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433301DialogEnableLamia nods and leaps onto a roof nearby.
544301Roland reaches out to the rusty gate.
655301The dust-covered bolts are moved, leaving a circle of light yellow ashes between the inner and outer rings.
766301The dilapidated frames give a horrible squeak, as if they are fighting the power that is about to change them.
877301Eventually, they succumb to the power and give in to the new visitor.
111010301AniZhuanchangBeginThe gate watches the new visitor as he enters its territory.
141313301AniZhuanchangEndRoland walks into the front yard, a space that resembles a time capsule.
151414301Rough pottery pieces are scattered under the wall. Firewood chips are neatly placed next to a smashed fireplace wall, as if they were just freshly chopped in the morning.
161515301The ground surface is in extremely poor condition due to lack of maintenance, but tools are nicely placed along the wall.
171616301Everything about this place shows that someone used to live here, albeit a long time ago.
181717301Roland calmly walks through it, until he sees a crude clay plate at an inconspicuous place on the outside wall.
191919301A complex emotion has grasped Roland. Many scenes have come to his mind.
202020301Perhaps she used to toddle from the living room to the kitchen, carrying a basket full of freshly picked potatoes.
222323301Luna was once here, and she left. If she really had come back for some reason...
2426263011Roland...Better get back to the topic.1
252727301RolandWhy would they lure Babylonia's Task Force to this place, and why do they want me to come here.1
262828301RolandThere should be an answer to all these questions.1
272929301AniZhuanchangBeginRoland starts to carefully search every nook and cranny of the ruins.
303232301AniZhuanchangEnd1LamiaEek... How long are you going to keep me waiting...?1
323434301LamiaHmm? What's that...?1
343636301Lamia notices a wandering phantom on the street.
353737301It travels through the streets without concealing its action, kicking the corner of walls, or spraying something on the wall with its head every now and then.
3739393011Lamia...What... is... that?1
384040301Lamia watches it until it disappears after turning around a corner.
394141301But she soon hears engine sounds from where it disappears, and sees a black figure rising to the sky.
404242301AniZhuanchangBeginLamia trembles at the somewhat familiar sight.
434545301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin??You got that thing. Hand it over.
464848301AniZhuanchangEnd1It's the black ghost that has been haunting her ever since she left the underground cavern.
474949301But after giving away Huaxu's key, she has no asset left.
485050301If she is caught... She will be doomed.
495151301AniZhuanchangBeginLamiaBut Lamia must not die... I must survive... to...1
535555301AniZhuanchangEnd1Roland has been wandering around in the house for a while, he thinks he has checked almost all the possible places.
545656301—But he still has no clue about what to do next.
555858301Most of the things inside are demolished, except the large mirror. It is surprisingly intact apart from one long, horizontal crack.
565959301Only traces of history remain in this place. He can peek into Luna's past, but cannot reach the present.
576060301Can he really find clues of Luna here? Before this, how long has he travelled? How many options has he ruled out?
586161301This pursuit almost took his life in the underground waterway.
596262301No matter what, he probably won't find anything useful from this mansion of the past on his own.
606363301—Still, it cannot explain why the other two groups also have their eyes on this place.
616464301Or... Could it be just the result of an incorrect decision, or a foolish mission from Babylonia?
626565301If that's the case... Where should he go next? What is he going to look for?
636667301Roland looks at his somewhat unfamiliar black body in the mirror. He cannot help but feel a little sentimental, for too many people and things have changed.
6669703011RolandI didn't realize... Is this what I look like now?1
697272301AniZhuanchangBeginRoland?Why, do you prefer this look instead?
717474301AniZhuanchangEndThe Roland in the mirror becomes smudged with gray, while the red color is replaced by yellow.
727575301Roland sees what he used to look like.
747777301RolandDid anyone ever tell you that you looked extremely annoying?
757878301Roland?Never by myself.
767979301RolandComing out at such an awkward timing... What do you want?
778080301Roland?You are too painful to watch. I need to teach you a lesson.
798383301Roland?An actor? A knight? A stray dog? An Ascendant? Luna's loyal servant?
808484301Roland?Stop lying to yourself.
818585301Roland?You are just who you are.
828686301Roland?You aren't anyone else. You aren't an item. You are just yourself, the one and only you in this world.
838787301Roland?Go onward, and one day you will be able to answer me—who are you?
848888301Roland?Your ideals, your recognition, your violence, your cunning.
858989301Roland?Maybe you need someone to rely on, some belief to follow, or a mission to give you a reason to live on.
869090301Roland...And what does that have to do with my current situation?
879191301Roland?I'm just reminding you that in this show, you can do a lot more than you think.
889292301Roland?You may have been a little lost after losing your direction...
899393301AniZhuanchangBeginRoland?But you are unique. There's no one else like you in this world.
929696301AniZhuanchangEnd1Roland?Go, my puppy. Use them, get what you want, and tear them apart—1
939797301Roland?Do you seriously think you can get what you want by giving trust to others? This cruel world doesn't run that way.1
949898301Roland?The world doesn't disappear even when the symbol is gone. The world is still there, so are the things represented by that symbol.1
959999301Roland?Whether you understand or not, just remember what I said.1
971011013011RolandThe world is still there, so are the things represented by that symbol...1
98102102301Roland stands in front of the mirror and clenches his fists.
99103103301—Lamia pokes her head through the door.
1011051053011LamiaThat Task Force girl is almost at the gate!1
107112112301RolandIf they want to bring the Task Force and us together and watch us kill each other, I need to set up some distractions.2
1081131133011AniZhuanchangBeginRoland—I may not have the time to turn the tide, but I can at least muddy the waters.2