forked from PGR/ascnet
Fork 0

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433301The four of you follow the planned route out of the ruins and into an area interspersed with abandoned factories.
766301DialogEnable1MurrayI already know the general situation. I'll contact you again if there are any new developments.1
877302The signal is unstable.8We may be hard to reach right away.8
988301MurrayThere's no need to worry.1
1099301MurrayI have some acquaintances nearby. They know my brother. If anything happens, they can lend a hand at a moment's notice.1
111010301MurrayAs for you, Commandant, you'll have no problem as long as you follow my brother.1
1413133011LeeAcquaintances? You know people that can enter a Dead Zone?2
151414301MurrayA lot of people went in with the main force this time. What's weird about knowing a few of them?1
171616301MurrayExploring the ruins takes a lot of stamina with all the heavy protective equipment and safety terminals. That's why commandants can't operate around Dead Zones for too long.1
181717301MurrayLee, make sure the commandant gets some rest. There's bound to be trouble. The commandant needs to be at peak performance to make sure nothing bad happens.1
191818301Murray smiles and says goodbye to the four of you, then terminates the call.
2322223011LivWe've been fighting for quite some time now. You should rest up, Commandant.1
242323302We don't have time.24I can keep going.24
272626301Liv looks sad, but she does not say anything. So, you continue onward.
292828301With the warm afternoon sun at your backs, the remains left behind by the Red Tide emit the same peculiar gazes, surrounding you on all sides.
302929301The crumbling buildings nearby form a concrete forest reaching into the low clouds, limiting their visibility.
313030301In the shadow of the abandoned factories, there is a pile of crates of varying sizes, most of which show signs of being rummaged through.
3534343011LivI wonder if those crates contain any clues.1
363535301As she keeps moving, Liv examines the crates stacked on the side of the road.
373636301LuciaThis area has already been picked clean by scavengers. I doubt there's anything of value here.2
383737301LeeScavengers rummage for supplies, but clues will be left in their tracks.3
393838301LivHey, what's this?1
403939301Liv runs up to the crates beside her and returns with a book.
414040301The book appears to have been hidden in the crates and its pages were specially preserved.
424141301Even then, the book has deteriorated over time. It seems like the pages will rip out with little effort.
434242301LeeIt's a book—the predecessor to e-books. I've heard that people in the Golden Age would restore e-books into physical copies that were sold for nostalgia or collection. Looks like it's one of those physical books.3
444343301The four of you continue onward, book in hand.
454444301While Lucia continues to look around, she glances at the book in Liv's hand, seemingly interested.
464545301LuciaWhat's in the book? Is it a clue?2
474646301Carefully, Liv opens the faded cover, and a white petal falls out onto her hand.
494848301LivIt's a... pear blossom? It's been flattened. I don't know if it's real or not.1
504949301She carefully puts the petal back and reads the title of the book.
515151301Liv quickly skims through it and conveys the story to the rest of you.
525252301Based on her description, the story is about the fate of a young man who uses the power of cards to shapeshift and save the Earth from aliens with the help of his companions.
535353301LuciaBy the look of the content, there's nothing that can be used as a clue.2
545454301LivAt least it was an interesting read.1
555555301LivI feel that it's great to be able to trust and fight side-by-side with your companions. Not just in the story, but in real life as well...1
565656301LuciaSame here. I'm really glad to have met you all.2
575757301Liv nods and carefully turns the book to the last page.
585858301On the inside of the back cover, she sees a beautifully written note...
595959301Earth has been stricken with innumerable disasters, and time has washed every one of them away. Live for tomorrow, because all will pass.—To Shrek
606060301LivAny disaster will eventually subside, so we must keep fighting. We maintain hope as we wait for a better tomorrow...1
616161301Liv silently recites the note as she rubs the white lining of the page with her fingertips.
626262301Suddenly, as if she notices something, she holds the book in front of her and carefully confirms her suspicions.
646464301LivHey... Looks like something's been covered up with repair glue...1
656565301She puts the book up to the sunlight, trying to see what is under the glue.
676767301Lucia leans over to Liv and sees a line written in messy handwriting under the patch.
686868301Don't scribble those lies on a book for me! Who the heck still believes in hope on this forsaken planet?!
