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433304Dear Selena, I've got another good news.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
544304My play is almost finished, ready for rehearsal.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
655304I've also got some bad news.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
766304I can't complete it yet. There is a haze before me, one that I can't cross alone.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
877304Unlike the writer's block I had, the harder I tried this time, the more confused the path ahead was.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
988304So... I've asked Chairman Allen for help, hoping he can offer me some guidance.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
1099304How would you feel if you had the chance to see this performance that's based on your story?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
111010304What were you thinking... when you took that probe before the Gray Raven Commandant?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
121111304Were you thinking about what you used to say to your mom?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
131212304Sacrifices shouldn't just inflict pain. They should inspire bravery... and invoke hope of the calm after the storm.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
141313304Selena Florance, my dearest friend.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
151414304Tell me, please. Answer me.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
161515304AniZhuanchangBeginAnswer me with your beautiful voice and sing.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
212020301AniZhuanchangEnd1AylaYours, Ayla...1
2524243011AllenEarth to Ayla?2
262525301AylaHmm... Ah, I'm sorry.1
272626301The young artist blinks, closing her eyes before opening them again.
282727301In the expansive opera hall, one gentleman sits alone, listening to her going through the script in her hand.
292828301AllenThat's alright. You finished the whole thing. I'm still appreciating the aftertaste.2
302929301The gentleman shrugs, defusing the awkward situation.
313030301AllenI'm just curious why you kept staring at those letters on the side every time you were done with a scene.2
323131301AllenLetters. Not very common nowadays, aren't they? Are they your source of inspiration?2
333232301AylaNot that they aren't... but perhaps I should say... they are what the play is based on?1
343333301AllenOh... an autobiography? I should keep my curiosity in check, then.2
353434301The man knocks on the floor with his cane, his smile slightly shifting.
373636301AllenAnyway, I suppose you're looking forward to what I have to say about your play.2
383737301AllenWell, bravo! Remarkable work for someone new to the art form.2
393838301AllenA young opera composer meets a group of art-loving kindred spirits on her way to search for a girl, ending up saved by her past self.2
403939301AllenJourneys of self-discovery aren't uncommon in operas, but it is refreshing to see yours presented this way.2
414040301AllenOnly you can come up with ideas like that, Ayla.2
424141301AllenSure, your writing on the children might be a little too assuming, but that's nothing new for young writers.2
434242301AllenProbably just your first instinct when you were writing, and you didn't realize it. Mark it down, and make sure you don't make the same mistake twice when you go through your draft again.2
444343301AylaThanks, Chairman. But you must know that I'm not looking for simple comments like that.2
454444301AllenChanges on the script, huh? Don't worry. I more or less got that when you were reading your script.2
474646301AllenBut... before I say anything, I must ask you if that's all you want, Ayla? You asked me to listen to your new play just to get my suggestions on changes to make?2
494848301Ayla...Of course not. I... have something else I want to tell you.1
504949301Ayla lowers her head, her gaze turning to someone at the side.
515050301That person is lying in her chamber, her hands crossing and resting above her abdomen. Her eyes are lightly shut, the corners of her lips slightly raised, her long hair draping by her sides.
535252301Ayla tries to call her by her name.
545353301But she knows that person is not here now.
555454301AllenNo matter how many times I've seen it, the Capriccio frame still impresses me with its intricacy. It's only here thanks to your push and design.2
565555301AllenDid you bring it here because you have a new idea for a coating?2
575656301AylaHaha. Nothing that complicated, Chairman.1
585757301AylaShe's here... just because... because...1
605959301Ayla looks nonchalant, but her voice is slightly shaking, and her words are stuck in her throat.
616060301—I just wanted her to be able to see this.
636262301Allen...Alright, relax. Let's change the subject.2
646363301Chuckling, Allen makes a few spins with his cane before standing up from his seat and walking toward the stage.
