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210122022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailNanami New Year MailNana★mi*The following message is a transcript created by a speech recognition program*\nYoohoo! Commando! Nanami-o here:\nFirst off! H-happy... nude-new... y-yah-year! Yarrumph... Nanami went a-playing with Ka-ku-ro—yawn—K-Karen the whooole day and we pew-pewed so many fireworks! Oh! But Commandant, don't tell Celica we blew up the CIC holo-display...\nNhn... Yawn... Anyways, Nanami is getting all snoozy-doozy, so I'm doing this early and going to sleepy town... The others who stayed home all day and got no play can do the countdowns or wossname instead! Huehuehue, Nanami's New Year greeting though, wins the race! Be Nanami's good human research subject this year too, Commandant!
310222022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailLucia New Year MailLuciaDear Commandant:\n\nHappy New Year, Commandant. It's quite lively outside...\nYou must be busy responding to the New Year messages from everyone by now.\nLooking back, we went through a lot in the last year, and I've learned a lot as well.\nThinking of our times together makes me all warm inside... I'll treasure these memories forever.\nAnd thank you for telling me about past culture, Commandant. Like this New Year.\nWe can still smile and be happy like the people of the past, even in this stricken world of ours.\nIn the past, I would not have realized the importance of the minutest joys, but you and Gray Raven made me realize how priceless they are.\nI will continue fighting alongside you as a proof of my resolve.\nSo, Commandant, please lead us forward in the coming year as well.\n\n*Attached is an obviously handmade lipsticked frog plushie. A small L is sewn on its back.*
410322022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailKarenina New Year MailKarenina*The following message is a transcript created by a speech recognition program*\nBoom—Bzzz—Boom—\nHello? Hello? You hear me? Alright! Here it is! The fireworks I promised.\nPhew, good thing I made it. Nanami nearly messed it all up!\nSo HEY, drop a Happy New Year for me at least, yeah?!\nI gotta be the first to get presents and blessings, you got it?!\n\nOh, and this thing's for you. Don't you snitch to Celica about my fireworks, alright?! Or you're going to PAY!
510422022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailKarenina New Year MailKarenina—****!—****!—****! GAAAAAHH—!\nONE MINUTE PASSED ALREADY! Lucia didn't get the first New Year greeting in before me, did she?! Hey! Did she?!\nArrrgh, this'll have to do! HEY! LISTEN UP!\n—Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!\nHowzat! That's got to have beaten Lucia in terms of Happy New Years!
610722022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailKamui New Year MailKamuiDear Commandant:\nCOMMANDANT!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HAHA! it was so fun playing card games with you and Lee last night! Too bad you hit sack at around three you didnt see how Lee won! Guy's a card GOD!!!\noh yeah I drew a turtle on ur face, you aren't mad right haha? you slept first after all, u traitor! I took a lot of photos of us together too :D that was awesome, wanna come over to my place tonight and we can play monopoly!!!\noh yeah i got you a sick NY present too! i know you like that stuff. I think I had a whole stash of em but they grew legs and ran or something, then i lost half of it to lee and soooo here's the rest of it all for you! Best buds forever!
710822022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailBianca New Year MailBiancaDear Gray Raven Commandant:\n\nI am writing with regards to the Christmas invitation from the Gray Raven squad in the recent past. I have received the invitation, but due to Purifying Force duties concerning the safety of Babylonia officials during the holidays, I could only arrange for Karenina to join you.\nKarenina has expressed that it was a joyous event, and I am sorry for being unable to make it.\nMy shift has just ended, and I hope that this message is not too late for the New Year.\nDue to the nature of the Purifying Force's work, we have always been shunned by others, be it humans or Constructs. It is better for us that way as well. This is also part of the reason why we are usually dispatched during the festivities.\nYet, after knowing more about the Gray Raven and you, I seem to be having a change of hearts on how I feel about the matter... which is a change that I do not dislike.\nTo me, praying is nothing more than a habit, but I still pray, from the bottom of my heart, for your safety in the coming days.\nIf the circumstances permit in the next year, and as an apology for my absence from the Christmas gathering, could I ask you to join me in a short vacation together?\n\nHappy New Year.
