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544301DialogEnable1WatanabeAnother batch of materials scrapped?1
8773011Forsaken Member AYes, sir. Even with the support from Akdilek, we're still unable to avoid this plight.2
988301Watanabe...This is just the way it is. They were devices deployed long ago, after all. See if you can recycle anything from the stash.1
1099301Forsaken Member ARoger.2
121111301Inside the Forsaken hideout, the well-organized Watanabe is giving out directives.
1716163011Forsaken Member BThe area around here has been getting more dangerous recently. Should we...2
181717301WatanabeHave the scouts assess our surroundings again. We'll move our hideout if their report comes to the same conclusion.1
191818301Forsaken Member BUnderstood. I'll join the scouting party as well, then.2
201919301WatanabeDon't linger. Retreat if you have to, understood?1
212020301Forsaken Member BOf course, sir.2
232222301The Forsaken might be an organization of a certain scale, but the lack of resources has kept them in a passive position for a very long time.
242323301Every move they make, Watanabe and the Forsakens are always walking on thin ice in order to keep all of their members safe.
2625253011WatanabeAlright, next.1
282727301WatanabeHmm, next?1
302929301Child AHere, Mr. Watanabe!
313030301The multitasking Watanabe is so occupied that he has not noticed the significantly shorter company seeking consultation.
323131301WatanabeUgh, kids...1
333232301Child AWe ain't no kids! We're valuable members who just helped giving out food!
343333301WatanabeSigh... Alright, alright.1
353434301WatanabeSo how can I help you? If you're asking for candies, I'm sorry, but those are needed elsewhere.1
363535301Child AThat's not why we're here!
373737301WatanabeWhy are you all hiding your hands behind your backs? Don't tell me you've found more things to prank the others.1
383838301Child AAh—that is...
393939301The children try to hide the thing behind them, but Watanabe easily notices what it is, given how much taller he is.
404040301Covered in a thin layer of sand and misshapen from all the mishandling is a bouquet of flowers.
424242301Child AThat's right. We were going to surprise you.
434343301Child ABut now that we've been discovered—everyone!
444444301Child BYep!
454545301ChildrenMerry Christmas, Mr. Watanabe!
464646301WatanabeUh... But I don't think it's Christmas yet?1
474949301Watanabe...Alright, I got it, stop kicking me—thank you! I said it! Thank you!1
485050301Yielding to their violent acts, Watanabe thanks them and takes the flowers.
495151301WatanabeBy the way...1
505252301Child AI guess you're wondering why we're giving you your Christmas present now.
515353301Child ABecause flowers wilt quickly in a place like this, we want to give it to you before it dies.
525454301Child BIt'll be too late if we wait 'til Christmas.
535555301WatanabeI see...1
545656301WatanabeThank you.1
555757301Child AHmph, I'm glad we've come to an understanding. Just so you know, the flowers are edible, so remember to bring them to the guys in Logistics to make us some snacks!
565858301The children quickly disperse and go on their merry ways after Watanabe receives his gift.
575959301WatanabeThose kids...1
6265653011Forsaken Member CMr. Watanabe, a message from Babylonia.2
646767301WatanabeShow me what it says.1
677070301WatanabeI see. I suppose that's worth responding. Do we have any devices that can connect to the satellite?1
687171301Forsaken Member CWe do. But, sir, are you going to show up on their screen like this?2
697272301WatanabeSure, what's wrong with it?1
707373301Forsaken Member CEverything! We can't have the Babylonians seeing the face and leader of the Forsaken covered in dirt. Where's our pride?2
717474301WatanabeI know what you're saying... but I usually look like this as well.1
727575301Forsaken Member CBut this isn't a usual call, is it? Just grab a seat, and I'll find someone to put some makeup on you.2
737676301WatanabeBut I'm a dude?1
747777301Forsaken Member CSo what? Makeup applies to people on the whole spectrum. Not that I'm going to put lipstick on you, so just listen to me.2
757878301WatanabeSigh... Fine, just get it done quickly.1
767979301Forsaken Member CYes, sir! I got this!2
798282301After sending his very insistent companion away, Watanabe sneakily turns on the satellite connection.
808383301WatanabeI'm too old for makeup... Cough.1
818484301After connecting, Watanabe clears his throat before speaking to the screen.
8285853011AniZhuanchangBeginWatanabeSo, this is Watanabe...1