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433301DialogEnableHaving prepared yourselves sufficiently, you re-enter the area that the Red Tide has invaded.
544301Tinted bloody red by the Red Tide, the place is like a wound cut open.
655301A female Construct is wandering amidst the red puddles, seemingly looking for something.
8773011LivShe matches the image data we received. Target confirmed. She's severely infected, though...1
10993011LuciaShe must have already enhanced her Inver-Device.1
111010302But she is way too close to the Red Tide.11
121111301LuciaLet's stay quiet for now. We'll close in on her and ask Commandant to speak with her.1
131212301LuciaWe will only proceed with the next step if communication is impossible.1
151414301The Gray Raven spreads out and closes in on the target without a sound. Then, Lucia can be heard speaking over the transceiver.
1716163011LuciaOn standby. Commandant, you may engage the target.1
191818301(...With a soft expression on your face, you're approaching Ruolin.)
2221213011RuolinWho are you...? From the uniform you're wearing, I'm guessing you're a commandant?1
232222302I'm the Gray Raven Commandant.23
242323301RuolinTHE Gray Raven? My commandant talked about you a lot...1
252424301Her expression softens, but she quickkly becomes alerted as if she has noticed something.
262525301RuolinDid you come here to bring me back? Where is the rest of your team?1
272626302Yes, but I wanted to have a talk with you.27
282727301RuolinA talk? About what?1
292828302Have your found your commandant?29
302929301RuolinNot yet... But I believe he's still alive!1
313131301RuolinNever... Do you have any information on the Red Tide?1
323232302(If she knows anything about the Red Tide...)33(The projection will tempt her to go after the Red Tide itself...)33
343434301You show Ruolin partial information on the Red Tide, having decided to exclude the part about the Red Tide projection. She now looks dubious.
3636363011RuolinThis is pretty much the same as what I've heard from the Support Force, although your information is more detailed.1
373737301RuolinBut I just don't believe that he'd leave me all alone and die like that!1
383838301Ruolin looks away from the information, her voice wavering.
393939302You trust him a lot, don't you...40It seems like you two were very close.40
404040301RuolinOf course. We are childhood friends and grew up together.1
414141301AniZhuanchangBeginStaring at the puddles left behind by the Red Tide, Ruolin starts recounting their past...
464646301AniZhuanchangEnd...I can't even begin to tell you how much we've been through together. My family and friends left me one after another.
474747301He's the only one who stayed by my side.
484849301RuolinHe would always smile at me, and his smile always makes me feel safe.
494950301RuolinOur good times lasted for a while... Until I was diagnosed with an incurable disease.
505051301RuolinThe Punishing Virus is virtually the most severe of diseases of our time, so much so that people have forgotten about the other diseases.
515152301RuolinBut that doesn't make them disappear, and they're as terrifying as ever.
525253301RuolinFor someone like me who works in the logistics, the disease would have cost me an arm and a leg to treat.
535354301RuolinJust right when I was about to give up, the medical department made him a suggestion...
545455302They suggested to have you turned into a Construct, didn't they?56
555556301RuolinThat's right.
565657301RuolinThe single biggest concern I had about being turned into a Construct was time.
575758301RuolinA Construct can live on and on, and eventually I'd have to see him die.
585859301RuolinBut then he said...
595960301Silk Worm CommandantI can't become a Construct the same way you can because I'm not compatible with copolymers.
606061301Silk Worm CommandantBut technology never stops improving, and there will be hope so long as we're still alive.
616162301RuolinBut you don't need to become a Construct...
626263301Silk Worm CommandantI don't want to leave you all alone, so I'm going to apply for it as soon as technology has made it possible for me.
636364301Ruolin...What if that day never comes?
646465301Silk Worm CommandantIf that's the case, Ruolin, I want you to live on.
656566301AniZhuanchangBeginSilk Worm CommandantThis may sound selfish of me, but I hope to always have you right by my side during my mortal life.
696970301AniZhuanchangEnd1RuolinI only accepted the suggestion so I could be with him...1
707071301RuolinHow could he just leave me all alone...1
717172302(She knows perfectly well that her commandant has died...)73(She's only in denial...)73
727273301RuolinCommandant, you're the person he had the most respect for. Please tell me... What should I do? What can I do to find him?1
737374302He's still with you.75
747475301RuolinI can't see him...1
757576302He wants you to stay alive.77
777778301The times they have spent together will not cease to exist simply because one of them has parted first. The fact that Ruolin is still here is proof enough that the Silk Worm Commandant's will is still with her.
787879301After hearing these words from you, Ruolin slumps to the ground and starts sobbing, awash in sadness.
797980301Seeing the scene, the rest of the team quietly comes closer to comfort Ruolin.
808081301AniZhuanchangBeginRuolin's expression softens with everyone's kind word.
848485301AniZhuanchangEnd1RuolinThank you so much... I still feel devastated, but I will try my best to accept the truth and live on, because this is something he's hoped for.2
858586301RuolinBeing able to meet people he's mentioned to me... Is probably a gift he's left behind.2
868687302The pleasure is ours. Shall we go home?88
878788301RuolinYes, let's go. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused. I owe you an apology... Punishment is inevitable, I suppose.2
8888893011AniZhuanchangBeginRuolinI'm still finding it difficult, but I'll learn to accept it.2