811022022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailAlpha New Year Mailα*The following is a message forcibly left in Babylonia's Command System*\n\nHeard your human New Year is here, eh? There were explosions and commotion near the settlements yesterday.\nApparently some kind of celebration ritual for a coming year? Even though it isn't 1 Jan.\nReminds me though, before the Golden Age, some Easterners used a slightly different calendar, and they based their New Year on that.\n...Humans, humans. How petty.\nDon't even know why you'd celebrate peace with explosions.\nAnd.\n—Guess I'll be watching you and the Gray Ravens this year too.
911122022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailHassen New Year MailHassenHappy New Year, Commandant. My sincerest thanks to you from Babylonia.\nYour contributions and growth did not go unnoticed. We could not have achieved so much without talented and hardworking individuals like you.\nPlease rest well in this period of time. I'll be looking forward to your performance in the future.\n\nI send to you my deepest regards and thanks through this mail of mine. Every line is written with my truest blessings. Thank you for your effort this year. Let's break the record and keep the torch going next year! I wish for your good health and that everything goes your way.\nP.S. This isn't an email template.
1011222022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailCelica New Year MailCelicaDear Gray Raven Commandant:\n\nHappy New Year.\nOn the very first day of the New Year, I had to overtime at the bridge after receiving warnings about explosives. But when I got there, the supposedly broken holo-display was magically fixed.\nAnyway, Babylonia suffered no actual losses, but somehow, I still had to overtime at the bridge. You can imagine how happy I was.\nThe others from Babylonia must have already given you their New Year blessings, right? Don't forget to respond to them.\nOh, but don't take President Hassen's mail too seriously. I even told him not to use early Golden Age-styled greetings and such... He's just not with the times, that old man.\nWhen you receive this mail though, your holidays should be about over. Even though the New Year holidays are all about rest and recreation, please don't forget that they are to prepare you for the coming hardships.\nSo don't forget the good times you had in the holiday, and get ready to work hard this year!\nAgain, Commandant, Happy New Year. Babylonia and the World Government are grateful for your hard work and contributions.\n\nFrom Celica at the Babylonia Bridge\nAnd all of Babylonia
1111422022/1/1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.png2022 New Year MailChrome New Year MailChrome Dear Gray Raven's Commandant,\n\nI have received news that Kamui has spent an entire night at Gray Raven's recreation room yesterday.\nSince Kamui was on his own in the Strike Hawk base yesterday, coupled with the New Year occasion, I had presumed that he would have more fun over at Gray Raven's, which led to this oversight of mine. He must have caused immense trouble, and I would like to apologize for that.\nWe have completed many missions together with Gray Raven, but due to time constraints, I have not been able to converse with you thoroughly. I have a lot I wish to learn from you, be it squad management, or tactical commanding. So do forgive me for asking you this favor; if you were to have the time, I would like to talk with you more.\nFrom my understanding, a New Year is a potpourri of gratitude to the past, as well as expectations for the future. It is an important event, so please allow me to send you my greetings.\nStrike Hawk has been in your care for the past year. Let us look out for each other in the future as well.I will gladly be waiting for your commands, as always.\nHappy New Year.\n\nChrome
1211712023/6/15Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngα Activation Date Mail 01%^&$ [Unknown Mail] [Intercepted]α's Letter I▄▆▁▃▆▆▆▃—\nLong time no see. How are you doing... That's how you people write to each other, isn't it?\nI thought our paths would never cross, Babylonian commandant. We would be two comets getting further and further away after flying past each other by chance once.\nBut even then, you said that sharing whatever time we had as each other's companion was good enough, however brief it was.\nHmph. You probably didn't even think about what your words would mean to me. Still... that's for the best. Traveling is no fun with too much baggage, so... I'll be looking for you.
