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433301DialogEnableBabylonia 09:30 p.m.
1099301The cold lights once again illuminate the symbols of the five powers.
111010301The gloomy space masks the anxious expression of each council member, allowing the hall to maintain solemnity and unity in front of the camera.
121111301In silence, the light representing the will of the people appears on-screen as arranged. Seeing that everything is ready, Hassen rises and announces the commencement of the meeting.
1413133011HassenI'm sure everyone already knows the topic of this meeting.1
151414301HassenDuring our last meeting, the overwhelming majority voted in favor of escorting all refugees who consent back to Babylonia.1
161515301HassenThese days, we have made considerable sacrifices, but we have not achieved the corresponding results.1
181717301He raises his hand and leads everyone's eyes to the light blue holo-screen in front of him, which shows a group of rosters and a graph of green data indicating a downward trend.
191818301Hassen3 hours have passed since our last failed rescue attempt.1
201919301HassenAfter the Pulia Forest Park disaster, Babylonia dispatched 765 transport crafts over 374 rescue attempts to the surface.1
212020301HassenOn day 1 of the disaster, we rescued 587 refugees at a loss of 13 aircrafts and 21 pilots and crew perished.1
222121301HassenOn day 2, 493 refugees were rescued with 11 severe injuries, 42 minor injuries, 27 aircrafts were lost, and 36 pilots and crew perished.1
232222301HassenOn day 3, 271 refugees rescued with 21 severe injuries, 7 died from their wounds upon returning to Babylonia, 53 aircrafts were lost, and 71 pilots and crew perished.1
3029293011HassenIn order to increase the success of these rescue operations, we dispatched Cerberus...123
3736363011HassenAnd Strike Hawk...123
4241413011HassenThese elite squads have been able to protect most of the crew during ambushes.1
434242301HassenHowever, the Hetero-Creatures are becoming increasingly relentless. Even our elite forces are struggling to prevent losses during air transit.1
444343301The line graph continues to sink in front of the camera to the lowest point of the dataset.
454444301HassenAs shown in the figure, the success rate of our rescue operations continues to decline with each passing day. We have tried various tactics and even resorted to autonomous rescue pods, but there is no obvious change.1
464545301HassenThey are in a state of insurrection and will attack everything within range.1
474646301HassenAccording to our latest statistics, our success rate has fallen below 3.12% for 12 consecutive days.1
484747301HassenThe cost of these rescue operations in terms of Constructs, materials, and transportation continues to escalate.1
494848301HassenWithout an intact transport craft, even the elite teams currently stranded on the surface are unable to return to Babylonia.1
504949301A red line indicating an upward trend is overlaid on the green chart, creating an exaggerated X-shape.
515050301HassenAs for whether to continue these rescue operations, I believe you have already collected votes prior to this meeting.1
5655553011Councilman AYes, Mr. President. According to the votes, 57% of the public believe the number of casualties far exceeds the number of those rescues, and these meaningless operations should cease immediately.1
575656301The lower-than-anticipated disapproval rate caught many of the council members' attention, causing everyone to begin whispering in the shadows.
585757301Councilman COnly 57%?2
6160603011Councilman DI assumed the disapproval rate would be closer to 100% given our losses.1
626161301Councilman BThe remaining 43% of voters believe that we should continue these operations, or at least return the elite squads back to Babylonia.2
6766663011HassenGestalt, simulate both scenarios.1
6968683011GestaltWith the current tactics, the success rate will result in an asymptote of 0 or a negative number. Deducing the combat effectiveness of elite squads, no direct engagement with the twins results in a 97.1% survival rate on the surface...1
727171301HassenThen it's decided. Given these statistics, we well suspend surface rescue operations and prioritize necessary logistics for Babylonia.1
737272301HassenThat being said, we will not abandon our comrades stranded on Earth.1
747373301AniZhuanchangBeginHassenParliament will urge the Task Force to modify its tactics as soon as possible to improve the success rate and make a second rescue attempt.1
777676301AniZhuanchangEndWith the meeting adjourned, Hassen is joined in his office by an expected guest here to discuss an expected topic.