717171301LivSorry, it doesn't look like a clue.1
727272301Liv makes an apologetic face, then places the petal back into the book.
737373301LuciaIt's okay. We just came across it anyway.2
747474301LivIt might not be a clue, but seems like it was cherished by its owner. Mind if I put it back?1
757575302Go ahead. It's not that far back.76
777777301AniZhuanchangBegin1Liv nods, then quickly runs back to where she found it...
808080301AniZhuanchangEnd1LivI'm back.1
818181301LuciaAlright, let's go. Hopefully, we can find some leads along the way.2
828282301LuciaAfter all, we're likely to encounter Ascendants up ahead. It'd be nice to have some more intel.2
848484301LivYou're right. Commandant, when you were up against the Ascendants...1
858686302Relax, I still plan on cashing in on retirement...87
878888301LeeSave that sort of talk for when we return safely to Babylonia.3
899090301The four of you fall into an awkward silence.
919292301LivUm... I'm not sure if this counts as a clue. But...1
929393301Liv looks around at the surrounding area, lost in contemplation.
939494302What is it?95
949595301LivI've been here before...1
959696301LeeReally? You've been here before, too?3
969797301LivYou too, Lee?1
979898301LeeI recall passing through here on a survey mission, but that was when I was still with Kurono.3
989999301LivOh... It's been a while for me too...1
99100100302Is it something from your past, Liv?101What happened?101
101102102301Liv(Nods) It was before I was a Construct. Back when I was a medic, I was ordered to come rescue people here.1
102103103301Liv points to the southeast.
103104104301LivOver there. But I'm sure it's already completely destroyed.1
104105105301LivAt the time, our retaliation forces were overwhelmed by Corrupted. Most of the soldiers were ordered to evacuate.1
105106106301LivBut that would've led to even more casualties... I stayed behind to heal the wounded until the Constructs arrived...1
106107107301LivBut I...1
107108108302Seems like this place has left quite an impression.109
108109109301LivHas it?1
110111111301LivIt really has... It was because of that incident that I became a Construct. That has allowed me to help more people, like what I'm doing now.1
111112112301LivAnd because I helped everyone, I was able to join the Gray Ravens and be with you all.1
112113113301LivBut I'm surprised Lee came here on a mission as well... What about you, Lucia? Have you been here before?1
113114114301LivIf that's the case, then I think fate has brought us together.1
114115115301When asked this question, Lucia lets out an awkward expression.
115116116301LuciaThis place seems familiar, but I can't recall why...2
116117117301LeeMaybe you lost some of your memories when you changed frames?3
117118118301LuciaBack then...?2
118119119301LivNo, I already checked. Lucia's M.I.N.D. didn't suffer any memory loss, and her memory data was stable.1
119120120301LivLucia didn't lose any of her memories when she was transferred into the Plume frame.1
120121121301LeeMaybe it's just deja vu?3
121122122301LuciaDeja Vu?2
122123123301LeeYou probably have been somewhere similar. That's why you think it looks familiar.3
123124124301LuciaBut I don't have any memories from a place like this.2
125126126301LivMaybe you lost some memories before you transferred into the Plume frame?1
126127127302...128(Think now's the time to tell her?)128
127128128301Thinking over this issue, Lucia opens her mouth hesitantly.
128129129301LuciaWell... Now that I think about it, some of my memory is a bit hazy and abnormal.2
129130130301LuciaThat was with the former Gray Ravens before I met you all...2
130131131301She sighs softly, unsure of how to continue.
133134134301...You tell Lucia about what Hassen and Asimov said before you all left.
134135135301LuciaYou mean... they have hidden a memory from me?2
135136136302I can authorize you to access the memory.137
136137137301Lucia lowers her head in contemplation for a moment.
137138138301LuciaI trust your decision, Commandant, but we should prioritize the mission. Time is of the essence.2
139140141301LuciaAlso... I still have some things I need to confirm.2
140141142301LivIt's fine, Lucia. Don't worry about whether or not you've been here with others before knowing the commandant.1
141142143301LivFrom now on, the four of us will be on missions together.1
142143144301LuciaAlright, thanks. I'm not worried about this... But you're right.2
1431441453011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaNo matter what happens in the future, the Gray Ravens will always be together.2