1312212023/7/31Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday04.pngChrome Activation Date Mail 02Sorry, I'll Be LateChrome's Letter IISomething happened to Strike Hawk during our mission, so I have to file a report before returning. I'll be about an hour later than we planned.\nIf you're already out, would you mind waiting for me at the house? The banquet is happening in the garden.\nHere is the invitation and the keys I prepared.\nI'll be there to apologize to you in person once I finish the report. Wait for me.60004
1412312023/8/10Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday06.pngLiv Activation Date Mail 01What Do You Want For Dinner?Liv's Letter ICommandant, it's my Activation Date today.\nProfessor said my condition has been stable lately. It's fine if I go back to the lounge and do my own things.\nSince I've recovered, and everyone is on Babylonia without any urgent mission...\nDo you want to bring Lucia and Lee and spend some time with me?\nI'll prepare tea and cakes. I'm not sure what to make for dinner yet.\nWhat do you want for dinner, Commandant?60006
1512412023/8/10Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngLiv Activation Date Mail 02Thank you...Liv's Letter III'm really happy I could spend Activation Date with everyone.\nI didn't think you would come to help me prepare after I sent you the ingredient list accidentally.\nIf I'm being honest... I was delighted when you walked in, even though I didn't want to be a bother.\nThank you...\nBeing able to walk with you as we get the supplies and prepare the dishes for everyone together made me very happy.\nDo you know that I had a wonderful dream before I woke up?\nIn that dream, I was also walking with you like that, hand in hand...\nIt was because of that dream and the memories of Gray Raven that I could withstand the migraines and the mirages.\nRight... I didn't answer when you asked me what wish I made. The truth is... I didn't make any wishes.\nBecause my wish has already come true.
1612512023/8/15Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday07.pngPulao Activation Date Mail 01Commandant! Happy Birthday!Pulao's Letter IHello, Commandant! This is Pulao from Kowloong! Long time no see. How have you been... Ahem, that's all the pleasantries Yazi told me to say, I think? I heard that it's your birthday today, Commandant, and people have secretly prepared a celebration on the Nighter! I've planned to set up a small shop to sell the candies I practiced making in secret. That will make me a small fortune... Anyway, this is the finished product. Give it a try, Commandant! But don't lick too hard, or your tongue will stick to it like mine did...60007
1712612023/8/15Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngPulao Activation Date Mail 02AAAAAAAAHHH SORRY FOR THE MIX-UPPulao's Letter III'm so sorry I mixed it up...! It's actually my Activation Date today. Thanks for reminding me, Commandant. How embarrassing! So the celebration is for me? No wonder people seem to be avoiding me lately. Honestly, I don't remember much about my past, but I'm surprised you still remember, Commandant... Hehe, that does make me quite happy. Didn't you say people can make a wish on their birthday? Can I also make a wish? Even if it's a little bit greedy? Like asking you to play with me for a whole day... That's not greedy at all? What about... No! That's too embarrassing... Anyway, I'll be waiting for you on the Nighter. I'll tell you my wish then. Pinky promise!
1813012023/10/3Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday09.pngSophia Activation Date MailSorry, I Forgot To Tell You The Address...Sophia's Letter IISorry. I sent the last letter too quickly and forgot to give you our address.\nAs an apology, please accept this maraca. Someone gifted it to me when I worked in Maintenance. I occasionally shook it after I learned how to dance. It made a good sound.\nYes, this is an apology, not a gift. I'm not charging you or trading with you. You just take it.\nIf you can keep it safe, I will pay you a maintenance fee (scratched out) I will repay you with my actions.\nIf I ever dance again, can you shake the maraca during so?\nThe people in Maintenance were very happy when they shook it. You can be happy too. I think.\n\n\nAttached please find the coordinates.\nCome please (scratched out lightly)\nPlease visit.60009
1913312023/10/23Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngCamu Activation Date MailHmm... Ahem.Camu's Letter I...\nI knew an event like that was your idea. Although Kamui shares an Activation Date with me, he was surprisingly unmindful about today.\nStill, I had a feeling that he was looking forward to something.\nAhem. I didn't think you'd prepare dishes for the occasion... They might look senseless, but they didn't taste too bad. Much better than what Chrome, Kamui, and Wanshi could make.\nAlso... thank you for the cake. I... don't think I've tasted the sweetness of cream in a long time.\nIt's been a while since we all gathered like that. I suppose it wasn't as annoying as I thought, gathering now and then.\nHave I become soft because of this place? Or is it something else? Somehow, I find this world not as loathsome as before...\nTch. I ordered dinner beforehand, but now that you've messed with my plan, I guess you can take the food instead. Don't thank me.
