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655301DialogEnable1FatherAre you sure you just want this plushie, Yoyo?1
8773011The girl named Yoyo turns around with a panda plushie in her arms, nodding at her father enthusiastically.
999301Seeing how confused her husband is, Yoyo's mother chuckles.
1111113011MotherYou're losing touch. You don't even know what your daughter likes! She's talking about the character in that cartoon that's popular with the kids nowadays. It's called...1
1313133011YoyoKowloong's Magical Girl!1
1616163011FatherHoney, you can pick something more expensive like the other kids do! We're here to celebrate you passing your Maths exam. Your father just got a promotion, so don't worry about the price tag!1
171717301A girl of a similar age walks past Yoyo with a bionic panda mechanoid in her arms. One size larger than Yoyo's plushie, it appears to be able to say the famous lines from the show—and fly, for real!
181818301MotherYoyo, let your dad show off for once... And don't you want a more valuable toy that the other kids will be jealous of?2
2121213011But Yoyo just blinks and looks at the plushie in her hands, bewildered.
222222301YoyoAre cheaper toys bad? Do they have to be expensive? I don't get it...1
242525301Yoyo's parents look at each other, seemingly surprised by what she said. They chuckle, slightly embarrassed.
2728283011MotherThe kids must think we adults are making our lives difficult with what we deem important, isn't that so?2
282929301FatherYeah... Yoyo doesn't care about how big or small the numbers are. Isn't that what she did in the exam? Haha!1
3132323011YoyoUgh! Dad! I'm going to be mad!1
323333301Yoyo's father crouches down and picks up Yoyo, whose cheeks puff out, and the plushie in her hands.
3536363011FatherAlright, Dad understands now... Now that we've bought it, you need to love the plushie like how the girl in the show loves it. Like how we love you.1
363737301MotherUgh! I'm getting goosebumps. Look at you, not feeling embarrassed at all.2
373838301Blushing, Yoyo's mother smiles and gently strokes her daughter's head, her gaze filled with tenderness.
383939301MotherYoyo, Mom also loves you very much...2
394040301DialogDisableMotherEven if one day...2
495050301She can still feel the warmth and the gentle touch of her parents' embrace, but she cannot find them anywhere.
505151301YoyoDad?! Where are you?!1
525353301Yoyo reaches out, but she grasps nothing in the void. The more she struggles, the further her fleeting, happy memories seem to be.
535454301The sound of waves and the sense of rocking become clearer and clearer, washing away the last bit of her confusion. Yoyo wipes away the tears in her eyes.
545555301AniZhuanchangBeginShe knows it is time for her to wake up...
606161301Blinding lights sway above her rhythmically. Yoyo finds herself lying in an unfamiliar room.
6263633011???You. Can you sit up yourself?1
636464301Yoyo sees a lavishly-dressed woman sitting by the window, staring at her. The woman must be the one who saved her.
646565301She nods, moving her body from side to side while sitting up, hoping to take a look at the room. But the pain in her right arm takes her attention away.
656666301Seeing Yoyo's expression, the woman leans forward, inspecting the wound on her arm.
666767301???You were well-protected, but you're still slightly infected with the Punishing Virus... We've given you a serum. You'll be fine, apart from feeling pain for a little while.1
6970703011YoyoDid you save me... Miss?2
707272301YoyoThen do you know where the robot... the two robots who were with me are?2
717373301Yoyo still remembers the two robot friends who looked scary but were actually very kind. They were traveling together until they reached the incredibly large ship...
737575301???I don't know. You passed out from crying, and the mechanoid who took you here was taken away... There was only one of them.1
747676301Seeing how disappointed Yoyo looks, the woman thinks for a second before talking again.
767878301???...They were probably taken to be repaired. Machines... will be as good as new after they're fixed.1
788080301YoyoIs that true?! Then I just have to find Dad. Dad will help me look for them, and Mom will make them very tasty food! Hehe... I guess robots can't eat, can they?2
808282301YoyoDad... Mom...2
818383301Yoyo tries to stand up, ignoring the pain in her arm, but she almost loses her balance and falls on the rocking floor.
828484301Looking outside, she finds herself surrounded by an endless ocean. There is nothing around her but the moon and the stars—and there is no sign of anything she knew in Kowloong.
838585301YoyoI... I have to find them.2
848686301Stumbling around, Yoyo tries to leave the room, but the woman grabs her hand.
858787301???It's dangerous on this ship... It's better to stay here if you're alone.1
878989301YoyoThen I must find them immediately! Mom and Dad have to be risking their lives to search for me... Do you know where they are, Miss?2
889090301The woman shakes her head, speaking only after thinking for a while.
919393301???You've been unconscious for seven days. They would have been here already if they were still alive...1
939595301???So... they're either dead... or they've abandoned you.1
949696301The woman holds Yoyo's hands gently, looking into the girl's eyes with serenity.