7978783011HassenI noticed this problem, too.1
8281813011NikolaCompared with researching how to change rescue tactics, Kurono will be more inclined toward a full evacuation.2
838383301After a moment of contemplation, Hassen raises his hand again and projects a video recording onto the screen.
848484301HassenHave you seen this?1
9393933011LuciaLucia, Captain of Gray Raven, issuing a mission report to HQ.1
949494301LuciaWe have successfully cleared the Hetero-Creatures from the Pulia Forest Park Ruins and have fully evacuated outside of the corruption zone.1
959595301LuciaThere is a high level of Punishing concentration here due to the large presence of Hetero-Creatures.1
969696301LuciaAccording to the information we have received, the surrounding areas are the same except in the direction leading to the ARU.1
979797301LuciaHowever, we are unable to escort this many refugees by foot, nor does the ARU have enough supplies to sustain such a high influx of refugees.1
989898301LuciaAfter we confirmed that the twins headed toward the west coast, we took the commandant and 67 humans to the basement in City 043's conservation area.1
999999301LuciaWe have enough supplies here to sustain us for 15 days. Requesting immediate aid.1
100100100301LuciaTeasell is still MIA. Commandant Vanessa and Bambinata from Egret are also with us. They suffered some injuries, but they are no longer in critical condition after being treated by Liv.1
102102102301She pauses for a second.
103103103301LuciaAs for Commandant 【kuroname】...1
104104104301Lucia...We just rendezvoused with Liv. She's more qualified to issue a report.1
106106106301She points her terminal at Liv.
1131131133011LivFortunately, the commandant's abdominal wound didn't affect any vital organs. However, during the evacuation, the commandant suffered a serious head injury, leading to brain trauma and subdural hematoma.1
114114114301LivAfter we moved to the conservation area of City 043, we used the medical facilities here to perform a craniotomy on the commandant and removed the hematoma.1
115115115301LivWhile we were searching for a conservation area to operate in, we were delayed after being attacked by a barrage of Hetero-Creatures. Now the situation isn't looking good. The commandant's in a coma and battling an infection.1
116116116301LivThe medical equipment here is less than ideal and most of the medical supplies have been taken away. If this continues, the commandant may face septic shock.1
117117117301LivHopefully, we can bring the commandant back to Babylonia for treatment, but based on the current safety concerns in transit, I'm afraid that even if we make it back, the turbulence will only cause secondary injuries to the commandant.1
118118118301LivWe need immediate medical relief. Whether that be for the commandant or the injured residents here in City 043's conservation area.1
1251251253011LuciaThat's our current sitrep. Please send support as soon as possible.1
130130130301Lucia's recording cuts out.