2013612023/10/26Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday12.pngLuna Activation Date MailMaybe...Luna's Letter IIAlpha said I should perhaps talk to you before we go.\nWe haven't seen each other after City 075, have we, Gray Raven Commandant?\nAlpha thinks I've become calmer after I left the Moon. Maybe that's because the Ascension-Network has changed. Apart from my wish and my voice, I hear another voice that acknowledges the paradise where I can live with my sister... while also acknowledging the future of humankind.\nThere should be someone like you on the path to the future—someone who is foolish enough to connect with an Ascendant.\nHa. You wouldn't give in even if it cost your life. What a fool.But I suppose that's only human, isn't it?\nYou've demonstrated what it means to be human, so don't lose your life before we create this planet anew, okay?\n...\nI brought this with me when I returned to the surface from the Moon. Alpha already took a few pieces. You can have this one.\nBy the way, you haven't been on the Moon yourself, have you?\nThe Earth surely looks different from there.\nThere was no human speaking, no machine humming, no Punishing Virus interfering. There was only absolute quiet.\nYou should check it out.60012
2113712023/10/31Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday13.pngVera Activation Date MailI've Booked The TicketsVera's Letter IIt's my Activation Date today. You do remember it, right?\nThere's not much going on with Cerberus today, and you don't have any mission scheduled too. I checked.\nHow about watching an opera together? I've bought the tickets already. 5:30 in the evening.\nIt's not a very packed show. Maybe you can get me to spill some secrets you've been seeking?\nAnyway. We'll talk when you're there.60013
2213812023/10/31Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngVera Activation Date MailStarting In 30 MinutesVera's Letter IIDoor's opened. Where the hell are you?\nSeat 9C and 9D. Enter from the left.\nTaking your time, aren't you? Do you need me to pick you up? You're a Chief. Be disciplined.\nForget it. Just in case—call me if something's wrong.\nI'll be waiting here before you do.
2313912023/11/21Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngBianca Activation Date MailInvitation ReceivedBianca's Letter II was going to invite you for dinner during my break, but your invitation came earlier. I was very glad when I received the mail.\nAs the captain of the Purifying Force, I am not supposed to show up in places like the shopping town unless required by a mission. But...\nI still wish to be selfish just for once on this special day.\nI will see you there tonight.\nP.S. Which Coating should I change into for tonight's occasion? Please let me know in your next mail.
