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2101100230030301Controlling Bullet Bullet: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Yellow Orb + Ping Red Orb</color>After pinging a Yellow Orb, the next Red Orb projectile will grant <color=#FF6347>Blast</color>, making Lee's shot explode after hitting the target, dealing Fire DMG to enemies in the area.
3102100130030301Lotus - Dual Blades - Dual Blades: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Red Orb</color>Lucia: Lotus enters Burst Form when a Red Orb is pinged within 4s after any 3-Ping, replacing Basic Attacks with <color=#FF6347>Dual Blades</color>. Lotus - Dual Blades: Attacks the enemy multiple times, dealing Physical DMG.
4103100130030301Laser Cluster Cluster: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Red Orb</color>After any 3-Ping, the next Red Orb skill will unleash Laser Cluster that deals Physical DMG.
5104100230030301Quiver Of Mercy of Mercy: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Tap Signature</color>Stores 1 energy arrow in the quiver after every 3-Ping. All arrows will be released when casting the next Signature Move, dealing Extra Physical DMG to the target.
6105100130030301EX - Slash Storm - Slash Storm: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Yellow Orb</color>When pinging a Yellow Orb after any 3-Ping, Nanami: Storm will cast EX - Slash Storm to launch consecutive attacks at nearby enemies, dealing Physical DMG.
7106100230030301Offence-Defense Rhythm Rhythm: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping</color>Gains Charge points after any 3-Ping. When there are Charge points, Kamui: Bastion's ATK increases. Charge points decrease over time.
8107100230030301Artillery Tactics Tactics: <color=#0d70bc>Three 3-Pings + Tap Basic Attack</color>Karenina: Blast enters <color=#FF6347>Burst Form</color> after <color=#FF6347>three</color> 3-Pings or casting a Signature Move, replacing her Basic Attacks with ranged artillery attacks.
9108100230030301Fleeting Phantom Phantom: <color=#0d70bc>Two 3-Pings + Tap Basic Attack</color>The final strike of each 3-Ping marks the target. Releases a shade when the mark reaches <color=#FF6347>2</color> stacks. The shade attacks once with every Basic Attack.
10103100230030301Reversed Egretfield Egretfield: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Reb Orb (chance to trigger)/Ping Yellow Orb + Tap Basic Attack (chance to trigger)</color>When Basic Attacks hit marked enemies, there is a chance to trigger <color=#FF6347>Lightning Lure</color> and deal Lightning DMG. Pinging Red Orbs also has a chance to trigger <color=#FF6347>Lightning Lure</color>. After triggering <color=#FF6347>Lightning Lure</color> for <color=#FF6347>4</color> times, the next <color=#FF6347>Lightning Lure</color> will summon <color=#FF6347>Ex - Lightning Lure</color>, dealing Lightning DMG and healing allies in the area.
11102100230030301Lotus - Lightning Dance - Lightning Dance: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Yellow/Blue Orb + Tap Basic Attack (chance to trigger)</color><color=#FF6347>Lightning Lure</color>: Attacking a marked enemy has a chance to summon a lightning bolt to strike the target, dealing Lightning DMG.
12106100330030301Fighting Will Will: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping</color>Gains an extra <color=#FF6347>10</color> Energy upon a 3-Ping.Fighting Will: <color=#0d70bc>Dark Form + Passive</color>In <color=#FF6347>Dark Form</color>, Physical Resistance and Dark Resistance increase.
13103100330030301Goddess Connection System Connection System: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping/After triggering Light Penalty 5 times</color>Heals nearby allies after a 3-Ping or triggering <color=#FF6347>Light Penalty</color> 5 times.
14101100330030301Chronoshot Lord: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Red Orb</color>After any 3-Ping, pinging the next Red Orb will fire consecutive shots that strike the target, dealing Physical DMG.
15107100330030301Thermal System System: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping/Cast Signature Move</color>Gains Thermal Energy upon entering battle. Thermal Energy can be gained via 3-Pings and Signature Move.Enhanced Form: <color=#0d70bc>Thermal Energy reaches 50%</color>Enters <color=#FF6347>Enhanced Form</color> once Thermal Energy reaches 50%, gaining Fire DMG Bonus and granting additional effects to Signal Orb skills and Basic Attacks. Thermal Energy decreases over time in <color=#FF6347>Enhanced Form</color>.
16105100330030301Overclocking Resonance <color=#0d70bc>Cast Signature Move + Tap Basic Attack</color>Nanami: Pulse enters <color=#FF6347>Overclocking Form</color> after casting Signature Move. In this form, her Basic Attacks deal Fire DMG instead and reduce the Fire Resistance of the targets hit for <color=#FF6347>8</color>s.
