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433304Dear Selena, I have started work on my story again after receiving your mother's suggestions.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
544304The writing has since been going... smoothly, more or less. I'm afraid I don't have more updates regarding it right now.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
655304To compensate, I've attached a funny thing that happened during the writing process.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
766304If my last letter alarmed you, I hope this one will offer you peace of mind.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
877304Even better if it makes you laugh.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
988304I've seen you smile, but it was always a polite smile before your mother or other guests.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
1099304Even I have rarely seen you smile comfortably as yourself.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
111010304But I can't forget it, having seen it once.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
121111304Not long after you became a Construct and joined the Archaeological Team, you helped restore an opera from a composer in the Golden Age.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
131212304You couldn't wait to contact me the moment you finished listening to that old performance.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
141313304And when I saw that beautiful, bright smile on your face... that was the real thing.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
151414304You smiled as you told me how much you were enjoying the opera, how it still lingered with you.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
161515304You were wondering who this composer was and for what reason this person joined the fight.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
171616304You were thinking about how you would tell him what his work meant to you.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
181717304I'm listening to it right now as I write this.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
191818304It's been entered into WGAA's archives. Now, everyone can listen to the story that made you smile.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
201919304What kind of image would you conjure up when you hear about this?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
212020304AniZhuanchangBeginIf you met that composer in your journey... what would you say?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
242323301AniZhuanchangEnd1PieterSelena. Selena?1
252424301PieterSelena. Selena?1
292828301Deep in thought, Selena looks up to see the wilting flowers and ruins that litter the land before her.
302929301Deep in thought, Selena looks up to see the wilting flowers and ruins that litter the land before her.
313030301This area is too barren to be called a city ruin, but the echoes of past civilizations mean this is no wilderness either.
323131301This is one of the ruins of the Great Evacuation evacuation site. A large battle took place here a few weeks ago.
3433333011SelenaI'm performing my duty as a member of the Archaeological Team and searching for art data at this evacuation site.1
353434301SelenaI'm performing my duty as a member of the Archaeological Team and searching for art data at this evacuation site.1
363535301I was just... considering where to start.
373636301She then looks at the colors-covered ground. She is not sure if it is the work of someone or nature, but a sea of flowers has blossomed on the war-ravaged field.
383737301SelenaA few of the petals have been crushed, leaving behind small footprints.1
393838301Selena...I'm also looking for a girl named Flora. I heard she left the conservation area for a while now. She will likely get infected in this area with a low Punishing Virus concentration.1
414040301Selena looks at the small footprints. A girl was running across this field a few hours ago in the night.
4342423011PieterThanks for helping, but just having more boots on the ground doesn't make the search easier.1
444343301PieterThanks for helping, but just having more boots on the ground doesn't make the search easier.1
454444301Searching for missing people from the conservation area is my job and expertise. You're from WGAA. You're here for the commendation, and, I suppose...
4848483011SelenaYou're right.2
494949301SelenaYou're right.2
505050301PieterIn that case, would you allow me to assist you while I carry out my own mission?1
515151301Selena smiles, walking forward along the wall Pieter was pointing, looking further beyond where the stone wall lies.
525252301SelenaSelena smiles, walking forward along the wall Pieter was pointing, looking further beyond where the stone wall lies.2
535353301SelenaLook. This is a standard pattern you'd find in a large gallery right before the main hall.2
545454301Flora would have recognized it and headed for the gallery. And she would...
555555301SelenaSelena points to one side of the stone wall.2
565656301Pieter...Head that way.1
575757301SelenaYou looked into Florance's girl?2
585858301SelenaI simply asked around among the children. They told me that Flora is a well-known art-lover in conservation area 184.2
595959301SelenaShe has left behind paintings and notes about her dreams and the stories she wants to tell. Clearly, Florance taught her much.2
606161301SelenaIt was because of what her mother did.2
616262301SelenaAfter Flora's mother heard about her husband's death, she threw away most of his work in a moment of grief, while Flora collected them back... again and again. Eventually, she left with those work without anyone noticing.2
626363301SelenaFlora would have left with complicated feelings, hoping to find a way to save her grieving mother. She might not have a destination in mind... but when she reached here, she must have slowed down for the ruins as an art-lover.2
636464301SelenaShe might be wondering what these places looked like in the past.2
646565301This could have been a supple field where wheat, barley, rye, wild beans, and peas flourish.
656666301SelenaShe lifts her hand to her waist, opening her palm as if the crops she mentioned are really here, and she is touching them.2
666767301PieterThese could have been the turfy mountains where the sheep nibble, the flat meads thatched with stover, and the banks with pioned and twilled brims.1
676868301But this is nothing now.
686969301SelenaIn an instant, Pieter's words take away the crops and the fields, leaving behind the barren land and the few shrubs that are there.2
697070301PieterRight... my apologies.1
717272301Pieter takes a few steps toward where Selena pointed, and he indeed discovers Flora's small footprints among some bushes.
727373301Pieter takes a few steps toward where Selena pointed, and he indeed discovers Flora's small footprints among some bushes.
737474301Following the footprints and the landscape, Pieter analyzes where the trail leads while advancing.
7677773011SelenaSpeaking of which, do you know what the most famous painting among these ruins was?1
777878301SelenaSpeaking of which, do you know what the most famous painting among these ruins was?1
787979301This used to be a gallery, and that painting used to be hung here.
798080301SelenaDeep within the ruins, Selena suddenly stops and gestures toward an empty wall next to her.1
808181301It was a long painting of a starry sky. It could have stretched from this end to the other, covering the whole wall. The artist painted it while threatened by hunger and cold.
