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290030119003011Data IProduct of the early Golden Age with basic functions. It can only carry out simple orders.800007
390030129003021Data IICan be seen roaming around wastelands everywhere.800007
490030219003012Story IIt maintains its function by scavenging or dismantling discarded mechanical parts. As a result, it always clashes with human scavengers over resources.800008
590030229003022Story IIProtects itself with a piece of oilcloth after taking fatal damage and became partially broken. The weapon it never lets go is once used for dismantling and repairing mechanical devices.800008
692090119209011Data IIt transmits pictures captured by its infrared camera back to the humans and Sentry Guns via transmission lines.800007
792090129209021Data IIAfter being corrupted, it no longer transmits any data. Instead, the infrared camera output is increased to smoke humans with laser beams.800007
892090219209012StoryA robot created by Cosmos Industries to patrol designated routes. Mostly used for commercial and city security.800008
992120119212011Data IShows obvious traces of corruption. Already a mindless puppet of the virus.800007
1092120129212021Data IIWithout its lower body, it can only crawl on the ground.800007
1192120219212012Story IOnce a large security robot commonly used by the clubs. Without proper maintenance and viable substitutes, its heavy upper body has eventually crushed its lower body. After being corrupted by Punishing Virus, it displays great resentment for humans and Constructs with complete bodies.800008
1292120229212022Story IITraces of repairs can be found on its surface, though all of them have been carried out improperly. Nearly all repair materials are makeshift materials.800008
1392110119211011Data IThe gun barrels click open with gear-shaped locks to pour out the spent shells and residue.800007
1492110129211021Data IIThe relatively compact body size and speedy wheel-based movement have put a lot of police dogs out of their jobs.800007
1592110219211012Story IOnce a city security robot in the cities adjacent to Mexico. People decorated it with crude accessories.800008
1692110229211022Story IIIts guns were originally loaded with blanks to avoid dealing damage to humans. After being corrupted, it uses everything that fits inside the barrel as shots, which is the reason why the guns have a lot of wear and tear.800008
1792100119210011Data ICapable of flight with levitation wings, but the flight distance is limited due to the simplistic design. Nonetheless, one should never underestimate its explosive speed in immediate combat.800007
1892100129210021Data IIWhen inactive, it uses its claws to stabilize itself on the ground. After being corrupted, the claws have become a weapon.800007
1992100219210012StoryAn aerial monitor created by Cosmos Industries to patrol designated routes. Much more agile than the ground monitoring robots.800008
2092130119213011Data IThe spear was originally a circus flagpole. It has adapted it into a weapon.800007
2192130129213021Data IIThe robotic boar it is riding once belonged to a circus. It has retained its aggressive animal instinct and is able to move at high speed.800007
2292130219213012StoryA Tamer is a robot designed for performance purposes. Its job was to help humans manage beasts in the circus. In the early Golden Age, bionic beast shows were once a great hit, but the craze quickly died. As the number of human tamers declined, the mechanical counterpart took over.800008
2392170119217011Data IIt fashioned a religious symbol from its memory fragments and surrounding scraps, but now, the staff seems to be functioning as a tool for slaughter instead.800007
2492170129217021Data IIIn order to survive, it has forcefully modified its own body with incompatible parts, rendering itself into a much more terrifying form.800007
2592170219217012Story IStill a zealot and a preacher after being infected by the Punishing Virus. Though, its subject of worship seems to have changed from the corruption.800008
2692170229217022Story IIThe age of technological explosion weakened the appeal of faith. The church required bionic evangelists that could carry out their orders with unwavering faith. The Missionary model was one of them.800008
2792180119218011Data IFreed it from its past orders by the corruption, the desire to kill has driven it to butcher anyone it sees with a pair of domestic knives.800007
2892180129218021Data IIWithout proper maintenance, its internal wires are exposed. The blades have also essentially become blunt weapons.800007
2992180219218012StoryA general-purpose robot designed for the public. With a human-like appearance and an ability to carry out different orders faithfully, it was the most common robot in the world.800008
3092200119220011Data IA Black Spider determines its exact distance with the target location (In a corrupted case, humans) through its compound-eye infrared sensors. Upon arrival, it will initiate its self-destruct sequence. The 360° rotational design gives it a wider detection range than Jitterbombs.800007
3192200129220021Data IIWhile inactive, it will disable its self-destruct sequence and self-compress into a disk shape for ease of transport. It expands when activated. The armor protects the internal fission reactor from being destroyed until it self-destructs.800007
3292200219220012StoryA small military explosive robot. It can crawl like an insect on the battlefield and swiftly arrive at designated locations to initiate self-destruction. Compared with Jitterbombs, it has greater firepower and stealth performance.800008
3392210119221011Data IA lawnmower is a Gardener's necessary gear in planting and mowing in the urban regions.800007
3492210129221021Data IIThe apron is supposed to prevent shredded grass from entering its frame, but it has lost its function in the current world.800007
3592210219221012StoryProduced in the early Golden Age with simple functions. Mostly used for garden management, urban greening, and farming.800008
3692140119214011Data IA Jitterbomb determines its exact distance with the target location (In a corrupted case, humans) through its compound-eye infrared sensors. Upon arrival, it will initiate its self-destruct sequence.800007