17102100330030301Crimson Abyss - Blade Will Abyss - Blade Will: <color=#0d70bc>Blue 3-Ping + Any 3-Ping</color>Any 3-Ping after a Blue 3-Ping causes Alpha to fall back and enter <color=#FF6347>Blade Will Form</color>. All available Signal Orbs will be converted into Blade Will Orbs and Alpha gains <color=#FF6347>2</color> additional <color=#FF6347>Blade Will Orbs</color>. While in the <color=#FF6347>Blade Will Form</color>, Signal Orbs gained by Basic Attacks will be converted into <color=#FF6347>Blade Will Orbs</color>.Swordwave: <color=#0d70bc>Blade Will Form + Ping Blade Will Orb</color>Pinging a <color=#FF6347>Blade Will Orb</color> unleashes Swordwaves, dealing Physical DMG and granting Super Armor during the attack.
18108100330030301Cosmic Wave Wave: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Red Orb</color>Pinging a Red Orb after any 3-Ping transforms Watanabe into a shadow that launches consecutive attacks in front of him, dealing Dark DMG. Enters <color=#FF6347>Enhanced Shadow Form</color> at the end of the attack.Enhanced Shadow Form: <color=#0d70bc>Enhanced Shadow Form + Tap Basic Attack</color>In <color=#FF6347>Enhanced Shadow Form</color>, Basic Attacks and <color=#FF6347>Trailblade </color> deal Extra Dark DMG.
19109100230030301Vector Cube Cube: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Blue Orb</color>When pinging a Blue Orb after any 3-Ping, charges in place to pull the nearby enemies in and gains Shield before unleashing a heavy strike to the targets ahead, dealing Physical DMG. Extra DMG Reduction increases by <color=#FF6347>70%</color> when charging.
20104100330030301Critical Moment Moment: <color=#0d70bc>Red 3-Ping + Ping Blue Orb</color>Pinging a Blue Orb after a Red 3-Ping will cause Veritas to enter the <color=#FF6347>Sniping Form</color>.Lightning Arrow: <color=#0d70bc>Sniping Form + Tap Basic Attack</color>While in the <color=#FF6347>Sniping Form</color>, Basic Attacks shoot a long-ranged lightning arrow that deals Lightning DMG. Veritas exits the Sniping Form if <color=#FF6347>6</color> lightning arrows are fired or after <color=#FF6347>6</color>s. Basic Attacks no longer generate Signal Orbs in the <color=#FF6347>Sniping Form</color>.Critical Moment: <color=#0d70bc>Sniping Form + Tap Dodge</color>Dodging in the <color=#FF6347>Sniping Form</color> will reduce the charge time of the next Basic Attack.
21111100230030301Field Supplies Supplies: <color=#0d70bc>Last hit of Basic Attack/Any 3-Ping/Cast Signature Move/Cast QTE + Pick up Energy Ball</color>Sophia: Silverfang drops an Energy Ball after any of the following: the last hit of Basic Attack, dealing damage with a 3-Ping skill, casting Signature Move, or casting QTE. Picking up an Energy Ball heals all the allies within range and grants <color=#FF6347>Fire Tempered</color>, increasing Fire DMG. Whenever an Energy Ball is picked up, Sophia: Silverfang gains Energy and Heat. Her ATK increases based on the current Heat.
22112100230030301Arclight Shield Shield: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Blue Orb</color>Pinging a Blue Orb after any 3-Ping generates Shield. When Shield expires or is replaced by a new Shield, it explodes and deals Lightning DMG to nearby targets.
23102100430030301Hyperborea <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping</color>While in the Normal Form, every 3-Ping grants Energy and Signature Point (up to <color=#FF6347>2</color> Points in the Normal Form).Hyperborea: <color=#0d70bc>Arctic Form + Any 3-Ping</color>In <color=#FF6347>Arctic Form</color>, Energy decreases over time. While there is still Energy, Ice DMG increases and every 3-Ping grants <color=#FF6347>1</color> Signature Point (up to <color=#FF6347>4</color> in Arctic Form). When casting the Signature Move, it can still benefit from the Core Passive's DMG Bonus if there is still Energy left.
24113100230030301Mass Illusion Illusion: <color=#0d70bc>Ping any orb</color>Gains bonus Overclock Points from pinging orbs. Automatically restores Overclock Points every second.Mass Illusion: <color=#0d70bc>Sufficient Overclock Points + Press and hold Basic Attack + Tap Basic Attack repeatedly</color>When there are enough Overclock Points, press and hold the Basic Attack button to unleash Vera's core attack. Tap Basic Attack again to make her unleash the follow-up core attack. The core attack deals area Dark DMG and deals bonus Physical DMG to targets in melee range. Casting core attacks will consume Overclock Points and return energy.
25151100330030301Surging Madness Madness: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping</color>Any 3-Ping in Normal Form will accumulate <color=#FF6347>Madness</color>. Once Camu reaches full <color=#FF6347>Madness</color>, he will gain bonus Energy from any 3-Ping.Surging Madness: <color=#0d70bc>Berserk Form + Passive activates</color>When Camu enters <color=#FF6347>Berserk Form</color>, he will consume all <color=#FF6347>Madness</color> stacks and gain a DMG Bonus in <color=#FF6347>Berserk Form</color>.
