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655301DialogEnable1FieldHey, Noan.1
766301NoanDid your dad leave?2
1099301NoanHey, look...2
121111301Noan was about to tell Field what he'd just heard about Field's dad but decided to drop the topic.
141313301NoanWhat did the doctor say?2
151414301FieldHe said my immune system isn't working properly, which is why I come under the weather a lot more down here where it's wet and cold.1
161515301FieldBoy, I can't wait for summer.1
171616301FieldI won't be sick so often when summer is here... and Dad won't have to worry about me all the time.1
181717301Field rubs his fingers against the vial in his hand that comes with no label.
191818301FieldThis medicine... costs us a fortune.1
201919301Noan...Does your dad stay connected with Ashlar to keep his access to this medicine?2
212020301FieldI have no idea... He refuses to tell me anything about it.1
232222301FieldDo you like summer, Noan?1
242323301NoanI don't have a favorite season because it doesn't really make a difference on the train.2
252424301NoanBut I guess I just might have one when I eventually get to go out with the Cargo Crew.2
262525301FieldCool. Say, why not let's go to the forest to look for fireflies in summer?1
272626301NoanFireflies? Why, though?2
292828301FieldBecause... they're beautiful? Have you seen one?1
302929301NoanIn the books I read, yes. And I've drawn some before.2
323131301Noan picks up a pencil and, on a makeshift sketchbook he's put together using scrap papers, draws a vertical line of circles. The circles seem like a cross between dandelions and the glowing balls that one would see reading mangas.
343333301FieldNo, Noan. Fireflies don't actually look like this.1
353434301With his fingers, Field traces out a firefly.
363535301FieldA firefly has a pair of wings, and the only part of it that glows is its tummy.1
383737301FieldWe can try to look it up in the terminal, but I'm sure it wouldn't look as pretty in the pictures as if you see one in person.1
393838301NoanAre there still any around?2
403939301FieldYes. My mom brought me to this place to see them before. We should do that, too.1
424141301NoanSounds great. I can go out there with the Cargo Crew after my training.2
454444301Noan looks up and stares at the dusty lights affixed to the car's ceiling.
464545301NoanFireflies, eh...2
474646301NoanI heard a lullaby before that has to do with fireflies.2
494848301FieldA lullaby? Wait, do you mean this one?1
504949301Seeing Noan looking back at him with a bewildered look, Field hums out a part of what he believes is the lullaby Noan is talking about.
515050301NoanNo, not this one.2
555454301Thinking for a few moments, Field hums out something different.
565555301NoanYes, that's the one.2
585757301FieldI see...1
605959301Deep in thought, they both fall silent.
666565301FieldHave you heard about how people think that grass turns into fireflies when it withers and decays?
676666301NoanThink I read about that somewhere, but that's just a superstition from the past, no?
686767301FieldUhm, well...
696868301FieldMy mom would always describe us as grass with our roots deep in the soil, but she never told me why she thought that...
706969301FieldBut... I think I know why now.
757474301Field runs his eyes through the words in the book again and again.
777777301FieldAs long as it lives, it is trampled upon and mown down, until it dies and decays.1
787878301Field...But that doesn't mean wild grass is worthless.1
797979301FieldYou die because you lived, and you rot because you were. Dying weeds bear new lives, and while the skies might not be at their brightest now, the fire burning across the grassfield will light up the skies all the same.1
808080301FieldIt all makes sense, then, what people say about grass turning into fireflies when it withers and decays—because people can't stop missing something when it's gone, no matter how mundane it might be.1
828282301Field looks at Noan with a serious look on his face.
8687873011Noan...Why are you telling me these all of a sudden, though?2
909393301FieldDoes it all sound like some fantasy I made up to make myself feel better?1
919494301NoanNo, it doesn't.2
929595301NoanBut, see, I was just thinking... that if people do turn into fireflies when they die, then we'd never have to say goodbye to them, right?2
959898301FieldI'm just trapped in my memory and the night—and maybe I just need to bid farewell to myself.1
97100100301NoanWhy would you have to do that, though?2
99102102301Field...I'm responsible for my mom's death...1
100103103301FieldShe'd always encourage me to read, but we didn't have a whole lot of books at home. The terminal at the pharmaceutical factory had a lot of electronic documents in it, so she'd take me there every so often at night when there wasn't anyone around.1
101104104301FieldAnd things went terribly wrong that night...1
102105105301Field looks down in silence as he turns the pages in the book he's holding—and only opens his mouth to speak again after what seems like an eternity.
