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655301DialogEnable1Construct ADidn't you see those monsters just now? If you stay here, they'll kill you before Babylonia does.1
766301Refugee BIf that is what fate has in store for us, then so be it.2
877301Refugee BOur bodies will turn to dust, and our souls will return to the earth.2
988301Construct ATo hell with fate... There's no reasoning with you!1
1099301Construct AThis will be all for nothing.1
121111301The sudden emergence of Hetero-Creatures causes tensions to rise between both sides.
131212301The calibration team and the refugees have reached an impasse over meaningless prattle.
141313301A sudden cry puts a stop to the altercation.
1716163011WomanRay—! RAY?!1
181717301WomanHas anyone seen Ray?! Where is he... Where's my grandson?!1
191818301After her companions shake their heads, she shifts her gaze to the calibration team.
201919301Her look of alarm gives way to one of panic.
212020301WomanH-have you seen my grandson?!1
232222301She glances at each of the Constructs one by one. Finally, her eyes fixate on Lucia and liv.
242323301She runs over to Lucia and firmly grips her shoulders as if she is her only lifeline.
2625253011WomanH-have either of you seen Ray?1
272626301WomanW-where is he? Y-you saw him, d-didn't you?1
282727301WomanMy g-grandson... H-he was right next to me—!1
3130303011LivPlease, remain calm.1
323131301LivWho is Ray?1
333232302That boy from before?33
353434301She nods her head anxiously.
373636301AniZhuanchangBegin1LeeDid he get scared in all the chaos and hide somewhere?1
403939301AniZhuanchangEnd1RefugeeI didn't see him.1
4342423011Refugee BNeither did I.1
474646301WanshiIf you're looking for the kid...1
484747301WanshiI'm pretty sure he ran to the west when all the fighting broke out.1
504949301PanelActor1Shake1WomanThe west... But that's...!1
545353301She collapses to her knees as if drained of all her strength.
5655553011WomanNo... NO!!! Don't... Don't take my Ray from me!!!1
585757301Lucia and Liv look over.
6059593011WanshiHey, I meant... He's just a child. He couldn't have gone far. I'm sure we can still catch up to him.1
616060302Well, then let's...61
6463633011HansGray Ravens.1
656464301HansThere's no time to waste on such trivial matters.1
666565301HansIf you've got that much free time on your hands, it would be better spent guarding against attacks from Hetero-Creatures.1
7069693011Construct CaptainChief Commander, Team 03 just sent a comm link. They have deployed the bit domain node.2
717070301HansGood. What about the other teams.1
727171301Construct CaptainTeam 02 and Team 05 were also attacked by Hetero-Creatures, and the bit domain nodes were destroyed. No news from Team 04. Team 07 and Team 08 are still exploring the Red Tide periphery. It's uncertain whether they can deploy their nodes.2
737272301HansWhat is the casualty report?1
747373301Construct CaptainThirty percent.2
777676301HansHear that, Gray Ravens? You're here playing hide and seek while countless others are fighting up ahead.1
787777301HansOur troops are getting wounded and giving their lives for this cause.1
797878301HansI've given you a compromise, but it seems that you are still unable to complete your mission.1
807979301HansDo you know whose time you are wasting in this place?1
818080301HansYou're wasting the time and lives of your comrades.1
828181301HansWe have no energy to waste on such trivial matters. If you can't persuade them to leave, use force.1
838282301HansIf you don't want to use force, then let them stay here and await their death.1
848383301HansOur mission is far greater than their lives.1
858484301HansHave you forgotten what the CTO said? Once the Red Tide spreads to the coastline, not only will the people here die, the entire Earth will fall.1
868585301HansWhile you squander your senseless kindness on such trivial matters, have you thought about the fate of humanity for even a minute?1
878686301HansYou've abandoned the interest of the greater good for your own personal interests.1
888787301HansI think you should go back to F.O.S. College and read the military code until you can recite it verbatim.1
898888301HansYou disappoint me. I thought your reputation would proceed itself as the Chief of F.O.S. But I guess rotten wood can't be carved after all.1
908989301HansFind a corner and stay out of my sight. I don't want to see you until Babylonia issues the evacuation order.1
919090301HansOf course, if you choose to stay here and await death, I'm not within my power to say otherwise.1
9493933011Old ManThat's exactly what someone fortunate enough to board Eden would say.1
959595301Old ManHe turns his gun on his own compatriots while preaching about the greater good.1
969696301Old ManShould you trample on our last wishes under the banner of righteousness now?1
989898301Hans remains quiet and closes his eyes.
999999301Wanshi looks at him and then glances over.
100100100301He turns his back and folds his hands behind him. His eyes were empty as he looks out into the far west.
