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433301DialogEnableStepping back into the Smith Estate, Chrome feels an odd sense of nostalgia.
544301He has never returned home with this sensation in the past. Since becoming a Construct, his home has been the lounge he shares with Strike Hawk. His communications with John have mostly been done through his comms.
655301The furniture in the estate looks identical to how it was when he left. Even the vases and framed paintings have not moved an inch.
766301It is as if his home and the person living in it have frozen in time together, in a fittingly cold, indifferent house.
877301Service Bot R2Facial scans completed—confirming identity—identity confirmed: Construct, Chrome.
988301Service Bot R2Welcome back.
121111301ChromeRight. I'm back.1
131212301Service Bot R2Mr. Smith is waiting for you in the study.
151414301ChromeUnderstood. Thank you.1
161515301AniZhuanchangBeginHe smiles at the robot, and before he leaves for the study, he lays his hand on top of its dome-shaped head, gently giving it a pat.
191818301AniZhuanchangEndChromeMr. Smith.1
2221213011JohnI've heard about the specialized frame from Nikola.2
232222301JohnThe risk it poses is still too difficult to gauge, and it comes with complicated baggage. I think it's best for you to put your attention elsewhere before the technology is mature.2
242323301JohnStop getting sidetracked and learn to identify what is worthwhile like how I taught you.2
252424301ChromeI'm actually here to talk about this.1
262525301ChromeI've decided to take part in the specialized frame experiment.1
272626301JohnYou don't want to stay as a Construct captain of a scout team forever, do you?2
282727301JohnYou're my son. You'll enter the administration eventually, so you have to start preparing for the day when you stop being a Construct and become someone that actually matters.2
292828301Chrome looks down and swipes his hand over the table, and a holographic projection of a chessboard appears above it.
302929301ChromePardon me, Mr. Smith. Would you play a game of chess with me?1
313030301JohnWhat is this?2
323131301ChromeI don't think you've seen me fight on the field, have you?1
333232301JohnIf you're talking about those pointless missions... I'm too busy to read those reports.2
343333301JohnI only care about the results.2
353434301JohnAnd I already played you in the past, remember? Twice we have played, and twice you have lost.2
363535301ChromeI have been practicing and improving since then, but you haven't given me another chance to prove myself.1
373636301JohnI don't like wasting my time.2
383737301ChromeWhat if I say that this is the first game between us?1
393838301JohnWhat do you mean?2
414040301ChromeYou're no longer playing Langston. You'll be playing Chrome.1
424141301ChromeI want to show you how I think and, if I can, what I've been thinking.1
434242301ChromeThe many questions you have for me will also be answered by this game.1
464545301JohnI hope you won't be embarrassing yourself.2
474646301Chrome nods in courtesy before gesturing for John to be the White player and make the first move.
484747301John thinks for a second before issuing his command.
494848301JohnPawn, E2 to E4.2
504949301The projection of the chess piece advances on the board.
525151301Chrome(This is how he started the first time we played.)1
535252301ChromePawn, E7 to E5.1
545353301JohnSo you still remember.2
555454301ChromeI remember every game we played.1
565555301Staring at Chrome, John issues another command. Chrome stares back and responds in a relaxed manner.
575656301The Black Pawn moves to D6, forming a line of defense.
585757301ChromeYou've been playing the exact moves as before.1
595858301JohnSo have you.2
605959301JohnI thought you would change.2
616060301ChromeThe way you want me to?1
636262301AniZhuanchangBeginChrome(It's not the time yet.)1
676666301AniZhuanchangEndIt is an opulent display—people in lavish clothes walking between tables laid with the finest food and the freshest flowers, their chatters and stale laughter bouncing in the room, reverberating in his audio system.
686767301As if a reenactment of a time long passed, this place looks just like a feast of the Golden Age.
696868301While many are fighting with their lives on the frontline, some are here, at the topmost level of Eden, living luxuriously, no different from how they did on Earth.
706969301Some people go to hell, while others go to heaven.
717070301The dissonance makes the young man frown.
727171301He should not be here.
737272301The smell of gunpowder burning in barrels, the feeling of the mud in the trenches, the pain of his skin tearing when engaging an enemy... That is the life he knows now.
747373301Instead, he is wearing a suit that does not match his station, standing in an indulgent hotel ballroom coated in gold, holding a glass of wine someone handed him—he is a Construct. He does not drink or eat.
767575301His wandering thoughts return, and he finds John Smith looking at him.
777676301ChromeMy apologies, Mr. Smith.
787777301AniZhuanchangBeginJohnFollow me.
807979301AniZhuanchangEndJohn does not scold him for spacing out. He just leads Chrome into the crowd.
818080301Chrome stares at John's back before leaving the wine glass on the table and catching up.
