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141313301Feeling an intense pain as if her M.I.N.D. is torn apart, Liv finds her vision blurred, having to lean on the wall to keep her balance.
151414301It has been 28 days since she returned to Babylonia.
161616301Although the migraine has become less frequent with the help of Professor Hippocrates, the intensity has not lessened. She feels like her head is impaled, and she struggles to focus.
181818301LivThis is how we lost all the Constructs that were sacrificed during their adaptations...1
191919301LivNo... This is probably not the only reason...1
212121301Mournfully, Liv closes her eyes, trying desperately to stabilize her M.I.N.D.
232323301LivI have to get up... The patients are still waiting...1
252525301It is six in the morning.
262626301Even when the rescue missions to the surface have been halted for nearly a month, mornings in Star of Life are still as busy as ever.
272727301With many Constructs and medics forced to enter their residency early, Star of Life has become even more chaotic in some ways.
282828301Still, many wounded have had a fighting chance during the most critical moments only because these Constructs and medics were there to share many of the duties.
3131313011Support ConstructGood morning, miss Liv.2
323232301LivMhm... good morning.1
333333301Support ConstructRight. I ran into a liaison officer on my way here.2
343434301Support ConstructHe asked me to tell you that you don't have to visit him because there were no messages last night.2
353535301Liv...I see. Thank you.1
373737301There is still no news from her companions today. When was the last time she saw a mission report?
383838301The reports were still sent in regularly during the first 15 days she was back on Babylonia, mostly regarding the base underneath City 047.
393939301Those were hardly good days, but Liv dared not to wish for more as long as she knew her friends were safe.
404040301After the 15th day, Babylonia lost contact with Gray Raven for 3 whole days. By the time they received another report, Lucia, Lee, and Chrome had hidden inside a church with a few remaining survivors.
414141301The three of them were fighting in the church ruins when they uploaded the report. They could not disclose much, having only submitted the test result of Omega II without being able to collect detailed data.
444646301Is that really good news?
454747301Looking at the corridor in Star of Life, Liv recalls seeing Murray there earlier.
464848301The young man who always wears a smile on his face was nothing but worried, trying to find Hippocrates to confirm something.
474949301She wanted to ask the Professor about it, but Hippocrates never told her.
485050301LivLucia... Lee...1
495151301Amidst all the pain she is suffering, Liv is trying to come up with a way to find out how her teammates are doing.
5254543011HippocratesHey, a penny for your thoughts?2
535555301A warm hand suddenly gives her a slap on the back.
586060301HippocratesHaha! Did I startle you?2
606262301AniZhuanchangBeginHippocratesAlright, come with me. I've got something to tell you.2
656767301AniZhuanchangEndHippocrates takes Liv toward the ward where the Gray Raven Commandant is staying.
666868301HippocratesIf all goes well, this will be your last 24 hours—eh... before you depart.2
687070301LivReally? Finally...1
697171301Realizing that she will soon reunite with her companions, Liv feels slightly relieved.
727575301HippocratesIs that all you've got to say?2
747777301Liv...I'm sorry, Professor. I...1
757878301Even though she understands what the Professor is asking, Liv cannot say it.
767979301Why create more pain with her tears when her fate is sealed?
778080301Looking at the silent Liv, Hippocrates sighs and sits on a chair by the bed.
798282301HippocratesDo you know what some of the other teachers and I thought of you when you were still a student?2
808383301Slightly confused, Liv looks at the Professor, uncertain if she's referring to the comments written on her assessment manual.
818484301HippocratesGrounded? Hardworking? Studious?2
828585301HippocratesNah. You were a fool.2
848787301Liv...I see.1
868989301LivI know I often couldn't keep up with others.1
879090301HippocratesThe teacher who taught you clinical care passed away about half a year ago.2
909393301HippocratesThere's no need to be upset. She was old. It happens. But she mentioned you to me before she left.2
919494301Hippocrates takes out a sealed bag from her pocket and drops it on the commandant's bed.
939696301The Professor looks at Liv, frowning, her sorrowful eyes filled with nothing but grief.
969999301Liv takes the sealed bag from the bed and opens it. Inside are seven medical injectors, each serving a different purpose. Yet she cannot recall where they come from.
97100100301HippocratesThese are the things you used to treat yourself when you were a medic.2
98101101301HippocratesShe asked you why you operated on yourself. What was the answer you gave?2
100103103301Liv...I didn't want to trouble others. And I'd learn how painful the injections could be... This way, I can improve my techniques and make it hurt a little less.1
101104104301HippocratesYou could've used the training equipment to practice, but you insisted.2
102105105301The Professor mutters as she lifts the blanket that is covering 【kuroname】 and performs palpation on the commandant.