101101101302AniZhuanchangBegin(Look at Wanshi's folded hands)102
105105105301AniZhuanchangEnd1LuciaI don't know what we should do.1
106106106301LuciaI can understand why they don't want to leave this place. There must be something precious here that they don't want to give up.1
107107107301LuciaBut I also understand why Chief Commander Hans has made this decision. He is considering the fate of humanity.1
108108108301LeeIndividual will versus the greater good?2
109109109301LeeWhy are we still forced to make binary choices between one or the other?2
111111111301AniZhuanchangBeginThe tension in the air is stifling.
113113113301AniZhuanchangEndRefusing the company of your three comrades, you walk outside the camp alone. The frigid wind dries your lips and face.
114114114301With the current developments, this seems to be the only way to clear the whirlwind of thoughts clouding your mind.
115115115301You planned on coming here to think alone...
116116116301However, you see a familiar figure in the corner.
119119119301Wanshi folds his arms and leans against the cabin door. He glances over with his peripheral vision and yawns.
120120120301WanshiOh, it's you. Where's your team, 【kuroname】?1
121121121302Getting some fresh air.122I came here alone.123
122122122124301WanshiYeah, it's hard to breathe in all that.1
124124124301DialogDisableWanshiHmm? What's with the face? You don't think I was waiting for you here, do you?1
125125125302That hand signal you did.126
126126126302That's a secret code used in F.O.S.127
127127127302Didn't you call me here?128
128128128301DialogEnableWanshiThat's what the Captain taught me and Kamui in his spare time. He said that all F.O.S. commandants know it.1
129129129301WanshiI was just bored, and it came to mind. I never thought I'd ever actually use it.1
130130130301WanshiOnly then did I clearly realize that you are really from F.O.S. College like my Captain.1
131131131301WanshiAfter all, you don't look the type.1
132132132302So, what is it?133
133133133301WanshiWith the recent turn of events, the Science Council hasn't been able to fully analyze the Red Tide.1
134134134301WanshiBut you've heard it, too. Haven't you?1
135135135302That song?136
137137137301WanshiI was the first scout to find the Red Tide tributaries and break the news to Babylonia.1
138138138301WanshiI thought Babylonia would have a more methodical strategy, but in the end, it's just reliant on brute force.1
139139139302Time is of the essence.140
140140140301WanshiOf course. Let's save it for another time.1
141141141301WanshiI'm curious about something, though. Gray Raven infiltrated the Ascendants' underground base and had a direct confrontation with them, correct?1
142142142302(Nod)143(Remain quiet)144
143143143146301WanshiI suspected as much...1
144144144301WanshiAre the details confidential? Seems like the higher-ups don't want to disclose any information.1
145145145301WanshiNo matter. The look on your face tells me all I need to know.1
146146146301WanshiSo, has your team heard this sound before?1
147147147302(Shake head)148(Remain quiet)148
148148148301WanshiIn other words, this is a special case, or—a new development.1
149149149301WanshiWell... As a scout, our worst nightmare is a lack of intel on the battlefield. Even a minor omission can be disastrous.1
150150150301WanshiI understand the urgency, but implementing a strategy without knowing the whole picture...1
151151151301WanshiHow can they guarantee... that the Longinus Arsenal will be enough to stop the Red Tide?1
152152152302You mean...153
153153153301WanshiI mean, a wide-spread attack is the best course of action based on existing intel.1
154154154301WanshiBut that doesn't mean it's the solution to our problem.1
156156156301Wanshi becomes quiet all of a sudden. Instead, he casts a sideways glance at a corner.
157157157301The woman from before takes a few steps out of the corner, then kneels on the ground.
1591591593011WomanI beg of you...1
160160160301WomanPlease, forgive my recklessness.1
161161161301WomanAs long as you are willing to listen to my request, I don't care what you take from me.1
162162162301WomanI... I know you aren't interested in what we have. So please, please... I beg you for one more act of kindness...1
163163163302(Help her up)164What's wrong?165
164164164166301WomanThank you...1
165165165301WomanI beg you for one more act of kindness.1
166166166301WomanI know asking this may seem foolish, but... (Weeps)1
167167167302(Comfort her)168
168168168301WomanPlease, help me... Help me bring back Ray.1
169169169301WomanYou've seen the boy. He's too small... He doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't understand.1
170170170301WomanIt's my fault for telling him that his father went to the nearby city to look for food. That's why he ran off to such a dangerous place...1
171171171301WomanEvery time he's frightened, he always wants his father to protect him. I shouldn't keep hiding this from him...1
172172172302You mean his father?173
174174174301WomanYes, he's my son.1
175175175302Where's your son now?176
176176176301WomanSeveral days ago, he said he was going to the ruins to help us look for cans...1
177177177301WomanAnd then...1
178178178301WomanHe never came back.1
179179179301WomanWhen I tried... to look for him, I heard his voice.1
180180180301Woman—Coming from that red liquid.1
181181181301WomanI knew what that meant. We've lost a lot of our people that way—either from falling in, or getting splashed and corrupted by it, stopping breathing after a few days.1
182182182301WomanAt first, many people were drawn to it. Later, everyone understood that even if the voice of a loved one came from it, they should never get close to it.1
183184184301WomanBut the child, Ray... He doesn't know.1
184185185301WomanI don't have the heart to tell him... that his father is already dead. (Weeps)1
185186186301Covering her face, you only hear her muffled cries of grief.
