forked from PGR/ascnet
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433301DialogEnableThe pyramid-shaped main island is superimposed above a large, circular chasm, where water pours down its edge and forms one majestic, annular waterfall, plummeting into the seemingly bottomless abyss.
544301Wide roads connect the main city and the six towering gray spires around it, still standing steadfast despite how long they have been abandoned.
655301After defeating the Corrupted, your boat enters the main city unscathed.
766301Years have passed, but the paint from the Golden Age has yet to fade. The densely packed highrises almost cover the sky, but their unlit windows no longer look like stars.
877301The closer you approach the city, the more intense the sense of dread.
988301The six spires around the city are like six towering tombstones, save for the lack of an epitaph.
1099301Everywhere you look are marks left behind by humans, but the city feels lifeless.
111010301Time has frozen in this place. History has stopped within these walls.
121111301AniZhuanchangBeginAtlantis has forgotten the world, and the world has forgotten it.
151414301AniZhuanchangEndYou leap off the boat.
161515301Vera walks ahead of you.
171616302Are you... alright?17
181717301Vera has looked miserable since receiving the message from Hassen.
191818301Hearing your question, she turns around.
2120203011VeraHuh? Are you seriously trying to take care of others' feelings when you can't even take care of yourself?1
222121301VeraHow about you stop wasting time talking to me and try to find the intel they want ASAP?1
232222301VeraHell... How are we supposed to find the precise thing they want in such a large city before it sinks?1
24232330221 and Noctis.24
252424301VeraWhat about them?1
262525302You're worried about them.26
282727301Vera pauses.
292828301She turns around again, her gaze piercing, her usual mockery absent.
302929302The Chief Commander said he'd protect them.30
3231313011VeraDo you really need someone to spell it all out to you? Don't you understand the subtext?1
333232301VeraNikola wasn't giving me a promise. He was giving me a warning.1
343333301VeraHe was warning me not to betray him.1
353434301With that, you suddenly grasp what she is talking about.
363535302The Chief Commander is different from Kurono.36
383737301VeraDo you honestly believe that?1
393838301VeraStop with your bullshit.1
414040301VeraLee is on your team. You must have heard him talking about Kurono and me.1
424141301VeraI was one of Kurono's. I got transferred to the Task Force later.1
434242301VeraDo you know how I ended up directly at Nikola's command?1
444343301VeraBecause he was one of Kurono's too.1
454444301VeraIt's not a secret. People from his generation know it full well, but most of those who know don't say a damn thing. It's not something worth celebrating, after all.1
464545301VeraSo, understand this—the Parliament is the same as Kurono fundamentally. Perhaps they've acted and believed different, but given everything you've been through, how virtuous do you think the Parliament can be?1
474646301VeraThe Parliament and Kurono are in a deadly game of chess right now, and we are their pawns and bets.1
484747301VeraI suggest you focus on how to save yourself in this little dance they're doing first, instead of blindly trusting those in power.1
494848301VeraThe frame I'm using right now is called Garnet. It's designed to fight Constructs—to eliminate traitors. Unlike the Purifying Force, this frame isn't even registered in any system.1
504949301VeraSending it to me can only mean one thing.1
525151301Vera—The Chief Commander believes our enemies this time are the Kurono Constructs.1
535252301VeraCan you justify to yourself that the Kurono Constructs are not part of Babylonia? What's the difference between what we are doing now and those civil wars the humans had back then?1
545353301VeraAt the end of the day, they picked me for this mission simply because they didn't want to get Gray Raven's hands dirty.1
575656301RImgBg1ShakeBefore she can finish, you sense another intense tremble beneath your feet.
585757301The Corrupted hiding in the shadows reveal themselves.
6059593011AniZhuanchangBegin1VeraStay back.1