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433301DialogEnableAlthough the Constructs manage to fend off the monster's attack, that is not of much help to bettering the situation...
544301The rudimentary attacks from the Constructs do little to the monster.
7663011AnnCommandant, you're stuck here... It must be the one doing this.1
877302What's going on here?8
988301AnnIt's a mindless monster, who responded to my wish to keep you here forever... It wants to trap your mind here.1
1099301AnnIf we destroy it, I can regain control of this domain and release your consciousness from this place.1
111010301AnnBut now, just relying on our strength is not enough. Only you can unlock the full potential of the Constructs.1
121111302Leave it to me.12
1312123011AniZhuanchangBeginAnnThis is our last battle... Please lead them to victory!1