3792140129214021Data IIBall-shaped and does not explode while inactive, easy to transport in this state. When activated, the small fission reactor lights up. The reactor is both the energy source and the explosive material.800007
3892140219214012StoryA simple industrial explosive robot. The small size allows it to pass through narrow tunnels in mines like an insect. It can move to a designated location to initiate self-destruction.800008
3992150119215011Data IThe hydraulic system enables acrobatic movements. It also powers the entire frame.800007
4092150129215021Data IIWith three legs and respectable jumping abilities, it can overcome nearly all terrains.800007
4192150139215031Data IIIOpen the frontal portion of the frame for a drill that can terraform the terrain for lifting operations.800007
4292150219215012StoryA portable jack produced in the Golden Age. It can lift heavy loads with ease. Mostly deployed for industrial use and flying car repairs.800008
4392160119216011Data IThe light cannons on both sides of its body can rotate vertically and horizontally at 180°.800007
4492160129216021Data IIEquipped with a most simple heat dissipation design. The barrels will turn red and spew smoke to dissipate heat under continuous fire.800007
4592160219216012StoryA security robot commonly seen in cities. Created by Cosmos Industries, it patrols along designated routes and locates intruders with signals from monitors. It automatically eliminates unidentified enemies in cities through its basic weaponry.800008
4692190119219011Data IEquipped only with basic protective equipment. Due to lack of maintenance, its shield is all bent.800007
4792190129219021Data IIIt lacks agility, but is more than functional as a meat, or metal, shield.800007
4892190219219012StoryA large security robot used by police forces during riots. They would rush to where the riot is happening and form a defense line to reduce casualties.800008
4990020119002011DataAfter the virus outbreak, Kuroro has not shown any signs of infection. It seems like it could not care less about attacking humans, which is why it is deemed a safe bionic animal.0
5090020219002012StoryA strange mechanical series that appeared in the early Post-Pandemic Age. Its creator remains unknown. Kuroros have a relatively high level of intelligence and a variety of forms. They are also fanatical about collecting Cogs.0
5192460119246011Data IEquipped with a compound scanner, it can scan creatures in the deep sea using infrared radiation, or the surrounding environment through sonar pulses.800007
5292460129246021Data IIAble to sustain fire for a long time, the multifunctional high-pressure water cannon can cut through bedrock to find ores. The recoil from the high-velocity water stream can also be used to quickly move around.800007
5392460139246031Data IIIThe anti-pressure mirage coating allows a Deep-sea Ambusher to withstand the high pressure in the deep sea, as well as blend in to shield it from most deep-sea creatures.800007
5492460219246012StoryAn industrial robot designed to withstand the deep sea environment. It terraforms the oceanic crust and extracts resources from it. Powered by nuclear fusion, it stores Reagent He-4 inside its body.800008
5592480119248011Data IThe light cannons on both sides of its body can rotate vertically and horizontally at 180°.800007
5692480129248021Data IICompared with a Sentry Gun, the design and functions are more advanced. It is impervious to space radiation and even able to operate outside the space station if necessary.800007
5792480139248031Data IIIIt can firmly grasp the surfaces of the space station even in a vacuum environment.800007
5892480219248012Story IA security robot commonly seen in cities. Created by Cosmos Industries, it patrols along designated routes and locates intruders with signals from monitors. It automatically eliminates unidentified enemies in cities through its basic weaponry. The name of Cosmos came from humanity's ambition to conquer space.800008
5992480229248022Story IICorrupted, the high concentration of Punishing Virus in its vital fluids leak and trail behind its path, causing damage to humans and Constructs.800008
6092490119249011Data ICapable of flight with levitation wings, but the flight distance is limited due to the simplistic design. Nonetheless, one should never underestimate its explosive speed in immediate combat.800007
6192490129249021Data IIWhen inactive, it uses its claws to stabilize itself on the ground. After being corrupted, the claws have become a weapon.800007
6292490219249012Story IA space monitoring robot created by Cosmos Industries. Able to patrol along designated routes. The name of Cosmos came from humanity's ambition to conquer space.800008
6392490229249022Story IINow corrupted, the vital fluids are essentially oozing with the Punishing Virus. The corrupted space station has modified this machine to leak fluids wherever it goes.800008
6492470119247011Data IThe hydraulic system enables acrobatic movements. It also powers the entire frame.800007
6592470129247021Data IIWith three legs and respectable jumping abilities, it can overcome nearly all terrains.800007
6692470139247031Data IIIOpen the frontal portion of the frame for a drill that can terraform the terrain for further operations.800007
6792470149247041Data IVIt can firmly grasp the surfaces of the space station even in a vacuum environment.800007
6892470219247012Story IA space industrial jack created by Cosmos Industries. Capable of lifting heavy loads with ease, it was used in the modification and repairs of the space station. The name of Cosmos came from humanity's ambition to conquer space.800008
6992470229247022Story IINow corrupted, the vital fluids are essentially oozing with the Punishing Virus. The corrupted space station has modified this machine to leak fluids wherever it goes.800008
7092600119260011Data IThe compact electric chainsaw can dismantle different objects and cut steel rails.800007
7192600129260021Data IIIts head can rotate 360°, allowing it to attack at different angles.800007
7292600219260012StoryA robot manufactured in an infected train carriage. Small in size and high in speed, its job is to track human civilizations and machines along the railways and transmit the findings back to the infected carriage in real-time. Originally a deconstruction module of the train, after its core became corrupted, an extra mobility module has been installed.800008
