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433301DialogEnableIt has been 15 days since Liv returned to Babylonia. It is also the 15th day she has been adapting to her new frame.
544301The peaceful facade of Babylonia would have tricked her into believing that everything has gone back to normal... if not for the obstacles and pain she has experienced throughout the adaptation.
655301The Constructs that returned with Liv either have been sent to Star of Life, are currently being treated, or have their names recorded on the casualty list.
766301Those who once gathered at conservation areas 043 and 046 have mostly survived, but the conditions of a few of them are still critical.
1099301Apart from following the protocol to work on her adaptation, Liv has mostly spent her time in Star of Life, assisting the doctors there and looking after the patients.
111010301She seems to have brought her habit on the surface back with her. Besides taking care of the patients, Liv will also jot down their particulars in her journal.
121111301She knows that terminals that contain nonessential information will be reset after her frame is destroyed, so she has chosen pen and paper instead.
131212301—Cosette, brought to Babylonia from the surface, is also staying at Star of Life under observation. She seems to be doing fine right now.
141313301Celica has told Liv that Cosette will be transferred to the Youth Center later to await adoption. Or she might stay there until she has grown up.
171616301—It has been over two months since 【kuroname】 was injured at the Pulia Forest Park Ruins.
181717301Since returning to Babylonia, the commandant has been receiving the best medical treatment possible.
191818301But the days pass by... and 【kuroname】 shows no sign of waking up. Not even when the heavily wounded Simon has woken up from his coma and comes to visit with the medical personnel's help.
201919301All the doctors in Star of Life know full well that if 【kuroname】 does not wake up soon, there might be no waking up at all.
212020301Being in a coma for over three months will create irreversible complications in a human's body.
222121301Even if a miracle happens after three months, the best option the Chief commandant has is to turn into a Construct.
232323301Whenever night falls, and most of the patients and nurses are asleep, Liv will still be busy working in the halls of Star of Life.
242424301The only time she stops is when she receives the daily mission report from the surface, and she will take a brief rest, eased by the images of the figures in relative safety.
252525301AniZhuanchangBeginShe is... a sparrow, trapped in an hourglass. Knowing that she will soon be buried by the shifting sand, she still refuses to give up on searching for a way out.
272727301AniZhuanchangEndAs noon arrives on another busy day at Star of Life, Liv departs briefly for the Science Council.
282828301She is already ready to return and continue to help after finishing today's adaptation at the Council.
292929301As long as she can offer an extra pair of hands, she can give everyone else a little breathing room, and more patients can be treated.
303030301But she finds someone she has not seen for a while in Asimov's laboratory.
3232323011Bianca...I understand the details. The specialized device you requested has been approved as well. It'll arrive here tomorrow.1
363636301Seeing Liv enter, Bianca simply nods at her without saying anything.
373737301BiancaI'll be going if there's nothing else.1
4040403011AsimovOf course.1
4343433011Looking at Liv, Bianca seems to have a thousand words left unsaid in her eyes. Still, she remains silent, nodding again and bidding farewell.
454545301BiancaTake care.1
484848301AniZhuanchangBeginAs she watches Bianca leave the laboratory, she hears another familiar voice from the door, one she has not heard for a very long time.
525252301AniZhuanchangEnd1HippocratesGood afternoon.1
5757573011HippocratesWhat? Do you have to look like you just saw a paralyzed patient playing football?2
595959301LivMy apologies, Professor... I was just surprised to see you. I heard that you left Star of Life to focus on academic research, and you're no longer teaching or practicing.1
606060301HippocratesYou're not wrong. I applied for early retirement to concentrate on things and research that I actually care about.2
616161301HippocratesBut in times like this, no one gets to stay on the sidelines, I suppose. So here I am.2
626262301She shrugs, smiling.
636363301HippocratesAsimov has told me what happened to you on the surface.2
6969693011HippocratesI've also checked on the Gray Raven Commandant. Not an easy job to bring someone with a brain injury like that back in one piece.2
707070301HippocratesDon't be too hard on yourself. Choices were made, and the die was cast. I know what happened down there. You did your best.2
727272301Hearing the words the Professor used to say to comfort her students, Liv shows a hint of bitterness in her smile.