26114100330030301Valkyrie Heart Heart: <color=#0d70bc>Has Energy Points + Any 3-Ping</color>Rosetta: Rigor has <color=#FF6347>3</color> Energy Points. When performing a 3-Ping, she consumes <color=#FF6347>1</color> Energy Point to enhance the skill and gain Extra DMG Bonus.Rigor Heart: <color=#0d70bc>Has Energy Points + Tap Signature</color>Rosetta: Rigor has <color=#FF6347>3</color> Energy Points. When performing a Signature, she consumes up to <color=#FF6347>2</color> Energy Points to gain Physical DMG Bonus.Wide-Area Electromagnetic Cannon: <color=#0d70bc>Full Burst Form + Press and hold Basic Attack</color>When all Energy Points are used up, Rosetta: Rigor enters <color=#FF6347>Full Burst Form</color>. Press and hold the Basic Attack button in this form to charge and fire the <color=#FF6347>wide-area electromagnetic cannon</color> once the charging reaches maximum, dealing Physical DMG while restoring Energy, and inflicting the target with <color=#FF6347>Lance of Perception</color>. While charging, her Extra DMG Reduction increases. Energy points will be restored after firing the <color=#FF6347>wide-area electromagnetic cannon</color>.
27152100330030301Concentrated Will Will Form: <color=#0d70bc>Ping any orb</color>Gains Sync Rate from pinging orbs. When the Sync Rate is at maximum, Signal Orbs are enhanced, and Qu enters the <color=#FF6347>Concentrated Will Form</color> once an orb is pinged.Concentrated Will Form: <color=#0d70bc>Concentrated Will Form</color>In the <color=#FF6347>Concentrated Will Form</color>, Signal Orbs can only be pinged individually. Pinging an orb consumes Sync Rate and triggers the corresponding 3-Ping skill and <color=#FF6347>Concentrated Will</color>, and will consume Sync Rate but generates no energy. In the <color=#FF6347>Concentrated Will Form</color>, Sync Rate goes down over time. Once Sync Rate is empty, the <color=#FF6347>Concentrated Will Form</color> will end and Signal Orbs are no longer enhanced.Red Concentration: <color=#0d70bc>Concentrated Will Form + Ping Red Orb</color>Red Concentration: Bashes the ground to deal Physical DMG.Yellow Concentration: <color=#0d70bc>Concentrated Will Form + Ping Yellow Orb</color>Yellow Concentration: Unleashes a shockwave forward to deal Physical DMG.Blue Concentration: <color=#0d70bc>Concentrated Will Form + Ping Blue Orb</color>Blue Concentration: Releases a whirlwind that follows Qu around, dealing Physical DMG to nearby enemies.
28116100230030301Follow-Up <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping Follow-Up Orb</color>At the start of battle, gains a grayed-out Follow-Up Orb (cannot be tapped or pinged). The Follow-Up Orb will light up upon a 3-Ping. Tap it to perform different follow-up skills based on the color of orbs pinged.Red Orb Follow-Up: <color=#0d70bc>Red 3-Ping + Ping Follow-Up Orb</color>Red Orb Follow-Up: Use an overhead kick to deal Ice DMG. Basic Attack after Red Follow-Up starts from the 4th hit.Blue Orb Follow-Up: <color=#0d70bc>Blue 3-Ping + Ping Follow-Up Orb</color>Blue Orb Follow-Up: Conjures ice lances from the ground around to deal area Ice DMG and slow the enemies temporarily, leaving a <color=#FF6347>Crystal Ice Mirror</color>.Yellow Orb Follow-Up: <color=#0d70bc>Yellow 3-Ping + Ping Follow-Up Orb</color>Yellow Orb Follow-Up: Leaps backward and conjures ice pieces to pull nearby enemies together. The ice pieces then explode to deal area Ice DMG.
29117100330030301Singularity <color=#0d70bc>At least 15 Annihilation Points + Press and hold Basic Attack</color>Luna: Laurel gains Annihilation Pts after every 3-Ping. Her next ping will be counted as a 3-Ping. 3-Pings generated by the Matrix will be consumed first. When there are a certain amount of Annihilation Pts, press and hold the Basic Attack button to enter <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Form</color>, deal Dark Area DMG, hide the original Signal Orbs, and gain <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Orbs</color> based on the current Annihilation Pts. When this skill is cast, Luna will become invincible, and QTEs not in cooldown will be activated. In <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Form</color>, entering the Matrix will grant <color=#FF6347>1</color> <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Orb</color>, and performing Basic Attacks will consume Annihilation Pts. When the Annihilation Pts drop to <color=#FF6347>0</color> or when another character is switched in, Luna will exit <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Form</color>. Switching to another character will consume all Annihilation Pts. Exiting <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Form</color> will rearrange the Signal Orbs according to the 3-Ping rules.Singularity: <color=#0d70bc>Annihilation Form + Ping Annihilation Orb</color>In <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Form</color>, pinging the <color=#FF6347>Annihilation Orb</color> will cast 4 targeted spikes, dealing Dark DMG and granting Energy.
