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655301The singing of whale is so loud that it makes Pulao roll to the ground.
766301The hard floor helps Pulao to wake up. She holds on to the cabinet, finally reaching the whale-shaped alarm clock.
877301When the room is quiet again, Pulao finally gets rid of the drowsiness. She combs her hair with her hand and sighs at the messy bed.
1099301PulaoSigh... I still can't get used to the morning alarm clock.1
111010301PulaoSpeaking of which, I haven't slept so well in a long time.1
121111301PulaoHehe. I feel like I had a great dream.1
131212301PulaoThere were many familiar people and things, but I can't remember...1
151414301PulaoWhatever, the ending must be good. Otherwise, I wouldn't be smirking like this. I don't often do this!1
161515301ChaofengWake up, Pulao. We need another round of patrol before the celebration starts.
171616301PulaoWhat, is it this late already?1
181717301Pulao quickly jumps off the bed and takes the coat of Pulao Crew from the wall.
201919301PulaoWhat's this...1
222222301PulaoIt feels so familiar. But why the bitter feeling...1
232323301YaziAre you ready? I'm coming in.
242424301AniZhuanchangBeginPulaoDon't open the door! I'm coming right now!1
272727301AniZhuanchangEndPulaoIt's the annual celebration again. Can't you be a little happier, Yazi?1
3030303011YaziLike this?1
313131301ChaofengDon't push her, Pulao. Her face is always like this.2
3333333011PulaoFine. Speaking of which, can you stop hanging upside down? The children in the West District have complained quite a few times.1
343434301ChaofengLittle brats...2
363636301ChiwenSir, our market research indicates your prune drink will continue to be very popular. Make sure you stock up on it.
3838383011Shop OwnerOf course, I learned it from Uncle Fu. It would be a disgrace if people don't like my drinks—how can I claim to inherit his techniques then?1
393939301Shop OwnerBy the way, would you like to try some shacha noodles first?1
404040301ChiwenThanks, but I'm fine.
4343433011PulaoAh, I'll...1
464646301PulaoI'll try them after I finish work!1
484848301ChiwenMr. Simpie, please don't unload your goods at the intersection. Can you move them to the side? We have more ship-repairing materials coming through later.
494949301Mr. SimpieLet's get working, Birdie.
505050301BirdieAlright. One, two, three, go!
515151301Mr. SimpieWanna go for a drink and performance after work? I heard the East District recently had a decent troupe of sword dancers.
525252301Mr. SimpieLet us treat you. After all, you gave us a hand when we were completely lost.
5454543011PulaoNo thanks, today is just a beginning. There are still a lot to do in the days to come.1
555555301Mr. SimpieOkay then. We look forward to continuing working with you next year.
565656301ChiwenMe too.
575757301PulaoChiwen is always the busiest at the celebration.1
595959301ChiwenWe have the most trading activities going on at this time. It's better to be busy than sorry.
606060301ChiwenWhat is Bixi doing? He never gave me a logistics plan. I have to handle everything.
616161301BixiStop talking behind my back. I just reinforced all the equipment for tonight's performance. There is still a lot to fix on the ship.
636363301FuxiQiuniu, I finished the firework that you asked me. I only have limited materials, the end result may not meet your requirement...1
646464301QiuniuIt's okay. We don't have a lot of supplies to waste. The entertainment budget is tight.2
6767673011YaziWhere are those 4 newbies in your team? I didn't see them with you today.1
686868301PulaoBabylonia helped to end our torment. But we can only depend on ourselves from now on.2
696969301PulaoTo do so, work-life balance is very important. So I gave them a day off today.2
7171713011ChaofengYou are thinking too much. I only want them to follow you so you don't get distracted by the toys and snacks.1
737373301PulaoI won't!2
747474301ChaofengReally? But your panda wallet is full of Grubs.1
7878783011YaziOkay, enough chatting.2
797979301AniZhuanchangBeginChaofengAlright, I'll go check the data station and Yazi will watch the roof. I'll leave the dock to you, Pulao.1
838383301AniZhuanchangEndPulaoSure. After patrolling the dock, I'll also search a 10km radius. I may be back late.
848484301Pulao waves goodbye to the other Kowloong Crew. The morning sun shines upon her hair, leaving a golden glow.
858585301With a smile on her face, she turns around and starts the day's work.
868686301PulaoChaofeng just had a late night and still has to patrol. Must not let down the guard when it comes to intelligence...
878787301PulaoChiwen and Bixi haven't used the sleeping pod for two weeks.
888888301PulaoNot only the Dragon Children, everyone on the Nighter has been working hard since that day... It's been tough for all of us.
898989301PulaoNo, it's not the time to be sentimental.
909090301PulaoI must help and understand others, and put everything into action!
919191301AniZhuanchangBeginPulaoHmm... A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! Here I go!
949494301AniZhuanchangEndHuainanWe came at the right time. Everyone is preparing for the celebration, it seems.
959595301HuainanAren't you going to check it out? Perhaps you will bump into the old friends you miss!
969696301YinIf you want to see some old friends, you go yourself.
979797301YinBut I must warn you first. We are only going to cause unnecessary panic if we show up in public.
989999301YinYou said you were just going to glance from afar. Now let's go.
991001003011AniZhuanchangBeginHuainanOkie dokie. Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year.