7392620119262011Data IIts compact Gatling gun can riddle enemies into beehives in mere seconds.800007
7492620129262021Data IIIts head can rotate 360°, allowing it to attack at different angles.800007
7592620139262031Data IIIIt uses a motion sensor for aiming and fires through a command program. Below the sensor is a missile launcher.800007
7692620219262012StoryA robot produced in an infected train carriage. Small in size and high in speed, its job is to attack the targets designated by the train and Pursuers. Originally a firepower module of the train, after its core became corrupted, additional mobility modules have been installed.800008
7792610119261011Data IThe most common robot on the infected train. Its welding torch can repair vehicles and railways, as well as dismantle and assemble mechanical parts. Once the train takes damage, a host of Repair Units will swarm out to repair it.800007
7892610129261021Data IIIts head can rotate 360°, allowing it to attack at different angles.800007
7992610139261031Data IIIEquipped with a laser launcher. It can shoot lasers from a small white nozzle.800007
8092610219261012StoryA robot produced in an infected train carriage. Small in size and high in speed, it is mainly responsible for collecting surrounding resources along the railways and welding them to the infected train. It also maintains the train and lays the tracks. Originally a repair module of the train, after its core became corrupted, additional mobility modules have been installed.800008
8190670119067011Data IThe hands can produce particles for prestidigitation.800007
8290670129067021Data IIDesigned with feminine beauty in mind, Kemuri is made for theatrical performances. A specialized facial design allows a Kemuri to change into different faces. Completely exposing the facial unit will reveal the internal face-changing system as well as the gleaming muzzle for self-defense.800007
8390670219067012StoryA traditional performer-bot on the Nighter. A major export product in the Golden Age, it is mainly used to replace humans in high difficulty performances.800008
8490660119066011Data IA Hanged Man has a delicate body structure. Inside its loose robe is a slender spine that holds its whole body.800007
8590660129066021Data IIIts limbs are made of lightweight hardwood to reduce its weight to the minimum.800007
8690660219066012StoryA traditional performer-bot on the Nighter. A major export product in the Golden Age, it is mainly used to replace humans in high difficulty performances.800008
8790640119064011Data IBlubber has a pair of strong arms. The performance it gives on stage is also full of a chunky but kinetic beauty.800007
8890640129064021Data IIIn addition to performances, Blubbers are also responsible for conveying the goods. It can transform into a ball for quick movement.800007
8990640219064012StoryA traditional performer-bot on the Nighter. A major export product in the Golden Age, it is mainly used to replace humans in high difficulty performances.800008
9090650119065011DataThe agile Ballwheel can perform a whole host of complicated tricks. Able to spin their discs right round and round, a caravan of Ballwheels together is a sight to behold.800007
9190650219065012StoryA traditional performer-bot on the Nighter. A major export product in the Golden Age, it is mainly used to replace humans in high difficulty performances.800008
9290690119069011Data IWhile in the statue mode, Phecda and Prime can replenish the energy consumed in battles against enemies.800007
9390690129069021Data IISome faulty Phecda and Prime units never woke up from the statue mode and became a part of the Kowloong Corp city.800007
9490710119071011Data IWith its mastery of various musical instruments, it can switch its performance style whenever it needs to connect with the audience emotionally.800007
9590710129071021Data IIThe speakers on its waist are connected to the Venus Splash Park's control system. Therefore, it not only plays its own music but also broadcasts different messages from the park when necessary.800007
9690710219071012Story IA customer service robot produced by Universal Toys in the middle of the Golden Age. In the Venus Splash Park, it acts as a show performer and a guide in the water park.800008
9790710229071022Story IIIts name comes from a supporting actor in Time for Dancing, a renowned movie of the Golden Age.800008
9890720119072011Data IWith its multiple robotic arms, Martini can complete its work at seemingly unmatched speed. The power input for each robotic arm can be adjusted to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.800007
9990720129072021Data IIAs its program logic is not refinedly designed, when it shakes cocktails for the visitors, it will lose its grip on the shaker and splash the cocktail on them from time to time.800007
10090720219072012Story IA customer service robot produced by Universal Toys in the middle of the Golden Age. In the Venus Splash Park, it is responsible for making cocktails and cleaning up the water park.800008
10190720229072022Story IIIts name comes from a cocktail featured in 001: Babylonia's Secret Agent, a renowned movie of the Golden Age.800008
10290730119073011Data IWith a frame made out of lightweight materials and a pair of webbed feet, Mr. White is able to swim like a fish in the sea.800007
10390730129073021Data IIVisitors can pay Mr. White for a swimming lesson. He will never give in until one gets the hang of it.800007
10490730219073012Story IA customer service robot produced by Universal Toys in the middle of the Golden Age. In the Venus Splash Park, it acts as a lifeguard as well as a security guard in water park.800008
10590730229073022Story IIIts name comes from a supporting actor in Springboard, a renowned movie of the Golden Age.800008
10692250119225011Data IIts face is completely overtaken by rust and its internal wires are all torn and tied.800005
10792250129225021Data IIIts carbon-steel sword has been taken by the virus.800005
10892250219225012StoryOnce a kendo coach of the KCC. Some Ronin models were also used in underground fight clubs. After being corrupted, its phenomenal swordsmanship has made it an extremely dangerous threat to humans.800007