8382823011JohnThey are a Babylonia officer and a councilman. They've been hoping to meet you.1
848383301Two middle-aged men nod at John in appreciation before turning their attention to Chrome.
8685853011OfficerLangston Smith! I've heard a lot about you.1
878686301OfficerLeading an elite team to locate and help destroy 23 Corrupted clusters, taking back 5 major bases, being a decorated soldier and a Chief from the F.O.S. Military Command College... I expect nothing less from the son of John Smith.1
888787301OfficerI'm sure it comforts you to know that you have a worthy successor, Mr. Smith.1
9089893011Chrome...You're too kind. There's still much I need to learn.1
929191301OfficerHumility is a virtue, though one rarely found on a Smith, I must admit.1
939292301AniZhuanchangBeginThe officer laughs as he claps Chrome on the shoulder, his gaze slightly drifting with a hint of hesitation.
969595301AniZhuanchangEndChatterI was curious how the Smith boy would turn out to be. I wasn't expecting that he actually went and turned into a Construct.
979696301ChatterA Construct... I guess that's the end of him getting any real power.
989797301ChatterI suppose this is the end of the line for the Smiths... What else can he do? Gamble his legacy on a Construct?
999898301AniZhuanchangBeginChatterThe Constructs are just puppets without a human.
1051041043011JohnDo you see?2
106105105301JohnAs remarkable as you may be, what you can obtain as a Construct is limited.2
107106106301JohnYou've always been a smart boy. You should know what I'm talking about.2
108107107301JohnThe war will be over one day.2
109108108301JohnHave you thought about what awaits the Constructs once their duty is fulfilled?2
110109109301JohnI've always taught you to look to the future while watching the present.2
111110110301JohnYou should be thinking about what happens afterward.2
112111111301JohnThe Smiths think further than everyone else. That is how we have survived and thrived until now through all kinds of calamities.2
113112112301JohnWe do not care about bloodlines—what we care about is the legacy of our name. So... human or Construct, you are the successor of John Smith. That will never change.2
114113113301JohnAll you have to do is move forward and complete your tasks flawlessly. Show me what your future is.2
115114114301JohnYou've picked the path of a Construct...2
116115115301JohnIt means you have to work for it even harder. It means you will find even more difficulties and hard decisions ahead of you.2
117116116301JohnNikola mentioned your performance outside City 075. Lowest Construct casualties, highest threat removal rate, all under your lead. You even managed to update Babylonia on the Red Tide despite the signal interference.2
119118118301JohnAnd the missions before that. You have completed them all perfectly, irreproachable.2
120119119301JohnBut do these small victories satisfy you?2
121120120301ChromeI was simply doing my job as a Construct. My current teammates...1
122121121301JohnHave you become that gullible after knowing those Constructs?2
123122122301John looks at the busy, bustling ballroom in the background and continues.
124123123301JohnThis is the real world, Chrome. Past or present, power is the only thing that matters.2
125124124301JohnDuring the Great Evacuation, the most invaluable supply ships and the most exceptional soldiers were used to transport meaningless junk...2
126125125301John...Simply because those junk belonged to people with power.2
127126126301JohnDo you find it ridiculous? But if it weren't for the sponsorship of those people in power, Constructs wouldn't have been created, and Babylonia wouldn't even liftoff.2
128127127301JohnThere is no era when you can ignore the profits power brings.2
129128128301JohnYou should understand what to abandon by now, and what duty you should have accepted long ago.2
130129129301JohnEnough with playing house. Time to get back on track.2
132131131301With that, John leaves Chrome and walks away.
133132132301Abandon your past. You have no need of it anymore.
134133133301AniZhuanchangBeginHis father left him with the same parting silhouette back then.
136135135301AniZhuanchangEndWhat happens after we win...? Truly, I have not thought about that.
137136136301Someone has asked him a similar question, he thinks. This was what he answered.
138137137301Will Kamui really do as he said and go play all the games he is interested in, even trying to make a living out of it?
139138138301Regardless of his plans, Wanshi will finally get to take a good rest without getting dragged into a mission from his sleeping pod in the middle of the sleep.
140139139301Kids love him. Maybe he can return to his old department and continues his career before the war. He was so good at it.
141140140301From Chrome's perspective, they all come with infinite possibilities.
142141141301But... will the future after they win turn out as perfect as they imagine?
143142142301AniZhuanchangBeginThe faces of the powerful elites float to the top of Chrome's M.I.N.D. once more.
146146146301All he can see is a charade, its foundation crumbling at any second.
147147147301ChromeThat is not the world I'm living in.1
1481481483011AniZhuanchangBeginHe quickly scans the room and soon notices something strange and concerning among the crowds.