30118100330030301Blade Rend Rend: <color=#0d70bc>Yellow 3-Ping + Any 3-Ping</color>Any 3-Ping after a Yellow 3-Ping grants 2B <color=#FF6347>Stability</color>. <color=#FF6347>Stability</color> decreases over time (re-triggering does not refresh the duration). While 2B has <color=#FF6347>Stability</color>, she enters <color=#FF6347>Battle Stance</color>. Once 2B exits <color=#FF6347>Battle Stance</color>, all <color=#FF6347>Data Correction</color> stacks will be removed. Obtaining additional stacks or unleashing Signature Move will refresh the duration of <color=#FF6347>Data Correction</color>. While Signature Move is active, <color=#FF6347>Stability</color> will not decrease.Blade Rend: <color=#0d70bc>Battle Stance + Tap Basic Attack/Ping Yellow Orb</color>In <color=#FF6347>Battle Stance</color>, Basic Attacks and Yellow Orbs also launch Swordwaves that deal Physical DMG.Blade Rend: <color=#0d70bc>Battle Stance + Ping Red Orb</color>In <color=#FF6347>Battle Stance</color>, Red Orbs also launch Swordwaves that deal Physical DMG and add <color=#FF6347>Data Correction</color>, granting Physical DMG Bonus.Blade Rend: <color=#0d70bc>Battle Stance + Ping Blue Orb</color>In <color=#FF6347>Battle Stance</color>, Blue Orbs can interrupt enemy attacks.
31119100330030301Overclock Strike Strike: <color=#0d70bc>At least 50 Overclock Energy + Any 3-Ping</color>Gains <color=#FF6347>Overclock Energy</color> at the start of the battle. During a 3-Ping, if there is sufficient <color=#FF6347>Overclock Energy</color>, consumes <color=#FF6347>Overclock Energy</color> to generate <color=#FF6347>Overclock Indicator</color> of the corresponding color (up to 1) on the right of the Signal Orb bar. <color=#FF6347>Overclock Energy</color> regenerates over time.Overclock Strike: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Overclock Indicator</color>Tap the <color=#FF6347>Overclock Indicator</color> to consume all orbs of the same color and summon a POD CUB to unleash multiple projectiles that deal Physical DMG (pinging <color=#FF6347>Overclock Indicator</color> is not considered a ping). If the <color=#FF6347>Overclock Indicator</color> effect pings more than 3 Signal Orbs, gains a number of random Signal Orbs equal to the excess number of orbs pinged. When 9S leaves the field, reduces his swap cooldown according to how many times <color=#FF6347>Overclock Indicator</color> has been triggered.
32120100330030301Prototype <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping</color>Any 3-Ping grants A2 <color=#FF6347>POD: Shield</color> and summons CUB to launch <color=#FF6347>6</color> seeker missiles toward random targets in front, dealing Physical DMG and granting <color=#FF6347>POD: Shield</color> after hitting enemies. Missiles also <color=#FF6347>Taunt</color> the enemy (while taunted, the target's DEF is reduced. If 2B and 9S are also in the team, this <color=#FF6347>effect is doubled</color>).Sliding: <color=#0d70bc>Moving + Press and hold Dodge</color>While moving, Press and hold Dodge to cause A2 to begin sliding. Gains <color=#FF6347>POD: Shield</color> after sliding for a period of time. The Dodge Gauge will not recover while sliding, but A2 will emit static to <color=#FF6347>continuously drag</color> nearby enemies.
33121100230030301Cold Snap Shot: <color=#0d70bc>Tactical Stance + Release Basic Attack</color>Releasing the Basic Attack button during <color=#FF6347>Tactical Stance</color> will trigger <color=#FF6347>Blooming Shot</color>, dealing Ice DMG in a straight line.Cold Snap: <color=#0d70bc>Tactical Stance + Release Basic Attack + Successful Dodge</color>The backstep of <color=#FF6347>Blooming Shot</color> is able to evade enemy attacks. If this move successfully dodges an attack, Wanshi will become invincible for a long time during the follow-up sniping shot and deal Ice DMG.
34153100330030301Tertian <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping any orb</color>A 3-Ping will generate a <color=#FF6347>Triad</color> of the same color, and the next Orb pinged will trigger <color=#FF6347>Chord</color>. Selena gains <color=#FF6347>Tune</color> based on the number of orbs pinged when <color=#FF6347>Chord</color> is triggered.Concerto: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping orbs with the same color as the 3-Ping</color>If the orbs pinged have the same color as the <color=#FF6347>Triad</color>, applies <color=#FF6347>Concerto</color> on the target, dealing Lightning DMG and reducing the target's Extra DMG Bonus.Solo: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Ping orbs with a different color as the 3-Ping</color>If the color of orbs pinged is different from the <color=#FF6347>Triad</color>, applies <color=#FF6347>Solo</color> on self instead, increasing Extra DMG Bonus.