1341341343011HassenThis is the mission report we received after they just retreated from the Pulia Forest Park Ruins.1
135135135301HassenWe dispatched more supplies and support to provide emergency relief, but 【kuroname】 shows no signs of improvement.1
136136136301HassenThe return ceremony of Atlantis gave people hope and made them care for heroes.1
137137137301HassenAfter the fire in Pulia, people want to know Gray Raven's whereabouts. I think it's an appropriate time to disclose their current situation.1
1401401403011NikolaWe've suffered heavy casualties this time. Commandant Harley Jo and Yata barely made it back to Babylonia with Simon in a coma. They're still at the Star of Life, and Simon has yet to regain consciousness.2
141141141301NikolaEgret and numerous other Constructs are still stranded on the surface.2
142142142301NikolaIf even Gray Raven and 【kuroname】 have suffered such serious losses, this will be a huge blow to the people's confidence in victory.2
143143143301NikolaAt that point, I'm sure even more people will be in favor of abandoning the rescue effort.2
144144144301HassenIf we don't inform the people, they will only turn to rumors. Sometimes, acceptance is more helpful for us to overcome difficulties.1
145145145301NikolaBut surely we approach this in a more delicate manner.2
146146146301HassenWhat if I say I wanted to use this as a bargaining chip with Kurono?1
147147147301NikolaYou mean the Omega File?2
148149149301HassenIt has the ability to absorb the Punishing Virus, but the effect is limited.1
149150150301HassenGiven the information in the report, it seems that it can't actively capture the Punishing Virus. However, it can still absorb it by coming into contact with the virus.1
150151151301HassenConsidering its current form, even if we devote all resources to mass production, it's going to be difficult to achieve the desired effect.1
151153153301NikolaHow can Constructs absorb the Punishing Virus? Isn't that a characteristic reserved for Ascendants?2
152154154301Nikola...You aren't thinking of joining forces with Kurono, are you?2
153155155301HassenThe Science Council stole a portion of Kurono's R&D through its counter intelligence program. They're using Ascendant data to develop a specialized frame.1
154156156301HassenIf Asimov can confirm the Omega Weapon's compatibility with this new frame...1
155157157301AniZhuanchangBeginHassenWe can use the current situation to discuss it with them.1
161163163301AniZhuanchangEndHeavy rain falls on a gloomy afternoon.
162164164301Gray Raven has already been stranded on the surface for over a month.
163165165301During this time, Liv has been meticulously caring for 【kuroname】, who has shown no signs of regaining consciousness.
164166166301AniZhuanchangBeginThe rain outside the basement has gradually washed away the coagulated blood on the streets. Absent of humans, the ruins are now only filled with Corrupted and Hetero-Creatures lingering aimlessly.
169171171301AniZhuanchangEndBefore the abandoned CPF 040 and the Pulia Forest Park were set ablaze, people had noticed the Punishing concentration steadily rising with the appearance of the Red Tide.
170173173301Nobody was aware of a much greater disaster silently looming in the distance. They only targeted the Red Tide, thinking that if it was eliminated, their problems would be solved.
171174174301Thus, they used the Longinus Arsenal to obliterate the Red Tide and its monstrosities. However, the Punishing Virus still remained. Nothing could dissipate it.
172176176301With the CPF 040 and Pulia Forest Park reduced to ruins, the Punishing Virus trapped within was released into the world, further fanning the flames of a world already at its limit.
173177177301In this vast red sea, the emergence of humanoid creatures only indicated the further evolution of the Punishing Creatures.
174178178301However, they are not the greatest threat nor are they the ultimate fruit borne from disaster.
175180180301AniZhuanchangBeginHumanity—how the Children of Earth have fallen. Now, they are cast adrift like a ship without sails, huddling in the narrow cabins they call the conservation areas and praying to the CPFs for the minuscule protection that they provide.
179184184301AniZhuanchangEndConservation Area Basement, 09:30 p.m.
180185185301Right as the council in Babylonia is deliberating whether to suspend rescue, humanity on Earth eagerly waits for good news in the enclosed basement.
181186186301Several days have past since they last received aid. Food and medical supplies dwindle right before their eyes.
182187187301However, for people in any conservation area, stepping out of the enclosed basement and returning to their old ways as Scavengers means certain death.
183188188301They have no choice but to remain in the conservation area under the protection of the Constructs.
1851901903011Conservation Resident ADidn't they say supplies were on the way? How much longer we gotta wait?1
186191191301In the enclosed basement filled with the stench of decaying flesh, a haggard refugee suddenly shouts at his partner.
1881931933011Refugee GuitaristWho knows? Maybe they failed again.1
189194194301His companion seems less anxious, stroking the old guitar as he plucks at its strings.
1921971973011Conservation Resident AHow can you play that thing at a time like this, Chuck?!2
193199199301The young refugee named Chuck sings weakly as he strums along with each word, but this only ignites the last ounce of reason in the other resident, who begins to yell at him angrily.