103106106301HippocratesThat was the first time that teacher saw a fool like you. Blood draws, sutures, injections... you did them all yourself, and you left her quite an impression...2
104107107301HippocratesEventually, she started collecting the equipment you used after sterilizing them. Reminders, she said. Lest the deaths we've seen cost us our empathy.2
105109109301HippocratesMedical procedures were painless as early as the Golden Age. But the apocalypse has returned all those intricate, machine-made equipment to their original forms.2
106110110301HippocratesMost medical practitioners were already spent after the outbreak. Students had to rely on the feedback from the training equipment to practice, and that came with many limitations. But who could afford to care?2
107111111301HippocratesEven with some of the production lines recovered, we had to prioritize the equipment needed by the military. Treatment effect over painlessness.2
108112112301HippocratesWhen fighting and survival are the most important factors... when we could lose our empathy from the deaths we see... Who cares how much injections and sutures hurt?2
109113113301Shaking her head, Hippocrates retracts her hands from the commandant and places the blanket back.
110114114301HippocratesYou care. That's why you're a fool.2
111115115301HippocratesThat's why I had to keep up with what you were doing even when I retired.2
112116116301HippocratesI was relieved when I heard you were doing alright in Gray Raven.2
113117117301Hippocrates...But this world will not let anyone leave unscathed.2
114118118301Hippocrates lowers her head, concealing her expression from Liv.
115120120301Hippocrates...But so many of my students are gone. And now you're going too...2
116121121301The aging Professor grabs Liv's hands, her voice breaking and trembling, as though this one act would keep Liv here when Liv cannot stay.
118123123301LivProfessor... I...1
119124124301HippocratesI tried. I tried, but you couldn't live.2
120125125301Hippocrates...And I couldn't wake up your commandant.2
121126126301Hippocrates...I failed. I retired, and it cost me so much time.2
122127127301Hippocrates【kuroname】 might never wake up again.2
123128128301Hippocrates...I even tried to convince them to wait a few more days. If your commandant wakes up, it would solve so many problems.2
124129129301Hippocrates...But so many people are dying down there. We're out of time...2
125130130301HippocratesI'm sorry I couldn't save you...2
127132132301LivProfessor... please don't be upset. Everything you've taught me, past and present, has been supporting me to this day.1
128133133301HippocratesHa... Past and present...2
129134134301HippocratesI just want you to have a future.2
131136136301The Professor closes her eyes and shakes her head, locking up all the grief that makes her waver. She stands up and walks toward the door.
133138138301Hippocrates...It's too late to say anything now.2
134139139301AniZhuanchangBeginHippocratesLet's go. Asimov is almost ready.2
140145145301Following Hippocrates to Asimov's laboratory, Liv finds it more desolated than usual.
141146146301Only Asimov and Rosa remain in the room filled with monitors and equipment.
142147147301Seeing Liv enter, the assistant walks up to greet her before leaving with a box of things.
143149149301AsimovBut that also means that the procedure of changing the frame comes with classified information. Which is why only Professor Hippocrates and I are here.1
144150150301Asimov stares at the file before him and pauses for a moment.
145151151301Asimov...One last thing.1
146152152301AsimovSince the frame is mainly built upon the data of an agent, its capabilities are also similar.1
147154154301AsimovOnce the fight begins, it won't be long before you reach your threshold and lose control.1
148155155301AsimovUnlike the specialized frames given to Lucia and Chrome... this time, I cannot give you any guarantee.1
1501571573011LivThat's okay. I understand.1
1521591593011AsimovNow, this is just a hypothesis, yet to be confirmed—1
153161161301Asimov...You might be able to enter the Ascension-Network while conscious with the help of this frame.1
1551631633011LivThe Ascension-Network?1
1571651653011AsimovThat's right. If it does happen, it will be a rare opportunity.1
1591671673011LivWhat do I need to do?1
1611691693011AsimovYou just have to be ready to respond. With the M.I.N.D. needle probe, we can see everything you see.1
162170170301AsimovOur old records speak of the Ascnet as a network built among many Corrupted to share information with each other.1
163171171301AsimovBut having witnessed agents, the Red Tide, and Hetero-Creatures, we have yet to understand how they are all related.1
165173173301Staring at the data, Asimov closes his eyes, exhausted by the slow updates. Technology and information are not progressing fast enough for him or the survivors living in a post-apocalypse.
1671751753011HippocratesLet's begin, Asimov.1
168176176301HippocratesThe good news is that, unlike the procedure with Chrome, Liv isn't hurt, and I am here.1
169177177301HippocratesWe won't need a commandant this time.1
171179179301Before joining Gray Raven, Liv would carry the world by herself until the moment she fell.
172180180301After she joined them, 【kuroname】 once told her that she needed not to carry that burden alone.
173181181301Because her commandant and her companions would always be by her side.
174182182301...And now?
177185185301She used to be alone. She can do it again.
178186186301Compared to the suffering caused by the calamity, the pain and loneliness she feels are nothing.
180188188301Liv...This is the dawn of hope.1
181189189301The maintenance platform makes a low hum as the signal lamps light up one by one, bringing a hint of warmth to the dark room.
1861941943011AniZhuanchangBeginAs the two of them watch, Liv walks toward the light.