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544301DialogEnableAt 6 o'clock, No. 21 opens her eyes to see herself lying on a gray bed.
766301This room is completely different from the one at the Institute. It is not pure white in color. It is mostly black or gray.
877301Also, there is no music. But she hears the sound of birds chirping nearby through the window.
10993011At 7 o'clock, she no longer needs to wash up now that she is a Construct. She stands in front of the mirror, looking at her strange new frame.1
111111301At 8 o'clock, Kurono personnel begin work. No. 21's room is no longer at the end of the corridor. Sitting in front of the window, she sees humans wearing all sorts of different colors... She even sees Constructs walking around.
121212301Most people wear black, while other people wear colorful clothes. The colors combine in a variety of interesting patterns. No. 21 watches them intently.
131313301At 8:30, she hears a knock at her door.
1515153011No. 21?1
161616301No. 21 stands up and walks to the door. She stands there, confused at the noise. The knocking becomes louder and more hurried.
171717301???No. 21? Open the door!
181818301No. 21...Open the door?1
212121301RImgBg1ShakeWith a bang, the door blasts open. The human on the other side raises his hands in fright. Behind him, several heavily armed Constructs raise their weapons and aim them at No. 21.
222222301No. 21...?1
242424301This awkward standoff proceeds for several seconds. Seeing the confused look on No. 21's face, the human rubs his forehead.
2626263011Kurono ResearcherAlright, enough. Stand down.1
272727301Kurono ResearcherYarha already informed me that... this Construct might lack some common knowledge. I think I accidentally scared her is all.1
282828301The Constructs lower their weapons.
292929301AniZhuanchangBeginKurono ResearcherWhy are they letting her out of the observation room if that's the case...1
343434301AniZhuanchangEnd1YarhaWe can't just let her stay in there. She needs to acclimate to how Kurono operates. She needs to go on missions and be of service.1
353535301Kurono ResearcherShe's too dangerous. She can kill us in the blink of an eye...2
363636301YarhaAnd keeping her in this observation room isn't going to stop her. You know that.1
373737301Kurono Researcher...2
383838301Kurono ResearcherAre you really going to hand her off to that woman?2
393939301YarhaAt the behest of our leader. There's nothing I can do.1
404040301YarhaIf I was calling the shots, I'd have her stay here for another year and a half. But this is Kurono, after all.1
414141301Kurono ResearcherIt's not that I don't understand decisions from the higher-ups. I know we're not really a place for scientific research.2
424242301AniZhuanchangBeginKurono ResearcherIt's just that, the lady that's mentoring her...2
464646301AniZhuanchangEndThe human sighs, then nods at No. 21.
4949493011Kurono ResearcherCome with me. We have a new mission for you today.1
505050301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21Okay. Understood.2
565656301AniZhuanchangEnd1VeraI refuse.1
575757301Kurono LeaderI'm not giving you a choice.2
595959301VeraYou must be joking. Think you can twist my arm like that?1
606060301Vera sneers and slams her weapon on the table.
626262301VeraI complete missions for you so you can do what you want. In return, you let me fight on the battlefield.1
636363301VeraWhere does that say anything about babysitting?1
646464301Kurono LeaderShe's special. You're the only Construct in Kurono who can handle her.2
656565301Kurono LeaderAlso, with her new frame being as powerful as it is, don't you think it'll be the challenge you're looking for?2
676767301VeraOh, you're goading me into doing it?1
686868301Kurono LeaderYou'll be surprised when you see her in battle.2
707070301VeraOn the battlefield, all I see is myself and my prey.1
717171301Kurono LeaderDid you forget all the damage you caused to Daedalus' research division? You failed to recover all of the data, drew unnecessary attention to us, and left us to pick up the pieces.2
727272301VeraIf you really wanted to leave that dump in one piece, you wouldn't have assigned me to the mission.1
737373301Kurono LeaderThis is an order, not a negotiation. Don't forget, you still need Kurono. I won't allow you to refuse.2
747474301Kurono Leader...She's here. Want to say hello to the Construct you saved?2
767676301Two figures walk by the window. A moment later, the office door opens.
7878783011Kurono ResearcherI brought the Construct.1
797979301Kurono LeaderLet's give them a few moments to get to know each other.2
818181301The man stands up from behind the desk and closes the door as he leaves.
828282301The room becomes quiet as the two Constructs stare at each other.
