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433301DialogEnableWalking along the designated route, the four of you walk cautiously among the dilapidated ruins.
8773011LivThis place is completely different than what I remember. How long has it been?1
988301LuciaReally? For me, this place feels more and more familiar, but I can't remember why.2
1099301LivMaybe you came here too, Lucia. Maybe even more recently than me.1
111010301LuciaDoes this have anything to do with my suppressed memory?2
121111301Lucia lowers her head as she contemplates the problem.
141313301LivWatch out!1
161515301Liv stops her right as she is about to step on a loose stone tile.
171616301LeeLooks like there are still traps here.3
181717301Lee briefly steps on the random stone tile, causing the broken tile to fall into a pit. Looking down into the pit, you see that the bottom is covered with red spikes.
191818301If someone had stepped on that, they would have fallen onto the spikes.
201919301LivThere's no way around the collapsed road... Let's find some materials to build a makeshift bridge.1
222121301LuciaSorry, I was being careless. Looks like there are still traps all over the road. We need to be careful.2
2322223011AniZhuanchangBeginLivYou're right. Be on the lookout for supplies we can use to get around the traps. Let's go, Commandant.1