35112100330030301Frost Origin Origin: <color=#0d70bc>Energy full + Press and hold Basic Attack</color>During battle, Chrome: Glory's HP is compressed to <color=#FF6347>40%</color>, with the remaining <color=#FF6347>60%</color> filled with <color=#FF6347>Glorious Shield</color> that automatically regenerates over time. When he has full Energy, press and hold Basic Attack to empty the <color=#FF6347>Glorious Shield</color> capacity and activate <color=#FF6347>Frost Spirit</color> Form, rearranging all Signal Orbs. All 3-Pings made in this form will gain <color=#FF6347>Condensed Frost</color> without consuming <color=#FF6347>Glorious Shield</color>, but <color=#FF6347>Glorious Shield</color> cannot automatically regenerate while <color=#FF6347>Frost Spirit</color> Form is active. Chrome: Glory creates <color=#FF6347>Eroding Chill</color> around himself, dealing Ice DMG to enemies periodically and inflicting them with <color=#FF6347>Frost Corrosion</color> that reduces their Ice Resistance.
36122100230030301Shadow Prism Agglomerate Prism Attack: <color=#0d70bc>Tap Basic Attack consecutively</color>No. 21: XXI's Basic Attack will generate <color=#FF6347>Shadow Prism Energy</color>. Upon reaching a certain level of <color=#FF6347>Shadow Prism Energy</color>, the next Basic Attack will empty all <color=#FF6347>Shadow Prism Energy</color> to cast a <color=#FF6347>Shadow Prism Attack</color> and create <color=#FF6347>1</color> Twilight Matrix on the target's location that deals Dark DMG and knocks the target down. When generated, the Twilight Matrix grants No.21: XXI Signature Move Energy and Dodge Energy.Resonance Pulse: <color=#0d70bc>Co-Bot + Twilight Matrix present</color>When the Co-Bot's Force Wave destroys a Twilight Matrix, it will trigger a <color=#FF6347>Resonance Pulse</color>, dealing Dark DMG to nearby enemies.Instant Dodge: <color=#0d70bc>Control Locked + Tap Dodge</color>When No. 21: XXI is control locked (such as when attacked, downed, or in mid-air), press the Dodge button at the cost of extra Dodge Energy to perform Instant Dodge to negate all control-locking states and create <color=#FF6347>1</color> Twilight Matrix on the target's location. Instant Dodge grants No. 21: XXI Super Armor and Shield.
37113100330030301Lightning Fall Charge: <color=#0d70bc>Cast Spear Lunge</color><color=#FF6347>Spear Lunge</color> grants 1 <color=#FF6347>Electric Charge</color>, stacking up to 3 times.Lightning Fall: <color=#0d70bc>Electric Charge present + Press and hold Basic Attack</color>When there is at least 1 <color=#FF6347>Electric Charge</color>, press and hold the Basic Attack button to consume <color=#FF6347>Electric Charge</color> and cast <color=#FF6347>Lightning Fall</color> to pull in a large area of enemies ahead, deal Lightning DMG, and inflict <color=#FF6347>Turbulence Interference</color> (reduces enemies' Lightning Resistance) for 8s. Every additional stack of <color=#FF6347>Electric Charge</color> consumed will double the DMG of <color=#FF6347>Lightning Fall</color>. Gains Super Armor when casting Lightning Fall.
38154100330030301Art of Deception of Deception: <color=#0d70bc>Trigger valid combos</color>The Basic Attack combo DMG ratio is adjusted. Gains <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color> based on the combo type upon triggering <color=#FF6347>valid combos</color>. Roland's Red/Yellow/Blue Orbs are unlocked when there are a certain amount of <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color>. Each time the 1st or 2nd hit of a Signal Orb skill is cast, <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color> will be consumed to generate Energy. The combos of Basic Attacks and Signal Orb skills can be viewed in the description of each skill. <color=#FF6347>Valid combos</color>: The Basic Attack combo launched within 1s after dealing DMG from Basic Attacks. Upon triggering Matrix, the next Signal Orb skill cast does not consume any <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color> or <color=#FF6347>Trickery Points</color>. Roland cannot gain Signal Orbs from Basic Attacks. When he is switched off battle, he gains <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color>. Signal Orbs gained from any other source would be directly converted into <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color> or Energy, prioritizing <color=#FF6347>Deception Points</color>.