10992260119226011DataStrong legs and a long tail—its body structure is similar to a Tyrannosaurus.800005
11092260219226012Story IDuring the mechanoid restoration craze, Copperfield has created a mechanical amalgam of a dinosaur and lasers. It has been stored in his Estate Museum.800007
11192260229226022Story IIA piece of collection, but also a guard of the Estate Museum. When an enemy enters the range of the detectors on its neck, the dinosaur head will flip open to fire lasers at the enemy.800007
11292330119233011Data IThe virus has eaten its body and mind, but it still keeps the worn cloak—an old companion—on itself.800005
11392330129233021Data IIThe fickle desert weathers make ranged weapons an unreliable choice. To adapt to the environment, an Envoy is equipped with protruding blades that can retract inside its arms while in standby mode.800005
11492330139233031Data IIIThe curved knee design performs well for spontaneous movements. It is also optimal for moving fast in a sandy environment.800005
11592330219233012StoryA transportation robot used in the desert. The owl-like head design came from a local religion. Able to overcome the extreme conditions of the desert, it patrols and delivers messages for the human strongholds. Though categorized as a domestic robot, it is equipped with blades for self-defense to deal with the desert climate and aggressive animals.800007
11692350119235011Data IThe arms can transport heavy loads with ease, naturally, they function well as deadly weapons.800005
11792350129235021Data IIThe liquid nitrogen refrigerant is not only an energy source, but also used for extinguishing fires by quickly freezing an area. Corrupted Firefighters will instead fuel themselves with flammable material. Gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.800005
11892350219235012StoryProduced in the middle of the Golden Age. Firefighters were, namely, initially used for firefighting operations. Eventually realizing the logistic potential of the machine, more and more industries began adopting its usage on other fronts. Firefighters then became a common sight around fire scenes, factories, and ports.800007
11992360119236011Data IThe disassembly blades can decommission a target from different angles. The frames are usually worn from age, but the blades are still razor-sharp.800005
12092360129236021Data IIEasily broken because of the simplistic design. Innumerable traces of repair can be found upon it.800005
12192360139236031Data IIILong-term operation might cause it to overheat. The warning lights will turn on in this case. A valve will have to be opened to dissipate heat.800005
12292360219236012StoryProduced in the early Golden Age. It was designed to dismantle decommissioned robots and mechanical devices in the recycling factory. Large body and armed with razor-sharp cutting blades, a corrupted Deconstructor is an intimidating threat to humanity.800007
12392370119237011Data IIts arrows were once used by archaeological teams to locate and detonate targets remotely. The arrowhead is tipped with explosives.800005
12492370129237021Data IIThe cloaks are fashioned out of tents used by archaeological teams.800005
12592370219237012StoryOnce trusty partners of archaeologists for surveying ruins. The infected mechanoids revolted, burying archaeologists with themselves in history. Archaeological units are designed with different terrains in mind. They are highly mobile, and are good climbers and leapers.800007
12690220119022011Data ITheir tools are highly durable. They were originally used for exploration, excavation, and soil collection. Now, it is used as a weapon.800005
12790220129022021Data IIExcavators fashioned simple armor out of the archaeological team's instruments.800005
12890220219022012StoryOnce trusty partners of archaeologists for surveying ruins. The infected mechanoids revolted, burying archaeologists with themselves in history. Archaeological units are designed with different terrains in mind. They are highly mobile, and are good climbers and leapers.800007
12992390119239011Data IA drivable vehicle while inactive. Includes all the basics—headlights, steering wheels, and continuous tracks.800005
13092390129239021Data IIThe drill installed in a Harvester's left arm is used for excavation, exploration, and well drilling. The right hand can spray fertilizer and shoot flames and projectiles.800005
13192390219239012StoryOnce large agricultural machineries used in cities, they were refitted and militarized by humans during the early days of the Punishing Virus outbreak. To avoid exposure to the virus, they were only allowed to operate inside the Central Purification Filters' range. Most were destroyed during the Great Evacuation, but Copperfield managed to secure a few.800007
13292400119240011Data IIts brutish and massive horns are razor-sharp, easily splitting any objects when it charges.800005
13392400129240021Data IIBio-Bulls change their posture through signals received from their antennas. The antennas also serve as enemy sensors.800005
13492400219240012StoryDriven by the mechanoid restoration trends, Copperfield has created a mechanically restored incarnation of a bull in his Estate Museum.800007
13592410119241011Data IThe antennas can receive signals from humans and also send exploration data back to them.800005
13692410129241021Data IIThe electric spark generator detects subterranean structures and also welds metals. It was mainly used in underground city construction.800005
13792410139241031Data IIIThe acid container is an Acid Ant's energy source and also a device that can collect and filter underground toxic gases. The acid inside also serves as a weapon.800005
13892410149241041Data IVWith a big compound eye sensor and a neck that can rotate 360°, it can reliably navigate lightless environments.800005
13992410219241012StoryAcid Ants were bionic incarnations of a form of termite found in cities adjacent to Tokyo during the late Golden Age. Humans deployed Acid Ants to build and expand underground cities.800007
14097620119762011Data IA human can enter a Terrapod's cockpit to pilot it. The armor protects the pilot from harm, but infected Terrapods will never allow a human inside. Rarely, human skeletons can be seen inside Terrapod cockpits.800005
14197620129762021Data IIThe Gatling gun can rotate at any angle. It automatically reloads through the magazine below when it runs out of ammo.800005