186187187301After crying a short while, she gradually regains composure.
187188188301WomanI know our decision must seem ridiculous to us, but please... please help fulfill my last wish.1
188189189301WomanOr, at least... At least let me be with Ray until the very end.1
189190190301WomanI don't want... I don't want to die alone here.1
190191191301WomanI have nothing left... Nothing... Don't take Ray away from me, too.1
191192192301Her tears turn to weeping in agony.
192193193302I get it.194
1941951953011WanshiHuh? Get what?1
195196196302This is why you brought me here.197
196197197302Isn't it?198
198199199301WanshiI didn't say anything.1
199200200302You don't have to.201
200201201301WanshiI'm just a scout acting alone. Chief Commander Hans isn't my commanding officer.1
201202202301WanshiI'm free to act as I please until my Captain issues the second phase of my orders.1
202203203301WanshiYou know what this means, don't you?1
204205205301WanshiYour decisiveness is quite endearing. No wonder my captain thinks so fondly of you.1
205206206301WanshiBut understand one thing...1
206207207301WanshiNo one can guarantee what we are doing is right, or that everything will end happily ever after.1
207208208301WanshiNo one will know how you put everything on the line. No one will thank you.1
208209209301WanshiYou may even be court-martialed. Knowing this, do you still want to continue?1
209210210302Yes. Let's go.211
210211211301WanshiHey, you hiding back there.1
212214214301Lee emerges from behind the tent.
213215215301He stands there staring at you.
2152172173011LeeCommandant, you mustn't.1
216218218301LeeUnauthorized actions are equivalent to fleeing the battlefield.1
217219219301LeeYou will be labeled a defector for going rogue and, in a normal army, you could be executed on the spot.1
218220220301LeeNot to mention putting yourself in danger.1
219221221301DialogDisableLeeWe don't have much time left. Once the last node is deployed, Babylonia won't wait to begin evacuation.1
221223223302Believe me.224
222224224302If we don't hold on to this...225
223225225301DialogEnableLee...You'd never be able to forgive yourself?1
224226226301LeeIf you put it that way...1
225227227301LeeYou can't save everyone, but at least save those you can touch.1
226228228301LeeCan't you just take it easy for a day...1
227229229301LeeI've always trusted your judgment. You are our commandant.1
228230230301LeeIf you insist, then take us with you.1
230232232301Lee...You mean this time is different?1
231233233301LeeYou always surprise me, Commandant.1
232234234301LeeYou're right. If the Gray Ravens just got up and left, we'd all be labeled defectors. But now's not the time to do things by the book, right?1
233235235301DialogDisableLeeThe Gray Ravens aren't afraid of being court-martialed. If there are any criminal charges, we'll face the repercussions together.1
234236236302That's not it.237
235237237302I need you all to stay here.238
236238238302Lee, you know what I mean.239
237239239302This isn't for your own good.240
238240240302This is for the good of everyone.241
240242242301LeeYou want us to help maintain our forces and be ready to respond to any potential threat. Correct...?1
241243243301LeeUnderstood. I'll inform Lucia and Liv.1
242244244301LeeReturn in one piece. We won't leave without you.1
243245245301LeeThe Gray Ravens will always be as one.1
245247247301Lee walks up to you and pats your shoulder heavily.
2472492493011LeeTake this with you.1
248250250301Lee hands you a long black hexagonal needle and a comms device.
249251251301LeePress the top to activate the node. I disassembled it and made some minor modifications.1
250252252301LeeYou just need to activate it. Take it with you.1
251253253301LeeThe comms device has been repaired, but the reception is unstable here. If it exceeds 30 kilometers, you won't be able to maintain a stable connection.1
252254254301LeeObviously, I hope you don't end up going that far.1
254256256301LeeDon't look at me like that's exactly what you plan on doing...1
255257257301LeeRemember—we won't evacuate until you come back.1
256258258301LeeAnd you...1
2592612613011WanshiUh... What's up?2
260262262301LeeOur commandant—1
261263263301Wanshi cuts off Lee mid-sentence.
262264264301WanshiYeah, I got it.2
263265265301Lee nods.
2642662663011AniZhuanchangBeginLeeDon't let anything happen to our commandant.1