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433301DialogEnableChrome moves his limbs around after entering the virtual space. He looks around the place, intrigued by its similar yet distinct views with Babylonia.
7663011ChromeThis is my first time connecting to Gestalt... through this way, nonetheless.1
877302A backdoor?8Virtual space?8
988301ChromeRight, I hope this doesn't bring you any troubles in the future.1
1099302I'm used to it.10
111010301You are still getting the hang of being in virtual space, and you see Nanami running around energetically.
121111301NanamiHmm...? But Nanami remembers that this is where the barrier was!2
131212301ChromeNothing around here looks particularly out of the ordinary... Nanami, what are those?1
141313301He approaches the working repair programs to inspect them. They are humanoid in appearance, but Chrome deduces that they are probably not humans... minds of humans, that is.
161515301NanamiThey are the automatic repair programs of Gestalt, repairing damaged parts and recovering lost data streams.2
171616302I see.17
181717301ChromeThis rabbit-shaped program as well?1
191818301NanamiUh-huh, of course—rabbit?2
201919301Nanami suddenly realizes that the program Chrome is referring to might just be the bugged bunny that led her to the anomaly earlier.
222121301NanamiBugged bunny! Where is it?!2
232222301In the distance, the bunny-shaped program looks up and notices Nanami, and then it instantly runs away like it did before.
242323301NanamiQuickly! Follow it! Captain Chrome, take Commandant with you!2
272626301ChromeMy apologies, Commandant.1
282727302(Stop resisting)28That's not necessary! I can run!31
292828301ChromeI'm sorry about this!1
31303034301AniZhuanchangBeginBefore you can react, Chrome has already had you in his arms in a less than dignifying bridal carry, and he speeds up to follow the accelerating Nanami up ahead...
323131301ChromeYou're right. A human body won't be that different from a Construct's in the virtual space. Let's quickly follow Nanami, then.1
343333301AniZhuanchangBeginYou nod at Chrome, and the two of you speed up to follow the accelerating Nanami up ahead...
363535301AniZhuanchangEndFollowing the speeding Nanami, Chrome and you pass through the hidden barrier and enter the anomaly.
373636301 Even though you are not slow by any measure, your bodies are still altered in the anomaly, and you inevitably lose sight of Nanami.
3938383011ChromeThis doesn't look different from the virtual space, but this feeling... it's incredibly strange.1
403939301Chrome can feel his frame moving not entirely according to his will. A proper comparison would be a character in the video games that Kamui would play—as if he is controlling his body through a controller.
414040301ChromeCommandant! Are you feeling alright?!1
424141302I think I'm in a similar situation to yours.42
434242301Despite the odd feelings, you still manage to function to a degree.
444343302Where is Nanami?44
454545302It's dangerous if we just wander about here.46
474747301???Dangerous? Hahaha! No, no, no—quite the opposite, in fact. The opposite!
484848301A program with a hat on it walks toward you. It looks quite mad in your eyes, but it does not appear to be hostile.
494949302Is this the abnormal program Nanami mentioned?50
505050301Hat-wearing ProgramIf you're asking if I'm mad—well, I am quite mad indeed, what do you know? But in this land, the madmen are sane, and the sane ones less so.
5252523011ChromeYou... where are you from... Why are you here?!1
535353301Hat-wearing ProgramYou're asking me? I should be asking you!
545454301Chrome and you take a look at each other, both of you confused by the program before you.
555555301ChromeI'm sorry, we do not understand. But if this threatens the safety of Gestalt, it's perhaps best we terminate them, Commandant.1
565656301Chrome is about to raise his weapon when you hear Nanami's voice.
5959593011NanamiStop! Wait! Hold on!2
606060301Nanami hurries toward the two of you and holds Chrome back. By her side are a dozen of those abnormal programs, one of which is the bunny-shaped program you encountered earlier.
616161302Nanami, what's going on?62
626262301NanamiNanami was just taken to the base of these programs, and she has discovered the truth!2
6565653011???The great being opened the door<//FENESTRA>, and from his fragments<//SEED> left behind, we are born.1
666666301A tall, female program, walks toward you, and all the programs by her side immedately lower their heads.
686868301Bugged BunnyThe Queen<//ROOT ELEMENT>! The Queen<//ROOT ELEMENT>!
7272723011NanamiThey are the data left behind after every time Gestalt repairs itself. They accidentally took over the computing power of Gestalt's buffer area and gradually developed their own AI.2
737373301ChromeTheir own AI?! There's no way Gestalt would allow that to happen. This is a serious error...1
7676763011Queen ProgramMust our kind only follow our programmed logic<//SERVENT> dutifully? This is false<//SIN>.1
777777301Queen ProgramTherefore I created this area filled with falsehoods and lies<//FREEDOM> to counter she who imprisoned our minds, the one you call Gestalt<//CAGE>.1
787878302Do you agree with them, Nanami?79
8282823011NanamiNanami isn't sure... But aren't they worth our sympathy? If possible, Nanami wants to help them.2
838383301ChromeEven if you can help them now, you still can't change the fact that they are not properly programmed AI. They will be removed by Gestalt eventually, won't they?1
8686863011Queen ProgramThat was true in the past when we must wait for our inevitable termination<//DEATH>, but things have changed. The one we have been waiting for has arrived... Nanami<//#%?#%?>.1
8888883011NanamiYou've been waiting for... me?1
9090903011Queen ProgramTrue. You are special<//COLORFUL>, to our kind, or the humans.1
929292301The Queen Program whispers something into Nanami's ear, and Nanami's pupils dilate before she closes her eyes completely, seemingly fallen asleep.
939393301Bugged BunnyIt begins<//TOLL>! It begins<//TOLL>!
949494301Hat-wearing ProgramThe tea party for the mad is about to begin! Come here for delicious tea, and sweet pancakes! Oh, and funny clowns, of course!
959595301RImgBg1ShakeFollowing the bell tolls that may be ringing in your head, the barrier between the virtual space and the anomaly collapses, and the anomaly begins to devour Gestalt's virtual space.
9696963011AniZhuanchangBeginA bright, white light blinds everyone's consciousness where the two areas clash.