39103100430030301Ode for Everlight Prayer: <color=#0d70bc>Double tap Dodge</color>Basic Attacks and pinging orbs accumulate Prayer. When it is full, <color=#FF6347>double tap</color> or <color=#FF6347>press and hold</color> Dodge to trigger <color=#FF6347>Divine Prayer</color> and gain DMG Reduction. While in Divine Prayer, it is allowed to ping 2 sets of orbs. The orbs pinged during the prayer will amplify it and increase the base multiplier. Each time orbs are pinged, triggers <color=#FF6347>Prayer Ripple</color> that deals Fire DMG to enemies, imprisons them, and heals allies. When <color=#FF6347>Core Passive - Ode for Everlight</color> reaches Lv.22, entering <color=#FF6347>Divine Prayer</color> will grant <color=#FF6347>1</color> random Signal Orb, and casting Oaths will restore Dodge Energy.Purity Oath: <color=#0d70bc>Divine Prayer + Same-colored 3-Pings</color>If both sets of Signal Orbs are of the same color, triggers <color=#FF6347>Purity Oath</color> that deals area Fire DMG.Chaos Oath: <color=#0d70bc>Divine Prayer + Different-colored 3-Pings</color>If the two sets of Signal Orbs have different colors, triggers <color=#FF6347>Chaos Oath</color> that pulls enemies in an extremely large area, dealing Fire DMG to them and <color=#FF6347>a small amount of dodgeable DMG to Liv: Empyrea</color>.
40153100430030301Phantasia Echo: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Direction button</color>Upon a 3-Ping, moving the joystick will cause Selena: Capriccio to summon a phantom. The phantom will continue to cast the original skill, and Selena herself will gain Super Armor and cast <color=#FF6347>Reprise: Echo</color> instead.Reprise: Twin Stars: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Shooting Star Orb + Direction button</color>When casting a <color=#FF6347>Shooting Star</color>, moving the joystick will cause Selena: Capriccio to cast an additional <color=#FF6347>Reprise: Twin Stars</color>, dealing Dark DMG while summoning a phantom at the original location.
41155100330030301Snow Dragon Dragon: <color=#0d70bc>Whenever catching Dragon Axe</color>Whenever Pulao: Dragontoll catches Dragon Axe, she will throw it again, dealing the same effect as <color=#FF6347>Spirit Blade: Dragon Throw</color>.Snow Dragon: <color=#0d70bc>Tap Basic Attack + Ping any orb</color>Basic Attacks or pinging orbs will generate <color=#FF6347>Dragon Force</color>.Dragon Force Combo: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Yellow Orb + Ping Red Orb</color>If Pulao: Dragontoll catches Dragon Axe when performing her Red/Blue/Yellow Orb skill, consumes <color=#FF6347>Dragon Force</color> to unleash <color=#FF6347>Dragon Force Combo</color>, with which tapping the Basic Attack button repeatedly will perform a follow-up combo that deals Physical DMG. While performing <color=#FF6347>Dragon Force Combo</color> and the follow-up combo, Pulao: Dragontoll gains Super Armor and Extra DMG Reduction.
42156100330030301Huntress' Command Frost: <color=#0d70bc>Press and hold Dodge</color>Press and hold Dodge to activate and charge <color=#FF6347>Bitterfrost Level</color>. Release Dodge when <color=#FF6347>Bitterfrost Level</color> is fully charged to release <color=#FF6347>Bitter Frost</color>, dealing Ice DMG. Releasing Dodge before fully charged will result in no attacks, and <color=#FF6347>Bitterfrost Level</color> will gradually decrease. Getting hit while charging will deduct Dodge Gauge and performs Flash if there is enough Dodge Gauge available. Gains Super Armor and bonus Extra DMG Reduction when <color=#FF6347>Bitterfrost Level</color> is activated.
43107100430030301Space Walk Attack: <color=#0d70bc>3-Ping available + Press and hold Basic Attack</color>When Karenina: Scire has at least one set of 3-Ping among the current Signal Orbs (up to 8 Signal Orbs), press and hold the Basic Attack button to start charging and consume 3-Pings continuously (up to two sets of 3-Pings), with each set of 3-Ping granting Anti-gravity Energy. When charging, Karenina gains Super Armor and Extra DMG Reduction but cannot dodge. After that, Karenina launches a <color=#FF6347>Leap Attack</color>, jumps up into the air, deals Dark DMG, and enters the Anti-gravity Form. When two sets of 3-Pings are consumed during the charging, the <color=#FF6347>Leap Attack</color> will deal more Base DMG. When Karenina triggers Matrix, press and hold the Basic Attack button to start charging and automatically consume the Matrix's effect (any ping is regarded as a 3-Ping) as a set of 3-Ping.Anti-gravity Form: <color=#0d70bc>Cast Leap Attack</color>Gains Super Armor and Extra DMG Reduction while in the Anti-gravity Form.Radiant Whirlwind: <color=#0d70bc>Character is airborne + Tap Basic Attack repeatedly</color>When Karenina: Scire is airborne, keep tapping Basic Attack to cast <color=#FF6347>Radiant Whirlwind</color>, dealing Dark DMG. Each Basic Attack tapped will increase the airborne time and spin speed.Gravity Overload: <color=#0d70bc>Triggered when character lands</color>Upon landing, Karenina: Scire will trigger <color=#FF6347>Gravity Overload</color>, gain Energy, and deal Dark DMG. If there is sufficient Anti-gravity Energy, Karenina: Scire will automatically jump up into the air again at the cost of some Anti-gravity Energy until there is insufficient Anti-gravity Energy, after which she will exit the Anti-gravity Form and all Anti-gravity Energy will be reset.Kinetic Energy: <color=#0d70bc>Automatically accumulated when casting Radiant Whirlwind/Basic Attack speed-up</color>Each <color=#FF6347>Radiant Whirlwind</color> cast and Basic Attack speed-up will grant Kinetic Energy. Casting <color=#FF6347>Starshatter Horizon</color> will consume all the Kinetic Energy with each point consumed granting bonus Base DMG.Airborne Spin: <color=#0d70bc>Anti-gravity Form + Tap Dodge</color>When Karenina is in the Anti-gravity Form, tap Dodge to cast <color=#FF6347>Airborne Spin</color> at the cost of double the Dodge Gauge value, pulling and knocking back enemies around Karenina, dealing Dark DMG and restoring Anti-gravity Energy and Energy. Upon a successful dodge, Karenina casts <color=#FF6347>Returning Repulsion</color> to pull and knock back enemies around her, dealing Dark DMG and restoring Dodge Gauge value.