14297620219762012StoryAn advanced security robot created by Cosmos Industries. Able to patrol along designated routes and be piloted by humans. It locates intruders with signals from monitoring devices. It automatically shreds unidentified enemies in the city with its powerful weapons.800007
14392340119234011Data IThe spear can store and transfer aeolian and EM energy to nearby allies. The energy can be used for attacks too.800005
14492340129234021Data IIDressed like a god's servant, sacred and archaic.800005
14592340219234012StoryMechanically restored incarnations of the lost Egyptian civilization. They were once Osiris' exalted and loyal guards.800007
14692380119238011Data IStandard blade, automatic pistol; close range, long range.800005
14792380129238021Data IIThe mask is installed with an analyzer and an Inver-Device. The former scans the surrounding environment, the latter repels viral corruption.800005
14892380219238012StoryA normal Construct soldier of Babylonia. Standard equipment, standard performance.800007
14992420119242011Data IA light hand cannon on its left and a giant rocket launcher on its right, Musashi VI is a force to be reckoned with. The projectiles shot from the launcher can also draw enemies in.800005
15092420129242021Data IIThe armor can be taken off for routine maintenance.800005
15192420219242012StoryA security robot of the KCC that was originally used only in areas under the KCC's jurisdiction. As KCC began sharing its technologies for diplomatic reasons, the Musashi VI model became a much more common sight.800007
15292450119245011Data IIts harpoon can hit targets at medium range and drag them back to it.800005
15392450129245021Data IIIts left hand can transform into a hatchet to slice its enemies in close range battles.800005
15492450139245031Data IIIThe signal receiver can be used to relay info to its companions and receive orders from humans.800005
15592450149245041Data IVWith its powerful thrusters, it can speed across the sea and even fly for a short period of time.800005
15692450159245051Data VIt can generate energy with nuclear fusion and recycle the nuclear reactant for energy regeneration. Practically a bottomless energy tank, it can even run long operations solo.800005
15792450219245012StoryAn amphibious soldier created by Cosmos Industries for patrolling and fending off enemies in the seas. The head is a cockpit for a human pilot that is not visible from the outside. Polar Soldiers can also run on auto-pilot. After the virus outbreak, someone once pried the cockpit of a Polar Soldier open. Inside though, was something that could hardly be called human.800007
15892630119263011Data IIts body can rotate 360°, allowing it to attack at different angles.800005
15992630129263021Data IIEquipped with different weapons, it was used for terraforming and defensive operations.800005
16092630219263012Story IA robot produced in an infected train carriage. Large in size and slow in speed, it was originally an exploration module of the train. It has been given additional mobility modules after its core became corrupted. An Explore Unit is responsible for scanning the train's surrounding environment and any movements. It can also be shot out of a train's cannon to survey a faraway environment. The exploration data helps Repair Units to lay tracks.800007
16192630229263022Story IIThe rotund frame is designed to be shot out of train cannons. Arriving at the target location, it will transform and unfold its internal exploration instruments to survey the environment. The Explore Units on the train can transform directly to scan the train's surrounding environment and relay the data back to the master control program.800007
16290500119050011Data IThe central processing unit can process data and also receive signals sent from the space station.800005
16390500129050021Data IIIts repeater can receive signals from different machines to activate various facilities in the space station. Can refuel through solar energy and also the nuclear fusion energy chamber of the space station. The energy output can also be adjusted to shoot laser beams at enemies.800005
16490500219050012StoryA management module responsible for the daily operations of the space station. Management modules are assigned to different areas to process data, manage facilities, and compile reports for the space station.800007
16590680119068011Data IThe pair of razor-sharp blades is her iconic weapon. It can fillet an enemy in a matter of seconds.800005
16690680129068021Data IIYazi is especially fond of umbrellas. Even when off-duty, she enjoys wandering around the ship with an umbrella propped up. Her umbrella is also made of special materials that can help her defend against enemy attacks.800005
16790680219068012Story IThe Kowloong Crew is created by the leader of the Nighter. Pillars of the performance troupe, the Kowloong Crew are made up of 9 Constructs symbolizing the 9 dragon sons of the Dragon King. They present themselves as high-level performers in auctions, but they function as a team of bodyguards. They are installed with control chips, and maintaining their leader's safety is their utmost priority.800007
16890680229068022Story IIIn addition to being a bodyguard, Yazi also assassinates dissidents for the leader.800007
16990700119070011Data ICompared with Phecda, Prime has even better firepower and is more aggressive. Its chest and facial panels can open to reveal the launchers inside for a surprise attack.800005
17090700129070021Data IIIn contrary to their heavy and bulky looks, Prime and Phecda are very flexible and have great explosive power. They could often obliterate the incoming enemies within seconds when awaking from the statue mode.800005
17192740119274011DataWhile inactive, A'Mao will compress itself into the shape of a watermelon and roll around the water park. Visitors can call upon it using a portable terminal at any time.800005
17292740219274012Story IA customer service robot produced by Universal Toys in the middle of the Golden Age. Its job is to sell drinks and handheld fireworks in the Venus Splash Park.800007
17392740229274022Story IIIt lost in the Venus Splash Park mascot competition.800007
17481100118110011DataThe two legs and the support pillar enable high-speed movement. The power cables are exposed.800003
