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230061342EnvoyRetributionReprimandBaptismWorshipPilgrimageMajestic LightGabriel charges toward the enemy, dealing DMG.Gabriel slams his arms down, dealing large DMG.Gabriel swings his arms to strike the enemy.Gabriel makes a sweeping attack with his arms, damaging all the enemies within the range.Gabriel dives from the sky, slamming the ground with his explosive fists to deal AOE DMG.Gabriel teleports multiple times toward the enemy's location, damaging all the enemies caught by his attacks.Gabriel locks on the enemy and fires his modified energy cannon, dealing DMG.
330061343Chaotic SwipeDescending CrushZero HumusZero-gravity SpinDeflecting PounceDeclining CorruptionMoon Eater swipes its claw consecutively.Moon Eater leaps up and crushes the enemy using its inertia.Moon Eater pulls out a Moon Morpher and throws it to the target, dealing large DMG to it.Moon Eater slides to the right, pouncing on the enemy.Moon Eater suddenly jumps to the side, clawing the enemy's back.With its shield broken, Moon Eater's arm will be red due to overcharge. It will lose massive HP when attacked at this time.
430061344Sextile HuntCosmos DiveWhirlwind SlashSonic FlashCartwheel CutStellar SlashVoodoo slashes twice, pulls back, and then dashes forward to launch an X-shaped slash with the dagger.Voodoo launches two attacks, leaps up, raises its leg, and smashes hard.Voodoo charges a bit and spins to cut the enemy multiple times with its wings.Voodoo charges and suddenly dashes forward, launching an X-shaped slash with the dagger.Voodoo spins its wings and slashes the enemy.Voodoo pulls out a dagger, swipes the enemy once, and draws back.
530061345AppearanceBenevolencePrayerAscentRevelationFallGabriel enters the Burst Form when his HP drops under 50%.Gabriel will start gliding and attacking after going up into the sky.Gabriel goes up and launches a Quadruple Combo.Gabriel dashes forward and thrusts with the spear.Gabriel leaps up and then dives to swipe. Then, charges to swipe and smashes to attack.Gabriel goes up into the sky and smashes the ground, releasing multiple swordwaves to the surroundings.
630061346Wax and WaneUpstream TideBackwash CurrentMoon ImpactZero-Energy BeamlineMoon SlashGravitational ChaosMoon Eater will enter the Burst Form after its HP drops to 0 in the Basic Form.Moon Eater swipes with the Scythe twice in front and then jumps back.Moon Eater dashes forward and then performs a quick double slice.Moon Eater stirs up the dirt from the ground to hide itself and then launches a surprise attack by smashing the ground.Moon Eater sprays a continuous laser beam ahead.Moon Eater roars to the sky and then launches a quick Quintuple Combo.Moon Eater attracts and absorbs everything around it, charges, and then releases a powerful explosion that will cause a temporary gravity anomaly.
730061347Storm DescentCharged SwipeWind BladeSweep BladeSpiral TreadingLong-Distance MissileVolt Charge DrillVoodoo leaps up, gathers qi, and enters the Beast Form to smash and attack.Voodoo turns around and swipes its tail to attack.Voodoo lifts its foot and backflips to fire Windblades.Voodoo lifts its foot and swipes to attack.Voodoo leaps up into the air and smashes the ground to attack.Voodoo falls back, charges, and fires missiles ahead.Voodoo leaps up and launches Spiral Attacks ahead.