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433301DialogEnableAfter a short walk toward your destination, No. 21 walks past the precinct Noctis mentioned.
6663011No. 21Cars.1
888301Intrigued, No. 21 inspects the cars closely. She observes the closest one to her, the paint on the vehicle scratched, her image reflected in the car window.
131313301As she watches closely, a frail and skinny palm slams on the other side of the window, accompanied by a child's laughter.
151515301PanelActor1Shake1No. 21Aah!1
171717301Startled, No. 21 jumps back.
181818301The next second, the handprint on the dusty window vanishes without a trace, leaving no mark behind.
202020301Before you can stop her, No. 21 fires her laser cannon toward the window, tearing a wide hole in the car, revealing the empty seats inside with the shattered glass.
212121301There is nothing there apart from a crumpled-up paper cup, half a slice of rotten bread, and a piece of yellowed newspaper.
2323233011No. 21There was... someone... here...1
242424302I saw it as well.25Did you see it too?25
252525301No. 21But it's gone now.1
262626301Before you can calm down, a figure dashes away in your peripheral vision, vanishing at the entrance of the precinct.
282828301No. 21That way!1
292929301AniZhuanchangBeginQuickly reacting, No. 21 chases after the figure.
323232301AniZhuanchangEndThe precinct is filled with things, unorganized and packed, and you can smell the moldy cardboard boxes in the air. Everything is reminding you that people used to work here.
333333301No. 21 knocks over a stack of folders when she enters, and they fall all over the floor. A monitor terminal on the desk seems to be awakened by the commotion as it turns on and shows a video of a football game.
343434302Power is still running in the town at minimum capacity?35
353636301No. 21 frowns and stares at the terminal. As the camera pans to the closeups of the players' faces, she raises her hand.
383939301Right after, the terminal is blasted into pieces by her laser cannon, leaving behind a wisp of black smoke among the shattered parts.
4041413011No. 21There were people inside.1
414242302...They were recordings. They weren't real.43
434444301DialogDisableNo. 21Why record them?1
444545302People sometimes record things.46
454646302So that they could share it with the people who couldn't be there.47
464747301DialogEnableDialogDisableNo. 21But why?1
484949302I'll explain later, yeah?50
505151301DialogEnableNo. 21Fine.1
545555301She looks around in the dim, enclosed space. You can feel an unknown sense of familiarity capturing her through your connection.
555656301There should be a photo on this desk... you think. A photo... Whose photo? Why would you think that? Were you... here at some point?
565757301At the same time, an intense sentiment is prickling you, reminding you of how intimate and trusting you are of the safety this place has provided. The nostalgia is so intense that you can feel your heart aching.
575858301Unknown VoiceOfficer Byron... you... you're here...
5960603011No. 21Who's that?!1
606161301No. 21's body tenses up, her head turning left and right, and she changes into an attack stance.
626363301Unknown VoiceHahaha...
636464301The loud noises surround the whole precinct, untraceable. Meanwhile, the blurry figure appears again by the window.
646565301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21 steps over the junk on the ground and hurries to the window.
666767301AniZhuanchangEnd???Hehe... Thanks, mister!
676868301You hear a child's laughter on the other side. No. 21 puts her hand on the window, and the feverish image clears up—a young girl in twintails, no more than five years old, has her back facing you outside, looking up.
686969301Eerie Girl?...Dad isn't in the car...
697070301Eerie Girl?...When is Dad leaving work?
707171301Eerie Girl?The birthday party... is today...
717272301Her voice seems to be filtered through water, the words barely coming through, sounding muffled and unreal.
727373301Eerie Girl?...I'll go find Mom then.
747575301RImgBg1ShakeBreaking the glass window, No. 21 does not hesitate to jump outside.
7677773011No. 21Wait!1
777878301But the figure has disappeared again as she lands.
798080301Failing to locate her target, No. 21 looks around, stupefied.
808181301No. 21What was that? A new enemy?1
818282302...I don't know.83
828383301The only thing you are certain of right now is that, for some reason, Vera could not see what you saw, despite being connected as well, but No. 21 can.
838585302Let's get out of here.86
848686301Regardless, you have no way to tackle it right now. You can only move forward.
858888301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21...Oh. Okay.1
909391301AniZhuanchangEndShe murmurs, walking in the direction of the hospital. But the silence does not last long before she shoots you a question.
9295933011No. 21What is a birthday party?1
939694302A birthday party?95
949795301You immediately recognize that she is asking about what the eerie girl mentioned.