17581100218110012StoryOnce a large engineering robot for urban use. During the early outbreak of the Punishing Virus, it became refitted and militarized by humans. They were, however, only used inside of Central Purification Filters to avoid exposure to the virus.800004
17681300118130011Data IThe tuxedo is ragged, but Roseblade still wears it to display his commitment to humanity.800003
17781300128130021Data IIRoseblade's obsession with traditional swords and chivalry came from his devotion to humanity. His master may be gone, but his loyalty has yet to fade.800003
17881300218130012StoryAdvanced Executor models refitted as butlers for the upper class. Roseblades faithfully follow their master's orders. Employing a rapier in battle, he is as graceful as he is deadly. With the addition of synthetic skin, he bears a much closer resemblance to human beings.800004
17981400118140011Data IThe corrupted Sister model can harness the power of the virus in a way similar to Ascendants. She absorbs the energy within the virus, then releases it to attack enemies.800003
18081400128140021Data IIHer attacks symbolize the joining of the punishing virus with divine retribution.800003
18181400218140012StoryThe age of technological explosion weakened the appeal of faith. The church required bionic evangelists that could carry out their orders with unwavering faith. The Sister model was one of them.800004
18281410118141011DataUsually only appears from the summons of a Sister model.800003
18381410218141012StoryBots that died at the corrupted Sister's hands and became reconstructed as loyal pets.800004
18481200118120011DataRockets—Empty. Roadblock—Blade. Rebar—Handle. Weapon found.800003
18581200218120012Story IA riot control unit in areas under the KCC's jurisdiction. Damaged when the cities fell, so it was re-tasked into covering the rear.800004
18681200228120022Story IIOnce clumsily bandaged by a girl. The bandage is useless and is still clinging onto its head.800004
18781200238120032Story IIIMusashi IX has been wandering around after being corrupted. It is generally not hostile, but once it engages in combat, it will go berserk and attack everything in sight.800004
18881500118150011Data IThis Nozzle model has an inconceivable amount of paint inside its body. It can mix the ideal paint color and texture anytime.800003
18981500128150021Data IIThere are two high-quality speakers installed on its chest. The designer believed that painting and music have great chemistry.800003
19081500138150031Data IIIIt can use its right hand to spray paint and draw in ways that are impossible for humans.800003
19181500218150012Story IOriginally designed to spray paint. Able to mix paint inside its body. It will clumsily fend off those who impede its artistic process.800004
19281500228150022Story IICorruption has given Nozzle a different artistic turn. A new type of material made of Construct vital fluids, fluorescent agents, and mixed coolants is now Nozzle's primary choice of paint. This paint can be directly shot out, pressurized into freeze bombs, or even nebulized to disrupt radar detection.800004
19381700118170011Data IInside the armor is a modified Construct whose limbs show signs of severe infection.800003
19481700128170021Data IIThe spikes are not just for attacking or self-defense, they are also torture devices that can destroy the exterior armor of Constructs to amplify the effects of Punishing infection.800003
19581700138170031Data IIIThe virus-contaminated cables can be used to bind enemies and corrupt humans and bio-machines.800003
19681700218170012Story IOriginally fighting to protect humanity, Tifa is now completely obsessed with power. The spikes are not only weapons, but also a torture device for herself.800004
19781700228170022Story IIShe can cause M.I.N.D. deviation in weak-willed Constructs merely with her ghastly appearance.800004
19881800118180011Data IUsually found burrowing beneath the sand. Its head is hard enough to endure nearly all attacks.800003
19981800128180021Data IIVassago's body is not fully covered by its armor, which is its biggest weakness in battle.800003
20081800138180031Data IIIIts body contains virus-contaminated black fluids, a product left when sandstone melts.800003
20181800218180012StoryA restored incarnation of the guardians of a lost desert civilization. Vassagos are able to move swiftly in sand, tearing apart creatures that enter the desert without permission.800004
20281900118190011DataA Construct of unknown origin, wielding a katana just like Lucia, but far more experienced and skilled at it. Every swing seems to tear apart the fabric of reality.800003
20381900218190012StoryAppears to be connected to Lucia. No further information.800004
20482150118215011DataArmed to the teeth. Extremely deadly.800003
20582150218215012StoryA ball-shaped military robot fully equipped with heavy firearms. Known for its high efficiency in cleaning up battlefields. Now corrupted, it became humanity's worst nightmare.800004
20687010118701011DataSolar and aeolian energy are abundant in the desert, which is why related technologies and industries have prospered. Osiris' weapon can store solar energy with high efficiency and shoot laser beams, and even create tornadoes from its mastery of aerodynamics.800003
20787010218701012StoryMajestic and reticent, it is a mechanically restored incarnation of the lost Egyptian civilization. After the outbreak of the Punishing Virus, it began considering itself a god and has since been militarizing the surrounding territories and modifying itself.800004
20881600118160011DataOne of the Ascendants. Employs his gun and chain blade to wreak havoc on the battlefield.800003
20981600218160012StoryRoland treats battles as mere games. Extremely powerful, he has once obliterated multiple Construct squads by himself.800004
21083200118320011Data IRosetta can shoot a highly destructive spear-like energy beam. This function will, however, overload her and thus has a very long cooldown.800003
21183200128320021Data IIRosetta's back thrusters enable her to fly and even levitate for a short distance. Rosetta uses this function to approach her target almost instantaneously.800003
21283200138320031Data IIIHer thrusters are stored inside her lower body when they are not in use.800003
