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544301DialogEnableFrom that day on, everything about Iris has completely vanished.
655301If the letters are not piled up in the cabinet, you might even think that this person is but a figment of your imagination.
766301Time flies.
877301AniZhuanchangBeginEverything to do with that girl has been buried in a corner of your mind.
111010301AniZhuanchangEndUntil one day...
121111301A letter equally strange and familiar arrives in your mailbox.
131212301It comes across as strange because the envelope and paper used are too coarse, and there is even dirt on them.
141313301At the same time, the handwriting is familiar, for it has been etched into your memory.
151414301The content of the letter is exceedingly simple.
161515301It bears only location coordinates and a dried iris.
171617301However, the letter unlocks a dam of long-forgotten memories, and the words of past letters written gush forth, filling your mind.
181718301AniZhuanchangBeginIt all feels like it happened yesterday.
201920301AniZhuanchangEndYou carry out a private investigation into the coordinates and find that they are close to a recovered city.
212021301There are no Corrupted, nor are there high levels of the Punishing Virus.
222122301AniZhuanchangBeginYou prepare yourself to head out to the coordinates on your own.
252425301AniZhuanchangEndThis is probably an abandoned opera house.
262526301Even though it's already been reduced to ruins, the place still has a certain charm to it.
272627301It's completely silent. The only light is from the moon, shining down through the hole in the roof.
282728302AniZhuanchangBegin(Follow the light forward)29
302930301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin(Could she be here...?)
333233301AniZhuanchangEndYou step into the opera house. She has her back to you, standing under the moonlight.
343334301Hearing the sound of footsteps, the girl slowly turns around.
3635363011A pair of iris-colored eyes gaze at me.1
373637301Iris was right.1
383738301Even though the two of you have never met, you both immediately know that she is the one who has been waiting for you, and you, her.1
403940301The girl doesn't speak, but holds out her hand.
414041301There is no need for questions nor words. When she reaches out to you, you know what it means.
424142301AniZhuanchangBeginYou put your hand in hers and cannot help shivering from its coldness.
454445301AniZhuanchangEndBut she does not let go. She starts gently humming a song, leading me into a slow dance.
464546301The tune is languid and gentle, like a whisper between lovers.
474647301There is a bit of stumbling around at the beginning, but she takes your clumsiness in stride, firmly but gently guiding you through the steps.
484748301And so you slowly get the hang of her rhythm.
494849301Just as she has said in her letter, she is an amazing lead.
504950301Or perhaps you should say that she has become an amazing lead.
515051301Suddenly, there's a change in pitch and the rhythm becomes tenser and more passionate.
525152301She has also changed roles, moving from lead to follow, leaving herself in your hands.
535253301And so you have to change your role too, mimicking her steps from before as the lead.
545354301The funny thing is that it is not at all exhausting. It seems that you will always know what the next step is when you dance with her.
555455301It is just like those years when you comforted her, encouraged her, watched over her, and guided her.
565556301You tilt your head, looking straight at her.
575657301Those clear, bright eyes gaze right back at you.
585758301Her eyes no longer hold the innocence she once had, but the romance still alive.
595859301She's changed, yet remained the same.
605960301The only thing you can be sure of is...
6160613011AniZhuanchangBeginThat one step away, that distance between us, has now been traversed.