194200200301Conservation Resident AHad I known it was going to be like this, we should've evacuated while we still had a chance!2
196202202301Hearing the sudden outburst, Liv looks up anxiously from beside the patient she is attending to and watches him out of the corner of her eye.
197203203301Conservation Resident AIf it hadn't been for those damn Corrupted and those Hetero-whatevers pursuing the transport crafts... We would've been outta here already!2
1992052053011Conservation Resident B...I told you we should've left earlier, but no! You were too much of a chicken**** about it crashing on the way back to Babylonia!1
200206206301Conservation Resident BHmph... Babylonia finally sent rescue and we missed the boat...1
201207207301Conservation Resident ABut didn't it end up crashing anyways? I wasn't just being paranoid, now was I?!2
202208208301Conservation Resident ANot to mention, those Constructs guarding this place... Their commandant didn't go on it either.2
203209209301Conservation Resident BDidn't you hear, idiot? Their commandant's head wound can't handle the turbulence.1
204210210301Conservation Resident AI was just thinking... We wait a few days until it's safe, then go back with their commandant! I wasn't expecting it to get worse!2
205211211301Conservation Resident BThen what are you going on about? We stay here... we die. We go on the transport craft... we die. That's all we've got to live for now.1
206212212301Conservation Resident AWhat the hell are you talking about! We already made it out of danger once already!2
207213213301PanelActor2Shake1Conservation Resident AThe conservation area in Pulia Forest was a damn deathtrap! The whole place was blown to smithereens... Ka-BOOM!2
208214214301He jumps out of bed and mimics the explosion in the ruins.
209215215301Conservation Resident ACan't you see? With the Punishing concentration as high as it is, even the refugees living out in the wilderness are fighting to enter the conservation areas. Just look at that guy with the guitar...2
2122182183011Conservation Resident ABut despite all that, we're still alive!2
213219219301PanelActor2Shake1Conservation Resident AAND! We're going to keep on living!2
214220220301Despite Chuck's angry glare, he shakes the other resident excitedly as if to cheer himself up by shouting.
215221221301Conservation Resident B...1
2182242243011ChuckAlright, alright. I'll go find some other place to play.1
2212272273011Conservation Resident AWhere else is there to go down here?1
222228228301Chuck doesn't respond. Instead, he just quietly grabs his guitar and proceeds further into the basement.
223229229301Conservation Resident B(Sighs) If you've still got this much energy to shout, give me some of your rations tomorrow...2
224230230301He pushes him away and sighs quietly. He grabs his injured leg and struggles to adjust his posture.
225231231301Conservation Resident BAnd if you don't got any... Don't we still have protective gear? Heh.2
226232232301Conservation Resident AWhat's that gonna do? That head wound you got on the way here must've given you a concussion if you think that'll help us kill those monsters... I... I just want...1
227233233301His voice suddenly withers. Noticing his partner's dejected mood, the middle-aged man sits up and pats him on the back.
228234234301Conservation Resident B...It was just a scrapped CPF a hundred kilometers away that was blown up. That's all. It's nothing serious... It'll be all right.2
229235235301Conservation Resident AIf it was just that, then why the hell are we all stuck here?! I... I...1
231237237301Already on the verge of a mental breakdown, the man begins to sob as panic sets in.
233239239301Conservation Resident BHey... Don't cry... It'll be alright... Um, Doctor... Ah-hem... My head wound...1
234240240301LivHas the wound opened again? I'll be right with you.
235241241301Conservation Resident BThanks... You haven't had any shuteye the past few days. Have you?1
236242242301LivConstructs don't need sleep. I can still keep going for a few more days, but you need more rest. And stop irritating your wound.
237243243301Conservation Resident BIt just... hurts and itches at the same time. I can't help myself...1
238244244301The middle-age man gazes up at Liv—dark circles surround his glossy eyes.
239245245301Conservation Resident BHey, snot-nosed brat. Tell me... How many days have we been here...?1
2402462463011AniZhuanchangBeginHis fatigued and unclear question gets lost in the surrounding noise, yielding no response.