737373301HippocratesWord is that you're making an extraordinary frame here?2
747474301HippocratesYou got me curious. Tell me more.2
7676763011Asimov...It's classified.1
787878301HippocratesI've submitted my request and signed the NDA. Here, see for yourself.2
797979301She opens her terminal and shows Asimov the notice she just received.
808080301HippocratesUnless you don't trust the doctor that delivered you?2
838383301Right as she finishes saying that, the sound of containers being knocked over and a little girl gasping can be heard from a cubicle inside.
858585301AsimovThe notice just says you're allowed to join. I don't think you've agreed to do it yet.1
878787301HippocratesI should learn more about the project before coming to a decision, shouldn't I?2
898989301Asimov does not bother to argue anymore. He tabs on the monitor before him and pulls up a folder for Hippocrates.
909090301HippocratesI see... So this is it...2
919191301Hippocrates...It's the frame that utilizes the data from an agent, isn't it?2
929393301HippocratesSince the user of the frame cannot withstand the infection, they'll die soon after they're deployed.2
939494301AsimovBut attracting the Punishing Virus is the effect the Omega Weapon needs. That's the only way it can capture the virus.1
949595301HippocratesBut where does it send the Punishing Virus?2
959797301AsimovThis frame has brought us hope precisely because it can make the Punishing Virus go away for real.1
969898301AsimovWith proper control, we can even cure the Corrupted.1
98100100301HippocratesYou won't be looking like this if things have been going this smoothly.2
99101101301Asimov...This specialized frame cannot control the rate it draws the Punishing Virus.1
100102102301AsimovGiven the current virus concentration on the surface, it is very likely that the Omega Weapon cannot keep up with the amount the frame is drawing in.1
101103103301HippocratesWhat will happen to the virus that the Omega Weapon cannot capture? Will they just infect Liv?2
102104104301Asimov answers her with his silence.
103105105301HippocratesThis is only going to give us another Corrupted. If things go wrong, we might even get another Ascendant.2
104106106301AsimovCommander Nikola agrees that we might risk turning Liv into an Ascendant. That's why he has asked the Purifying Force to support the operation.1
105107107301AsimovI was just confirming the situation with Bianca earlier. She's bringing over some... equipment tomorrow that requires special authorization.1
106108108301HippocratesEquipment from the Purifying Force... a M.I.N.D. needle probe?2
108110110301AsimovAnd an EMP discharge collar.1
112114114301HippocratesDid he tell you about this?2
1151171173011LivYes. Asimov and Commander Nikola told me before we started the adaptation.1
116118118301HippocratesDo you know what those two things do?2
117119119301LivOne of them monitors my M.I.N.D. activities, and the other one can directly extinguish my M.I.N.D.1
118120120301HippocratesYou signed the agreement after you'd learned about them?2
120122122301LivI did... since I don't want to become the enemy either.1
121123123301A hint of gloom flashes on the cheerful Professor's face, but she has not voiced any disagreement.
122124124301HippocratesWhat if we retrieve Liv before the infection crosses the threshold?2
1241261263011AsimovEven with the specialized frame, the Omega Weapon cannot hold on for too long.1
125127127301AsimovEverything is a work in progress. We can only improve it after testing.1
126128128301HippocratesDidn't you solve this once? With the Smith boy... Chrome?2
127129129301AsimovThe way I solved that was by including an inhibitor so that the Ascendant data wouldn't surpass what he could handle.1
128130130301AsimovThere are two reasons why we can't use an inhibitor this time.1
129131131301AsimovDrawing in the Punishing Virus is, by default, an act of surpassing the threshold. If we put a limit on that, this project wouldn't be able to do what it's meant to do.1
130132132301HippocratesHmm... Of course those people would come up with something like this when they consider human lives simply part of the cost of their experiments.2
131133133301HippocratesBut this isn't turning a heater on and off, where our options are either hot or cold, inhibitor or no inhibitor. There must be another way.2
132134134301AsimovThere would be, but the specialized frame is developed from an agent's data, so its essence is similar to an Ascendant.1
133135135301AsimovConnecting with the M.I.N.D. of a frame like this often means corrupting a commandant's Mind Beacon.1