103106106301FieldSince Mom died... there hasn't been a day where I didn't regret it...1
104107107301FieldAnd Dad has been living on the edge ever since to get me my medicine... all while I've been living in the melancholy of the past and been anything but helpful.1
105108108301FieldIf I could just say goodbye to her in the forest where she died, would I be able to let it all go and have what it takes to carry on?1
107110110301Noan shakes his head.
108111111301NoanShe made that choice to protect you—and I'm sure she'd never want you to forget about her, and I'm also sure she'd never want to see you crippled by regret.2
110113113301Field...You're absolutely right, but I'm just too scared to face it. I can't do it.1
112115115301FieldI just can't be like you, Noan. You've lost so much coming so far, but you've never given up.1
113116116301Noan...Huh? What do you mean?2
114117117301Noan doesn't understand those words—because he thinks he's learned things the hard way and already come to grips with reality.
115118118301FieldBe it your memory or what you believe in, you hold on to them both.1
116119119301FieldYou'd never have stood up for me or lent me a hand had you already given them up.1
117120120301Field puts his now slightly cold hand on Noan's shoulder.
118121121301FieldDeep down, you're deep into those heroic stories, aren't you?1
120123123301Noan...None of them is real, though.2
121124124301FieldThat's only because you don't yet have the power to make them so, Noan, and not because you aren't determined enough.1
123126126301NoanWhat's the difference anyways?2
124127127301FieldPower corrupts you if power is all you have.1
125128128301FieldBut you're different. You went out of your way to help me knowing full well you were no match for the guard... and that, Noan, is determination.1
126129129301NoanDetermination, huh...2
127130130301NoanBut I was this close to screwing everyone over back then, and Rachel asked me to swear that I'd never do it again... if I ever come across something like that.2
130133133301Field walks up to Noan and pats Noan's face.
133136136301FieldC'mon, Noan...1
134137137301FieldI know you might be feeling guilty for putting everyone in harm's way, but nothing changes the fact that you saved me... and that's proof enough that you can still do what you want to do even when you don't yet have what it takes to make it perfect.1
135138138301FieldAnd I'll keep what you did for me in mind—and help people in need when I see them.1
136139139301FieldYou might not be able to help everyone out there who's in need of help, but everyone you help will go on to help someone else. Sounds great, right?1
138141141301NoanWould you still do it if helping them means you're going to make everyone suffer?2
139142142301FieldSure. I mean, kindness is a choice, and the world is to blame if it doesn't allow us to make that choice.1
141145145301Noan...Boy, you really need to forget that.2
143147147301FieldUhm? Why, though?1
145149149301Field...Wait, does it make you cringe?1
149153153301FieldBingo? Oops.1
150154154301NoanDude, just pretend I've never said any of that already...2
153157157301FieldOk, fine. I'll stop with that, but I'm never going to forget you helped me.1
154158158301FieldAnd, see, it's really got me thinking, and I think I'm going to help people however I can once my leg gets better.1
156160160301Noan...But you're already doing that, Field. You're helping me already.2
157161161301FieldUhm? Am I?1
159163163301NoanYou are. See...2
160164164301Noan suddenly recalls all the things people have said about Field, and he can't help feeling tormented when he compares them with all the heart-warming encouragements he's heard from Field over the past few days.
161165165301Drawing a deep breath in hesitation, Noan decides to sweep it all under the carpet with thanks.
162166166301NoanThank you, Field. for telling me all this...2
164168168301Not knowing why he's being thanked, the blonde boy lowers his head and laughs.
166170170301FieldWhat do you want to be in the future, Noan?1
167171171301Noan...In the future?2
168172172301FieldYeah. A dream, or a plan, or something. Something you want for yourself.1
170174174301Noan closes his eyes in silence.
1771811813011He said something—but he just can't seem to recall the words that came out of his mouth.
178182182301How in the world did he even forget something so casual?
1841881883011NoanAnd you? What are you going to do?2
185189189301FieldI just want to get better—so I can leave the train and go to the forest to see all the fireflies, preferably with you and Dad.1
186190190301FieldBut I'm nowhere close just yet, so I guess we'll just look forward to summer first.1
187191191301Noan...You really love summer, don't you?2
188192192301FieldWith a burning passion, too, because it's only when summer is here that I don't get sick all the time.1
189193193301It isn't exactly cold in the car, but Field just can't help looking forward to summer.
190194194301Summer is warm and all, but that's probably also when Field gets to relive in all his good memories without all the worries.