656464301AllenPeople in the saloon have been talking about you. They said you kept working late in your studio without sleeping, and they don't really see you that often anymore.2
666565301AllenThey said it wasn't like you, but I think you've just been focusing all your infectious passion on one thing.2
696969301Ayla...It is.1
707070301Ayla turns toward the frame by her side again, Ayla's face reflected on the glass of the chamber.
717171301It is a face of affection and regret.
727272301Ayla...Have you heard of whale songs?1
737373301AllenYou got me there. I once took a probe and stayed by the shore for a few weeks. I was almost frozen to death, but I heard nothing.2
757575301AylaWhoa, another wild thing you've done for art there, Chairman.1
777777301AylaBut that's not what I meant.1
808080301Ayla takes out a remote and opens her portable studio terminal.
828282301It plays a slow and soft aria.
838383301Allen, with all he has seen and done, is still slightly taken aback when he first hears it.
848484301The tone ebbs and flows as it rises higher. Suddenly, a vast ocean seems to appear before his very eyes.
858585301The female singer is not fully imitating the sound of a real whale, but she conveys the same expression in the melody.
868686301—A lonely blue whale is swinging its tail fin and cruising in the sea. Again and again it sings, its song echoing throughout the ocean depths, but there is no response.
878787301The singing stopped. The song has no end, and the lonely blue whale did not find its kind.
888888301Taking a few moments, Allen remembers where he has heard this aria before.
919292301AylaThat's right. The one I have is incomplete.1
929393301AylaShe said that she hadn't thought of an ending yet because she hasn't seen the ocean with her own eyes.1
939494301AylaShe'd write the second half after she'd seen the real ocean.1
949595301Ayla...Just like this.1
9798983011Ayla clears her throat and holds up her arms, suddenly singing with a gentle voice.
989999301The tone also rises, but the direction the whale is heading has changed.
99100100301Ayla is not a skilled singer, but even her simple delivery has revealed to Allen the meaning behind the melody.
100101101301—The lonely blue whale is heading deeper into the ocean. It is still singing, and its voice would have formed a cage around it as it echoes more frequently in the narrow trench.
101102102301But the cage never forms. Instead, the further it dives into the trench, the more faded its voice is, its echo nowhere to be found.
102103103301Almost as if the whale is not diving into the ocean trench but a broader... universe.
103104104301It can no longer find its tribe, its kind, or even life.
104105105301And the whale is eventually torn apart by the gravity of the void. Its voice gradually fades until its last wail is silent.
105106106301The song ends. Ayla stops singing.
106107107301She gives Allen a brief moment to savor the aria before speaking again.
1101111113011AylaDo you still remember Operation Red Tide, Chairman?1
111112112301AllenI do. That was her...2
112113113301Allen does not finish. No one wants to be reminded how it ended.
113114114301Ayla does not continue his sentence as well. She keeps on going.
114115115301AylaDuring that operation, a scout from Strike Hawk recorded the song from the Corrupted... Siren, in order to compare it with our data.1
115116116301AylaA long time after that, Babylonia's sonar detected a surprising recording. After checking, its sound wave closely resembles Siren's song.1
116117117301AylaA... friend from the Task Force told me about that. I pulled some strings, hoping to get ahold of the recording... but what I got was an audio file with white noise and disordered sounds.1
117118118301AylaBut I had a feeling I know who sang that response.1
118119119301AylaI repaired the audio file. It's a skill every member of the Archaeological Team knows.1
119120120301AylaThis song was what it ended up being.1
120121121301As she says that, Ayla holds up her remote to her ear as if she can hear the whale song again.
121122122301AylaPeople from the Science Council told me it's impossible to detect and trace the source.1
122123123301AylaFor one thing, sonic waves decay, causing discrepancies in tracking. Our radar can only point at a general location. Secondly, it took time for the song to reach us. By the time we received the file, the singer could be long gone.1
123124124301AylaWe can't trace it, But I can't help but wonder who the singer might be. Did our receiver mistake white noise for a whale song? Was it an unknown machine playing music randomly? Or... was it a lament from a lonely blue whale left behind on Earth?1
124125125301AylaThe technicians gave me different theories, but I only believed in one of them.1
125126126301AylaThat was her signal. That was her whale song.