134136136301AsimovAfter getting the data from Chrome and the fight with the Hetero-Hive Mother, I reinforced the inhibitor on the Glory frame.1
135137137301AsimovRight now, his specialized frame is as stable as Arclight. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, both frames only have a 0.64% chance to deviate.1
136138138301AsimovBut should a deviation occur, only the Gray Raven Commandant 【kuroname】 can stabilize his M.I.N.D.1
137139139301AsimovGiven that 【kuroname】 is still in a coma, we've lost our only guarantee.1
138140140301HippocratesIs that why Kurono is so obsessed with 【kuroname】?2
139141141301AsimovI wasn't too keen to find out the details, but it certainly seems like it.1
140142142301AsimovThey have trouble solving the infection, and they couldn't get their hands on Constructs with remarkably stable M.I.N.D.s.1
141143143301AsimovWithout a commandant who can withstand it, the frames they build can't be deployed, or it'll just result in the user's demise.1
1471491493011Asimov...How do you know about Kurono, Professor?1
149151151301HippocratesA sweet young man promised I'd be interested in 【kuroname】 and Project Winter, so I let him talk.2
154156156301HippocratesHe said he wanted the project to continue smoothly so the frames they make could improve and stop hurting the users. That's why they need my help.2
155157157301HippocratesOh, how passionate young people are nowadays. I didn't even give him an answer, and he was showering me with praise for over ten minutes. And I thought my old researches were all but forgotten.2
156158158301HippocratesPeople often ask me how I stay so young, but no one listens when I say it's healthy diets, enough sleep, regular exercise, and staying away from cigarettes and alcohol.2
160162162301AsimovAre you joining the research?1
161163163301HippocratesHold on. One more question.2
162164164301HippocratesWhy Liv?2
1651671673011LivThat was my choice.1
1681701703011HippocratesBut I've heard that they were eyeing you before you applied.2
1691711713011AsimovNo one could avoid the outcome, even if it weren't Liv.1
170172172301HippocratesSave that kind of speech for someone who hasn't seen her share of death. When the number of lives isn't a factor, I'll always care for those I care about.2
174176176301AsimovThe most important factors we considered were M.I.N.D. stability and strain.1
175177177301AsimovWe have to exclude those who have their M.I.N.D.s damaged by a specialized frame—they would require something more stable.1
176178178301AsimovAmong our top three candidates, Liv is second on the list.1
177179179301HippocratesOh? Who's first?2
178180180301AsimovLee, who's also from Gray Raven.1
179181181301AsimovStill, this frame is just our first attempt. There is still a lot of uncertainty, but someone out there has been trying to suppress it.1
180182182301HippocratesSomeone, huh? I can hazard a guess who that is. Who knows, maybe we're talking about the same person. Were those the only things you considered?2
181183183301AsimovThe other factor was the fact that Liv applied for the program herself.1
182184184301Hippocrates lets out a deep sigh, switching to a more comfortable posture on the chair.
183185185301HippocratesAlright. I agree to join the operation.2
184186186301HippocratesThe agent's data would've caused all kinds of issues, even from the simulated connection during adaptation.2
185187187301HippocratesThe migraine you feel would be the most obvious one, yes?2
190192192301HippocratesRight, you wouldn't have said anything if you weren't asked.2
192194194301HippocratesAlthough frames aren't my specialty, I can still help when it comes to M.I.N.D. stability.2
193195195301HippocratesI'll also be the attending physician of your commandant. If we can get 【kuroname】 to wake up, we'll at least have a shot at tackling problems regarding the M.I.N.D.2
194196196301Liv...Thank you, Professor.1
195197197301HippocratesOf course. If you have any requests, now's the time.2
196198198301Hippocrates taps the monitor in front of Asimov and presents the design of the new frame to Liv.
199201201301HippocratesI'm not the one who does the modification, but the more the frame matches what you want, the better it is for you in your future battles.2
203205205301Looking at the pure white frame on the schematics, she is reminded of a similar piece of paper she once held in her hands.
205207207301Whether it is 【kuroname】 or the people who are still struggling...
206208208301If only the Eclipse frame could fly, Liv would be able to travel over the hills and the flood, through the danger to wherever she is needed—to help those she could have saved.
2082102103011AniZhuanchangBeginLivI need to be able to fly. There... should be wings.1