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544301DialogEnable1ChangyuI'm back!1
8773011DirectorSo you do know to come back?2
1099301Changyu...It's not like I did anything illegal.1
111010301DirectorI didn't say you did...2
121111301ChangyuSeriously! I'm not lying!1
141313301ChangyuOof... (Guilty)1
151414301The director grabs Changyu by the arm.
161515301DirectorRegardless if you did something illegal or not, you always go around jumping over rooftops.2
171616301ChangyuI did no such thing! I just fell is all!1
181717301Director...Wait here. I'll go find you a tetanus shot.2
201919301ChangyuOl' man, no! We don't have the money to buy another shot!1
212020301DirectorIf you already knew that, then why'd you go off and be so reckless?2
222121301DirectorYour food money for the second half of the month is all going to roofing repairs for your victims!2
242323301ChangyuAlright, then I'll just eat plain rice for the rest of the month. That'll do, yeah? Don't be mad!1
262525301Hearing this, the director gets even more angry. Just as he raises his hand, Laoyu pushes open the doors and enters.
272626301LaoyuD-Director... T-there's a message for you.
292828301ChangyuWhat's with ol' stuttery answering the door?1
302929301DirectorYusheng asked for leave today because it is the deathday of his mother. But at least he finished up his morning exercise. Did you finish it?2
323131301ChangyuHmph, I never fall behind on morning exercise! I ran fifty laps around the stage before I left!1
333232301DirectorEnough. Head on back. I still want a word with you.2
373636301The boy pouts. He takes off his backpack and walks back to the yard.
383737301But just after walking pass the door, Changyu stops. He climbs up the roof and sneaks into the rafters of the room.
414040301DialogEnableHe gently opens his waist pack and pulls out a bag of braised meat.
424141301ChangyuHehe. If I'm living off plain rice for the rest of the month, I might as well feast on some meat now to tide me over.
434343301Changyu...Wait. Better save some for Laoyu. He likes it with a good drink.
444444301Just as Changyu is about to munch on a slab of meat, the sound of the director's voice grabs his attention.
454545301DirectorOh! Hello there, Boss. Long time no see. Right—right—last time we went to your house to perform, but you got a cold and had to rest in the inner hall.
464646301DirectorYes, yes. Of course. Everything's still all ready for you.
474747301DirectorIt's all there. Isn't your daughter's sixteenth birthday next week? I already have the calligrapher planned for the congratulatory message as well.
494949301DirectorUm, oh... It's okay, Boss. No—really, it's not an issue. Don't feel guilty about it. We'll manage...
505050301Changyu finds himself shocked. The theater depended on this order to live through the month. If this order is cancelled... that will surely be the final straw.
515151301DirectorAh, I see... The younger ones wanted a VR trip to Mars to celebrate...
525252301DirectorIt's okay, Boss. Don't worry about it. For a theater troupe like us, not performing for a day won't starve us out of house and home...
535353301The old director's crooked back as he replies sends a pang of remorse through Changyu's heart.
545454301With a long sigh, the director finally puts down the receiver and slumps back into his chair.
555555301DirectorHeard enough?
575757301DirectorThen get down here.
585858301AniZhuanchangBeginKnowing that resistance is futile, Changyu jumps down resentfully.
616162301AniZhuanchangEnd1ChangyuI didn't mean to... I wasn't trying to eavesdrop...1
6464653011DirectorIt doesn't matter whether you intended to or not. Also, quit talking with your mouth full of pork.2
656566301ChangyuDirector, how about I go pass out flyers tomorrow?1
666667301Director...This isn't something that passing out flyers can fix.2
676768301DirectorSigh... Forget it... You're all grown up. It's time for you to learn a thing or two about the theater.2
707071301DirectorChangyu, come here. Laoyu, Call over Mr. Bai and Ol' Song in the back courtyard. Dismiss the helpers in the firewood room.2
717172301LaoyuO-of course.
727273301AniZhuanchangBeginDirectorI have some things I have to tell you.3
787879301AniZhuanchangEnd1ChangyuI object!1
808081301ChangyuI won't let this happen!1
828283301DirectorDon't be so naive!2
838384301The director pounds his cane. After a moment of silence is restored in the room, the old man sighs and opens his mouth.
868687301DirectorI know what you've been doing to help, but it's pointless.2
878788301DirectorEven our regulars can't convince their children at home to come. Do you think putting up posters will convince hoodlums to come and pay to see our plays?2
909091301LaoyuY-you're right, Director. W-we haven't had a play in t-two months.
919192301ChangyuWhere there's a will, there's a way! You taught me that!1
929293301ChangyuWe've been performing for years. We can't just call it quits like that!1
939394301DirectorIf we quit now, we can do it with our heads held high. Selling the theater should be enough for a fresh start for each and every one of us.2
949495301DirectorIf we wait this out, then... There won't be any money to line our pockets.2
959596301Changyu's face turns sour. People used to fear the stubborn and arrogant director. But with the steady decline of the troupe, his hardiness malformed into something pathetic. That is what unsettles Changyu the most.
969697301DirectorI've also considered who will take over the theater—a member of the Chiwen Crew. They've offered a fair price.2
979798301Director...If this truly is the end, I'll at least be able to say that we're even.2
9999100301The director rubs the wooden handle of the chair begrudgingly. In his mind, the theater is a living thing.
100100101301But alas, some things must be put out of their misery, and he had to be the one to end it.
101101102301The director stands there in silence. The fatigue seems to have taken on an almost age-long pallor. No one knows how to console him.
102102103301And so everyone stands there as well, in solemn silence.
1051051063011DirectorChangyu, you're no longer a child. Even if you leave the theater, you should have other ways to support yourself.2
108108109301ChangyuIf there's another way... A better way...1
109109110301DirectorLet this be the end.2
110110111301DirectorThese ol' bones aren't what they used to be. Maybe it's not necessarily a bad thing that I end it here.2
112112113301Everyone is overcome with silence seeing the director lean dejectedly on his chair. They want to keep living the life they have had—they just cannot.
113113114301They all know that his old and feeble body has paid a heavy toll trying to hold up this fizzling dream. They even begin to think that it would be best to relieve him of this responsibility.
114114115301LaoyuIf... If we can just m-make it through this month...
1161161173011ChangyuThere must be another way. I'll think of something!1
118118119301Changyu rushes out of the room, his voice trailing at his footsteps.
121121122301DirectorLet him.1
1221221233011AniZhuanchangBeginDirectorWhen Yusheng returns at dawn, remember to wake me up.1