126127127301Ayla pauses again, looking at the sleeping frame beside her. There is a metallic iris blossoming on the frame's chest, an adornment for her performance.
127128128301AylaYou might be wondering why I pushed for the development of this frame.1
128129129301AylaIt was because I wanted the whale song to continue. I want to use that song from Earth to make sure her voice doesn't end.1
130131131301Ayla turns on her terminal again, revealing a map before Allen. Several circles dotted the map like seeds spread onto the field.
131132132301AylaWhenever we located an area where her whale song appeared, I would imagine what she had experienced when she traveled there.1
132133133301AylaDid she meet someone kind or dangerous? Would she encounter threatening tempests?1
133134134301AylaDid she see the turfy mountains where the sheep nibbled? The banks with pioned and twilled brims? The... rainbow across the sky after the tempests?1
134135135301AylaI put all these imaginations and sceneries along her journey into the Capriccio frame.1
135136136301AylaIf the person in my story walks the same path and meets the same people as the wanderer on the surface...1
136137137301AylaThen, when she comes back, she will know that there has always been another whale song from Capriccio following her.1
137138138301AylaShe will know that someone out there in the stars has been humming her whale song, wishing her the best on the planet she loves so much.1
138139139301AylaIn the years to come, she will realize her journey wasn't alone when she looks back.1
139140140301AylaShe might chuckle, teasing me about how the character arcs of my story are wrong while we modify her frame together.1
140141141301AylaI couldn't save her a few years ago. I can't find the whereabouts of that whale song now. The least I can do is give her a pleasant future.1
141142142301AylaShe gave me a soul with her Hamlet. This fragment of her soul has comforted me, so I must repay this kindness.1
142143143301AllenSo you decided to write a story based on her past, didn't you?2
143144144301AllenYou visited a few people who knew her during your time away from the saloon. I guessed that when you came to me with all your questions a few days ago.2
144145145301AylaNothing gets past you, Chairman.1
145146146301AylaHer mind is so... alive. To recover her work, I had to find others to talk about what she was thinking back then.1
146147147301AylaI was just surprised to find that commandant to be one of the people who knew her well... Oh, that's a secret. You didn't hear that.1
147148148301AylaRegardless, I thought I knew her, but knowing the journey she has traveled now, I just... want to hold her and tell her how I feel.1
149150150301AylaI want to tell her that the theater she wanted to visit on the surface has a replica here on Babylonia.
150151151301AylaI want to tell her that the opera she wrote is still well-loved. Many people l longing for the day it appears on the stage again. It's still the pride of her mother... and me.
151152152301AylaI want to tell her how many people are listening to the operas she recovered.
152153153301AylaI want to tell her that... the song she sang in that lonely space station has been found...
153154154301AylaI want to tell her I saw her pain and her strength... I saw her spirit quaking inside the tempest, bent but not broken.
155156156301AylaBut she wasn't here... What else could I do?
156157157301AylaI... had to put them into this story!
157159159301AylaI came up with a story based on what happened when she was young, using conservation area 184 as a stage... But this time, I let her become a character in her own story as well.
158160160301AylaI mixed in a lot of different ideas and settings, but most of the characters in the story have real-life counterparts. Their names will be changed for the performance, obviously.1
159161161301AllenCounterparts... I guess the most obvious one was her father, Mr. Florance. He was a legend in WGAA.2
160162162301AllenA person in high places, he joined the fight after being inspired by art... until his honorable death on the field. What happened to him might have greatly affected his daughter, but it took a much bigger toll on his wife.2
166168168301AllenMrs. Florance spent a lot of time in counseling. Her illness... possibly originated from her survivor's guilt. Compound that with losing her husband and having to care for her child, she turned away from operas.
