It's just that, everyone has their own way of expressing emotions.
484747301【kuroname】Next time you run into him, just say sorry.
494848301AniZhuanchangBegin【kuroname】In your own way.
535252301AniZhuanchangEnd1No. 21I'm sorry.1
545353301ConstructI wanted to say... Huh?2
555454301No. 21I should apologize.1
565555301No. 21I shouldn't have smiled. That wasn't the appropriate response.1
575656301It seems the Construct was not expecting No. 21 to apologize first. He is stunned for a moment, then shakes his head.
585757301ConstructNo... I should be the one to apologize. You brought back the nameplate. That really means a lot to me.2
595858301ConstructBut I was devastated... I'm sorry I was so rude to you.2
616060301With an apologetic look on his face, he bows his head low, then carefully lifts his head to see No. 21's reaction.
626161301However, she just blinks, still unsure of the situation.
6564643011ConstructAlso, I know you weren't trying to laugh at me.2
666565301ConstructThe Gray Raven Commandant... told me that you're having trouble controlling your expressions. You were trying to comfort me, weren't you?2
676666302(...Why'd he have to say that!)67
686767301ConstructIt must be hard not being able to control your expressions. Even though it might not affect you in battle, don't forget to stop by the Construct maintenance room to get it looked at...2
696868301No. 21Trouble controlling my expressions...?1
717070301No. 21 tilts her head as if confused by what the Construct is saying.
727171301The Construct doesn't seem to notice. Instead, he turns around and pulls something out of the tactical bag on his back.
7574743011ConstructIt's nothing special... But I hope you'll take this.2
767575301The Construct pulls out a fluffy and pudgy white doll and gives it to No. 21.
777676301ConstructI... don't know what you like. So I, uh... bought this for you from the plaza gift shop.2
787777301ConstructIt looks a lot like... your Co-Bot, doesn't it?2
807979301No. 21 tenses up and looks down at the doll, preparing to take a step back.
8382823011No. 21What's this?1
848383301ConstructUh... It's a... gift... to show my gratitude...2
868585301No. 21Inspection complete. Threat: none.1
878686301No. 21What should I do?1
888787301ConstructUh? Um...?2
898888301ConstructErr, just take it.2
908989301No. 21...1
929191301No. 21 quietly reaches out and takes the fluffy doll.
939292301The doll is a bit large compared to No. 21 and nearly obscures her head, leaving only her eyes as they blink profusely.
9594943011ConstructPlease forgive my rudeness on that day...2
969595301ConstructI really can't thank you enough.2
979696301ConstructEven if it's just his nameplate... It still shows he fought with all his heart.2
989797301ConstructBecause of you, his name won't just be... like dust in the wind.2
999898301ConstructHe will still... carry on in our memories.2
102101101301After thanking No. 21 one last time, the Construct says farewell and leaves.
1041041043011No. 21Om nom...1
106106106301Even though her face is blank, you can see that she's happy.
107107107301With your heart finally put to ease, you turn to leave—
108108108301No. 21Why are you hiding behind a column?
109109109302AHH!110How'd you sneak up on me like that!110
1111111113011No. 21I can smell you, 【kuroname】. Why are you here?1
112112112302I was just... passing by.113
113113113301No. 21No. You've been standing there this whole time. My nose is never wrong.1
114114114301No. 21 asserts firmly.
116116116301You feel embarrassed for sneaking around, but No. 21 doesn't seem to mind.
117117117301She just holds up the doll to your face, showing it off.
118118118302That's quite the gift you got there.119
1201201203011No. 21(Nods) Looks a lot like you, 【kuroname】.1
121122122301No. 21(Nods) It looks alike, too.1
123124124301No. 21 pokes her head out from behind the doll.
1251261263011No. 21When I look at it, I feel warm here. Just like when I see you, 【kuroname】.1
126127127301No. 21So, it's just like you.1
127129129301Even though her expression remains blank, you can see that she's fond of the gift by how tightly she's holding it.
128130130301So like last time, you tell No. 21 the emotion she is feeling in her heart.
130133133301No. 21Happiness...1
132135135301No. 21 mulls over this strange yet familiar word, then places the doll in your arms.
134137137301No. 21I want you to have it.1
135138138301No. 21I already have a little buddy.1
136139139301No. 21But you don't.1
137141141302Thank me for what?142
138142142301No. 21I know that I got this because of you, 【kuroname】.1
139143143301This may be the first time that she really felt kindness from a stranger.
140145145302I appreciate it...146
141146146302But... that was a gift for you.147
142147147302I'd think it'd be best for you to have it.148
143148148301DialogEnableNo. 21Right...1
145151151301No. 21Captain!1
148154154301No. 21 runs past you before you can finish speaking.
1511571573011VeraLooks like our troubles are over.1
152158158301Vera walks over with her arms crossed, followed by Noctis, who has a wide toothy grin.
153159159301NoctisBahahahahaha! What's that silly thing you're holding? It's bigger than you...2
155161161301Vera jabs Noctis in the ribs with the hilt of her blade, then gives a familiar smile.
157163163301VeraGuess the Gray Raven Commandant didn't disappoint me after all.1
158164164301VeraAnyway, party's over. No. 21, we've got a mission.1
159165165301VeraYou've been on vacation long enough. Time to knuckle down.1
1621681683011No. 21No. 21 is ready. Awaiting orders.1
1661721723011NoctisPhew... Now I don't have to be Vera's punching bag.2
167173173301NoctisI don't know how much more I could take.2
1701761763011No. 21But... You were the only one Vera ever yelled at in the first place...1
175181181301VeraTry as hard as you want... You're the only one asking for it.1
177183183301As Vera and Noctis bicker back and forth, No. 21 stands between them calm and complacent.
178184184301She doesn't even notice that she's beaming like a little girl.
179185185301Now that her issues with M.I.N.D. deviation in battle and the Construct's misunderstanding are finally resolved, No. 21 returns to where she belongs.
180186186301And with that... Your short time with No. 21 comes to an end. Vera will be able to keep an eye on her from here on out.
181187187301AniZhuanchangBeginWith your heart finally at ease, you stand up to leave.
183189189301AniZhuanchangEnd1No. 21...1
184190190301No. 21 turns to watch you leave as her heart begins to stir.
185191191301Whether it was disappointment or reluctance, she suddenly feels the urge to catch up to you.
1861921923011AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21...There's something else I wanted to say.1