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544301DialogEnableNoan...Yeah... Goodbye...
666301NoanEven now, I cannot let go of my past regrets and make peace with my powerlessness.
777301NoanI'm no saint, after all. I can't just let it all go and move on.
888301NoanThese scars are part of me, aren't they? I'll carry them with me on the journey ahead.
999301NoanEven though there are still many things I can't change—
101010301Noan—New regrets that make me struggle, cry, and even hate myself—
111111301NoanI know that I feel hurt because I still care... So I suppose I don't have to let everything go, do I?
121212301His firefly flies around him, responding with its flickering light.
131313301NoanThank you. Goodbye—no. You never left.
141414301All his memories are fireflies, their light guiding his way through the dark.
151515301He hums the song from his childhood, waving goodbye to the lights and turning to face the real world—a world of both grief and joy.
161616301He can hear the sound of the ocean breeze from the lighthouse at the end of the light.
1717173011AniZhuanchangBegin—Real freedom is right before his eyes.