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433301AniZhuanchangBeginSome time earlier—
655301AniZhuanchangEndIn an arctic land, a fisher, burdened by a bulging bag of tools, is trudging forward in the snow.
766301Ahead of him is the port shared by members of the Arctic Route Union, with a couple ships lazing nearby. A group of sailors are huddled around a furnace-like heating device, chatting away.
877301The fisher strides up to them and shouts in his signature booming voice.
10993011FisherOi, we sailin' today?1
111010301His deafening voice dusts snow off the trees and draws the sailors' attention.
121212301FisherAye aye, c'mon, let's sail today!1
131313301The fisher is aware of the gesture, but he continues on and joins in with the sailors.
171717301SailorNaw, won't do.2
181818301FisherYer keep sayin' that over and over. How long ya havin' your vacation?1
191919301SailorWe ain't slackin', mate. Why else d'ya thunk we're here?2
202020301Fisher'S roight! Why EVEN are y'all here if ya ain't getting packed for sea?1
212121301The fisher flares up at the sailors. The winds are stable, stable to the point that staying on land is blasphemy. The sea, the fishes call.
222222301FisherWe have them Babyloony-bolognese now, just jab one of 'em serums if it gets all viral-like. C'mon, let's board!1
232323301SailorUgh... Fer the last time, NO SAILING TODAY!2
242424301The fisher was shaking and rattling the sailor. Unable to take it anymore, the sailor stands and tries to reason with the fisher.
252525301SailorI dunno why yer fishers ain't sharin' pipes with one 'nother, but we've been repeatin' it—the Corrupted in the sea...2
262626301FisherThar's always Corrupted there! And we have them big fat cannons on the ship!1
272727301SailorJust listen!2
282828301Sailor...The Corrupted in the sea's been hivin' it up gettin' all feisty-like. And since whatever, them stray red-eyes been bandin' all together in one place.2
292929301FisherStray reddies...? Even those from the no-man's zones?1
303030301SailorYarr, for sum reason they all dived somewhere. Dunno where they be headed, but they're relayin' it through the sea 'ere.2
313131301Hearing the sailor, the fisher begins to realize the gravity of the situation. He pulls at the tools tilting from his back and slings them astern.
323232301FisherUh... We gon' be safe here?1
333333301SailorLeast for now they're not tryna' land. Simply shoalin' it up here 'fore going somewhere else.2
343434301FisherSo them Corrupted's getting fewer around here, aye? When they're done swarmin' it all up in the seas, then we should be safe to go?1
353535301SailorI guess...2
3838383011???It won't be possible.1
393939301Interrupting the conversation is a spear-wielding centauress, followed by a group of her kind. Just like the fisher, they are bearing bags.
4242423011FisherOh, Forest Guards... There ain't any of them Corruptoes here, eh?2
434343301Astonished by the presence of the humanoid hybrid Constructs, the fisher asks inquisitively, curious as to why they are here.
444444301DianaThe Corrupted are all in the sea. We're here for something else.1
4747473011SailorYou mean...2
4848483011DianaWe don't know when the Corrupted will be back. But this much we know—nothing good will come out of it if they gather up.1
494949301DianaSo can we borrow your ships, sailors?1
505050301SailorYou tailin' em red-eyes?2
515151301DianaYes, to find out what they're up to. I... have a bad feeling about this.1
525252301Sailor...Whadda we do, Capt?2
535353301The sailor turns to ask the man who has stayed silent all this time. The man ponders, his eyes darting between his ships and the Forest Guards.
565656301CaptainI can lend you the ships, but on one condition.1
575757301Diana furrows her eyebrows at the captain's response. She falters a little, but she quickly hides her expression.
6060603011DianaWe don't have much to offer in exchange. If it can go cheaper...1
6363633011CaptainNot for this, no.2
646464301The captain loudly interrupts Diana in a sullen voice. An embarrassed look crosses Diana's face.
6767673011Diana...Because we're sinners?1
7070703011CaptainPah, you think I still care about that? You can have the ship, sink it, whatever. But all of you must come back 'ere in one piece—that's my condition.1
747474301Diana's consternation quickly gives way to joy. She holds the captain's big stretched-out hand.
7575753011DianaThank you. We promise to hold up our end of the bargain.1
7979793011CaptainAlright then. Boys! Give them the keys. And get your stinky laundry off the ships!1
8080803011SailorWait, Captain, are we not going with them?2
818181301CaptainWe can't fight. We'll only hold them back if we go, that I'm sure of. Alright then, move it!1
828282301Following the captain's command, the sailors swing to action. Even the fisher, still in a daze, joins the effort. The Forest Guards murmur between themselves.
848484301Forest GuardDidn't know their attitude toward us had changed so much...
8686863011DianaWhich is all the more reason for us to find out what the Corrupted are up to.1
878787301DianaNot only to protect ourselves, but also to protect this place.1
888888301DianaWe'll board the ships as soon as they're ready. Forest Guards, prepare to set sail!1
898989301Forest GuardUnderstood!
9090903011AniZhuanchangBeginDiana...Rosetta, I know you'd do the same thing.1