44157100330030301Rising Key Charge: <color=#0d70bc>Any 3-Ping + Tap Basic Attack repeatedly</color>After using a 3-Ping, tap Basic Attack repeatedly to charge the Rise Engine. When you stop tapping or after a certain period of time, Noan: Arca will perform <color=#FF6347>Extreme Combo</color> based on the color of Signal Orb used, dealing DMG based on the current <color=#FF6347>Gear Level</color>. Unleashing the combo will consume all <color=#FF6347>Rising Energy</color> and enhance the combo DMG based on the charge progress. The <color=#FF6347>Rising Energy</color> charge progress will then be converted into <color=#FF6347>Target Spin Speed</color>.Extreme Combo: <color=#0d70bc>Tap Basic Attack repeatedly to unleash combo</color>The next time an <color=#FF6347>Extreme Combo</color> is unleashed, if current <color=#FF6347>Rising Energy</color> exceeds <color=#FF6347>Target Spin Speed</color>, <color=#FF6347>Gear Level</color> will increase by 1.Strike Rising Attack: <color=#0d70bc>3rd Gear + Unleash combo</color>If <color=#FF6347>Extreme Combo</color> is unleashed at maximum Gear Level, Noan: Arca will launch <color=#FF6347>Strike Rising Attack</color> instead with increased Extra DMG Bonus. <color=#FF6347>Target Spin Speed</color> and <color=#FF6347>Gear Level</color> will be reset to 0 afterward.
45104100430030301Glowing Lanternlight Orb: <color=#0d70bc>Upon entering battle or when entering Staff Form</color>When Bianca: Stigmata enters battle or enters <color=#FF6347>Staff Form</color>, a set of <color=#FF6347>Afterglow Orbs</color> will be generated above the Signal Orb bar.Simulated Matrix: <color=#0d70bc>Staff Form + Press and hold Dodge to enter Luminous Realm</color>Bianca: Stigmata cannot trigger the Matrix by successfully dodging attacks. When the weapon is in the <color=#FF6347>Staff Form</color>, press and hold Dodge to perform <color=#FF6347>Simulated Matrix</color> and activate <color=#FF6347>Luminous Realm</color>.Glowing Lanternlight: <color=#0d70bc>Ping Signal Orbs to consume the Afterglow Orbs that are of the same color and aligned above them in Luminous Real</color>While <color=#FF6347>Luminous Realm</color> is active, pinging Signal Orbs can also consume the <color=#FF6347>Afterglow Orbs</color> that are of the same color and aligned above them, upon which <color=#FF6347>Glowing Lanternlight</color> will be unleashed to deal Physical DMG to enemies within range. Pinging Signal Orbs and <color=#FF6347>Afterglow Orbs</color> in the <color=#FF6347>Luminous Realm</color> will both generate <color=#FF6347>Afterglow points</color>.
