forked from PGR/ascnet
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544301DialogEnableThe whole aquarium violently shakes, the structures that support the whole place squeaking disconcertingly.
655301Even more worrying are the numerous cracks on the tempered glass that separates the water.
8773011BiancaThis place is collapsing!1
988302We're retreating.9
1211113011Member AWe still haven't completed our objectives on the lower third floor and in the west wing. If this is too dangerous for you, you can head for the west wing first. It's disconnected from here, so it shouldn't be affected.1
131212301Member AWe Constructs don't need to worry about drowning, and our comms will still work underwater. We can carry on our mission.1
151414301Member AWhy?1
161515301You quickly explain before more of them object.
171616301You haven't equipped the enhanced modules for underwater combat. Fighting in the water will put you at a great disadvantage.
181717301It is too risky to fight hamstrung if we don't know exactly who and what we are fighting.
2019193011The Purifying Force members do not agree or disagree with you. Instead, they all turn to look at Bianca.
222121301BiancaDeploy a drone to the lower third floor. We're retreating afterward.1
242323301One of the members takes out a beetle-shaped drone and sets up a route on the terminal. The drone spreads its wings and flies toward the lower third floor.
2625253011Member BJust so you know, these drones are designed to track deserters. I have no idea how long it'll last at a place with a high Punishing Virus concentration.1
272626301Member BIt could send back the intel we need, or it could be infected before it could deliver anything important.1
282727301Member BThere's no way of knowing. We're leaving it to chance...1
302929301You all hear a sharp splinter and immediately look for its source...
313030301Member BAnd chance has not been on our side.1
333232301As if on cue, you begin to hear the sound of successive crackling and snapping around you. Years of weathering and the impact from the fight just now have finally broken the tempered glass that keeps the water away.
3534343011BiancaFall back!1
414040301Everyone begins to run. Water breaks through the glass barrier, rushing into the lower second floor.
424141301BroadcastWarning. We have detected a leak at the dolphin show hall. We will be closing it for repair immediately.
434242301BroadcastAll guests, please follow the instructions of our staff and leave in an orderly manner.
444343301BroadcastWarning. Drainage groups D2-A to D2-K are offline. Corresponding staff, please troubleshoot the system immediately.
454444301A large amount of seawater gushes into the dolphin show hall, raising the water level drastically. It quickly reaches your knees, slowing you down significantly.
464545301BroadcastNo lifeforms detected inside the dolphin show hall. Initiating lockdown on the venue.
4847473011Member CWhat?! Are you some sort of new Construct?!1
494848301The gate to the exit is lowering at a moderate but steady pace. Given how thick it appears, you fear that none of your weapons can open it once it is fully shut.
504949301Even then, all the Purifying Force members turn to look at you, surprised.
5453533011BiancaSomeone must have tempered with the system here.1
555454301That is when all of you receive a video on your terminals. You glance at it as you run...
565555301...And the Red Tide that has filled the entire space underneath you almost makes you stop.
5857573011Member BChance is on our side, after all.1
595858301The member that has been at the back says calmly.
605959301Member BWe've managed to dodge a few Hetero-Creatures and capture this before the drone completely fails.1
616060301That member has not looked up this whole time, operating the drone and recording.
626161302(Upload footage to the command center)62
636262301Member BBut I guess chance can only take us this far.1
666565301The gate is nearly closed. You have overclocked your exoskeleton to match the Constructs' speed, but you are all still a long way from the exit.
676666301And there is never just one bad thing that is happening.
7069693011LuciaCommandant, please retreat with your team immediately! Water is leaking here as well!1
717070301Loud NoiseEnemies incoming!
727171301LuciaWhat? Now?!1
737272302Lucia, get the refugees and the Purifying Force out of here first.73
747373302Come back with the heavy-duty grinder from the transport craft afterward.74
757474301LuciaThe heavy-duty grinder? Commandant, has your location been...1
767575301LuciaI understand. I will make sure everyone gets out safely. Wait for me.1
777676301You nod, looking down at the water that has reached your waist.
807979301After accepting that there is no exiting before the gate closes shut, all of you begin to slow down, and you start calculating how long the small portable oxygen tank you carry will last you.
8281813011Member ACatch.1
838282301The Construct who suggested continuing the mission tosses you a can.
