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433301DialogEnableThe cleaning is actually very easy. After the last ball disappears, the walls no longer deteriorate, and the pagoda tree has stopped withering.
544301In fact—
7663011LivIt's so shiny now.1
877301The walls now shine like mirrors, giving a reflection of sunlight that is harsh on the eyes.
988302Even the texture has changed...9Too much rendering!9
1110103011LuciaCommandant, no danger ahead.1
1413133011LeeThe buildings on both the left and right are locked. Only the one in front can be opened.2
151414301LeeI have checked inside and found no threat.2
161515301LeeBut there wasn't any hint either.2
171616302Maybe it needs all of us to be present?17Shall we check somewhere else?18
18171719301LeeI have also considered that possibility.2
191818301LeeBut Tiger just wouldn't leave the room.2
201919301LeeBased on previous experience, that room should be our next stop.2
212020302AniZhuanchangBeginLet's go.21
242323301DialogEnableThe building has four rooms, all fully furnished. A line of arcade machines sit in the living room. Tiger is sitting on them, taking a nap.
252424301There are a few apples in the basket on the coffee table. The apples seem to be freshly washed as there are still water drops on them.
262525301Based on past experience, if this is the right place, some hint would suddenly show up.
272626301For example, a notice board that protrudes from the ground, a voice that appears in our mind, or even an NPC with a yellow exclamation mark on top...
282727301But none of them has happened. After everyone has entered the building, Tiger has not scanned anything but remained on the arcade, unwilling to get up.
292828301Severe stomach cramps hit you as you struggle to find any clue. You feel like all your internal organs have been emptied from the abdomen, or replaced with ice.
302929301It is a very familiar feeling that sometimes would take place during long-term combat missions.
3433333011LivHmm? Commandant, are you hungry?1
353434302It is Nanami's interference.35
373737301You hear another extended grumble, but not from your body.
393939301LivWhat? Lucia too...?1
4141413011AniZhuanchangBeginUnlike your exaggerated response, Lucia just rests her hand on her abdomen. She looks confused.