1731751753011AylaShe did become very repressed during that period of time.1
174176176301AylaBut Mrs. Florance stopped visiting counselors one day while still recovering pretty well afterward. The first time I saw her, she was with someone accepting, and her daughter was singing a lullaby with her. There was only love in her gaze.1
175177177301AylaShe worked hard for all of it.1
176178178301AylaShe talked to her mother for a very long time after that. I don't know what she said that changed her mother's mind, but she was allowed to study operas after that.1
177181181301AylaShe said it was thanks to someone who found her performing alone during one of her escapes and offered her guidance.1
178182182301AylaI don't know who he or she was... but if that person could see this performance, I hope the story will serve as my thanks.1
180184184301AllenHaha. I'm sure that person would see it if fate allows.2
181185185301AylaRight... Another person on which I based one of my characters is Mr. Pieter, but I'm sure you've guessed it already.1
182186186301AylaEven with all the talented people I've seen, he is still second to none. The operas he wrote have inspired many writers in WGAA, including her.1
183188188301AylaIt took me some effort to find him and tell him this story... and he agreed to help me with my script after seeing Selena's. I couldn't have finished this without his help.1
185190190301AllenAnd Pieter was one of the reasons why you came to me when your script was still unpolished, right?2
186191191301Allen's timely interjection gives Ayla pause.
187192192301Ayla has been like a feral rabbit jumping around since Allen came here to listen to her story. She moves on from topic to topic, and he has acted like a patient guide, following and responding but never stopping her in her way.
188193193301But now, this guide has stepped ahead of the rabbit and planted a fence before her, stopping her from avoiding her past.
190195195301AylaHah... I can't hide anything from you, can I? I didn't want to mention it.1
191196196301AllenArtists' eyes are sharp. You are quite insightful yourself.2
193198198301AllenBut then, it wasn't hard to tell. I thought she was the protagonist of this story in the beginning, but there was a lack of her self-reflection in it. On the other hand, Pieter's role was very much highlighted.2
194199199301AllenIt wasn't a wrong arrangement, per se, but it didn't feel like what a new writer like you would do.2
196201201301Ayla sighs.
1982032033011AylaTrue, it wasn't my style. But I charged toward it blindly.1
199204204301AylaI didn't think I'd feel this way, but the first time I tried to write a story like that, I was drowned in that feeling.1
200205205301AylaShe would have called it...1
201206206301Ayla raises a hand, moving it tentatively, seemingly trying to plug the right word from her M.I.N.D. Or perhaps she has found the word, but she is hesitant to say it.
203208208301After a while, she drops her hand.
204209209301AylaRight... Lost in the paints of my brushstrokes, in the words of my lines. They melt away from my canvas and fall from my script, traveling along my brush toward my arm, coagulating on my hand.1
205210210301AylaNot that I never struggled to pick up my pen, but I never thought I would be a stranger to my canvas and my script. I can't even imagine what this painting and this play will look like when it's complete.1
206213213301AylaBut is that the truth? Their stories and their insights... have I understood them?1
207214214301AylaOr have I twisted them so that I get the ending I wanted?1
208215215301AylaEvery time I step before my canvas, my head is filled with all these doubts.1
209216216301AylaI started to lose sight of what her character would think in my story.1
210217217301AylaSo I avoided writing what she thought and just had her push the plot forward blindly.1
211218218301AylaI wanted to ask Mr. Pieter for help, but I just found out that his transmission was lost near a conservation area... It was conservation area 184, near the evacuation site, where the whale song was last heard.1
212219219301AylaI was even more lost after I heard the news.1
213220220301AylaTo be honest, I haven't made any changes since I wrote this ending. I've been trapped by this feeling for days.1
214221221301AylaI can't take this... motionlessness anymore. All my muses will be gone if I don't talk to somebody.1
215222222301AylaSo say something, Chairman. I'm sick of drowning in this still water.1
216223223301With that, the rabbit stops, standing still on the stage, reaching out for Allen, asking her guide to point her in the right direction.
217224224301And Allen already has an answer.
