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544301DialogEnable1KamuiGray Raven... Hang in there.1
655301KamuiSpeaking of which, you haven't said a thing so far. People won't even know you're here if you don't say something, Wanshi.1
1099301WanshiWhere are the people? There's only the three of us here.2
111010301KamuiI know we're looking for them, but are we going to do that on foot? We're pretty far from the target location. Should we ask Babylonia to airdrop a vehicle? That'll get us there sooner.1
121111301WanshiVehicles won't do well on these roads.2
131212301KamuiWhy not? These roads are wide enough.1
151414301Wanshi quietly lifts a finger and points at the distance.
171615301The others stop moving. For a moment, all they can hear is the swooshing wind, but soon the rumbling sound of waves comes loud and clear. A crimson red line emerges between the cement gray buildings and is quickly approaching.
2120193011Chrome...The Red Tide.1
222120301KamuiThat's ridiculous! It's at least three meters tall!2
232221301WanshiWell, we don't have to look for it anymore. Even though our mission priority has changed, we still have time to get a sample.3
242322301ChromeYeah. Let's find a vantage point before the Red Tide gets here.1
252423301KamuiI have to say... that thing looks so... gross. I don't want to be anywhere near it.2
262625301KamuiLook at the concentration of Punishing Virus. I don't think anyone would dare to get close to it unless they're as special as Camu...2
272726301WanshiWhy don't you ask Camu to check it out?3
282827301KamuiHe accepted a mission as a freelancer, so we separated before I landed.2
2929283011AniZhuanchangBeginKamuiI wonder how he's doing now...2