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544301DialogEnable1NanamiAargh! Nanami is so mad!1
655301Nanami has been sulking since she returned from the virtual space. She lies on a recliner in the Gray Raven lounge, bored and aimless.
877301NanamiThe Gray Ravens and Commandant are still not back... Waiting here is so boring...1
1099301AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiMaybe Nanami should look for them instead! It could be a great surprise!1
131212301AniZhuanchangEndThat said, Nanami has no idea where the roads in Babylonia lead, not to mention that she has no clue where her destination is. She is practically wandering.
141313301As she roams the streets, she ends up on a platform that resembles a square, with quite a lot of people gathered there.
1615153011NanamiIt's so lively here! Look at all these people!1
171616301NanamiI wonder if there's a gathering going on?1
191818301Nanami leans lazily on the fences of the balcony like a cat, watching the crowds walking by with enthusiasm.
201919301Time passes slowly. No one here knows of Nanami's true identity, and so she gets to enjoy her time with the humans like a normal little girl.
212020301???Miss... Miss!
222121301Not until she hears someone calling for her that the spaced-out Nanami turns around to find a human child she does not know tugging the corner of her clothes.
2423233011Nanami...Miss? Are you calling Nanami?1
252424301BoyIs your name Nanami, Miss?
272626301NanamiThat's right! Nanami's name is indeed Nanami!1
282727301BoyThat's such a weird name...
292828301NanamiNot at all! Nanami really likes her name, you know?1
302929301BoyWhatever, I don't mind. Nanami, can you give me a hand?
313030301NanamiOf course! The almighty Nanami is all-capable!1
323131301BoyThen please help me find V!
333232301NanamiV? What is that...? Oh, I know, is that your mom?1
343333301BoyWho would have a mom named V? No, V is my parrot, but it's flown up to the tree, and it won't come down...
353434301Nanami's eyes follow where the boy is pointing and finds a parrot perching on a tall bionic tree, tilting its head and staring at them.
363535301BoyIt normally behaves very well, but it just wouldn't answer me today. Does it hate me?
373636301NanamiHmm, Nanami thinks that V is just frightened by all these people here.1
383737301BoyThen what should we do...
403939301NanamiLet me seeeeee... This bionic tree should be able to support Nanami's weight... Alright, I'm going to climb up there and bring it back!1
424141301Although the bionic tree is not very strong and Nanami's feet still have wheels attached to them, she still manages to dextrously climb to the top, stepping on the branches on her way up.
4443433011NanamiHeave-ho... Nanami's up! Don't be scared, V! I'm here to help you down!1
454444301But the branch V is perching on is way too thin for Nanami to cross. Luckily, the little boy below comes up with an idea.
464545301BoyMiss Nanami, how about reaching from the branch there?
474646301NanamiOh, I see it! Here comes Nanami... Aah!1
494848301RImgBg1ShakeJust as she steps onto that branch, Nanami finds nothing below her foot. She loses balance and falls from the tree... and lands steadily on her feet with her frame's adaptive maneuverability.
5150503011NanamiA perfect landing from Nanami! Ten out of ten!1
525151301NanamiBut that's so weird... Why was there nothing where I stepped? Hold on, where is V?1
545353301Nanami looks up immediately and sees the parrot circling above the tree before flying down and landing on the boy's arm.
555454301BoyHahaha! We did it, V! We tricked Miss Nanami!
565555301VWe—tricked—Miss! Chirp! We—tricked—Miss!
5857573011NanamiWhat?! So you were lying when you said V wouldn't come down!1
595959301BoyI bet you didn't notice that V is a bionic mechanoid bird! This is an April Fools prank that only we can pull off!
606060301VWe—did—it! Chirp! We—did—it!
6263633011Nanami(Chuckles) I see...1
636464301Except Nanami has known that V is not a real bird all along. In her eyes, mechanical and organic lives are one and the same.
646565301BoyBut today's April Fool's Day, so you can't be mad, Miss!
656666301NanamiNanami is a mature grownup—I wouldn't be angry just because of a kid's prank. But someone else might be...1
676868301???You little rascal! I looked away for a second and you ran away!
686969301A loud, furious voice comes out from below the balcony, and Nanami sees a woman running up the stairs, panting.
697070301BoyAargh, it's Mom! V, we've gotta bolt!
707171301VGotta! Bolt! Chirp!
717272301But the boy turns to find Nanami standing in his way, smirking with ill intent.
7374743011NanamiNo, Nanami is not angry... but Nanami loves to help mothers find their lost children.1
757676301AniZhuanchangBeginBoyI knew you'd be mad about this!
767777301AniZhuanchangEndAfter learning that her son has pulled a prank on Nanami, the young mother immediately drags the boy over and apologizes to her.
777878301Young MotherI'm so terribly sorry... That was so terribly inappropriate... You! Apologize to the nice lady here at once!
787979301BoyTch, it's April Fool's Day... What's the big deal...
798080301The way his mother scowls stops him from continuing his rant.
808181301Young MotherNo matter what, you should never take advantage of other people's kindness! Do you hear me?
818282301Young MotherAnd if you keep lying to others, no one will believe you again when you tell the truth!
838484301The boy apologizes to Nanami and then departs while holding his mother's hand, leaving Nanami by herself, leaning on the fences, watching the people go by.
8586863011NanamiNanami also took advantage of Karenina's kindness... No wonder she was so mad at me. Not just Karey deary—Nanami also tricked many others today.1
868787301NanamiMmm... Should Nanami go to apologize to each of them? Not to mention...1
878888301Nanami looks at the young mother and the boy walking through the square hand in hand, the boy waving at her as he sees her from afar.
888989301Nanami takes out a synthetic candy, a gift from the boy earlier, as an apology. It is not very expensive, but it comes in a wrapper that is as beautiful as the starry night sky.
899090301NanamiIf I leave the bug in Gestalt alone, it's going to affect these people's lives here somehow...1
909191301She unwraps the candy and tosses it in her mouth—not very sweet, but pleasant enough, she thinks. Nanami holds the translucent wrapper up, and through it, she finds Babylonia and her people coated in beautiful colors.
9293933011AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiAfter all... Nanami really loves humans.1