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433301DialogEnableUntil the Construct she is holding in her arms is no longer emitting activity signals. Selena lays him down gently, then leaves the room of dead bodies without looking back.
655301She has to survive.
766301No matter what happened, she has to survive.
877301Even if Babylonia has raised its orbital altitude to avoid contact with the space station, there will still be a period of a longitudinal intersection when a comms connection is possible.
988301If she can find the space station's communications room and input her own signal into the disruptive white noise constantly being emitted by the space station...
1099301Someone is bound to notice her distress signal one day and come to her rescue.
111010301There are still people waiting for her back home. Her parents, her best friend...
121111301She still has a lot of unfinished business. There is no way she can wither and die alone in a place like this.
131212301She cannot lose hope. She has to turn in this intelligence report.
141313301From the moment her comrades sacrificed their lives to pave her way forward, her life is no longer hers alone.
151414301AniZhuanchangBeginShe is now a vessel containing the legacy of everyone in the Advance Force.
171616301AniZhuanchangEndShe walks to the outer part of the space station.
222121301The Advance Force passed through this area while exploring deeper into the station, and she vaguely recalls that the communications room is somewhere nearby.
232222301Before her stands a locked automatic door.
242323301This must be one of the important doors of the space station. A very high level of authority is needed to access it.
252424301Selena makes several attempts to crack the code on the lock, an action she has done many times before, but finds that she does not possess sufficient computing power after several attempts.
292828301After confirming she is strong enough to destroy it, Selena swings her weapon at it.
313030301An iron gate slams down with a loud bang and instantly, a broadcast is made throughout the entire space station.
323131301BroadcastKorolev would like to issue a gentle reminder to children visiting the space station. Please follow the rules and regulations and listen to your guide.
3433333011SelenaWhat is... Korolev?1
363535301BroadcastPlease take care of public facilities—
373636301Selena is shocked by what she is hearing.
383737301BroadcastChildren who vandalize and destroy space station facilities will be punished.
393838301BroadcastSerious offenders will be separated from their parents for one week and placed in a correctional facility.
4140403013000From behind her came the sudden sound of mechanical limbs hitting the ground. The broadcast echoing throughout the space station has an actual source after all.
424141301Selena turns to the source of the sound.
4443433011KorolevDear children, we are now demonstrating how the immune system of the human body works—1
454444301KorolevViruses that enter...1
474646301A giant spherical Corrupted appears behind Selena.
484747301With just a glance, Selena has already ascertained the huge difference in power between her and the enemy.
494848301This is a Corrupted she cannot hope to defeat alone.
515050301Every circuit in Selena's body screams at her to flee, and flee she does.
5352523011AniZhuanchangBegin1KorolevThis is what will happen to it — captured and destroyed by immune cells!1