818282301SelenaSelena touches the wall, her fingers gently gliding over the rough surface as if the painting is still there before her, meeting her fingertips.1
828383301SelenaI still remember how shocked I was when I first saw it.1
838484301SelenaThe sun above our head has been shining upon us for billions of years.1
848585301SelenaWho knows how many lightyears those stars had to travel to arrive here?1
858686301PieterThis planet is like an eye... and wherever it looks, it is enveloped by the light from the sun.2
878888301SelenaThat's a good point.1
888989301That's a good point.
899090301SelenaSelena smiles, seemingly having found a rare person who understands her.1
909191301SelenaA correction, then. There isn't just an eye in the universe—there are also gazes. Perhaps one day in the future, ours will meet the gaze of another star.1
919292301SelenaWhen that happens, we could very well communicate with each other, but the method might be unconventional and ineffective... like writing letters?1
929393301PieterWhat do you think? Pieter?2
949595301That is all Pieter says before leaning down and continuing his search in the field for Flora's footprints, but then he turns around again.
9798983011PieterBut I must correct you on one thing—aliens might be a little too far away from us. Even if we could establish communication, it would take too long. We wouldn't have time to translate their language before our civilizations are gone and vice versa.
99100100301SelenaThe distance of time, is it? Right... it is a shame, then. But even lost civilizations leave behind traces. They would have a long time to appreciate the marks we left behind.1
100101101301SelenaThe distance of time, is it? Right... it is a shame, then. But even lost civilizations leave behind traces. They would have a long time to appreciate the marks we left behind.1
102103103301SelenaI believe those lives would have expressed their light despite the pain and the loss, leaving behind their marks—and we would call those marks art.1
103104104301SelenaI believe those lives would have expressed their light despite the pain and the loss, leaving behind their marks—and we would call those marks art.1
104105105301SelenaRight, isn't expressions a fundamental part of art?1
105106106301SelenaWhether it's done through brushes, words, or other media, that expression offered to the world is art.1
106107107301Selena—Just like how the starry night was expressed in the painting even when the artist was starving and freezing.1
107108108301SelenaArtists work tirelessly to leave behind these marks to share their thoughts with others, even across time itself. Hunger and cold would not stop them when they would sacrifice themselves for art.1
108109109301SelenaFor that, art might be as crucial to humankind as food or sleep.1
109110110301Don't you think?
113114114301What Selena receives is a dismissing chuckle.
114115115301What Selena receives is a dismissing chuckle.
116117117301PieterSo, according to you, the lives we lost on the battlefield in those merciless slaughters would think about art as well, huh?1
117118118301So, according to you, the lives we lost on the battlefield in those merciless slaughters would think about art as well, huh?
118119119301SelenaSelena pauses for a moment, nodding slightly before shaking her head.1
119121121301SelenaBut... I think it is art as long as it is expressed truthfully, whether it is from a mother who gives her life to her child or soldiers who deliver a message to their comrades.1
120122122301As for someone who thinks about art on the battlefield... I'd say that would be you, sir.
121123123301SelenaPieter raises a brow.1
122124124301Actually, I didn't think of this myself. I learned about it... from a scene in an opera.
123125125301SelenaSelena places her hands before her abdomen and begins to sing quietly.1
124126126301SelenaImagination and the freedom it offers, I hope it takes you beyond the ferryman's river.1
125127127301SelenaElysium-bound you will be, in the future days when you are free.1
126129129301SelenaWritten by none other than you, sir, I believe.1
127130130301SelenaIts ending shook me to my very core, juxtaposing death and the power of imagination.1
128131131301I can talk to you about my juvenile fantasies only because I've seen your work. You are far more creative than I am, sir.
130133133301PieterI didn't think someone would still be talking about that work today.2
132135135301SelenaThe work you left behind during the Golden Age has influenced a lot of people in WGAA. Although you have refused to join us, we all consider you to be our pioneer.1
134137137301Selena curtseys to Pieter.
135138138301Selena curtseys to Pieter.
1381411413011PieterI appreciate it, but please forget about it. Phony is what it is.2
139142142301SelenaI appreciate it, but please forget about it. Phony is what it is.1
142145145301PieterSelena hears the veteran chuckling wryly.2
143146146301SelenaYou're good at expressing your feelings.1
144147147301PieterThat's what art should do.2
146149149301The veteran falls silent.
148151151301PieterSelena, all the words you say, you just want to find Florance's girl and ask her about something, don't you?2
149152152301Selena, all the words you say, you just want to find Florance's girl and ask her about something, don't you?
150153153301SelenaAfter his long silence, his altitude suddenly shifts, and Pieter changes the topic, calling Selena by her name.1
151154154301Pieter...Indeed. I was hoping to get permission from you... to talk to her directly.2
152155155301PieterIn that case... what if I tell you that his ending wasn't how you think it was?2
153156156301PieterYou looked into the dead soldiers here and sang for them... that's great. The departed souls will thank you for your efforts, but no more than that.2
154157157301PieterThe bravado and lofty promises couldn't stand the last bullet that took them.2
155158158301SelenaDo you actually believe that they sacrificed themselves for the greater good, as they said?1
156159159301Please tell me if there's something I don't know...
157160160301Pieter answers her with a low hum.
158161161301PieterSelena thought he was clearing his throat for what he was about to say. Instead, Pieter is preparing to sing. He has gone through this story in his head again and again, only waiting for someone to listen.2
1591621623011AniZhuanchangBeginTime is of the essence. We'll walk and talk.