192196196301NoanHow would you like a new name for good luck?2
193197197301FieldLike what?1
194198198301NoanField Lucifer Summer Hephaestus.2
196200200301FieldFor the love of God...1
197201201301Hugging himself, Field shivers from head to toe.
198202202301NoanOh, how about Field Seraph von Njord Und Frau des Feuers?2
200204204301FieldThat's just a mix of everything!1
201205205301Field raises his voice, something he rarely ever does.
202206206301FieldJust call me Summer. Think that should give me enough good luck.1
204208208301NoanAlright, Summer it is, then.2
207211211301NoanI can totes add to it, though. Sure you're okay?2
209213213301AniZhuanchangBeginSummerThanks, but no thanks!1
213217217301AniZhuanchangEndTwo months go by.
214218218301Bancroft works day and night to make up for the lost goods—except there is no end to his team's blunders no matter how hard he works.
215219219301He manages to stay around with his connections to the aristocrats up there, but he's been finding it increasingly difficult to stay lately, with his team messing things up again and again.
216220220301Every so often, Noan would see Rachel give him a real piece of her mind in front of people.
217221221301Field has run out of his medicine, and the hellhole that's the lower level is eating away at his body, putting him through low fevers again and again—yet he'd always lie to his father when he checks on him.
218222222301AniZhuanchangBeginWhen Noan trains, Field would stay in the book storage most of the time, where he would either be reading or napping in the corner.
222226226301AniZhuanchangEnd1NoanHey Summer, I'm back.2
223227227301SummerHey. Did you see my dad tonight? He was supposed to be back for a few hours today...1
224228228301NoanI did, and he left after asking me a few questions about you.2
228232232301SummerDid he find the lost goods?1
229233233301NoanNo, not yet.2
230234234301SummerWhat did Captain say?1
2362402403011RachelI've personally busted some shitheads that tried to do their little things with the goods—and mind you, you're getting busted next if you pull another trick on me.1
237241241301BancroftPlease, Captain, I didn't do this!2
238242242301RachelSays the man who has a record of working for the aristocrats?1
239243243301BancroftMy son was in a very bad condition and he was the only one I could ask for help from!2
240244244301RachelYou really gotta up your game, Bancroft.1
2452492493011Noan...She pretty much said the same things she had before.2
246250250301SummerWhat did people say, though? Doesn't anyone have any idea who stole the goods?1
2522562563011Bumblebee MemberBancroft, you said? Man, the man's a real thief and he's done it all... I want to be there to see him die the day he gets torn into pieces by Corrupted.1
253257257301Cargo Crew MemberBetter stay away from his son, boy! Young boy will probably grill you up when he gets hungry!2
2582622623011NoanThey don't seem like they want to help.2
262266266301NoanI'll definitely give your dad a hand when I finish my training in two months.2
264268268301SummerNo, please don't, Noan... I think I know what my dad is up to, but I can't stop him.1
265269269301SummerHe never passed the captain screening. He can work just fine as a crew member, but things are a disaster when he tries to play leader...1
266270270301SummerHe needed help because I was injured... and he only found this place after pulling some strings. And, see, it wasn't resources that the aristocrats took from him in exchange... it was info.1
267271271301SummerI'm sure Dad would never have gone down this path had he still had resources to trade with the aristocrats... and I bet he wouldn't have had to go through any of these had I died back then.1
269273273301NoanYou didn't ask to be roughed up, though—and I wouldn't have been the same without you, buddy...2
2742782783011Cargo Captain ShaunaPeople change, especially kids. Pretty sure our boy is gonna grow a whole lot more well-rounded the longer he hangs out with us.1
275279279301Cargo Captain NiinoBirds of a feather flock together, eh?2
2802842843011Noan...Right, I really don't think I'd be the same person that I am today without you.2
281285285301NoanAnd did you forget about what you said about fireflies?2
284288288301SummerNo, I do still remember what I said about fireflies—but I think I'm starting to have a change of mind now... knowing what happened to all those people my dad snitched on...1
285289289301SummerIt's been six months since we boarded the train—and fox six whole months, that's how Dad got my medicine and the resources he had to pay for the lost goods.1
286290290301SummerAnd I'm just afraid that they're going to hurt someone close to you next—or maybe you, even...1
2912952953011Cargo Member WeylandC'mon, son... You hang around Rachel all the time now and she tells you everything, and you just never know what Bancroft is gonna do when he gets crazy somewhere down the road.1
292296296301Cargo Member WeylandLook, son. Just do as we say... if you don't want what happened to your mom to happen to you.1
298302302301SummerAnd I don't see how that's any different from if we personally did the hurting ourselves.1
299303303301NoanIt's fine, as long as your dad still gets paid properly for his work. He just needs to pay for the lost goods and make sure he never loses anything again.2
300304304301SummerBut Dad just keeps losing them, and he hasn't even gotten what he's been working for because his pay all goes into paying for the goods lost.1
301305305301SummerAnd they still have no idea whatsoever who stole them.1
302306306301NoanI'm at the end of my training now. I'll ask Rachel to put me on your dad's delivery team so I can keep an eye out for him.2
303307307301SummerNo, please, Noan...1
304308308301AniZhuanchangBeginSummerThank you for offering, but I think it's best that you stay out of this.1
307311311301AniZhuanchangEndAnd that was the last time Noan ever saw Field.