959896302It's a celebration of a person's birthday.97
969997301DialogDisableNo. 21Celebration? Birthday?1
9710098302Birthday, you know? The date someone is born?99
9810199302People celebrate its anniversary every year.100
99102100301DialogEnableNo. 21Oh. I don't have a birth-date.1
100103101302Ugh...103The date your frame is activated can be your birthday. Have you lost that data?102
101104102301No. 21It's lost. How do I find it?1
102105103301You feel weird about teaching general knowledge in the middle of a mission, but you cannot seem to ignore her genuine confusion.
103106104302Perhaps... I can help you look for it when we're back.105
104107105301No. 21Okay. I understand—ugh...1
105108106301She suddenly stops.
106109107302What's wrong?108
108111109301No. 21A strange feeling... in my head... I don't feel very well...1
110113111301No. 21Arrgh!1
114117115301The last thing you hear is No. 21's anguished scream. A sharp pain cuts through your head, and your vision becomes blurry again as your Mind Beacon drops until your connection with her is lost within the fall.
116119116301Pacy footsteps surround you.
120123119301???What happened... the device...
121124120301???Adjustment ready...
124127123301SystemConnection... Synchronization rate dropping... Disconnected.
125128124301That is as far as you can stay conscious. A piercing white noise deafens you, and your world turns black.
130133128301After thirty seconds, or maybe ten minutes—you cannot tell with no perception of the outside world—
131134129301DialogDisableYou are barely awake in the dark. Between the moments when your senses are gone, you can almost hear some indistinct sound from outside.
134137132301DialogEnable1As your vision gradually returns, your dissonant perception of time fades. You are still inside the small room, except you are now lying on the chair.
135138133301You look up and find a masked medic holding your head.
137140135301MedicJust a mild nosebleed.1
138141136301A cold, wet gauze lightly glazes your cheeks.
139142137301AniZhuanchangBeginMedicIt's taken care of. You can sit back up once you're done resting.1
142145140301AniZhuanchangEndThe medic puts away the gauze and releases your head, moving away from your vision. You are immediately confronted by the blinding surgery light, and your eyes hurt.
143146141301A few masked and armed Constructs in bulletproof vests are here as well, making the small room even more claustrophobic. In your hazy vision, you can see they have their weapons pointed at your face.
144147142301After making sure that you are not going to go berserk and attack them, the Constructs calmly step back and leave the room.
145148143301You slowly sit up on your chair, your back feeling like it has been run over by Asslam as your bone aches and cracks. Your ribs are still hurting from the injury you received in the sewer.
146149144301The chains on your ankles clang along your movement.
147150145301You peek around you to find the same depressing room with your reflection on the same piece of glass. The small window to the outside is now closed, and Rebecca is gone, leaving only a roomful of Construct soldiers.
148151146301Something feels off about the place, but your confused mind cannot tell what it is at the moment.
149152147301Suddenly, Rebecca's hologram appears on the opposite side of the desk.
1521551503011RebeccaWe lost 21's signal.1
153156151302What happened?153Where are you?152
154157152301RebeccaWhere I am is not your biggest concern right now.1
158161156301Rebecca's hologram raises a finger and reveals a map of the town. She keeps zooming in before stopping at a point.
159162157301You hear Vera's voice from that spot.
160163158301Vera...Isn't that tree the one we passed? It's the same place! We've been walking in circle—
161164159301NoctisThis is the fifth time! Fifth ****ing time!
162165160301NoctisI swear I'm driving in the opposite direction!
163166161301VeraThe route map says that we've been circling outside it.
164167162301VeraHas 21's comms reconnected?
165168163301NoctisNot yet. Don't worry! What can happen to that little monster...
166169164301VeraStop driving. Let's get out—we can't mark our position clearly on the car.
167170165301NoctisAlright, alright.
168171166301This is... surveillance.
169172167301No... this is a warning. Your every move is being monitored. Despite knowing this from the beginning, you cannot help but look up and meet the silent gaze behind the narrow window.
170173168301Vera...You better bring 21 back, 【kuroname】.
171174169301You think you heard Vera muttering for a second there.
173176171301And then, the projection shifts back to a scan of your body.
174177172301Next to the graphs that you do not comprehend is your heartbeat. The projected line jumps up and down inside this tiny room, and you feel that even ideas in your head are being dissected and watched.