858484302An oxygen tank?85
868585301It is an oxygen tank adorned with children's drawings done with oil markers. The shell is a little rusty, but the equipment itself seems well maintained, even though it looks nothing like what Babylonia gives you.
878686301Member AI kept it from my days as a Scavenger. Use this after your oxygen tank runs out, but don't forget to return it afterward.1
888787301The Construct does not explain too much.
908989301The Construct does not reply, standing to the side instead. All that is left is the sound of rushing water and the turning gears within the gate.
9392923011Member CThis is so loud... Huh? Is the gate slowing down?2
949393301Hearing that, you all turn and look.
969595301The heavy gate was approaching the water unrelentingly, but its signal light has just changed and is now blinking red.
979696301Following a blaring alarm, the gate stops.
989797301Right as you wonder if this is another trap laid by the enemy, you hear a frail voice from the broadcast.
999898301GraceGreetings, Babylonians. My name is Grace. My team and I have stopped the gate from closing.
1009999301GraceWe are currently trapped inside the control room on the lower second level. Most of us are too weak to walk. We desperately need your help.
103102102301Although Grace is one of the targets of the investigation, Bianca thought Grace must have been taken by the Red Tide after what she has been through.
104103103301But if Grace is alive, then...
105104104301BiancaIs Chiko with you?1
106105105301Grace...I'm sorry. She was standing between the Ascendant and us with her team... All we could do was run...
109108108301GraceOur escape route was filled with those monsters, so we've been hiding in the control room... We've run out of food these last few days.
110109109301GracePlease save us... Save the children, at least...
112111111301BiancaWe'll be there immediately. Please hold on.1
113112112301GraceThank you... thanks...
114113113301The voice from the broadcast turns silent.
1171161163011Member ATch.2
118117117301The Construct who has opposed Bianca's every decision sneers faintly before pulling up the map to the control room and starting to walk.
119118118301BiancaI thought you would oppose it.1
120119119301Member AThe Vice-Captain would have done the same. She wouldn't have done it out of sympathy like you, though.2
123122122301Member AThat woman recognized us before we presented ourselves, which means she must have seen us through the cameras.2
124123123301Member AShe's only speaking up now because she wants us to eliminate those monsters.2
125124124301Member AI don't believe that they have children with them for a second. If we rejected them, however, they would have just threatened us with closing the gate.2
126125125301Member AThey're making a move now, probably because they realized that we have a human who can't breathe underwater with us.2
127126126301AniZhuanchangBeginMember ADon't expect too much from someone who was lured by the Ascendants.2
132131131301DialogEnable1You explain the change in the situation to Lucia on your way to the control room.
133132132301LuciaI see. We will guard the exit until you have returned. The refugees here are going to take a while to retreat.1
134133133301LuciaThey're too fragile, having been trapped for so long.1
137136136301After defeating the few remaining Hetero-Creatures on the way, you reach the control room and hear Grace's voice from the broadcast once again.
138137137301GraceHold on. I'll open the door immediately.
1401391393011BiancaI'll let you do the talking, Commandant.1
143142142301You hear the sound of loading guns behind you. Turning around, you find all the Purifying Force members prepared for battle.
1471461463011Member AJust in case.1
148147147301The Construct shrugs.
151150150301Following the sound of its spinning steel axes, the door before you slides open.
1531521523011A face identical to the one you saw during the briefing appears in front of you.
154153153301Compared to her photo, she looks more exhausted, her lips dry, her eyes sunken.
155154154301Behind her are a few similarly ailing elders, some of whom are unconscious. However...
156155155302Where are the children you mentioned?156
158157157301Grace...I'm sorry, I...1
1601591593011Member AYou can drop your act now.1
161160160301The Construct interrupts her rudely.
162161161301Member AWho are we moving?1
166165165301The Purifying Force members begin to carry the elderly on their backs. Right then, the aquarium begins to shake violently again, and you hear muffled voices coming from the hallway outside the door.
1681671673011ScavengerTh-they... they're back.1
1721711713011LuciaHurry, Commandant. The aquarium appears to be collapsing soon.1
1741731733011BiancaGet out of here, everyone! I'll stop the Hetero-Creatures.2
175174174301BiancaYou too, Commandant.2
176175175302Alright. Don't stay too far behind.176
1771761763011AniZhuanchangBeginYou carry the last person and begin treading through the water that has reached your chest, running toward the exit.