forked from PGR/ascnet
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544301DialogEnableThe sound of anxious back-and-forth pacing fills the research room, deep in the facility.
7663011ShomeIt's been too long...1
988301It is a dimly-lit room, the interior flickering under the weak jaundice of the lighting. To the Ascendant Shome, however, brightness has long since lost its meaning.
1099301In the middle of the research room lies writhing mechanical remains—some are missing limbs, some have their torsos replaced by monstrous-looking ones, some are left with only their heads.
111010301Oil, vital fluid, indistinguishable liquids seep from under their bodies.
121111301The network of attached pipes are endlessly pumping activators inside, forcing these remains awake.
131212301...Forcing them alive, pumping them with life, making them writhe in sickening madness.
151414301They squirm and shift, struggling to drag themselves toward Shome. However, the cables and tubes attached to their bodies stop them from ever reaching him.
161515301RImgBg1ShakeUnending hisses and wrathful thrashes of the Corrupted erupt from the back of the research room. The electricity traps on the wall flicker and burn their bodies.
181717301Their limbs burn, disintegrate, but regenerate, bit by bit. They repeat this cycle over and over, all to break through this wall and reach the research room.
191818301Why? Because Shome is in the center of the research room, and his hand holds a shot of the Punishing Virus, flashing with scarlet electricity.
201919301This place should be a familiar sight, but Shome's heart twinges with unease.
2221213011ShomeSeventy-two hours have passed. He would never make such a mistake.1
242323301ShomeFor safety's sake.1
272626301Shome turns to the console behind him and taps quickly on the screen.
2928283011ShomeExperiment Record No. 70412:1
302929301ShomeExperimental Ascension Bodies Batch 70411, failed. The initial Ascnet filtering is too much for the current equipment and degree of modification. The impact still cannot be alleviated externally.1
313030301Shome sets the injection aside. He clears his throat before he continues.
323131301ShomeHmph, as expected.1
333232301ShomeBased on the initial reactions of the subjects, I'm walking on the right path.1
343333301ShomeGiven the right environment and some fine-tuning to the mod-data for the corrupted host, I will definitely succeed.1
353434301ShomeAlright, this should do it for the final recording. Begin data export.1
363535301SystemExport command received. ID verification: Dr. Shome. Authority level: EX+. Beginning export procedure.
393838301The console hums as it runs. Shome walks past the carnage in the room.
4140403011ShomeExperimental Subject No. 65018 lasted a long time in the first filtering. He gave me good refitting materials.1
424141301ShomeExperimental Subject No. 63901. This humanoid was made from the Constructs of the same squad. They were all good raw materials but it's a pity they still couldn't survive the first filtering after fusing them.1
444343301The scenes flash through Shome's mind. Every single experimental subject, taken apart, studied, forced to connect to the Ascension-Network. To Shome, all of the subjects are like his medals of honor.
464545301SystemData export complete.
474646301Hearing the system beep, Shome returns to the console. He stows the ejected black cube on himself.
484747301Mechanical noises ring out from where he stowed the cube. When the noise finally dies down, Shome straightens his clothes and moves, checking to see that the cube is not affecting his movement.
5049493011ShomeEven the most wonderful of times must come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to this place.1
535252301At that, Shome enters the terminal command on the console. Several mechanical arms appear on the walls as the command is executed. The arms dance about the room, dismantling all the machinery one by one.
545353301Soon, the barely alive mechanical remains become piles of metal scrap.
575656301After a burst of buzzes, the console and all its mechanical arms fall silent.
585757301AniZhuanchangBeginSeeing the research room taken by silence, Shome pushes his glasses lightly and leaves.
616060301AniZhuanchangEndShome walks alone on the main path of the research facility. Suddenly, he stops at a T-section.
626161301???Long time no see, Shome.
6463633011ShomeHah. You actually came over. Didn't you use to look down on my research?1
656464301???Heh. You're the same as ever.
6867673011The speaker steps out casually from the back right corner. He rests his chain blade to one side, then lazily leans against the wall.
696868301ShomeYou seem different from before.1
706969301RolandI did go through a lot in that city after all.2
717070301ShomeYou did, didn't you? Judging from the data reports from Kowloong, there were quite a few accidents. But, overall, we can consider it a victory.1
727376301ShomeYou're mostly right, but I must get one thing clear.1
737477301ShomeI am not chosen by Miss Luna, but you and I both serve the Ascension-Network. Technically speaking, we are both Ascendants.1
747578301RolandAhaha. You're becoming just like Gabriel in your pedantry.2
757679301Shome is about to protest, but resigns when he notices Roland rambling without a care for him.
767780301So Shome merely shakes his head and begins to walk again.
777881301ShomeI'll listen to your rambles after I come back. I have a new research task on hand.1
787982301Roland pauses and looks at Shome.
798083301RolandI take it that you aren't coming with us on the next mission, then?2
808184301ShomeNaturally. My research is what made me live through the filtering, is it not?1
818285301RolandAhaha... Is that so?2
828386301ShomeHmph. Which reminds me, how's that device you asked me for working out? You didn't seem to have used it in front of the others. Remember to send me the data after you use it.1
838487301ShomeAfter all, I'm just a researcher with zero combative capabilities. All this killing and fighting—I'll leave it to you professionals.1
868790301Shome strolls past Roland, walking toward the left of the intersection.
878891301RolandHah. A researcher with zero combative capabilities, you say. Never knew these researchers could leisurely fix all the hidden turrets on someone pointing a piece at 'em.2
888992301ShomeIf you really wanted me dead, I'd be long dead before all this turret business.1
899093301Roland...Oh, what a spoilsport you are.2
909194301ShomeBorn this way.1
939497301Shome pushes his glasses up again. With no intention to fool around with Roland, he leaves through the passage.
949598301AniZhuanchangBeginRoland puts away his scythe gun after he speaks, and walks in the completely opposite direction of Shome, to the other end of the corridor.
99100103301AniZhuanchangEnd1GabrielLooks like the rat came out of its hole.
100101104301RolandIndeed. But why all this hassle anyway? It'd be easier for me to just off him right now.1
101102105301GabrielThen we cannot weed out all of his labs.
102103106301RolandFine, fine, I got it.1
1051061093011Roland displays his impatience in full, waving his hand to cut Gabriel off. From outside of the facility, Gabriel puts away the book he was reading and steps into the light.
107108111301RolandYou know, if you weren't sitting here, I might have already popped a cap in him.1
108109112301GabrielYou cannot bear the consequences of doing so.2
109110113301RolandPah... Enough of that. What about the others?1
110111114301GabrielAlpha has set off. I'm ready too.2
111112115301RolandHah, well, well. Guess it's finally time.1
112113116301Roland stretches as he walks past Gabriel. Gabriel turns to face the research facility, removing his hat in a salute. He returns the hat and catches up to Roland.
115116118301A loud explosion booms from behind, and the research facility collapses in the blast. The heatwave sends the coats of the two fluttering wildly.
1171181203011AniZhuanchangBeginRolandNow then, let the game begin.1