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555301In the studio, a fictional father was teaching his fictional son how to use a rifle.
666301This is the bolt. This is the safety. Here is the magazine, and the trigger is here.
777301Push the bolt to load a shiny, slim bullet, unlock the safety, then pull the trigger.
888301This is how humans fire a brass bullet. It has 2800 joules of kinetic energy, travels at 868 meters per second, and can take down most animals on the continent.
999301The father told his son.
101010301Life is great, but .300 Magnum is greater, because it can take away any life with ease.
111111301It makes no difference whether that life is theirs, or ours. We are just one of the many life forms.
121212301For some reason, Roland still remembers this scene that he once witnessed.
131313301But he only knew how to act back then. He didn't have any question.
141414301The script was there. He only had to follow it to earn money, as well as a chance to live.
151515301He had always been living in lies, and believed in the rules that were born in them.
161616301But lies could be easily proven wrong with some proper thinking.
171717301Does the power to take lives really make something great? It's nothing but an arrogant boast.
181818301To Roland, struggling for survival amidst a world that ignores the importance of life should be called great instead. That is the real world.
191919301He enjoys watching infected Constructs beg for the mercy of the Ascension-Network. Fragile flowers that shatter after breaking free from the greenhouse, but still struggling to maintain the last bit of consciousness.
202020301And the innocent white that was born from the scarlet virus.
212121301Those eyes had witnessed infinite despair. Still, she continued to venture toward her target.
222222301That white figure pulled him out of hell. The closer he approached her, the more he believed that she was the only truth he would ever seek.
242424301But he lost her.
252525301What if he never finds Luna again?
272727301What if everything gets loose and lost? Where can he go then?
282828301His values and purpose will all go down with the lighthouse.
303131301AniZhuanchangBeginShaken inside, Roland hears a well-timed chuckle from the darkness.
353636301AniZhuanchangEnd1Roland?Hermano (Brother), you look confused.1
373838301The young man in Roland's mind wears a clean and simple outfit. He is smiling—the smile of a normal young person.
383939301The smile looks taunting in contrast to Roland's gloomy face.
394040301Roland?You seem upset when I show up, but—1
404141301Roland?Still, you picked me, not—1
414242301Roland?Oops, is he not here?1
424343301Roland?Which means... I see.1
444545301The illusion disappears, and shows up again in a look that Roland is more familiar with.
4748483011Roland...What did you learn?2
484949301Roland?You have an idea. A target. You have a mission—but you don't know how to complete it.1
495050301Roland?Because nobody can give you a reply without being questioned by you. That's why I'm here.1
525353301RolandGuess all you want—but what do you have to say?2
535454301Roland?I know you don't want to see me. But rest assured, hermano. In this world, anyone can leave you...1
545555301Roland?But I won't, and I can't. This is my fate, and yours too. Don't you think?1
555656301RolandWell, hermano, do you have any clue?2
565757301RolandGet it done. My body is yours for now.2
575858301Roland?Your body? What sort of impression do you have of me, hermano?1
585959301Roland?Some electronic ghost may be able to hack into the M.I.N.D. of Constructs through special frequencies, and replace the host's memory with theirs...1
596161301Roland?I don't come from outside, and I'm not another you either. I am just that more honest side of yours.1
606262301Roland?I cannot interfere with your future. I can only bring up those things that you didn't want to confront.1
616363301Roland?Whether you like it or not, whatever you are going to do with them, they are there.1
626464301RolandSo what's this thing that I don't want to face?2
636565301Roland?Relax, hermano. I can see you are arguing back now.1
646666301Roland?For now, just do what you feel like doing. You want to take action, and that isn't a bad thing.1
687070301AniZhuanchangEnd—Roland's vision is interrupted by the rustling and crunching of gravel. He turns his head around immediately.
697171301AniZhuanchangBegin—Lamia changed a pose to make her legs more comfortable, but she is still hibernating.
737575301AniZhuanchangEnd1Roland?I don't think you need to keep such a watchful eye on her.1
747676301Roland?As far as I can recall, you used to get along a lot better.1
757777301RolandThat doesn't mean I can let my guard down, especially in this situation—2
767878301RolandJust look at me... Hermano.2
777979301Roland raises his right hand. It still obeys his M.I.N.D., but looks nothing like what he remembers.
788080301Roland?So what? You were never a coward.1
798181301Roland?Has this new body changed you that much?1
808282301RolandWhat's wrong with that? I won't have another chance next time.2
818383301RolandI'm lucky to still be alive, so I must carefully think about how to properly spend this second life.2
828484301Roland?You would throw away even your own life, yet here you are, suddenly getting nervous over something given by others.1
838585301Roland...Maybe you are right.2
858787301Roland?If you want to be a coward, you should have been that way from the beginning. You know very well to be cautious about things you don't understand, so why would you rely on this new body that you aren't familiar with?1
878989301Roland?This life may be given by The Merciful One, but it's still yours.1
889090301Roland?It's your choice. Your consequence. Your soul. Everything about it belongs to you.1
899191301Roland?If you want to fight, to die, or to do stupid things, you do it yourself.1
909292301Roland?Look at you, so detached and paranoid. You made yourself this way.1
919393301RolandLooks like you are right.2
939595301Roland's expression relaxes slightly and gives a chuckle.
949696301With his nerves loosened, he gazes around the place. It is—or, used to be—a low-ceiling hut.
959797301Bombshells destroyed one of the walls, as well as half of the south-eastern pillar, making its roof slightly tilted.
969898301Still, the remaining structures are intact, making the room at least more comfortable than some random cave.
979999301Lamia would probably agree. She curls up like a cat, occupying a corner of the room.
98100100301—Roland feels relieved.
99101101301RolandCan you stay a little longer?2
100102102301Roland?My presence is not determined by your words. But you will know when I show up or leave.1
102105105301Roland...Hah, you're right.2
105108108301RolandAnyway, I sometimes have this feeling...2
107110110301RolandLook at Lamia's body. She's a great fit for reins, don't you think?2
109112112301AniZhuanchangBeginRolandLet's move when the sun comes back.2
113116116301The stars hang low in the night sky, sinking toward the world.
114117117301Inside the ruins, one is already hibernating, the other has just begun to rest.
115118118301AniZhuanchangBeginNo matter what thoughts they have, at least tonight, nothing else outside the ruins matters to them.
117120120301AniZhuanchangEndOn the other end of the ruins...
118121121301Dark shadows appear on the horizon one by one, wandering, crawling, walking.
1201231233011???Let it begin.1
122125125301No one knows where they come from. No one knows what purpose they have.
1231261263011AniZhuanchangBeginEverything is brewing in silence under the stars, waiting to blossom.