2414012023/11/21Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday14.pngBianca Activation Date MailThank You For Today's Arrangement.Bianca's Letter III didn't expect you to book the Holographic Theater and the restaurant in advance. The movie was great. I love the ending, especially that window with a view to the sea.\nEach time I go out with you like this, I feel very fulfilled. But storing such memories only in the memory module always feels a little insufficient...\nThat's why I would like to give this camera to you, Commandant.\nI originally wanted to use it to capture the fragments that I could have otherwise ignored, but when I saw you through its viewfinder, a thought suddenly came to my mind. What would I look like in your eyes?\nI was told that I could ask for something special on my Activation Day, so my wish is to let you use this camera to record the memories between us.\nSorry for the abrupt request, but it is truly my only wish today. This way, I can cherish those fragments of memories not only in my heart, but also in a photo album that I can keep.\nIt's getting late. You probably are about to rest when you receive this mail. I hope you can have that ocean-view window in your dream tonight.\nGood night, Commandant.60014
2514112023/12/5Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngBambinata Activation Date MailInvitation From EgretBambinata's Letter IBambinata has received the gift you placed in the Egret lounge this morning, Commandant. Bambinata would like to thank you.\nMistress said Bambinata must not take others' things for granted, so if it is possible, would you care to come to the Egret lounge for afternoon tea? Bambinata is ordered to return to the lounge at 2:00 P.M. after completing the routine external module checkup, so it won't take up too much of your time... Mistress said there's still time for the restaurant to prepare one more serving, so please let Bambinata know if you are willing to come.\nBambinata would also like to give you something in return... Is that allowed? If you're not available today, Bambinata can place the gift at a designated location as you command.
2614412023/12/15Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday16.pngAyla Activation Date MailFrom Ayla's Private ChannelAyla's LetterHey, Commandant! It's been a few days. Are you missing me already?\nThanks for your Activation gift and cake. How can you always find out what I like?\nMy exhibition finally kicked off today. It means a lot to me... Because I finally get to observe and get in touch with the real, cruel world outside the shelter with a new perspective and mindset.\nI know you are always occupied with combat during the day, so I have applied to the WGAA to keep the exhibition for another day after it ends. On that day, you can take a good look at it with me as your personal guide! I also have a surprise for you and can't wait to hear your comment in person!\nMy works can never fully capture all the battles you have fought so far. Still, thanks to you and everyone else's effort, I am able to follow your trails to pick up all these forgotten stars and connect them together to make them known to more people.\nHehe... Did I sound too serious? Perhaps I haven't switched back from the exhibition mode. Anyway, I still have one last Activation Day wish, which is to draw the best portrait ever. Will you be my model and help me fulfill this wish?\nI know you would ask why would I keep drawing you after having done so many of your portraits already? Hmm... Maybe this is the only moment I can have you staring at me?\nHaha, just joking! Even for me, saying that feels a little too embarrassing...\nAnyway, just come over when you are free, alright? It's okay if you come a little late. I'll be waiting in the studio.\nLast but not least, I'd also like to share with you the cake you gave me.60016
2714512023/12/25Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday19.pngRosetta Activation Date MailOur Most Recent CatchRosetta's Letter ICommandant, here are some fish we caught from yesterday's fishing trip. Hope you will enjoy them.\nDon't worry about us. The Arctic Route Union has already got enough reserves to last the winter.\nAs a Forest Guard, we have to watch out for nearby Corrupted most of the time, so it's quite a rare experience to learn about fishing and go out to sea with you.\nI have walked through endless windy nights and watched the sun rise from the sea numerous times. Such views should be very familiar to me, but witnessing them with you and everyone else brings a completely different kind of joy.\nThere's something I didn't tell you when I invited you here... Today is my Activation Day.\nI never had many pleasant memories about this day when I was turned into a humanoid hybrid Construct, and I was used to not mention it to anyone.\nBut things are different now. I have returned to the crowd and had new memories. New Sophiasburgh is also being built... These things make me believe that dawn will eventually come to us after this long winter night.60019
2814612023/12/25Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngRosetta Activation Date MailBlizzard In The AfternoonRosetta's Letter IIThe car back to the camp will likely be stuck on the road. Would you like to stay overnight if there isn't anything urgent? Don't worry, I'll let Gray Raven know.\nYou helped us a lot. Other Forest Guards and the residents of ARU always wanted to thank you, but they were always short of supplies.\nFortunately, things are slowly getting better. We can have a good chat around the heater while enjoying freshly caught seafood, pine needle tea and berry cake made from Forest Guard's secret recipe... There's so much more we can do...\n...\nI'll talk to you when you arrive.\nI'll send you back to the camp after the blizzard stops.