308312312301Field left nothing in the book storage—except for his half-finished firefly toy and his notebook.
309313313301The notebook comes with an instruction sheet in it on how to put together the firefly toy. The rest of the notebook is full of Field's thoughts and sentences and lines that he's copied off the books he read.
310314314301The handwriting from the first half of the notebook is neat, and that's when Field was still writing about the changing seasons of nature—signs that he was still in a stable condition then.
311315315301The handwriting and content from the second half, however, are the exact opposite of what they are in the first half—with stains of blood here and there on the pages.
312316316301When Noan gets to the very last two pages, he has to read the words three times to finally understand what they say.
313317317304Friend, the time's close.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png1
314318318304I'll turn to the darkness and wander in the nothingness.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png1
315319319304You still expect my largesse. What can I offer you? Ceaseless, it is still darkness and void and—stop.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png1
316320320304But I'd like only darkness, or to vanish into your daytime; I'd only like a void that never seizes your heart.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png1
317321321304I'd like that, friend—ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png1
318322322304I travel alone—not only without you, but in darkness without other shadows.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png1
319323323304AniZhuanchangBeginOnly myself, submerged by darkness, in that world wholly mine.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png11
326330330301Noan puts down the notebook and looks around—but can't seem to see Field anywhere in the otherwise usually crowded lower-level car that now only has a handful of souls.
328332332301Unable to see any further and feeling helpless, Noan starts shouting out his friend's name—among people ready for bed.
3303343343011NoanSummer! Field!1
331335335301RImgBg1ShakeLower-Level Citizen 1For crying out loud, kid! Do you know what time it is?!
332336336301Not surprisingly at all, people don't hesitate to yell at him.
333337337301NoanSorry, but I'm just looking for my friend because he went missing.1
334338338301Lower-Level Citizen 1He what? You sure he didn't head out with the Cargo Crew? They're supposed to head down to City 074 tonight and will be back in the morning.
335339339301The man sits up from his dirty mattress with a yawn.
336340340301NoanHe's about my age, and there is no way he'd have left with the Cargo Crew because he just isn't fit enough to do that.1
337341341301Bumblebee Member 1Not fit enough... Wait, are you talking about Bancroft's son?
338342342301NoanYes, that's him. Have you...1
3443483483011Cargo Crew Member 1Wouldn't say a thing even if I've seen him. We're damn fed up with all Bancroft's little drama and just can't wait to see him kicked off the train.1
345349349301Cargo Crew Member 2Ditto. Ain't it funny how shit happens to his team every single time?2
346350350301Cargo Crew Member 3Dude just shouldn't be a captain, period. None of his men listens to him, and their goods go missing whenever they're out on a mission.3
347351351301Cargo Crew Member 3I just want the guy gone ASAP so we can all have a good night's sleep.3
3503543543011NoanYou really think that's gonna put an end to the situation?1
3523563563011Cargo Crew Member 3Excuse me?1
3543583583011NoanThere will be a second and third and more Bancrofts as long as the guards from the upper level keep their rules in place!1
355359359301NoanWe could choose to sit around and watch them die, but you never know who it's gonna be next.1
3573613613011Cargo Crew Member 2He has it coming.1
3593633633011NoanBut he was only just trying to save someone!1
360364364301NoanLeaking info and losing goods are what's considered wrong now according to the rules, but who's to say the rules are going to stay this way forever?1
361369369301NoanSee, we've twisted the rules against ourselves when the rules are what's wrong in the first place!1
362370370301NoanI'm not saying that I stand with these people, but the rules are what's wrong, and I sympathize with all the innocent people that get dragged through the mud.1
363371371301NoanWhy are we turning our backs on Field when he's done nothing wrong and wants to bring about changes? We hate the aristocrats' guts for treating us the way they do, but aren't we doing the exact same thing?1
3653733733011Bumblebee Member 2Wow, shithead. Think you know everything, huh?1
3673753753011Cargo Captain ShaunaI like everything he said, though. Atta boy, son.1
3693773773011Cargo Crew Member 2Captain Shauna?!1
3733813813011Cargo Captain ShaunaThought I'd drop by when I heard all the buzz coming from down here. Don't worry, though. Rachel ain't around, and I won't tell her a thing.2
374382382301NoanField went missing, Shauna.1
375383383301Cargo Captain ShaunaSure you've looked everywhere?2
376384384301NoanI went through all the places he'd usually go to, and his notebook is the only thing I found.1
377385385301Noan hands the notebook over to Shauna. She quickly goes through it.