8585853011No. 21There's a mission?1
868686301Vera...You've got to be joking.2
878787301Vera glares at No. 21.
888888301VeraI should've just left you in that dump when I had the chance.2
898989301No. 21...You. You're the one that saved me.1
909090301No. 21 has not forgotten the red Construct standing before her. She hesitates for a moment, then asks—
919191301No. 21What happened... to the institute?1
929292301No. 21Why am I here? Did a researcher send me here?1
939393301Vera...Are you really that clueless?2
949494301No. 21 shakes her head slowly.
959595301Vera...Fine. If they're going to do this to me, I won't go easy on you.2
969696301VeraWhat's your name?2
979797301No. 21Name?1
989898301VeraDo you really have to repeat such a simple question?2
999999301No. 21What's a... name?1
100100100301Vera...You really are as clueless as it gets, aren't you?2
101101101301VeraI'm asking what I should call you.2
102102102301No. 2121.1
103103103301VeraJust a number? Whatever. Listen up, No. 21. Since they've assigned you to me, from now on, you have to obey my orders.2
104104104301No. 21Why?1
105105105301VeraBecause I saved you. If it wasn't for me, you'd be a pile of scrap by now. If you don't, you'll be discarded. Is that what you want?2
107107107301No. 21I... don't want to be... discarded...1
110110110301VeraOf course not. You got that new frame out of the kindness of my heart. You should thank me, kiddo, seeing that you're still alive and kicking. Now, I'll be nice to you if you obey my orders, but I guarantee you'll regret it if you don't.2
113113113301No. 21Understood.1
114114114301Vera strokes her chin, then grins connivingly.
116116116301AniZhuanchangBeginVeraWell, then. Let's begin our first mission, No. 21.2
120120120301AniZhuanchangEnd1???Hey, Vera. I heard you're stuck with babysitting duty. Taking in new recruits, are we?1
121121121301Several Construct block Vera as she walks through Kurono's hall.
122122122301VeraOut of my way.2
123123123301???Well, la-di-da. Look at you, hotshot.1
124124124301???Poor girl. Has she heard your nickname?1
125125125301VeraIf you're looking for a fight, I'm happy to oblige.2
126126126301Vera casts a sideways glare and warns them coldly.
127127127301Vera has always been a lone wolf, and her arrogance always caused friction among her and the other Kurono Constructs. She's often ridiculed for her past experience and the fact that she has never been a member of a team.
128128128301???Laugh it up all you want. Not like we'll be the one with a dead team member on our hands.1
129129129301VeraI can offer you a dead member right now if you like. What do you say?2
130130130301Vera grins as she grabs the blade at her waist and unsheathes it.
132132132301VeraYou've caught me in a good mood. I wouldn't mind spending some quality time with my colleagues.2
133133133301Not anticipating Vera would be so bold as to draw her weapon in the hall, the Constructs tense up.
134134134301???I'm warning you, Vera, you'll get what's coming to you! You're just a coward who's scared that she can't protect her teammates. No point in taking it out on us...1
136136136301VeraSay that again. I dare you.2
1391391393011Kurono Leader...Vera? What are you doing?1
1431431433011Vera...Trying to resolve a little misunderstanding. That's all.2
144144144301???I didn't do anything, and she just pulled her weapon on me!1
146146146301VeraHmph, you're the real coward.2
1481481483011Kurono LeaderLooks like you've had a lot of free time recently, Vera. How's the mission coming along?1
150150150301VeraYou mean No. 21? Relax, I've got her taken care of.2
152152152301RImgBg1ShakeSuddenly, an explosion rumbles in the distance. Security personnel in the hall instantly tense up.
153153153301Kurono LeaderWhat's going on?1
1561561563011Kurono GuardI think it... came from the break room.1
158158158301AniZhuanchangBegin1Kurono LeaderGo check it out!1
161161161301AniZhuanchangEndEntering the break room, everyone is shocked by the destruction sprawled out before them.
162162162301No. 21 stands among the ruins with a pipe in her hand. Water pours out of the pipe, soaking her.
1651651653011Kurono Leader...What the hell are you doing?1
166166166301No. 21I'm completing my mission.2
167167167301Kurono LeaderMission? What mission requires you to blow up the break room?1
169169169301No. 21Clean the floor. But there was no water. So I wanted to open the box with water.2
1721721723011Everyone looks at Vera, who shrugs.
