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433301DialogEnableAn enormous metallic object bursts through the dark clouds, ascending at incredible speed. On its shell is a symbol that proclaims it a spaceship from Babylonia.
877301But there are no sailors manning the ship at the moment. A lone, posturing captain stands on its bow, confronting the hostile wind until his ship escapes the chains of gravity.
10993011RolandWasn't expecting to actually start the ship on my own... I guess the piloting skills I learned for my character back then haven't been completely forgotten.1
111111301Roland keeps trying to remember, yet all he can recall is that he was not picked as the main character—he might have been a talented child actor, but he never could become the lead.
121212301Maybe he still cannot be. No one considers him someone worth paying attention to. But why should he care?
131313301Even without a script or rehearsals, the moment an actor steps onto the stage... he must embody his role.
141414301RolandIf I'm playing the brave knight saving the damsel in distress today, I suppose this spaceship can be my steed? Not too shabby, I say.1
151515301Roland takes out the container in his arms and holds it up, watching how the flesh preserved in the liquid keeps shifting its form.
161616301RolandUnfortunately, they've cast me in a horror story instead of a fairy tale today... I'm the snake that feeds the princess her poisoned apple.1
171717301RolandNo matter what genre we're doing, now is the story beat when someone comes and stops me, isn't it?1
242424301As if responding to Roland's words, the hull of the spaceship shakes violently, and the alarms of its defense system go off in every corner of the ship.
252525301RolandAlright, alright, alright... That's more like it—an emergency lift-off, the sudden appearance of monstrous creatures, a side character left all alone... There's nothing better than the plot of a solid B movie.1
262626301Who knows where Roland was hiding his chain blade and shotgun? He draws his weapons and prepares his stance, ready to face the rapidly descending Hetero-Creatures.
2828283011AniZhuanchangBeginRolandThat said, I don't think we're sticking to the plot regarding who lives and dies in this story...1