21383200218320012StoryThis silver-haired humanoid hybrid Construct is the current leader of the Forest Guard in South Murmansk Port. Rosetta and Derek, the Narwhal, are long-acquainted. She is also able to communicate with it.800004
21487410118741011DataAble to transform and self-deconstruct at will, it can appear anywhere it wants on the space station at any time.800003
21587410218741012StoryA highly intelligent processing core of the space station created by Cosmos Industries. Its intelligence likely rivals, or even surpasses a human. With a comprehensive record of all human knowledge and data, it can self-learn and evolve through processing data. After its corruption, it slaughtered all humans in the space station and modified the station into a giant space weapon, obliterating any beings with a consciousness structure similar to humans.800004
21687360118736011DataAble to transform and self-deconstruct at will, it can appear anywhere it wants on the space station at any time.800003
21787360218736012StoryA highly intelligent processing core of the space station created by Cosmos Industries. Its intelligence likely rivals, or even surpasses a human. With a comprehensive record of all human knowledge and data, it can self-learn and evolve through processing data. After its corruption, it slaughtered all humans in the space station and modified the station into a giant space weapon, obliterating any beings with a consciousness structure similar to humans.800004
21883400118340011Data IIts heavy armor is made of a large number of carriages.800003
21983400128340021Data IIIts legs are the mutated wheels formed by the Eternal Engine's wheels and Conversion Probes. With these virus-contaminated legs, it is able to cling on to other objects, jump long distances, and move at high speed. The giant ancillaries installed on its joints are there to support its weighty body.800003
22083400138340031Data IIIIts heat dissipator is the heat-dissipating carriage of the nuclear fusion reactor. After transforming into a Rail Heterozygote, its energy consumption has rocketed and the heat dissipator has been working without rest. As a result, the heat dissipator has become its weakness.800003
22183400148340041Data IVThe Hetero Explore Units embedded inside function as its visual system.800003
22283400158340051Data VThe nuclear fusion reactor was originally the train's engine. It was taken by Rail Heterozygote to fuel itself.800003
22383400218340012StoryAfter the space station core corrupted the Eternal Engine, it has carried out self-modification with the train's industrial carriage. Traces of forceful and crude assemblage can be observed. The modification has yet to be completed due to time restrictions, which is why numerous Repair Units can still be seen moving on its body.800004
22481110118111011Data IThe two legs and the support pillar enable high-speed movement. The power cables are exposed.800003
22581110128111021Data IIIt can shoot a highly destructive electrical beam.800003
22681110218111012StoryOnce a large engineering robot for urban use. During the early outbreak of the Punishing Virus, it became refitted and militarized by humans. They were, however, only used inside of Central Purification Filters to avoid exposure to the virus.800004
22783220118322011Data IRosetta can shoot a highly destructive spear-like energy beam. This function will, however, overload her and thus has a very long cooldown.800003
22883220128322021Data IIRosetta's back thrusters enable her to fly and even levitate for a short distance. Rosetta uses this function to approach her target almost instantaneously.800003
22983220138322031Data IIIHer thrusters are stored inside her lower body when they are not in use.800003
23083220218322012StoryThis silver-haired humanoid hybrid Construct is the current leader of the Forest Guard in South Murmansk Port. Rosetta and Derek, the Narwhal, are long-acquainted. She is also able to communicate with it.800004
23183100118310011DataA pitch-black Construct. Brutal and swift in battle, his greatsword is often the first and last thing that his enemies see.800003
23283100218310012StoryAppears to be connected with Kamui. No further information.800004
23783600118360011Data IAs one of the Ascendants, Gabriel's powerful body enables him to crush any enemy standing in his way like a storm.800003
23883600128360021Data IIGabriel had modified and redesigned his own body numerous times to free himself from the constraints of machines. In fact, such modifications are still under way.800003
23983600218360012Story IDespite his dislike for humans, Gabriel does not oppose human culture. He reads all sorts of books during his free time and even marks them with notes.800004
24083600228360022Story IIIn contrary to his rough looks, Gabriel has great mechanical knowledge and is a master of tactics and strategies. Every step he takes in battle has been well calculated.800004
2418370001183700011Data IDesigned by Shome, the beloved scion of Shome Group, Shark-speare captivated every child and their parents around the world with her adorable appearance. She became one of the most appealing attractions in Shome Group's many theme parks.800003
2428370001283700021Data IIIn official anime, movie and manga series, Shark-speare is always the first one standing up against the bullies. Even though she gets badly beaten up every time, this has never stopped her from saving people in need. Milkshake and honey gingerbread cookies are her favorite food.800003
2438370002183700012Story IA customer service robot produced by Universal Toys in the middle of the Golden Age. She is a mascot of the Venus Splash Park, which is why she can be seen everywhere in the Venus Splash Park.800004
2448370002283700022Story IIThe world's biggest, well-functioning bio-plushie of Shark-speare is preserved in the Venus Splash Park. Usually, she is just a statue in the square, but when the time of the samba parade comes, she will awake and join the parade with other samba dancers. Such a scene was what her creators anticipated from the very beginning.800004
2458370002383700032Story IIIHer name comes from Bill the Kisser, a renowned movie in the Golden Age.800004