173173173301VeraDidn't I tell you to look at the manual?1
1761761763011No. 21...I didn't know some of the words.2
177177177301Kurono LeaderWhat the hell did you make her do?1
178178178301No. 21Fold the blankets. Sort the weapons. Clean the bathroom floor.2
179179179301No. 21Mission complete.2
180180180301AniZhuanchangBeginKurono LeaderVera, you better explain yourself.1
185185185301AniZhuanchangEnd1Kurono LeaderYou're making our state-of-the-art weapon clean toilets?1
187187187301VeraYou're the one who dumped her on me. She doesn't even have any basic life skills. How's she going to survive on the battlefield like this? So, we've got to start with the basics.2
188188188301In the office, Vera sits leisurely on the sofa. Subtle satisfaction can be heard in her sardonic tone.
189189189301The man in the suit rubs the bridge of his nose. He appears to have quite the headache.
190190190301Kurono Leader...You're right. Maybe giving her to you for training was a bit too ambitious.1
191191191301VeraIt's not like I told you so.2
194194194301Kurono LeaderWell, then. I guess I'll have No. 21 operate alone.1
196196196301Vera...Are you kidding me? She doesn't understand a thing she hears. There's no way she can go on missions alone. Doesn't matter how strong she is. She'll die out there.2
197198198301Kurono LeaderSurvival of the fittest. If she can't even complete a simple field mission, Kurono has no need for such a useless weapon.1
198199199301Kurono LeaderThat's enough. Get going. I'll have a new mission for you shortly.1
200201201301Vera...Screw it. I'll give it another shot.2
201202202301Kurono Leader...Oh, you've changed your mind? Getting soft, are we?1
202203203301VeraI don't want a failed mission ruining my perfect record. That's all.2
205206206301Vera scoffs coldly, then stands up and proceeds to leave.
206207207301Kurono LeaderOne week.1
207208208301Kurono LeaderYou have one week. If you can't do it, then forget it.1
209210210301AniZhuanchangBeginVera refuses to respond. Instead, she just opens the door and leaves the office.
212213213301AniZhuanchangEndNo. 21 is waiting outside, her Co-Bot revolving around her.
2152162163011VeraLet's go.1
216217217301No. 21Am I... going to be discarded?2
217218218301VeraWhat makes you think that?1
218219219301No. 21You said if I can't complete a mission, I'll be discarded.2
219220220301VeraHmph... I did, didn't I? No, you're not getting discarded.1
220221221301Vera hurries onward with No. 21 struggling to catch up.
221222222301No. 21What should I do?2
222223223301VeraWhy do you always gotta ask everyone what to do? Can't you think for yourself?1
223224224301No. 21Think... for yourself? I don't understand.2
224225225301Vera stops in her tracks, then turns and grabs No. 21 by her shoulders. No. 21's hair, which is still wet from earlier, sticks to her face, making her appear all the more pitiful and dejected. This only irritates Vera further.
225226226301VeraAsk yourself. Don't you have any desires? Don't you know what makes you feel satisfied when you do it?1
227228228301No. 21Desire... What's that?2
228229229301AniZhuanchangBeginVera...Forget I said anything.1
233234234301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin1???You're just a coward who's scared that she can't protect her teammates. No point in taking it out on us...1
238239239301AniZhuanchangEnd1VeraIf you fight, you'll probably just get discarded.1
239240240301No. 21Fight? I'm good at fighting.2
240241241301VeraAren't you worried about getting discarded? Stick with me, and you just might.1
241242242301No. 21And if I don't, I won't get discarded?2
242243243301Vera...You still might.1
243244244301No. 21What's the difference?2
244245245301Vera...When you die, you die. Doesn't matter where.1
245246246301VeraIt may be the best—or worst decision to let you follow me. But here, things can only get worse.1
246247247301No. 21What do you mean? I don't get it.2
247248248301No. 21 stares at Vera. She does not understand a word Vera is saying, but the weight from Vera's hand feels like... nothing she has ever felt before.
248249249301VeraAre you even listening to me? Or are you daydreaming?1
249250250301No. 21I heard you, but I don't understand.2
250251251301VeraYou're killing me...1
251252252301Vera rolls her eyes, unsure of what she has done to deserve this.
2522532533011AniZhuanchangBeginVeraAlright, I'll cut to the chase. Let's get down to business.1