959797301???Everything without value is thrown away on the Nighter... And a child on her own is a valueless burden, so...1
979999301YoyoYou're lying!2
98100100301Shivering, Yoyo interrupts the woman with clenched teeth and tears gathering in her eyes.
99101101301YoyoMom and Dad wouldn't leave me! They promised to come back and get me...2
100102102301YoyoI know Dad always acted like an irresponsible dummy, but he had never broken his promises to me!2
101103103301YoyoMom sometimes got angry for no reason, but I know she would never leave me!2
102104104301Yoyo clutches the worn panda plushie in her hands, her tears dropping on the toy.
104106106301???Just because a promise is important... doesn't mean it's kept.1
105107107301Yoyo flings away the woman's hand, wiping her tear-filled eyes with her long sleeves.
107109109301YoyoEnough... I see it now. You must be one of the bad people Dad told me about! You're trying to trick me into staying here.2
108110110301YoyoI won't listen to you anymore... I'll find them myself!2
112114114301Yoyo rushes outside the room, leaving the woman alone, hesitant to give chase.
114116116301The woman looks at her hand that was holding Yoyo. She misses and fears the sensation of someone else's touch.
115117117301AniZhuanchangBegin???Villier... My lord...1
120122122301AniZhuanchangEndThe Nighter at night is bustling with crowds.
121123123301Looking back from its fences, however, is greeted only by the dark, roiling waves.
122124124301In the distance, people in luxurious outfits are singing and performing on a stage, their music reaching the laughing audience.
123125125301—Aria—See the glistening colors of a mayfly's wings.\nYour brief life I mourn; what does mine bring?
124126126301The girl's small figure traveled through the brilliant colors of the night, drowning in the noises of the people's lives.
125127127301—Aria—See the opulence dressed for a mayfly's flight.\nYour brief life I mourn; where will mine rest?
1271291293011YoyoDad... Mom... Where are you...1
129131131301Panicking, Yoyo searches for her parents' figures on the unfamiliar streets, but her cries are only met with dubious or detested gazes.
130132132301—Aria—See the silver coat clothed in a mayfly's birth.\nYour brief life I mourn; what is mine worth?
131133133301Eventually, she slows down, her long-suppressed fear and loneliness reflecting in her eyes.
139141141301The kind mechanoid once told her that. But now, it is nowhere to be found.
140142142301Only now does Yoyo realize she is truly on her own—if this is a nightmare, there is no end to it nor a way to turn back.
141143143301???—Tai'E were born to fight for Kowloong.
142144144301Suddenly, she hears the loud, synthetic voice of a mechanoid—the same voice of the two mechanoid friends that had protected her on her journey.
1441461463011YoyoThey're alive... They're here!1
145147147301AniZhuanchangBeginYoyo slowly navigates through the crowd, walking toward the voice.
149151151301AniZhuanchangEnd1Jin ManCheck this out! You lovely folks see this mechanoid? It might look busted, but its energy core is perfectly intact! Even its voice module is functioning flawlessly!1
150152152301Jin ManIt's a Tai'E made in Kowloong, totally legit stuff! I promise you, in the name of Jinman's Emporium, that your 170 thousand grubs will be worth it!1
1521541543011BoyDoesn't sound like it's worth the price, Jin Man! Unless it has some special features that you aren't sharing? C'mon, spill the beans already! We're all eager to see it!1
153155155301The gathering crowd becomes animated after hearing what the boy says, not noticing the subtle smirk on the shopkeeper's face.
1551571573011Jin ManYou know your stuff, young man! Guess I'll have to confess... I didn't get this mechanoid from your usual, legitimate channels. This... was a Corrupted!1
156158158301The crowd gasps in awe. Some of them look a little frightened, but more of them look ecstatic.
158160160301Male ShopperA dead Corrupted... must be different to a regular mechanoid, right? Maybe some of its parts got some impressive upgrades!
159161161301Female ShopperIt'll be a one-of-a-kind collectible... There can't be any decor more impressive than this!
160162162301Jin Man winks at the boy—the two of them are clearly working together.
1631651653011BoyBut how did you get your hands on something so valuable, Jin Man? I heard that Kowloong's Pulao Crew had dumped all the Corrupted remains into the sea...2
164166166301Jin ManAhem... that's a long story. Do you see the ribbon on its arm?1
165167167301Jin Man holds up Tai'E's arm before the crowd, highlighting a pink ribbon tied on its arm that looks out of place on its heavy, metallic body.
166168168301BoySure, it's weird, but what's so special about it? The Corrupted are weird in the first place.2
169171171301Jin ManWhat you didn't know is that it got the ribbon from an innocent girl that it killed! How do I know, you ask? 'Cause I was there! I witnessed the whole thing just as I boarded the Nighter!1
170172172301Jin ManIt wasn't going to let me live, of course. This tricky bastard was hiding in a corner before it leaped out and went for my throat. Well, I panicked, but then I handled it. Woosh! I flipped it over and slammed it on the ground!1
171173173301The crowd is entertained by the shopkeeper's lively, vivid tale, not realizing that a girl has walked to the front.