378386386301Cargo Captain Shauna...2
379387387301Cargo Captain ShaunaLet's look for him together. Kid might still be around.2
3823903903011Cargo Crew Member 2But we can't let Bancroft stick around anymore!1
383391391301Cargo Captain ShaunaYour sick wife, Rock's kids, and Jason's mom—these are just some of the people who are here that we should just kick off the train, and I can keep going if you want me to.2
384392392301Cargo Captain ShaunaOh yeah, just FYI, I know what they're all up to.2
385393393301Cargo Crew Member 2...!1
386394394301Cargo Captain ShaunaY'all hate Bancroft's guts because he's been capitalizing on what y'all do, right?2
387395395301Cargo Captain ShaunaDesperate times call for desperate measures, and I totally get that.2
388396396301Cargo Captain ShaunaAnd y'all are damn right to say that he's got what's coming his way—but who are y'all to say you're any less guilty?2
3913993993011Cargo Crew Member 3What do you mean?1
392400400301Cargo Captain ShaunaY'all let him handle the goods alone knowing that he'd lose them. Need I say more?2
393401401301Cargo Crew Member 3...1
394402402301Cargo Captain ShaunaAnd boy, I would have told Rachel all these already had I heard about them earlier.2
395403403301Cargo Crew Member 3Rachel doesn't know any of these?1
3984064063011Cargo Captain ShaunaLike hell she would!1
399407407301Cargo Captain ShaunaShe's been doin' all these things to help make life better for us—while we're all busy here trying to help those scoundrels up there screw ourselves over.1
400408408301Cargo Captain ShaunaDoes seeing Bancroft screw up over and over again make life better for any of you?1
401409409301Cargo Captain ShaunaDo they come down here and strangle someone you hate every time Bancroft loses his goods and snitches?1
403411411301RImgBg1ShakeShauna throws a punch at the wall with her smile still on her face.
404412412301Cargo Captain ShaunaNow, just answer me this—are you going to help look for Field or not?1
406414414301Dead silence ensues—until someone from the Maintenance Crew speaks up.
4094174173011Maintenance Member 1I'll check out the security cameras over at the storage and send a few guys down the ventilation ducts. Those places ain't the easiest for kids to get back out once they're in there.1
410418418301NoanThank you...!2
411419419301Maintenance Member 1And we need you to come with us, kid.1
414422422301Noan leaves the car with the man.
4164244243011Cargo Captain ShaunaAnd what's it gonna be for the rest of you?1
4204284283011Bumblebee Member 1I'll look around.
421429429301Bumblebee Member 2...I'll go with you.
422430430301Cargo Crew Member 4Should we double-check with Rachel to see if the kid is out with the team?
4254334333011Cargo Captain ShaunaRight. I'll do that with my terminal.1
4304384383011Cargo Crew Member 3Tsk...!2
431439439301Cargo Crew Member 5Stay here if you want, but tag along if you can lend us a hand.3
432440440301Cargo Crew Member 2...1
4364444443011Cargo Crew Member 6Lucy, do us a favor and check out where you and the kids usually play hide-and-seek.1
437445445301GirlOn it!2
439447447301And with it, people start forming search teams. There are still people who are either unwilling to help or unable to help, but things are already looking a lot better than if Noan had to do it on his own.
440448448301This single event isn't going to erase all the hard feelings that are already there—but Noan can just feel that they've just made a dent in the tip of the iceberg.
4424504503011Noan...Field, where are you?1
4434514513011AniZhuanchangBeginThe boy calls out his friend's name as the sun begins to slowly show its face to the world for the day.