2192262263011AllenThen, let me answer you with the scenes from your story.1
220227227301AllenNeither Flora, her father, Pieter, nor she was aware of the whole truth in your story. But they weren't motivated by truth.1
221228228301AllenThey each set off on their path because they were inspired when they were moved by the stories they heard. Stories written by someone else.1
222229229301AllenThat was their motivation. That was what drove their actions, am I right?1
223230230301AllenThat was why you started writing this story, wasn't it?1
2272342343011AllenYou visited the people she knew to learn about her story. If I guessed correctly, you have memorized every event and analyzed her character at each point in time.1
228235235301AllenYou've walked her path, and you've looked into her bountiful heart. You know what kind of pressure made her lose her way, and you know how she held on when she was lost.1
229236236301AllenYou said you had her push the plot forward blindly? No. You've made her come to life.1
230237237301AllenIf this is just a story with a happy ending, then it would have ended with the two Constructs entering the theater and saving Flora.1
231238238301AllenBut you had Flora opposing her future self, inspiring and freeing each other. I think she would have chosen the same if she saw her past self as well.1
232239239301AllenPerhaps a story where a person's past and future selves meet won't happen in real life, but you have given each of your characters a soul, and they have all expressed themselves to the fullest.1
233240240301AllenMaybe you didn't create her completely. But then, you know full well that the complete her doesn't belong in a story.1
234241241301AllenThis is enough. If they can express how you feel, that is enough.1
235242242301AllenI think she would say the same if she were here.1
236243243301AllenYou already created the work you wanted to make, Ayla.1
2382452453011Ayla...Is that so?1
239246246301AylaPlease excuse me for a second, Chairman.1
2412482483011AllenOf course.1
243250250301Allen nods, and Ayla turns silent, taking a deep breath.
250258258301Ayla waves her hand, and the lights of the theatre turn off on her command one by one. Darkness spreads from the audience to the stage, stopping at a ray of light.
251259259301Ayla stands in the middle of the spotlight as if she is the source of light.
252260260301Ayla is always good at turning strange environments into her working space. Right now, the single ray of the spotlight in the dark has provided her with a small studio for her to think.
253261261301Ayla would probably feel too embarrassed to do this if someone else was in the audience. The sudden darkness can be, after all, quite uncomfortable.
254262262301But Allen seems to be used to Ayla doing this by now. He looks pleased instead of dismayed as he watches the rabbit standing inside the spotlight, her head raised.
2562642643011Ayla(Exhales) ...1
257265265301AniZhuanchangBeginAyla does not focus on the dark. She follows the slowly unveiling stars and turns her gaze to the window walls of the theater.
261269269301AniZhuanchangEndA whole window of stars fills her eyes.
263271271301Once, Ayla would see that starry night and find it boring.
264272272301Those stars are so far away. Only one can actually reach her, and who knows how long ago its light started traveling.
265273273301The stars burn themselves so brightly, casting their photons into space in all directions.
266274274301The photons travel far and long, sailing forward in the cold for ages until they hit a surface, imprinting the brief image of their stars before getting reflected and scattered. By then, those stars might already have burnt out and died.
267275275301Would the stars have expected a response for their light? Is a response even possible?
268276276301Right now, looking at the countless, lonely stars out there, Ayla suddenly feels a sense of gratitude.
269277277301Unlike them, the light she casts is so much closer to her, almost reachable.
270278278301That light is cast on the blue planet below her, and she is gently singing.
271279279301Ayla has created this story. It focuses all her inspiration and gives life to the girl in her story.
272280280301Ayla's starlight and her longing have been cast on Earth. One day, they will reach the girl.
273281281301How long will that take? A day? A month? Years? Ayla does not know. Her light does not have to travel lightyears, but it has to traverse uncertainty.
274282282301Thinking about that, Ayla raises her hands. The studio terminal awakes once more, opening a holographic display before her under her commands.
275283283301She swipes across the display, hoping to open the map with the trails of the whale song. Instead, a photo of a smiling girl standing among bushes of flowers appears before Ayla.