2468371001183710011Data IDesigned by Shome, the beloved scion of Shome Group, Shark-speare captivated every child and their parents around the world with her adorable appearance. She became one of the most appealing attractions in Shome Group's many theme parks.800003
2478371001283710021Data IIIn official anime, movie and manga series, Shark-speare is always the first one standing up against the bullies. Even though she gets badly beaten up every time, this has never stopped her from saving people in need. Milkshake and honey gingerbread cookies are her favorite food.800003
2488371002183710012Story IA customer service robot produced by Universal Toys in the middle of the Golden Age. She is a mascot of the Venus Splash Park, which is why she can be seen everywhere in the Venus Splash Park.800004
2498371002283710022Story IIThe Venus Splash Park has the world's biggest, well-functioning bio-plushie of Shark-speare. Usually, she is just a statue in the square, but when the time of the samba parade comes, she will awake and join the parade with other samba dancers. Such a scene was what her creators anticipated from the very beginning.800004
2508371002383710032Story IIIHer name comes from Bill the Kisser, a renowned movie of the Golden Age.800004
25187500118750011Data IAs one of the Ascendants, Gabriel's powerful body enables him to crush any enemy standing in his way like a storm.800003
25287500128750021Data IIGabriel had modified and redesigned his own body numerous times to free himself from the constraints of machines. In fact, such modifications are still under way.800003
25387500218750012Story IDespite his dislike for humans, Gabriel does not oppose human culture. He reads all sorts of books during his free time and even marks them with notes.800004
25487500228750022Story IIIn contrary to his rough looks, Gabriel has great mechanical knowledge and is a master of tactics and strategies. Every step he takes in battle has been well calculated.800004
25590750119075011DataAs an aerial unit, Snow Owl often flies into the sky before diving to destroy or disrupt.800007
25690750219075012StoryA bionic combat machine produced by Amberia. It has adopted the look and internal design of a snow owl for scouting and harassing purposes.800008
25790760119076011DataThe reinforced limbs are specifically designed for ground combat, making this unit a formidable opponent on land.800007
25890760219076012StoryA bionic combat machine produced by Amberia. It has adopted the limb structure of a rabbit, as well as the multi-terrain compatibility of humanoids.800008
25990770119077011Data IThe torso of this bionic machine consists of both processors and power units, and is connected to a few sets of add-on arms. It is responsible for movement, posture-control, and combat.800007
26090770129077021Data IIA high-energy beam launcher is also hidden inside the torso, allowing it to make surprise attacks.800007
26190770219077012StoryA bionic combat machine produced by Amberia. It has adopted the look and internal design of a sea creature for fast production and stealth purposes.800008
26290780119078011Data IThe reinforced limbs and energy tanks provide the Polar Bear with enormous kinetic energy, allowing it to charge forward and claw its opponents into pieces.800005
26390780129078021Data IIEquipped with more powerful processors and energy generators, the Polar Bear model usually comes with better AI than ordinary bionics. With proper tuning, some even have close-to-human level intelligence.800005
26490780219078012StoryA bionic combat machine produced by Amberia based on a bear-form mechanoid in mid Golden Age. Its reinforced limbs and spine frame are able to generate power that could match a tank.800007
26583800118380011DataAs an ultimate forbidden weapon designed to end the Punishing Virus once and for all, Amberia's body has numerous terrifying blades installed. The energy supplied by her gigantic body also allows her to generate an energy field powerful enough to eat through the armor of Construct.800003
26683800228380022Story IIInside Amberia's giant robotic body is a heart full of hatred. All she seeks now is to bring greater damage and destruction to the ARU.800004
26792810119281011DataBecause of the human-like body structure, it can use weapons from human.800007
26892810219281012Story IGeneral Type I bionic animals for battle/security in Kowloong Metropolis are intelligent at a certain degree.800008
26992810229281022Story IIDifferent versions are different in preferences, some even can communicate normally with human.800008
27092790119279011DataIt prefers to wield its long knife in battle and attack enemies head on in a steady way. However, if the frontal attack fails, all kinds of insidious tricks will be used.800005
27192790219279012Story IIt is a product of the high-performance combat mechanoid that was infected. By inheriting the combat function, it is better enhanced in tactical options and body power.800007
27292790229279022Story IIAfter the related data of its body and actions being modified, it becomes the key reference for the later generations to research and design the Hanged Man III.800007
27392800119280011Data IThe puppet, who was originally a servant, became a difficult existence with both attack and cover functions under the control of infected Glede.800005
27492800129280021Data IIUnder the cover of the puppet, Moyuan can launch a deadly strike to enemies from an unexpected direction with quick movement and quirky mobility.800005
27592800219280012StoryShe used to be the principal of Chaofeng group of Kowloong Chamber of Commerce, and that is her posture after being deeply infected by punishing. She controls a puppet and is a difficult character with quick movement and quirky mobility.800007
27683900118390011DataWith great power, Luna's attacks often show a cascading and spreading nature. Even if the intention is based on a single attack, it will often cause a ranged strike effect.800003
27783900218390012Story IShe is one of Ascendant's bosses, and has overwhelming combat power under the combined influence of Ascension-Network and the Punishing Virus.800004
27883900228390022Story IIBased on the nature of a leader of Ascendants, Luna's control over the Punishing Virus has reached a terrifying level. With her control over the virus through the Ascension-Network, Luna is even free to control various weapons of heteropoly-merization for targeted attacks.800004