1771801753011RebeccaDon't be nervous.1
178181176301RebeccaFor some reason, we lost all signals on 21, and the Cerberus captain couldn't connect to her comms either. She just vanished like a snuffed candle.1
179182177301RebeccaSince you were connected, you were also forced to disconnect, bypassing the system and stressing your mind. Others would've been out for hours, but your condition means we've only lost 13 minutes and 26 seconds.1
180183178301RebeccaWe're progressing nicely.1
181184179302Progressing nicely?180
182185180301RebeccaYou seemed to have found some interesting leads, didn't you? I noticed that you had stayed for quite some time at an unrelated location.1
183186181301She is trying to fish information out of you.
184187182302I would've reported in if I found interesting leads.183
185188183301RebeccaFine. Given the situation, the plan's changed. Vera seems to be in trouble, so you'll be connecting with her. After you deal with that, you'll return to where the leads were and continue your investigation.1
186189184302What about 21?185
187190185301RebeccaOur guys are investigating why she was disconnected. Just prioritize your mission.1
188191186301Kurono's intention is clear. They just want you to work like a mule as fast as you possibly can.
189192187302Is there a Plan B?188
191194189301Rebecca...Excuse me?1
192195190301Rebecca is slightly stunned by your question, but she quickly grins again—with the same sweet, gentle smile.
194197192301RebeccaThe only term for you leaving this place is obeying our order. Do you not understand that?1
195198193302I have a better offer.194
196199194301Vera is skilled—she could not have simply gotten lost. But the fact remains that even she did not have time to search for No. 21 in Kurono's recording.
197201196302Let me connect with 21.197
198203198302As long as her M.I.N.D. is working, my Mind Beacon will find her.199
199204199302I can do what your machines can't.200
200205200301RebeccaIt'll just burden you and waste our time.1
201206201301RebeccaIsn't this the first time you have connected to this Construct? Let me tell you a secret—the Cerberus Commandant has never connected with 21 before. Do you know why?1
202207202302I don't know.204I don't care.203
203208203301RebeccaYou know what I care about? I care if you can finish your mission, and you should care if you can leave this place alive. Getting what we both want requires the same thing—we're on the same side, not opposite, not now.1
204209204301RebeccaYou don't know this Construct as well as we do. Our data shows that her M.I.N.D. has never been stable. Connecting with her was risky in the first place.1
211216211301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin1HassenBut if we are forced to let you carry out what they've planned...1
216221216301AniZhuanchangEnd1Rebecca is pressuring you. But if this is part of what they have planned...
217222217302(Explain your weird visions)227(Remain silent)218
218223218301RebeccaNo objections, then? Operator, ready to connect the commandant with the Cerberus captain. Officer, any updates on the tracks of the third party near the target coordinates? Report at once if you find something.1
219224219302You're not looking for 21?220
221226221301RebeccaIsn't she a member of your elite Babylonia Task Force? Our priority should be removing obstacles that can affect the mission.1
222227222302(...As expected!)223
223228223301RebeccaCommandant... you don't look very well. Did you find something?1
224229224302I... saw something strange in that neighborhood.227That town is haunted!225
225230225301Rebecca...Commandant, are you losing your mind?1
226231226302I meant I saw something strange in that neighborhood.227
228233228301RebeccaWhy didn't you report it?1
229234229301The smile fades from Rebecca's projection as she shifts her posture and leans forward.
230235230302I wasn't sure why I could see them...231
231236231301Your mouth goes dry at the absurdity of reporting a haunting to your superiors.
232237232302But 21 could see them too.233
233238233302I don't know why. Maybe she's special.234
235240235301Rebecca pauses for a second before smiling again. The image of the woman who has been threatening you has completely vanished.
236241236301Rebecca...Very well. I see.1
237242237301RebeccaOperator, follow what the commandant said and act accordingly.1
238243238301Adjustment OperatorBut... the device was overloaded in the accident. Considering the maximum threshold of the commandant's Mind Beacon, it's best to only connect to one Construct...
239244239301RebeccaYou heard him, Commandant.1
240245240302...I understand.241
241246241301AniZhuanchangBeginAdjustment OperatorOkay, then. Prepare to connect. Please put on the remote connection device.
245250245301AniZhuanchangEndYour Mind Beacon traverses through muddy consciousnesses like a fish swimming deep in the ocean.
246251246301You soon find a dot of light in front. Unlike your connection with Vera, it is weak—a frail, cold glow.
247252247301Too frail... Your head hurts.
248253248301Managing your breaths, you concentrate, your will steadfast.
249254249301The Mind Beacon opens up from a thread to a net, interweaving and expanding gently.