46123100230030301Puppet Theater On Me: <color=#0d70bc>Jete Points + Press and hold Basic Attack</color>When <color=#FF6347>Jete Points</color> are greater than <color=#FF6347>0</color>, press and hold Basic Attack to activate <color=#FF6347>Strings On Me</color>, performing Basic Attacks continuously.Solitary Dancer: <color=#0d70bc>Strings On Me + Take Hit/Release Basic Attack</color>When Bambinata: Vitrum is attacked while <color=#FF6347>Strings On Me</color> is activated, she will consume all <color=#FF6347>Jete Points</color> to automatically dodge the attack and leap into the air, entering the <color=#FF6347>Solitary Dancer</color> Form. When <color=#FF6347>Strings On Me</color> is activated at full <color=#FF6347>Jete Points</color>, release the Basic Attack button to consume all <color=#FF6347>Jete Points</color> and leap up to enter the <color=#FF6347>Solitary Dancer</color> Form. During the leap, Bambinata: Vitrum dodges incoming attacks.Pas De Chat: <color=#0d70bc>Solitary Dancer + Ping</color>Consuming Signal Orbs in the <color=#FF6347>Solitary Dancer</color> Form will trigger <color=#FF6347>Pas De Chat</color>, dealing Ice DMG. During <color=#FF6347>Pas De Chat</color>, Bambinata: Vitrum is invincible and pulls the enemies in.Pas De Chat: <color=#0d70bc>Successful Dodge + Solitary Dancer + Ping</color>If Bambinata: Vitrum has entered the <color=#FF6347>Solitary Dancer</color> Form by successfully dodging an attack, pinging Signal Orbs will trigger the more powerful <color=#FF6347>Pas De Chat</color> that deals Ice DMG. During <color=#FF6347>Pas De Chat</color>, Bambinata: Vitrum is invincible and pulls the enemies in.Pact of Memory: <color=#0d70bc>Solitary Dancer + 3-Ping</color>Triggering <color=#FF6347>Pas De Chat</color> with a 3-Ping in the <color=#FF6347>Solitary Dancer</color> Form will grant 1 stack of <color=#FF6347>Pact of Memory</color> (up to <color=#FF6347>3</color> stacks), causing Bambinata: Vitrum to forget the color of this 3-Ping and no longer gain orbs of this color. All orbs of this color will be converted to other orbs that have not been forgotten yet. At <color=#FF6347>3</color> stacks of <color=#FF6347>Pact of Memory</color>, all the remaining orbs will be forgotten and Bambinata can no longer gain Signal Orbs. Casting <color=#FF6347>Signature - Stringless Cage</color> will remove all stacks of <color=#FF6347>Pact of Memory</color> and refund the forgotten orbs. For each <color=#FF6347>1</color> stack of <color=#FF6347>Pact of Memory</color>, the Base DMG of <color=#FF6347>Signature - Stringless Cage</color> increases.
47101100430030301Dimension Observer RecordsAll 3-Ping Orbs pinged outside <color=#FF6347>Hypermatrix</color> will be recorded and returned by performing <color=#FF6347>Basic Attack - Retribution</color> in <color=#FF6347>Hypermatrix</color>.Realm Travel — <color=#0d70bc>Full Core Gauge + Press and Hold Basic Attack</color>When the <color=#FF6347>Hypermatrix</color>'s cooldown is over, press and hold to shoot at the front area with the high-power sniper rifle, dealing Fire DMG and opens up the <color=#FF6347>Hypermatrix</color>.
48102100530030301Wild Path ConfrontationWhen <color=#FF6347>wielding the kodachi</color>, Alpha can only use Blue Orb Skills. Her Basic Attacks will only grant Blue Orbs, which will be arranged in front of other orbs by default. When <color=#FF6347>wielding the odachi</color>, Alpha can only use Red or Yellow Orb Skills. Her Basic Attacks will only grant Red or Yellow Orbs, and Blue Orbs will be randomly converted into Red or Yellow Orbs.Void Phantom: <color=#0d70bc>Press and hold Dodge to enter Phantom Realm</color>Press and hold Dodge to enter <color=#FF6347>Phantom Realm</color>, gaining <color=#FF6347>Blade Aura</color> over time. During this time, Alpha: Crimson Weave gets Super Armor and DMG Reduction, is unable to restore the Dodge Gauge, and enters the Parry Stance. Pinging Signal Orbs can also increase <color=#FF6347>Blade Aura</color>.Munen Moment: <color=#0d70bc>Phantom Realm + Release Dodge</color>Press and hold Dodge to enter the <color=#FF6347>Phantom Realm</color>. Afterward, release Dodge to perform a powerful slash and deal Lightning DMG, during which Alpha gains Super Armor and DMG Reduction and is unable to restore the Dodge Gauge. Performing a powerful slash when <color=#FF6347>Blade Aura</color> is full will make Alpha Invincible, clear <color=#FF6347>Blade Aura</color>, activate <color=#FF6347>Munen Stance</color>, and restore Signature Energy.Lightless Points: <color=#0d70bc>Gained automatically when casting Signal Orb Skills/Dazzling Slash/Munen Moment</color>Gains <color=#FF6347>Lightless Points</color> every time when casting a Signal Orb Skill, <color=#FF6347>Dazzling Slash</color>, or <color=#FF6347>Munen Moment</color>. Casting <color=#FF6347>Eternaflare</color> will consume all <color=#FF6347>Lightless Points</color> to increase the Base DMG of <color=#FF6347>Eternaflare's</color> <color=#FF6347>Thunderous Slash</color> based on the <color=#FF6347>Lightless Points</color> consumed.Eternaflare: <color=#0d70bc>Odachi in Hand + Activate Munen Stance + Press and Hold Basic Attack</color>When Alpha is <color=#FF6347>holding the odachi</color> with <color=#FF6347>Munen Stance</color> activated, press and hold Basic Attack to launch a <color=#FF6347>Thrust Attack</color> and jump up to perform <color=#FF6347>Thunderous Slash</color> in midair, dealing Lightning DMG. When casting <color=#FF6347>Eternaflare</color>, Alpha becomes invincible but is unable to cast <color=#FF6347>Signature - Captive Shadow: Ephemeral Fire</color>.