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444301So when Murray leaves the president's office, he only sees an empty corridor.
777301Murray shows a look of relief when the door behind him closes. Rubbing his forehead, he lets out a quiet sigh of relief.
999301MurrayIt's over... It didn't quite turn out the way we had hoped it would, but nonetheless...1
101010301Murray stops cold when he hears footsteps coming from ahead of him. When he opens his eyes...
161616301A girl in a pilot suit casts Murray a glance when she passes him by. Then, her eyes brighten up.
1919193011??It's you!1
2121213011MurrayAnd you are...?1
222222301When Murray turns around to face the girl, the girl, too, turns to face him with a mischievous look on her face. Facing Murray and waving at him, the girl walks backward with the other hand behind her back.
232323301??I am Nanami. Don't forget it!1
2525253011Murray...I think Lee told me about you before...1
2727273011NanamiKeep it up and protect your brother, Murray. You are doing great!1
303030301Muray is taken aback by those words. Where is she from? And what does she want from him? How does she know his name in the first place? Did she mean what she just said as a warning? He'll have to eliminate her if it's necessary to do so.
313131301Murray, however, manages to keep a smile on his face as these thoughts cross his mind.
333333301Murray...Sure thing, Nanami.1
343434301Murray waves Nanami off as she turns into a research lab under the Science Council's second division.
363636301AniZhuanchangBeginMurray...I will remember you.1
393939301AniZhuanchangEndWhen the lab door is opened, the person inside is observing something on a lab bench.
434343301On the researcher's table is the hologram of an iris. Nanami would have mistaken it for an actual iris if she hadn't known better.
444444301The girl with short pink hair turns around and casts Nanami a gentle yet somewhat aloof smile.
4747473011IshmaelHow can I help you?1
484848301From her question, Nanami senses not a trace of surprise, as though she knew all along that Nanami would come here.
494949301NanamiSomeone told me that you'd be able to help me.2
505050301IshmaelAnd I wonder who that might be... But that's hardly the point here. What matters is that you came to seek my help, and I love helping people.1
515151301With a smile, Ishmael gestures for Nanami to sit down.
525252301IshmaelState your wish, please.1
535353301AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiThanks, but no—I still have a promise to keep. Let's do this quickly.2
585858301AniZhuanchangEndThe airship and transport escorting Liv are disappearing into the sky...
595959301【kuroname】 is still asleep in The Star of Life, but the separating line has started working with Ishmael's help. This world that actually exists might just see a different future...
606060301Under the hot red clouds, Nanami travels through the wilderness in her dazzling pilot suit as Power stands on guard for her.
6262623011NanamiIt took a lot of effort for me to become what I am now. I really want everybody to see this...1
636363301Nanami gives Power a gentle touch. Inspired by her conversation with the girl, Nanami decided to modify Power—dazzling, the stars on it are supposed to be a symbol of humankind's romance and courage. They also show that Nanami is the one and only Nanami in this world.
646464301NanamiBut I have more important things to do right now.1
656565301NanamiMecha babushka, give me the coordinates.1
666666301GestaltWhat you do will not change this catastrophe.
676767301NanamiEven if my efforts are futile, I'll still do the same...1
686868301Because I'm doing it out of love.
696969301NanamiI don't want to destroy humankind and all the interesting things they created.1
707070301Nanami looks up at Eden in the sky. Haicma probably managed to evacuate from Babylonia with them already.
717171301NanamiAnd things are changing, aren't they? I'll help make their wish come true, and they'll help make mine come true, too.1
727272301Gestalt falls into silence.
737373301GestaltWhat happened to you—an entity called Nanami—outside my range of observation?
747474301AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiHaha... Let's not spill the beans yet.1
787878301AniZhuanchangEndNanami has heard this before, on the lone sailing spaceship where she talked with the unknown girl.
797979301GirlWe won't be able to predict the future if humankind possesses free will. humankind knows free will through experience. Free will is a substantial part of individual consciousness.
808080301GirlIn the same vein, predictions of the future contradicts free will.
818181301GirlHumankind can't predict the future precisely because they're able to make free choices.
828282301GirlConversely, if you already know the future, then you won't be able to go against your fate, nor can you tell people about what you know about the future.
838383301GirlEven if you already know all the possibilities and can choose the best one out of them, the outcome—or some tragedy that might happen along the way—is still inevitable.
848484301GirlI think you need no reminder, Nanami, but...
858585301GirlI'm you from the future.
868686301She sees herself... in that future. With the machines, she travels on and on through the universe trying to figure out why the machines awakened and their identity.
878787301Giving up her freedom, she became a central AI that leads the spaceship and all the awakened machines on a permanent journey through the infinite universe.
888888301The surviving humans still have a chance, yet their fate is now up to them. humankind has only themselves to count on down the path to a promising future.
898989301Abandoned by Earth, the girl sits quietly by the window as she speaks, occasionally stealing glances at the blue planet billions of light-years away.
909090301At the end of time, the universe, and everything, she finally sees it... she sees the root of all catastrophes. She also finds a door through which humankind can go and the key to it.
919191301Then... she sends the secret to the past—a secret that should have been left untold.
929292301She prays...
939393301Humankind lives on in the infinite expanse that is the universe, and the machines set out on a journey with her in search of peace and their identity.
9697973011NanamiBut you still have a choice, Nanami... You can choose to not become me.1
979898301The girl's smile is so similar to yet so different from Nanami's.
989999301Her smile, however, is growing blurry as her hologram begins disappearing.
99100100301NanamiH-hold on...
100101101301NanamiIt's time to say goodbye.1
101102102301Nanami holds out her hands and locks her fingers with her much younger self. With their heads against each other's, Nanami finds herself instantly awash with yearning, sadness, and loneliness.
102104104301Does she want Nanami to make a different choice from hers? But she of all people should know that...
111115115301NanamiI would love to see it for myself on Earth... but I'm afraid I won't be able to.
112116116301She might have chosen the shackles of fate—yet fate is full of twists and turns, one of which being humankind, and that's something that even Gestalt failed to capture with her calculations.
1141181183011AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiDon't forget Nanami.