2914812023/12/31Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngNanami's LetterThe Results Of The Tarot Reading...Nanami's Letter IICommandant, you will have great fortune this year and meet many new friends.\nOnly one thing to keep in mind this year: beware when you move alone. If you get separated from other members, unexpected events may occur!\nKeep everyone in Gray Raven updated and prepare a backup communication plan to ensure stable contact anytime!\nI will stay here, hanging out with my new friends for a while, so there will be a long time before I can see you again.\nCommandant, be sure to take good care of yourself!
3014912023/12/31Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday21.pngHaicma's LetterYour Visit Is CompleteHaicma's Letter IGreetings, Commandant. We are pleased to inform you of the below message:\nYour first visit to the Church of Machina has been successfully completed! You have visited 7 Strongholds and met 6 members in total.\nNext, kindly allow me to recommend you some other regions and members that you may be interested in. The recommendation is generated based on your preference I have learned so far, and the detailed information is made into a song and attached to this mail.\n(P.S. Dangerous individuals and regions have been excluded.)\nYou are always welcome to visit the Church of Machina again.60021
3115112024/1/3Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiFavoriteMailTag/UiFavoriteMailTagMail04.pngQu Activation Date MailLetter ReceivedQu's Letter IReceived your letter. It's been a while.\nLiving in Tabula Akasha, it's hard to feel the passage of time. Had your recent letter not arrived, I wouldn't know the date. Occasional correspondence is a welcome respite.\nLately, while cataloging in the Ancient Archive, I've stumbled upon rare and valuable texts, mostly historical records and geographical compendiums. I often feel transported back to old Kowloong's scenic landscape—the beautiful mountains and tranquil waters.\nBut that scenery is, I suppose, lost to us now.\nIt's been long; you must have traveled a lot. Your stories and experiences are worth recording in Tabula Akasha. Remember, my invitation still stands.
3215212024/1/3Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday17.pngQu Activation Date MailAlso, A Gift With This LetterQu's Letter III happen to have a painting at hand, which I am including with this letter, along with a poem.\nEvening brings nostalgia with wine, amidst the ancient city's eastern ruins.\nEyes follow cloud-kissed borders; stones brush empty sparrow nests.\nBamboo walls echo mountains' moonlit beauty; pine shadows chase ravine winds.\nLet's seek old tales in mossy traces, and contemplate with a hermit's heart.60017
3315812024/3/2Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday22.pngKarenina Activation Date Mail[Notice] Today's Plan...Karenina's Letter ICommandant, Teddy told me you submitted an application for spacewalking a few days ago. How strange... I never heard you had this interest? According to the protocol, those who have never spacewalked before must be accompanied by a senior... Alright, I'll reluctantly take this job since I'm usually in charge of the maintenance of Babylonia's outer wall. Nobody knows spacewalking better than me, so you are really lucky this time. D-do you understand? You must thank me afterward...\nSpeaking of which, I have made you this set of customized astronaut equipment. The standard suit would have all the necessary functions, but it's a product from over a decade ago after all. For you, I tailored a newest set using the Engineering Force's standards, and personally adjusted its gyroscope, calibration system and power unit. You can rest assured that it's the safest suit ever.\nBesides, I will also be there with you. Well, we only have half an hour left before departure. Don't forget to meet me in the preparation room!60022
3416012024/4/7Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/ItCharBirthday23.pngChangyu Activation Date MailMorning!Changyu's Letter IMorning, Commandant. You should be awake by now, right?\nWhat do you think of the offal stew yesterday? I could only find so many ingredients from the train, but I think it should taste pretty good.\nStill, my Activation Date is supposed to be today, and we should have noodles on this day according to Kowloong traditions, but it's a shame that I can't send you noodles. By the time they arrive, they would become soggy already. If only you didn't have missions today...\nAnyway, here are some buns I made this morning. I asked a transport team that I knew well to send them in an expedited delivery, so they would arrive just on time for your breakfast.\nP.S. Don't worry about the delivery fees. That guy owed me a big favor.60023