250255250301The weak glow skips around, trembling, seemingly trying to escape. Weak and obscured it may be, it is still whole.
251256251301You struggle to catch it to reveal its entirety, but your efforts have been in vain. The stress on your mind over time has almost depleted your mental prowess.
252257252301No... you cannot give up yet. Just try a little harder—you reach out, your attempt as futile as trying to touch the unreachable sky. But you do not give up.
253258253301In the infinite ocean of the M.I.N.D., you keep walking on the endless path.
254259254301And you grab that waning light.
256261256301AniZhuanchangBeginSystemConnection established.
259264259301AniZhuanchangEndNo. 21URGH!
260265260301RImgBg1ShakeNo. 21Urgh! Ah!
261266261301The pain slowly subsides as you refamiliarize with the sensation, and you find yourself back in the town. In your blurry vision, you can tell that you are indoors.
262267262302Thank goodness you're safe.263
263268263301No. 21Stay away...
264269264301No. 21 stumbles and sits down with a dreadful expression, surrounded by fallen, orb-shaped mechanoids and Medic Bots that look like her Co-Bot.
265270789301Like an animal, No. 21 has her arms by her body, her back bent, and she growls quietly like a wild beast. You have no doubt that she would have bitten you if you were standing before her physically.
266271265301No. 21Stay... away from me!
267272266301Her jaw is trembling as well, muddling her words.
268274268301She seems to have been trying to patch herself up.
269275269302Listen to me, 21.270
270276270301No. 21Get out of my head—
271277271302You shouldn't be using that... That is for human...272
272278272301She keeps repeating her grumbly command. There seems to be a black fog lurking at the edge of the light, ready to devour her at a moment's notice.
273279273302You know me, 21.274Something's wrong with you, 21... What happened?274
274280274302I'm not going to hurt you.275Vera lost your signal.276
277283277279301No. 21...【kuroname】?
278284278301No. 21...Capt.?
279285279301Your words seem to work. The hostility she is displaying has slightly relaxed, and she seems less tense.
280286280301It has taken almost twenty seconds. Silent, No. 21 does not clutch her fist nor command Buddy to attack. She seems to have been trapped inside a trance, stuck with a question she cannot answer, and so she does not.
281287281301The black fog dissipates, not disappearing completely, retreating to somewhere not far behind you. But it is far enough from her for now, and she is safe from being immediately devoured.
282288282301No. 21...
283289283301No. 21...【kuroname】, is that you... inside my head?
284290284302It is.285I'm sorry.285
285291285301No. 21What have you done to me...?1
286292286302...? I haven't done anything.287I've connected with you.287
287293287301She looks left, and right, and left again—until she is shaking her head violently as if trying to get rid of the voice in her head.
288294288301No. 21I don't want you.
289295289301All you can do is maintain your focus amidst all the pain and tiredness, controlling your Mind Beacon and reducing the sense of invasion as much as you can.
290296290301No. 21Capt...
291297291302I can't connect with Vera for now.292We have to look for Vera ourselves.292
292298292301No. 21Have to find... Capt.
293299293301No. 21 mumbles to herself and briefly quiets down. Despite feeling her rejection, you can feel the connection stabilizing.
294300294301She... does not trust you. Even though you have connected before, her attitude has not softened. In fact, it has gotten even odder. The hallucinations seemed to have affected her quite a bit.
295301295301No. 21I hate strangers inside here.
296302296301She points at her head.
297303297302I won't probe your M.I.N.D., I swear.298
298304298301This is the best you can promise, anyway.
299305299301No. 21Okay.
300306300301She replies concisely, her tone suggesting that she will terminate the connection forcefully if you make her feel uneasy.
301307301301No. 21I'll listen to you for now.
302308302302Let's treat your wound first.303
303309303301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21...Okay.
306312306301AniZhuanchangEnd1After stopping the bleeding with a frost patch, No. 21 asks you again.
307313307301No. 21What do we do now?1
308314308302Investigate the coordinates.309Rendezvous with Vera and Noctis.309
309315309301No. 21Complete the mission, then we'll find Capt.1
310316310302Did anything happen when we were disconnected?311
311317311301No. 21I followed my orders and arrived here, finding traces of battle.1
312318312302Traces of battle?313
313319313301No. 21Yes. And then headache. I don't know what happened.1
314320314302Just to be safe, let's look around this place once more.315
315321315301No. 21Okay.1
3163223163011AniZhuanchangBeginShe answers quietly. Your mission officially begins, and No. 21 is no longer alone.