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433301???And sometimes, the sleeping princess would dream.
544301???She would dream of the sunny courtyard, the gentle chirping of larks, the fragrant rose bushes, and her father and mother smiling warmly at her.
655301AniZhuanchangBegin???In her dream, she met her beloved prince. They formed a family and lived happily together.
877301AniZhuanchangEndAmberiaWhat's next? What's next? Does the prince cut through the thorns and climb to the top of the tower? Does he save the princess?
101010301Mommy smiled. She turned the page of the book, and then continued to read the story in her usual gentle voice that I cherished so much.
111111301Daddy sat on the sofa with a glass of wine and listened to Mommy telling me the story.
121212301I may not be able to run freely like the other children, but as long as Mommy tells me adventure stories and fairy tales, I can still experience fantastic adventures.
131313301I miss these precious memories of my daily...
141515301But you see, they're right next to me. I'm sitting in Mommy's arms. She's telling me my favorite fairy tale.
161717301A rose petal fell onto the page.
192020301More and more rose petals fell as they appeared to be the dyeing the book red. My forehead began to feel cool and wet.
202121301AmberiaNo... Is this...
222323301I turned my head to Mommy, but her head just silently hung there.
262727301AmberiaDaddy! Daddy! Mommy...!
282929301I screamed in panic and looked for my father on the sofa.
293030301But no one answered me. Daddy had already left.
343737301AmberiaJust... just another nightmare.
353838301???Lia?! Are you okay?
363939301Someone grabbed my hand and questioned me eagerly.
374040301AmberiaYeah... I'm okay. Thank you, Anfia.
384141301Anfia...Was it another nightmare?
404343301Amberia...What happens if a princess has nightmares?
424646301AmberiaNo one can wake her up, and no one can save her. She won't be able to wake up from her nightmare...
434747301That would be terrifying.
444848301AnfiaWasn't she woken up by a prince? There's nothing to worry about.
454949301AnfiaNot to mention, you have me to wake you up from your nightmares.
465050301AnfiaI may not be able to fill the room with roses like the prince...
475151301Anfia unclenched my hand and placed something in the palm of my hand.
485252301It was an origami rose.
495353301AnfiaWould this rose... do?
515555301AnfiaYou like this kind of flower, don't you?
535757301AnfiaOh, yeah. I heard that once I become a Construct, I'll have a chance to carry out missions outside the ARU. Maybe I'll see real roses then.
545858301AnfiaI'll be sure to show you.
566060301AnfiaIt'll be my turn to be modified here in a few days. You'll be the first one to see me, Lia! I won't just leave a letter and rush out on a mission like Daniel.
576161301AnfiaOh... The doctor is making his rounds! I gotta get going! See you tomorrow!
586262301AmberiaOk! See you tomorrow, Fia.
596464301Hearing the doctor's periodic footsteps, Anfia quickly retracted her hand and left.
606565301I looked towards the direction she left and smiled, then I shifted my gaze at the small origami rose in my hand.
6267673011Female ResearcherDid she go out the window again?1
646969301The young doctor sighed helplessly, and examined me in her usual gentle manner.
657070301Female ResearcherYou should be glad that I'm here today. Others wouldn't be so willing to keep your secret.1
667171301AmberiaI still don't understand why you don't let patients in the care facility come in contact with each other...
677272301The doctor's gentle eyes faded a moment, and she shook her head silently.
687373301Female ResearcherBecause it's the rules.1
697474301Female Researcher...Hm? Is this a rose?1
707575301AmberiaYeah, Anfia made it.
717676301I handed the rose to the doctor, and she took it carefully.
727777301Female ResearcherIt's beautiful... The last time I saw this kind of rose was when I got engaged.1
737878301AmberiaHuh...? You never mentioned that before.
747979301Female ResearcherThere was no wedding, no ring. But a small origami rose did the trick. Aren't I something...1
758181301The doctor subconsciously stroked her belly with a soft, gentle look.
768282301—She looked at me the same way my mother did.
778383301AmberiaDo you mean...
788484301She nodded and held my hand.
798585301Female ResearcherDo you want to name the child?1
808686301AmberiaMay I...?
818787301Female ResearcherOf course.1
828888301AmberiaIf she's a girl, how about—
838989301I thought a moment before coming up with that name.
849090301If I had a daughter, I'd probably give her that name, but the doctor said that becoming a Construct means giving up my human body.
859191301Female Researcher'——'1
869292301Female ResearcherIt's a beautiful name. Thank you, Lia.1
879393301I felt warmth gradually spreading in my heart as I looked into the smiling glimmer of her eyes.
889494301I named you after my favorite flower.
8995953011AniZhuanchangBeginI hoped this child would be like the prince or knight in the fairy tale, overcoming pain and hardship to deliver a rose to the princess.