172174174301Jin ManBut it's a lucky thing I had my pistol! Anyway, I started blasting. Pow! This damn thing stopped moving. Pow! Pow! I took a few more shots just to be safe. That's why there're all these bullet holes on it...1
173175175301???You're lying!
174176176301Yoyo rushes out of the crowd, tripping a few people in the center.
1771791793011Jin ManHey...! Whose girl is this? Can't have you speaking nonsense at my shop!1
178180180301YoyoHe's not some tricky bastard... He's my friend! He saved me from the Corrupted!2
179181181301Jin ManA mechanoid saving a human girl from the Corrupted? These machines can't even stay sane from the Punishing Virus... Did your parents not teach you not to lie? Go home if you're going to act like a baby!1
180182182301The surrounding people laugh, rubbing salt into Yoyo's wound.
181183183301YoyoI wasn't lying...!2
182184184301Jin Man is getting impatient. He tries to send Yoyo away while frowning at the boy hiding in the crowd.
183185185301Jin ManDoesn't matter what you say. This is my ware, so I get to call it whatever I want. You're welcomed to make up any story about it if you can afford to buy it, but until then, get lost!1
184186186301The boy sighs and shakes his head, walking up and preparing to drag Yoyo away.
185187187301YoyoI-I have money! I'll buy him! Dad gave me l-lots of money!2
186189189301Jin ManWhy didn't you say so? However...1
187190190301Seeing the amount of grubs Yoyo is desperately taking out, Jin Man does not know whether to laugh or cry.
188191191301Jin ManYou've gotta be kidding me... What do you hope to buy with these scraps? Stop messing around! I'm warning you!1
190193193301YoyoBut... that's all I've got... Look... there's so much...2
191194194301In Yoyo's world, the money she has is enough to buy her all the snacks she likes, as well as all the new clothes and toys she wants—but on this ship, that amount of money is far from enough.
192195195301Jin Man is about to throw the girl out when he suddenly comes up with a plan, and he grins.
193196196301Jin ManNow, I know you don't have the money, but there is something more valuable than grubs on the Nighter...1
1961991993011BoyHey, Jin Man...1
197200200301The boy is about to say something, but he stays silent after Jin Man stares at him.
200204204301Yoyo follows Jin Man's gaze and reaches for her neck, discovering a ring that locks tightly around it.
201206206301Jin Man smiles maliciously and leans toward Yoyo, sending her a transaction request.
202207207301Jin ManOf course... You can buy anything you want as long as you can pay the price.1
203209209301The collars on their necks blink and complete the transaction. At that moment, Yoyo's collar flashes bright red, and a voice resounds in her head, warning her that all her miles are consumed.
208214214301RImgBg1ShakeYoyoAargh... What is that voice?!2
209215215301Meanwhile, the security mechanoids on standby nearby all begin to approach Yoyo, and the gathered crowd flees out of fear.
211217217301Jin ManYou really don't know? Your miles is the time you're allowed to stay on the Nighter. Once you spend it all, off the ship and into the water you go.1
212218218301He laughs patronizingly before standing next to Yoyo and putting his hand on her shoulder.
213219219301Jin ManNow, folks around here would pay quite a fortune to relive someone else's memories, especially someone like you, who got to live carefree in Kowloong.1
214220220301Jin ManIf you were to sell me these memories of yours, I might be able to give you some of those miles back... Think about it. Isn't it better to let those worthless memories go and start anew on this ship?1
215221221301To forget her father's laughter, her mother's embrace, the figure that spent its last minutes protecting her... She will not need to spend her nights chasing ghosts anymore.
216222222301But to walk into those nights all alone, much like the ship she is on sailing in solitude on the turbulent sea... Is that a future that she wants?
219225225301Yoyo pushes him away, knocking down a few mechanoids that try to catch her, and she dashes away, tumbling.
220226226301Jin Man falls onto the boy, pushed by Yoyo's surprising strength. Just as he is about to order his men to go after the girl, he is knocked out by a strike on the neck.
2222282283011BoyUh-oh. Sorry, boss... I slipped.1
223229229301The boy drags the unconscious Jin Man into a hidden corner amidst the chaos, taking out Jin Man's wallet and putting all the grubs inside into his own pocket.
224230230301BoyService charge, mental health claims, hazard pay, overtime... Hehe, thank you for employing my service—1
225231231301A freezing drop of water falls on the boy's nose.
227233233301BoyIt's about to rain...1
228234234301He looks in the direction Yoyo ran toward and sighs, flipping a grub before catching it.
2292352353011AniZhuanchangBeginBoyWhat an idiot... What do you get to keep if you die?1