279287287301AniZhuanchangEndShe says the girl's name in a daze.
280288288301The girl among the flowers smiles at Ayla.
281289289301The same way the girl smiled when she left Ayla.
282290290301This is an imprint of the moment before the girl left. Ayla takes its light and reflects it back to Earth.
283291291301When will the slow-walking, quietly-humming star see her light?
284292292301AniZhuanchangBeginWhen that happens... will these two stars that have illuminated each other look the same?
286294294301AniZhuanchangEnd—The distance of time, is it? Right... it is a shame, then. But even lost civilizations leave behind traces. They would have a long time to appreciate the marks we left behind.
287295295301—As long as we keep looking, the light of our art still travels across the universe... Then one day we will meet.
288296296301—For a second, the lines Ayla wrote echo within her.
289297297301Why? She wrote those words, but why does she only understand them now?
290298298301The gaze that travels between the display and the starry night lands on the sleeping girl in the chamber unintentionally.
291299299301Ayla...Hah. Of course. Because I didn't write them all by myself.
292300300301AniZhuanchangBeginThe girl's quiet smile has given Ayla the answer.
294302302301AniZhuanchangEndThat line was not entirely Ayla's work.
295303303301They were the girl's words, written through Ayla from a memory.
296304304301Ayla's fingers linger on the terminal, touching her painting. For a brief moment there, her hand seems to travel through the canvas and reaches the field of flowers thousands of miles away.
297305305301—If she cannot tell how far it is, then she will keep shining until her light reaches the girl's eyes.
298306306301So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee.
299307307301Ayla takes a deep breath again and raises her hand.
303311311301The theater gradually lights up again. Allen looks at her with anticipation.
3053133133011Ayla...Thank you, Chairman.1
306314314301AylaI'm feeling much better.1
307315315301Responding to her guide's expectations, she smiles confidently.
3103183183011AllenThat's the smile I'm hoping for. You're back.2
311320320301AylaHaha! No way, your imitation is perfect!1
312321321301AylaI'll visit the saloon after I'm done polishing this script. Please send them my regards when you visit them.1
313322322301AllenOf course.2
314323323301AylaWell... I still have another problem to consider... How should I do the background story? Maybe I can put it online so the audience can read them for free...1
316325325301AylaOh, hold on, I got it. Need to do it more cleverly...1
317326326301AylaAh-ha! An idea just hit me, Chairman. I've got to go! Thanks for your help. I still need to work on the frame later, so I'll just put it here for now!1
318327327301Ayla jumps down the stage in a few steps, dashing out of the theater to her actual studio.
320329329301Seeing the rabbit-like figure leaving, Allen turns his gaze back to the stage.
324333333301There was also a girl performing alone on that stage in an empty theater many years ago.
327336336301The first opera that girl composed premiered on that stage a few years ago. She stood alone against the tempest with a standing ovation as the backdrop.
330339339301Her spirit played a recitative on that stage through the magic of theater a few days ago.
333342342301AniZhuanchangBeginAnother musical might soon premiere on that stage in a few months. This time, it will tell the story of another girl's longing.
335344344301AniZhuanchangEnd1Allen(Exhales) ...Wasn't planning to be nostalgic now.1
336345345301Allen smiles at the stage, his words light and ethereal as if he is whispering to a mysterious spirit beside him who has traveled lightyears.
337346346301AllenYoung Selena... When I met her here, I wasn't that mature a writer either, and my comments barely held water. I didn't expect it would inspire her.1
338347347301For a moment, Allen seems to find himself back in the field of flowers years ago, when he was also like a rabbit, running on the field unrestricted, followed by a gentle guide who watches him with a similar gaze to his now.
339348348301AllenHa. Seeds planted unexpectedly have now grown into an ocean of flowers.1
3403493493011AniZhuanchangBeginAllenI wonder what you would think when you see them after you sent me on this path, Mr. Florance?1